This is great. Please listen “Yes, in public, Donald Trump is brash, frequently outrageous but he's got a booming economy at his back and he's using it for leverage. That's his style; his successful style."
Donald Trump is ridiculous. We all know very well.
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Except of course all the low paid immigrants that you use to staff your resorts and other businesses . Then it’s not America first huh ? I guess then it’s Trump first .
It's always Trump first.
#TraitorInChief -
Yeah, spews this stuff, yet clothes made in China.
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Are you really too stupid to know how easy it is to get this information? Koch Industries: Summary | OpenSecrets
Paul Ryan Collected $500,000 In Koch Contributions Days After House Passed Tax Law - That's peanuts compared with what the Koch brothers will save.
Koch Bros. are a clear and present danger to our entire democratic process - or the little that's left of it. We must join together to get corporate controls out of our gov't and our universities. …
Koch network to spend $400M to protect GOP majorities - CNNPolitics January 29, 2018
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Let me help you with that. 2018: …
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Thanks again for being the best President!
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