Pennsylvania doesn’t love you. 54% think you are doing a poor job, 30% a good job. Support @SenBobCasey. He fights for Pennsylvanian families. Donald Trump fights for his own ego. His trade wars are hurting American steel workers and farmers, while he lines the pockets of the 1%
Why I
#RESIST Tax Scam Bill Net Neutrality Trade Wars Pre-Existing Conditions SCOTUS Russia March For Our Lives No Tolerance ICE Environment Paris Agreement Artic/Offshore Drilling CFPB Dodd Frank Medical Marijuana StandWithPP Iran Deal Military Parade Trans Ban MeToo Taxes -
Return to tax fairness Fight for the middle class Provide affordable healthcare Pass immigration reform Save social security Tackle climate change Repair roads and bridges Invest in education Reduce the deficit Unburden our students Raise the minimum wage
#VoteDemocrat -
I wrote this for the orange traitor. I know he's barely literate so maybe his handlers can read it to him: …
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Here! Bookmark this page so you don't miss out on Manafort trial updates while you're on the road! …
I've been trying to purchase a WaPo subscription but they won't accept my wire transfer from Cyprus
Well that sucks but if you need a new suit you're in luck!
Or a $15,000 ostrich
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Senate GOP rejects Dem effort to beef up election security funding
Donald Trump Says All He Can Say to Vladimir Putin About Russian Election Interference is 'Don't Do it Again' - Newsweek …
White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role - The New York Times May 15, 2018
FBI Director Chris Wray Says Russia’s Cyberattacks On U.S. Are ‘Very Active’ - HuffPost …
Why the 2018 Midterm Elections Are Open to Being Hacked - “There should be no doubt that Russia perceives its past efforts as successful and views the 2018 U.S. midterm elections as a potential target for Russian influence operations,” May 1, 2018
Unhack the Vote | Fighting against Hackable EVMs, Gerrymandering and Crosscheck
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What do you know about being tough? 5X Draft Dodger. A punk who had the audacity to say " I like guys who weren't captured". Cowards like you and your pal Giuliani ran away when your country called. You're a disgrace to anyone who has ever worn the uniform. - 1 more reply
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