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    Apr 18

    The news team has reported that has accepted cash donations that may come to £250,000 from the mufti of Libya, Sheikh Sadiq Ghariani, who is reported to have praised al-Qaeda linked fighters. must investigate & take action.

  2. 11 hours ago

    The view on every street corner in Iraq. With increasing power cuts, ppl buy electricity from privately-owned generators. Cables everywhere.

  3. 20 hours ago

    US slaps sanctions on Turkey's justice and interior ministers over pro-PKK American priest. NATO moans about Turkey edging towards Russia. What do they think is going to happen now that their "ally" has been sanctioned by Moscow's mate in the White House?

  4. Aug 1

    The Report - “Our latest round-up of events in Iraq focuses on the repression of activists as protesters find common cause“

  5. Aug 1

    70% of concrete slabs & barbed wires have been removed since the victory over ISIL in 2017. Still, much of Baghdad looks like a war zone.

  6. Jul 31
  7. Jul 30

    Perhaps if we told leftist supporters of Assad/Iran that this was against minimum wage law, they would care?

  8. Jul 31

    Apart from, you know, the time when the Great Satan provided air support for Iran sponsored Shia jihadists in Iraq. Oh, and the time with the Iran-Contra scandal. And the time they shared intel with its ally Israel during Operation Opera. It was halal those times ONLY... 🙄

  9. Jul 31

    Iraq attempts to cover up human rights abuses, while the sheer mismanagement of the country's resources has led to a third of cattle in southern Iraq dying due to the ongoing water crisis. Half a million farming families are affected.

  10. Jul 31

    Damning report by Human Rights Watch. Iraq judges routinely ignore allegations of torture, while the state continues to fail to investigate abuses perpetrated by security forces and pro-Iran Shia militias despite years of sectarian slaughter.

  11. Jul 31

    Footage of ongoing protests in Basra today, demonstrating against the Iraqi government's rampant corruption. Ever wondered why Iraq seems to continuously produce extremism? It's because much of the mainstream media turns a blind eye when they're butchered by their own government

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  12. Jul 31

    Excellent reporting by from the Khadra IDP camp in Baghdad. Millions of Iraqis, mostly Sunni Arabs, are still displaced after fighting between ISIS & the Iraqi government levelled their homes. The government has thus far left their homes in ruins.

  13. Jul 30

    Nearly 2 million people remain displaced in Iraq. Dalya Ali is just one of them.

  14. Jul 28

    Canine police unit in Exeter today, carrying their dog poo outside their moving vehicle. What's wrong officers? Surely the crap should be on the inside with you? 🤣

  15. Jul 26

    Academics are amazing. You contact them, they speak to you, patiently, enthusiastically and at length for free because they just want less ignorance in the world. We are unworthy.

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  16. Jul 27

    There's a gleeful opposite to this. When you walk the streets of Britain and get told to "go back to your own country" by a barely literate degenerate, then respond with perfect English that you're already in your own country. Slack-jawed morons are always caught off guard.

  17. Jul 27

    The horrors of American use of radioactive weapons in Iraq continues. Not that anyone cares that our children are being born deformed, disfigured and more often than not, stillborn.

  18. Jul 26

    Remember Islamist cleric Fethullah Gülen is still being protected by the US government despite Turkey requesting his extradition two years ago. Yet Trump is certain about the innocence of an American Christian cleric.

  19. Jul 25

    When will these backward Muslims give women their marriage and divorce rights? If only they adopted western standards.. Oh, wait.. Never mind.


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