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Directly from
#DreamAct.Only reason I don't qualify is due to not being inadmissible/deportable.Kids here lawfully are also fighting to Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
JPB Retweeted
Great to see this commentary in a conservative publication. Hope this gives certain Republicans a pro-immigrant demand for their vote: "The Forgotten Dreamers: What about the deserving, imperiled group of immigrants brought here legally as children?" …
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JPB Retweeted
Is it so controversial for you to ALSO fight for legal dreamers? We share identical stories, with the exception that we've had the privilege to stay here legally, yet we have no clear path towards residency/citizenship.At a MINIMUM, allow us to LOSE status to qualify for
#DACAThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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Dream Act Inexplicably Excludes Legal Immigrant Dreamers, Requires Applicants Violate the Law … via
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Great to finally see coverage of legal immigrant Dreamers in the news. They face the exact same fate as DACA recipients: temporary status with a path to deportation. They are Americans & deserve citizenship as much as those whose parents have no status. …
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JPB Retweeted
That's incorrect, Senator
@LindseyGrahamSC, they do exist. They are E2 Visa Holders. They are investors who hire American employees but never get a path to citizenship. Oh, and E2 kids are like DACA kids! Watch: … this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
JPB Retweeted
If you want an equivalent compromise when fixing DACA, it is essential that legal dreamers are included in ANY
#DACA legislation. We meet all provisions that dreamers do, with the exception that we're here legally. We also deserve a chance to remain home!#ProtectDreamersThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
JPB Retweeted
If Dreamers are going to be given a Path to Citizenship please include Legal kids of E2 Treaty Investor Visa Holders too - most think legal immigrants always have a way to stay - not true - at 21 not covered anymore and could have to leave - unfair to investors & job creators
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JPB Retweeted
It also specifically singles out for exclusions all aliens who are in any kind of lawful status, even if they meet all other requirements—no applications from TPS recipients or children of H-1Bs or E-2s who can apply under other bills. Why discriminate against *legal* immigrants?
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JPB Retweeted
"Age-out DREAMers" are in the same position as DACA kids. We are DREAMers who came as kids with no choice. Why are we excluded in
#DreamAct if 2 Republican DACA bills include children like me? RT and share with your Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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Ignoring E2 DREAMers and saying that advocating for us will hurt the chances for DACA kids is wrong. Fact: E2 kids are already included in 3 Republican DACA bills, including the RAC act by
@carloslcurbelo, which has the most Republican cosponsors.@UNITEDWEDREAM@IndivisibleILThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
It is also morally correct and just to include legal immigrant dreamers in the
#DreamAct, as we share identical stories#DreamActNow …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
JPB Retweeted
Does it make sense for a child who came to the USA at no choice, lived here legally for over a decade, to be excluded from DreamAct?
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JPB Retweeted
Republican RACact by
@repcurbelo and S.1937 by Senator@jeffflake include E2 kid as DREAMers.Why does DREAMact exclude us.Add Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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Huge Fiscal Benefits of Including Legal Immigrant Dreamers in the DREAM Act … via
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Yes, we need a
#PathToCitizenship for DREAMers — but we also need it for the young legal immigrants the U.S. kicks out after graduation. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
JPB Retweeted
Wrap your head around this.
#immigration#Dreamers DACA …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
JPB Retweeted
Here, I fixed the
#DreamAct. Why would@SenatorDurbin go out of the way to exclude legal kids in temporary status who meet the requirements? Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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