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The war in the Ukraine was supposed to be against fascism. American white supremacists Richard Spencer, Matthew Heimbach, and David Duke celebrated Putin and defended his war. Russia repaid them by using a Confederate battle flag as the emblem in occupied Crimea.
America’s leading white supremacist, Richard Spencer, tried (but failed) to organize a meeting of the European far Right in Budapest.
Well, that certainly explains why Bannon's over there right now stirring up the alt-right white nationalism.
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Food & Gas prices, Medical costs, Health insurance all up, wages are down, job growth no better in Trump's 1st 18 months than Obama's last 18, Programs for poor, middle class, kids, seniors & vets cut while big corporations buyback stocks, deficit spiraling out of control, ...pic.twitter.com/hQQ7TQ2RNq
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Trump referrs to the EU as part of the “global cabal,” in his terms with Putin, the international Jewish conspiracy.
Whatever Putin’s thinking is of Russia or geopolitics or ideology, the same belongs to Trump because of how strongly he supports the Russian dictator.
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This video is triggering so many liberals. SUCCESS! This is how you counter the deep state supporters.
This..... is...... propoganda
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