Categories: Branding

Evolving the Firefox Brand

Say “Firefox” and most people think of a web browser on their laptop or phone, period. TL;DR, there’s more to the story now, and our branding needs to evolve.

With the rapid evolution of the internet, people need new tools to make the most of it. So Firefox is creating new types of browsers and a range of new apps and services with the internet as the platform. From easy screen-shotting and file sharing to innovative ways to access the internet using voice and virtual reality, these tools will help people be more efficient, safer, and in control of their time online. Firefox is where purpose meets performance.

Firefox Quantum Browser Icon

As an icon, that fast fox with a flaming tail doesn’t offer enough design tools to represent this entire product family. Recoloring that logo or dissecting the fox could only take us so far. We needed to start from a new place.

A team made up of product and brand designers at Mozilla has begun imagining a new system to embrace all of the Firefox products in the pipeline and those still in the minds of our Emerging Technologies group. Working across traditional silos, we’re designing a system that can guide people smoothly from our marketing to our in-product experiences.

Today, we’re sharing our two design system approaches to ask for your feedback.



How this works.

For those who recall the Open Design process we used to craft our Mozilla brand identity, our approach here will feel familiar:

  • We are not crowdsourcing the answer.
  • There’ll be no voting.
  • No one is being asked to design anything for free.

Living by our open-source values of transparency and participation, we’re reaching out to our community to learn what people think. You can make your views known by commenting on this blog post below.

Extreme caveat: Although the products and projects are real, these design systems are still a work of fiction. Icons are not final. Each individual icon will undergo several rounds of refinement, or may change entirely, between now and their respective product launches. Our focus at this point is on the system.

We’ll be using these criteria to evaluate the work:

  • Do these two systems still feel like Firefox?
  • How visually cohesive is each of them? Does each hold together?
  • Can the design logic of these systems stretch to embrace new products in the future?
  • Do these systems reinforce the speed, safety, reliability, wit, and innovation that Firefox stands for?
  • Do these systems suggest our position as a tech company that puts people over profit?

All the details.

The brand architecture for both systems is made up of four levels.

Each system leads with a new Firefox masterbrand icon — an umbrella under which our product lines will live.

The masterbrand icon will show up in our marketing, at events, in co-branding with partners, and in places like the Google Play store where our products can be found. Who knows? Someday this icon may be what people think of when they hear the word “Firefox.”

At the general-purpose browser level, we’re proposing to update our Firefox Quantum desktop icon. We continue to simplify and modernize this icon, and people who use Firefox tell us they love it. Firefox Developer Edition and Firefox Nightly are rendered as color variants of the Quantum icon.

Browsers with a singular focus, such as our Firefox Reality browser for VR applications and our privacy-driven Firefox Focus mobile browser, share a common design approach for their icons. These are meant to relate most directly to the master brand as peers to the Firefox Quantum browser icon.


Finally, the icons for new applications and services signal the unique function of each product. Color and graphic treatment unite them and connect them to the master brand. Each icon shape is one of a kind, allowing people to distinguish among choices seen side by side on a screen.

Still in the works are explorations of typography, graphic patterns, motion, naming, events, partnerships, and other elements of the system that, used together with consistency in the product, will form the total brand experience.

Read along as we refine our final system over the next few months. What we roll out will be based on the feedback we receive here, insights we’re gathering from formal user testing, and our product knowledge and design sensibilities.

With your input, we’ll have a final system that will make a Firefox product recognizable out in the world even if a fox is nowhere in sight. And we’ll deliver a consistent experience from an advertisement to a button on a web page. Thanks for joining us on this new journey.

Madhava Enros, Sr. Director, Firefox User Experience

Tim Murray, Creative Director, Mozilla

216 comments on “Evolving the Firefox Brand”

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  1. Tyler wrote on

    So, I’m not a big fan of the non-Firefox icons in the Design group 2, but I love the Firefox browser icons there. The non-Firefox icons look childish and cheap.

    I’d prefer group 1, with the browser icons from group 2


  2. Sylvia van Os wrote on

    I’m honestly unhappy with the system 1 masterbrand style, because it looks way too much like GitLab’s logo. Sadly, beyond that, I don’t really feel strongly for either type.


  3. Jake Price wrote on

    Really great logos, I love them. I probably sway more to System 2, but both are superb. Look forward to seeing how the brand develops.


  4. jens1o wrote on

    The first one is really fancy! :) Really looking forward to it.


  5. Aru S. wrote on

    I feel like the System 1 masterbrand icon bears too-close a resemblance to GitLab’s.


  6. Marlena Jones wrote on

    I Like – System 1 Master Icon, System 2 general-purpose browser icons, System 1 Singularity-focused browser icons, & System 2 Icons for new app & services.


  7. Steven wrote on

    System 1 all the way, for sure. I say this mostly for the consistent use of the Firefox color palette, which results in icons that are near-instantly recognized as a Firefox app / service, but also come across (to me at least) as more clean and intuitive.


  8. Markus wrote on

    I prefer the look of System 1. It feels more „unified“, and the „sharp“ and „edgy“ look is more modern (imo).
    However, I don‘t like the masterbrand icon. It‘s hardly recognisable as a fox.


  9. matteo wrote on

    Even if I like the Masterbrand icon of the first version, I think the n.2 looks much better: it’s more balanced, readable and versatile.
    Anyway, great job!


  10. Sammay wrote on

    I like the browser icons from Style 2, they retain the legacy. All other icons from Style 1 look best to me, but they can have more variations in color.


  11. Arty wrote on

    Really like the icons from System 2 better, but the way the colours are used in System 1 tie the brand together better. So System 2 with a colour scheme similar to System 1 seems like the way to go. Otherwise, System 2 seems like the way to go.


  12. Ian wrote on

    If I were to pick one, it would be System 1, though I would hope that icon refinements would lead to slightly more delicate features. System 2 unfortunately reminds me of the iconography of Microsoft Office for Mac 2013, or looks like the design philosophy of a mid-2000’s anti-virus company (i.e., a brand whose product/service is so vague that even they have difficulty showcasing it to the general public, so it becomes a series of coloured waves). Overall, my other additional concern is that System 1 orbits too closely to Instagram’s colour scheme, and would be improved by finding an alternative to the blue and violet hues. System 2’s overall colour scheme is simply too diverse; by the time you get to the icons for new apps & services, they seem totally irrelevant to the original brand.

    My biggest concern is with the Masterbrand icons, because, to me, neither captures what Firefox is. System 1 is all fox, and System 2 is all fire. But System 1’s Masterbrand icon is still light years ahead of System 2’s in my affections; System 2’s is just awful. If System 1 could add even a hint of fiery elements, I think it would be a big win.

    I have no issue with the Firefox Quantum logo as it is — I think it’s gorgeous, actually. The general purpose browser icons of System 1 are similar, yes, but are far too clunky. The proportion of the internal “ball” (what used to be the globe) seems off compared to the fox band, and the entire icon seems like someone pinched it from the top to bottom. The System 1 icons are still the real winners, but could do with some messing around with proportions.

    Overall, this is really exciting!


  13. Asif Youssuff wrote on

    Love the work happening here.

    Will say I strongly prefer System 2 from what has been posted here. Keep up the great work!


  14. Sashin wrote on

    I’m not sure if this view helps you much at all, but I like everything in the new designs. They look really, really cool.


  15. Altitude wrote on

    Well, one can think that for an open-source technology company, system 1 masterbrand logo really is too close to Gitlab’s.


  16. Matthew Ames wrote on

    I like both, and I like them for completely different reasons. I like System 2 from a desktop and mobile application standpoint. They look great as icons, and would fit in well with any device.

    However System 1 looks like it would be really awesome on merch, just like the T-shirt picture in the post.

    It would be a shame to ditch one style in favor of the other, when each has its clear advantages.


  17. Bob White wrote on

    Leave it alone.


  18. Jose wrote on

    They’re all beautiful but the System 1 brand logo is too similar to Gitlab’s logo so I’d go for System 2.


  19. Alex wrote on

    The first Masterbrand logo looks like the Gitlab logo.


  20. Robin wrote on

    Not sold on either of these really.

    System 1: ***

    Main icon looks almost like a book and equally unsatisfyingly almost like a fox’s face. In silhouette it doesn’t look like anything much.

    Browser icon is a solid refresh on the existing one. At least the head and tail are distinct organic shapes.

    Focused icons are okay. It’s a good colour scheme.

    System 2: *

    Main icon says nothing. Browser icon looks melted. Focused icons are a cute ‘mobius strip’ motif (which feels like it should be a continuation of something from the main icons) that is a little distracting. Very ‘telecoms company’ style and colours. (Looks like branding used by Three, Sky and BT in UK)

    I hope this process works out better than the one that resulted in the drunken holiday tattoo that is the current “Moz://a” brand identity.


  21. Gabriel wrote on

    Hi there ! 👋🏻
    I really like the openness of the process.

    Though I’m kind of attached to the three Firefox icons currently used + the Firefox Focus icon, I’d like to share my view on the two systems shown here.

    I really like the two masterbrand icons. I find them very refined and both represent Firefox to me, though the one in system 1 strangely reminds me of Gitlab too.

    I find the system 1 general purpose browser icons a bit too childish, as opposed to the refined icons we currently have. The system 2 general purpose browser icons are more mature to me.

    And for the other icons, I can see the bond inside system 1 but the icons for specialized browser + other apps in system 2 feel very misplaced next to the masterbrand and general purpose browser icons.

    Thanks again for sharing the process with the community !



  22. Marek Järve wrote on

    I personally feel like System 1 would be better. It’s bold and simple, while remaining familiar and recognizable.


  23. Manish Goregaokar wrote on

    The System 1 logos look like very much like the GitLab logo.


  24. Kiko Herrschaft wrote on

    I prefer System 2 for the following reasons:
    1 – The icon for the browser resembles better Firefox. The fox / flame around the globe is such a powerful image that I, as a designer, would avoid changing it too much.
    2 – I think this “sticker” style creates a better identity for the brand’s product groups. System 1 icons, on the other hand, may look like any other non-Mozilla apps.
    3 – I think the empty spaces express better Mozilla’s openness and transparency


  25. Thomas H. wrote on

    While I like both of them, System 2 looks much more visually enticing to me with its modern flat look, and seems to fit better with internet-related software.


  26. Devin wrote on

    The round master brand logo from System 2 looks like Firefox. The altered GitLab logo from System 1 is going to cause confusion, I think.


  27. Jason Fuller wrote on

    I think revamping the ‘fox’ for the master brand icon is a mistake, and instead you should revamp the T-rex in ‘System 1’ style

    General purpose Browser icons, all look good, I have no preference.

    Singularly Focused Browser icons: None of these reflect back onto the brand in an obvious way other than the coloring (and even then it’s not very obvious); it’d be nice to add a firefox tail or t-rex arm or something to them. While I prefer system 2 styling, the non-spaceship icons aren’t distinct enough from one another in System 2; if left unchanged, system 1 would be a better choice.

    Apps and services: System 1 icons all look the same when quickly scanning / don’t allow one to quickly identify each product from the other due to the overuse of similar coloring. System 2 icons, while a bit easier to distinguish from one another, are so abstract, that it’s difficult to figure out what type of product the icon might be representing. Thus I find both System 1 and System 2 apps and services equally unpleasant, and hope they are reworked.


  28. gurdulilfo wrote on

    Interesting news. Exciting, I would say. To answer your questions:

    – Do these two systems still feel like Firefox?
    Yes, both of them look like Firefox. The first one more so. If I saw the last five icons on the second system, I would not recognize them as part of Firefox family.
    – How visually cohesive is each of them? Does each hold together?
    I think the first system is more cohesive. The second system looks like 2 (or maybe even 3) groups of icons.
    – Can the design logic of these systems stretch to embrace new products in the future?
    I think the second system had more room in this regard since it is not as cohesive as the first one. It would allow more color vairation, etc.
    – Do these systems reinforce the speed, safety, reliability, wit, and innovation that Firefox stands for?
    Not sure, really. Probably the second system is better in this regard.
    – Do these systems suggest our position as a tech company that puts people over profit?
    I think the first system is a bit better, but I don’t see an emphasis on “people over profit” in either, to be honest.


  29. Hugo Leisink wrote on

    The System 1 fox head looks a bit like Gitlab’s logo.


  30. Rafael wrote on

    I think that the main icon set from the first system is really cool and artistic.
    But the additional apps and services icons are really confusing. On both systems there are icons that you could associate with a similar application, and there are other icons that doesn’t really tell anything.

    By this idea, even the main icons on both cases are a little confusing.


  31. Jason wrote on

    The system 1 main logo looks just like the GitLab logo.


  32. Neil J wrote on

    I think rebranding is dangerous and will lead to confusion and loss of “market share”. I think Mozilla for the foundation and Firefox for the browsery things is the right idea. If you want to make special browsers, something along the lines of “Firefox VR” would be okay. I love Firefox and have for a long time, please don’t change the name because some board member is bored.


  33. Tara Vancil wrote on

    Wow, great start!

    My immediate reaction is that system 1 departs from the friendly and welcoming feeling that the Firefox logo has always evoked. I think system 1 is fantastic and I won’t be disappointed if it’s chosen, but it feels more edgy-database-startup than friendly-browser-project.


  34. Lily wrote on

    System 1 is cohesive, but the masterbrand and new apps & services icons are ugly.
    System 2 is not cohesive, and all the icons are ugly.


  35. Jeremiah Lee wrote on

    System 2 is the clear winner for me.

    System 1’s masterbrand icon is generic. The fox could be any company or product. System 2’s masterbrand icon keeps the iconic Firefox tail, the detail that if left is still identifiable as Firefox today.

    The System 2 general purpose icons are better. Foxes have legs. They’re not snakes, as System 1 suggests.

    The icons for new apps and services are weak in both systems. They both feel very generic. System 2’s icons have the advantage of being easier to discern at a smaller scale. The System 1 icons just become uniform little color blobs.


  36. Emre Bilal Aydın wrote on

    I love System 1.


  37. Larry Beckham wrote on

    The current Firefox Quantum Browser Icon is perfection. Only thang I change is the word, Quantum, drop it in the next version.

    Anything else is not Firefox. Cut all ties to the name Firefox if it is NOT the Firefox Browser.

    Do not give this subject a lot of time and energy. Concentrate on making the Firefox the safest and most standard browser in the world. Comply to the spirit and the letter of the W3C standard and elimination all bugs you can as soon as can. That is the Prime Directive. All else is a secondary priority.


  38. Andrzej wrote on

    I prefer System 2 because it is more similar to the current logo, thus more recognizable.


  39. Jeffrey Marraccini wrote on

    I do like System 1. Sometimes it is good to be bold. Thank you for all you do, Mozilla Team!


  40. rugk wrote on

    Why yet another Firefox icon? I still enjoy the current one of Firefox Quantum and it looks great while staying close to Firefox origin’s/origin icon(s). And it has not been so long ago, where they’ve been updated.
    While I understand you may need more icons for Firefox VR and stuff like that, I don’t want to loose that current great Firefox logo by that, i.e. does it need such a whole redesign?

    As such, I really like the first version more, as it is closer to the origin icon. (the first line with the Firefox stable/dev/nightly icons). I’d even say the Firefox stable/dev/nightly icons of System 1 looks really great.
    As for the other’s listed below, I can hardly imagine what products they should belong to.

    I also like the first masterbrand icon. I can see the fox in it, so that’s nice, I don’t know where it should be used, as you have the real “Firefox” icons in the line below, but well… it “feels like Firefox”, at least.
    I mean, you explain, you may use it in marketing or so, but if there are too many icons for one Firefox that may confuse too many. At least if “Firefox” is still named “Firefox”, but there is then “Firefox – as the one, where all Firefoxes belong to” and “Firefox – the one, you know from desktop”. So you have the same name for the “group” and for the “single Firefox”.

    As for the second version:
    * In both the masterbrand and the Firefox icons, the holes do not look good. Maybe it’s just that emptiness there (the “hole” in the middle), where you totally expect the existing Firefox icons to have something.
    * Basically the Firefox icons look like the Firefox icons, but just the background removed. They really just look like the monochrome ones you already have (i.e., but with color, obviously. That is not very existing, i.e. it’s more something one would already/may actually have seen.
    * As I know get what the icons should mean: The one in system 2 for Firefox VR really just looks like the Atom editor.
    * Generally the v2 icons look very generic and could be used in a web font/as web icons for any project.
    * When you see the Firefox logos nearby the masterbrand one really looks similar, but basically it just looks like a “simplified [bad] copy” of the Firefox icon. It just says nothing and is, as the others, too generic. It has nothing “foxy”…
    * The System 2 “new apps & services”: The top left one, is that an alien or an umbrella? Sorry, but that’s what i see there. The same icon in System 1 is just some bars. No idea what this is supposed to mean…

    More notes about System 1:
    * There is a hard cut between the Firefox icons and the icons for other browsers/apps. I do not really see how they belong together visually.
    * I like the Firefox Nightly image, e.g. It is lightened from the bottom and has a nice 3d effect as I know from the current icons. Maybe you need some 3d models instead of simple icons ;) (maybe one wants to see the icons in Firefox VR).

    Generally, the three categories all are very separated:
    * line 1 (Firefox icons) are Firefox-style in both versions
    * line 2 (existing browsers): In v1 it has purple, in v2 it has “small” lines; both effects, which are not in the other icons
    * last lines (new products): v1: flat, also getting generic e.g. with the one with 2 layered diamonds;

    I.e. if you take them in this order, there is no strong “vertical connection” between them. It looks as if they were designed line by line… ;)


    Now as for the marketing/merch stuff at the bottom:
    * The t-shirt at the top right looks quite good. One can clearly see it is photoshopped and maybe the contrast is a bit high , but basically I like it.
    * The top left one also looks good. I really seem to like that icon…
    * As for the bottom ones, however, I have no idea what it is/I see no connection to Firefox at all. I mean, these may be nice gradient desktop images, but they could’ve been designed by anyone and look like they are one of these ones shipped by default by phone manufacturers/Android or so.
    Also, especially in the orange versions, I mostly just see a big white quote sign. So if they belong to some orange “Quote of your day” website, they would fit.
    * As for the nightly image in the middle, I least know that it should represent Nightly, because of the colors; but only because of the colors, which I know. Otherwise – from the part that can be seen – they just seem to be the same “quote” as the others.
    * In the middle image there are also the app icons in smaller versions with a background: And they look boring. It’s just the same color anywhere, just some orange, no 3d effects. The most existing one of these is still the Nightly one, but it’s also very flat, which is not the style of Firefox current icon. Also, generally, the light parts there seem to blend over into the background, as they are just too light.


  41. Miguel O. wrote on

    Yo I want those mobile wallpapers, those look gorgeous!


  42. bussdriver wrote on

    As one of the named volunteers on HTML5, I’m not your ordinary user. I do send 100s of new firefox users per year. I am NOT pleased with all these wasteful actions of mozilla over the years; the technical groups have been doing great work and mozilla’s MDN is a wonderful creation of it’s own which does not get enough attention.

    Where are the marketing …or better yet, the psychologists to curtail such foolish changes? You DO NOT mess with an established brand identity unless you are Internet Explorer (lipstick on a pig renamed “Edge” may fool many users but they still choose Chrome.)

    Stop trying to justify your jobs with pointless and harmful exercises under the excuse of evolution, which BTW, is about adaptation to survive. An visual identifier is nothing like that… unless your a horse needing to confuse predators by adding confusing stripes… in which case, here you WANT to be recognized and caught so you do not change it.

    HTML5 is more than old web. The planet is learning that; your browser is merely the gateway to it. You might do better than to change the logo to an html5 logo… Silly phone apps which WRAP sites are the current trend anyway. Are those apps powered by Firefox? nope. They should be and your logos will not be visible. Perhaps you should look into better app frameworks and designing tools for those… or more hooks into and out from the browser.


  43. Michael wrote on

    This is so bad that I won’t even recognize anything. I know after quantum this horrible trend of bright colors and flat design is taking over, but what even is all this? There is no reason to butcher everything and paint it all the same color for the sake of rebranding.


  44. Hans Kokx wrote on

    Most immediately, I like option 1 better than option 2. They ALL feel like they’re heavily Instagram-inspired, though. Also, I like option 2’s master logo better than option 1’s.


  45. Bryan wrote on

    The general purpose icons from 2 need some more touching because I like them better at system 1; the Fox should have the same shape as it always has been.
    To a lot of users, if not most users (including me), Mozilla=Firefox and Firefox=Mozilla. The main logo should be a derivation of the famous round Firefox, so I would choose system 2.
    Also I’m not really a fan of the multiple colors so maybe stick with orange as much as possible?


  46. Luis Felipe Lino wrote on

    Both systems are visually amazing congratulations to the designers that worked on these project but system 2 seems more aligned and easy to identify with the Brand.

    Adicionally the icons from system 2 looks more modern and clean.


  47. Bob James wrote on

    At the highest level, I don’t understand why Mozilla is trying to remove the animals and the heart – the fox – from the brand. Feels like betraying the values and brand identity in a fundamental way. Beyond that, other than the fox-like icons, every other icon feels unattached to product. One looks like an atomic symbol? Another is a snap on wristband? Please… don’t abandon the Fox. :)


  48. Luis Felipe Lino wrote on

    Actually I would choose System 1 masterbrand icon with all others icons from system 2.

    Masterbrand from system 1 looks powerful.


  49. Emily wrote on

    I initially posted this on another site in response, but I thought best that it should go here as well:
    System 1 looks good because the icons are friendly and inviting, and readable.
    Since you are still tweaking the logos, please don’t go too simplistic, because otherwise the logo will lose its personality and feel cold and utility corporate-like. To me your brand is all about openness, inclusiveness, and friendliness. A friendly looking fox with personality in its design is better at implying the above than a plain swirly. I don’t want to see serious and stuffy corporate symbols when it comes to the Firefox brand.
    Some might interpret the first system as too cutesy-cute and emoji-ish, but to me that system is on a better track in terms of personality than the rest.
    Thank you for showing us your ideas. Please post how the the development is going. I’m very interested.
    By the way, are you going to sell merchandise to the public? That picture of the guy wearing the shirt with the logo made me think that you would.


  50. Enjel wrote on

    I like System 2 more. It has sharper, more defined shapes with strong visual distinction between each icon.
    System 1 is not okay, everything looks like a blob and they are not immediately distinguishable. System 1 too uniform for the items to be recognizable at a glance. The visual compositions of the icons in System 1 is also too dense. More variation in the colors for System 1 would be good.

    I think System 2 is much more promising direction considering both set’s current incarnations.


  51. Mehdi Sadeghi wrote on

    System 1 looks very much like a set of GitLab icons.


  52. Robin wrote on

    I like the outline approach of System 2


  53. Jeb Bush wrote on

    System 1 for me. It’s clean, modern, and cohesive.


  54. Jeremy wrote on

    The current icon for firefox is rather nice. It’ll be a shame to see it evolved into a more abstract form.


  55. A.J. Kandy wrote on

    1) The twisty ribbon motif is very “now” but may look dated in the near future.
    2) Similarly, gradients.

    From a functional standpoint, solid icons are easier to perceive as objects; outline icons tend to be perceived as text characters or take longer to recognize, particularly with additional elements of gradient, twist and shadow added.

    I like the bolder direction of System 2’s icon shapes generally, but I also think System 1’s solid object approach reads better.

    System 1’s masterbrand icon seems awfully close to Gitlab’s. I wouldn’t go down that path.

    There is a lot of recognition and brand equity built into the existing fox-swirl; I would try to bring clarity and timelessness to that icon with a more geometric approach, a la Chermayeff & Geismar / Paul Rand, that is recognizable at any size, printed in black, etc. (for instance, this guy:


  56. CK wrote on

    Master Brand:
    System 1’s doesn’t connect to me as anything Firefox/Mozilla related, tbh. it reminds me of Gitlab (Git hosting) and nothing else. The System 2 master brand logo feels more like a ‘catch all’, more generic Firefox logo.

    General Purpose Browser icons:
    I feel like System 2 is a better continuation of the Firefox logo, it’s missing the globe but keeps the shape and recognizable contour.
    I prefer this over the System 1, the issue there is, in my opinion, that the globe has gotten way too abstract (no details at all, what’s it going to represent?) and the distorted Fox doesn’t feel too good.

    Singularly focused browser icons & app icons:
    I like the design of System 1 better. Although I have trouble with both Systems in these categories, they don’t seem to match anything else with the overall brand / other browser icons besides the colouring. The logo for “Focus” / Firefox Focus may well be a product from a totally different company, I see no continuation, no connection to Firefox or Mozilla in this particular logo. The same goes as well with the other app icons, they look to… generic? The ‘dashed’ appearance (breaks within the lines) doesn’t really help.

    The Firefox logos in System 2 fill the space better (for lack of better terms) and use a three-stroke pattern with slightly differing colors, I’m not sure if and how this could be applied to the other icons but I guess it might also work instead of icons made out of thick outlines.


  57. D. Colin wrote on

    I prefer the logo with the fox face (system 1). It feels less cold and neutral than the other one.

    I like both version of the general browser icons. One thing that I find problematic with all the icons that are proposed is that it’s hard to decipher some of them. The mix of color aren’t really low vision friendly. #a11y

    Anyway, I’m eager to see the next iteration :). Keep up the good work!


  58. TriptoAfsin wrote on

    1st 6 of the icons from system 1
    2nd 6 from the system 2


  59. Alan French wrote on

    I think the masterbrand icon of system 1 resembles more Sauron’s helmet than Firefox. Clearly, the masterbrand icon of system 2 is a lot more recognisable. The system 2 browser icons are also lighter and friendlier. The system 1 browser icons are weighted down by the compact dark centre. On the other hand, all the other icons (focused and services) have a lot more visual identity in their system 1 versions. The system 2 icons are too thin and wiry, don’t resemble Firefox at all, and the different colours across apps and services prevent easy recognition. If system 2 apps and services icons were to be considered, they should at least stay all within the red/orange “fire” colour scheme. As it is, they fail to provide a strong, recognisable identity, while system 1 icons are instantly recognisable as part of one brand.

    Best wishes! AF


  60. Daniel wrote on

    The system 1 masterbrand icon looks too similar to the Gitlab icon.

    Apart from that I hate it when people waste resources on something as insignificant as this.
    Keep the icon as it is and do something that people will benefit from, like futher reducing the memory footprint of Firefox.


  61. anonymousNotanonymous wrote on

    System 1 but I don’t like the apps and services ones because they’re not recognizable things. And I don’t like any of System 2. They look noodly and kinda like the “One Laptop per Child” iconography.


  62. Nathan Hubbard wrote on

    As far as “screen-shotting and file sharing to innovative ways to access the internet using voice and virtual reality”, please build a browser without all of this stupid crap in it.

    Everything that isn’t needed to browse the internet should be an addon.

    I don’t care what you call your brand, just don’t damage the browser further.


  63. Steve wrote on

    For the Firefox masterbrand icon and the general propose icons i prefer System 2 and for everything else System 1


  64. Ekaterina Oblonskaya wrote on

    The system 1 masterbrand is dangerously close to Gitlab. And even if you want overall branding to change, can we please just keep the traditional logo for the main Firefox browser.


  65. svasta wrote on

    i generally like it. i think firefox also needs visual modernisation, not only tech one. i mostly prefer system 1 over sytem 2. i also mostly find the lowest level icons not good enough yet.


  66. Chris wrote on

    I realize that this is an industry-wide design trend, but… it’s so hard to tell what these icons are supposed to represent.
    The camera aperture icon in System 2 is so far removed from what it represents, that I couldn’t tell what it was supposed to be until I saw the System 1 version.
    I stared at System 1’s masterbrand for a while, pondering why it was a corner of a wall (that is curvy towards the bottom) behind a transparent piece of glass, before realizing it was supposed to be a fox face. It’s confusing, but at least it’s unique; System 2’s masterbrand is so similar to the Firefox logo that the rest of the icons look unrelated.
    The rest of System 2’s icons look like they’re from Samsung. But System 1’s colors are very pretty. I like the current Quantum Firefox logo’s orange-purple-blue scheme, and System 1 uses it well.

    Overall, I think System 1 is better.


  67. Yuri Gauze wrote on

    System 2. But, I believe that some icons should be exchanged between the systems


  68. Joel Collins wrote on

    I honestly think System 1, by a long way. The icons for system 2 look more generic and lack as much personality.


  69. Gopal wrote on

    The over all System 1 has the intuitive design with neat appearance. BUT the logo is similar to FireFox bike. 😒

    System 2 has same Firefox logo with the modern touch. BUT other icons aren’t as lovely as system 1

    Live Long FireFox! Loving it since 2005


  70. Rishi Anand wrote on

    System 2 designs are much better for their relative simplicity. Besides some of the system 1 designs are associated with other projects, AFAIK.


  71. Judd wrote on

    The gradients in System 2 are half-arbitrary, mixing intentional cues with ‘filler’ gradients. I’m inclined to say System 1 is a simpler and more powerful design language. It allows for more flexibility as trends in colorways and styling evolve over the next ten years.


  72. Richard Brummel wrote on

    I really don’t see the need for either set of the changes and would have hoped that Mozilla would use the resources in continuing to make great products. You have a great, recognizable brand. Don’t mess with it.


    1. Jerald Vinikoff wrote on

      I agree with Richard Brummel.


  73. Leon Robinson wrote on

    Nothing intuitive about any of it, who cares.
    Don’t screw with what has been working.
    Longtime Seamonkey user.


  74. Md Enzam Hossain wrote on

    I like the master icon of the first set a lot.
    The first set of icons looks cohesive, like they belong in a group.
    The second set of icons looks fun, but the app icons at the bottom doesn’t looks cohesive to me, the colors doesn’t reflect Firefox enough.


  75. Ryan Spooner wrote on

    System 2 for the first two categories (master icon and browser icons) combined with System 1 for the other two categories. The System 2 ones for new apps and services just don’t seem to fit the theme. Just my $0.02 :)


  76. Alex wrote on

    System 2


  77. Andre wrote on

    System 2 FTW


  78. Sam wrote on

    I’m all for rebranding, but I’m concerned that the system 1 masterbrand looks too much like the gitlab logo. When I look at it, all I can think of is gitlab. Regardless of this point, I’m in favour of system 2.


  79. Vitor Santos wrote on

    I loved the system 1 icons.
    In my opinion, is more familiar with Red Fox and Mozilla Foundation brand.


  80. Caskin wrote on

    How about a 3rd option, these do not feel like Mozilla


  81. Ahmer Jamil Khan wrote on

    They both look great, however System 1 looks more modern, and slightly better than System 2.


  82. Paul Tincknell wrote on

    The Firefox icon needs the detail to remain visually relevant when very small (favicon, taskbar, etc.), so the browser set from “system 2” is more relevant than those of “system 1.” However, the remaining icons/logos from “system 2” are cartoonish and way too simplistic to be of interest, nor do they connect visually as a family to the browser set – and the “masterbrand” is too abstract to be visually meaningful. So between the two, the “system 1” set with the “system 2” browser icons would be the best choice for maintaining consistency with the past, having enough visual detail to be rendered small (and remain recognizable). Best advice: don’t stray too far from the past; you can break a brand easier than build one.


  83. Steffen wrote on

    This one is easy. System 1. It’s overall just the better looking one. System 2 looks like a bunch of stickers that I can’t take seriously, even though the quality is high. Problem is, System 1 is in a while different league.


  84. Nehemoth wrote on

    System 1 Masterbrand Icon
    System 2 General Purpose
    System 2 Singularly
    System 1 Apps Icons (definitely I would change the colors like system 2)


  85. Bob wrote on

    I like all from “System 1” except “masterbrand icon”, I prefer “masterbrand icon” from “System 2”.


  86. Paul H wrote on

    I liked the second set best.


  87. Eitan Isaacson wrote on

    I love all of these designs.

    We have a problem where our developer edition and nightly logos are two similar and rely on nuanced color to distinguish one from the other. People who are color blind will have a hard time.

    Our current logos have some additional elements that help people tell them apart, but these new simplified designs do not.

    Check out what it looks like in a color blindness simulator..


  88. Kevin wrote on

    System 2 icons look like they are from an obscure icon pack on google play store. I really like the System 1 icons they have way better personality than the other set of icons. As for the Masterbrand icon, i personally prefer the the Fox head icon over the default browser icon. But it boils don to the brand recognition. Right now the default browser icon can be recognized by pretty much anyone. But the Fox head will take some time to get familiarized with . Going for forward if the focus will be developing different apps then the Fox Head will be a better choice


  89. lucia wrote on

    system 1 is more modern and looks more cohesive.


  90. Semih wrote on

    System 2 icons are better. But masterbrand icon of system 1 is super!


  91. Sophie wrote on

    I love the system 1 Masterbrand icon!
    I think that the system 1 browser icon is better than the system 2 browser icon because it keeps the blue and overall color scheme that I associate with the browser. I think that removing the overall color palette from the browser icon would be a huge loss.
    Overall I like system 1 more than system 2. I think that sticking with a warm palette for the new apps and services helps tie the brand to the existing known browser brand. I find the range of color in the singularly focused browser icons in system 1 to be distracting. The blue could either become warmer towards purple or the use of purple/magenta could go away so that the blue stands out more.


  92. Kevin Macaulay wrote on

    I prefer the system 2 but the “singurlaly-focused browser icons” secssion with other colours. “Singurlaly-focused browser icons” from system 1 are beatiful too.


  93. spikespaz wrote on

    I do not like the System 1 icons. The half-low-poly design looks too plain and it isn’t majestic like a fox should be. The System 2 icons are better in that regard, however they would look strange on differently colored backgrounds. There needs to be something in the middle. And by that note, the current icons for Quantum, Nightly, and Developer Edition fit the bill. Perhaps even keep the blue gradient circle in the new System 2 icons? I like the design of the current icons of a fox encompassing a world. I don’t think it really needs to change, and I would like to see some icons for the other apps and services based off of the design of the current Quantum icon.


  94. Kevin Davis wrote on

    I love System 1, however, the “masterbrand” icon seems a little too close to Gitlab.


  95. Tristan Young wrote on

    I prefer icon set #2, however I’m not a fan of either. If the old firefox icons were kept, I would feel most happy.


  96. David Imel wrote on

    I really like the system 2 brand icon but I much prefer the system 1 icons for everything else. Just my two cents!


  97. Theo Rulko wrote on


    I love the design and the curvy modern aesthetic with vibrant colours. They feel friendly and fresh. I strongly prefer the first system, as I feel that the icons fit better together, wheras in the second system they all fit together except the Quantum/Nightly/Developer icons, which do not seem like they share a design aesthetic and stand out. Additionally, I like how the ‘master’ logo is not the same as the quantum/developer/nightly logos in the first system, making the overall brand feel broader than just those three browsers. However, I really love the paw on the fox, as I feel that it is one of the most endearing qualities of the current logo, and I would love if the paw were added back to the new logos.



  98. Moreno Valerio wrote on

    Well, I do like some changes. But please, don’t change the logo to something like the system 1. Firefox is about the world, and a Fox (like flame) running around it. To put only the fox head, is to mischaracterize, to disfigure the firefox brand. Something that always comes to my mind when I think about Firefox is the circle Fox. That should be it.


  99. John Doe wrote on

    System 1 all the way! More unique and memorable


  100. Aaron Abassi wrote on

    I like the system 1 look better.


  101. Boy Guy wrote on

    I love the second one but I do not like the new apps and services icons


  102. David Naylor wrote on

    Cool! System 1 gets my vote. Feels the most cohesive with the current brand.


  103. Franco wrote on

    I love the first system, though, the second system’s Browser Icons get to my feels (mostly because of the paws) however If I understand correctly, the ones from the first system are better because of their simplicity and distinctive elements (such as the big ears and no paws :( ) as they’ll be easier to read in any size.


  104. Seb wrote on

    System 1 to me feels like the overall design is more coehsive, but I don’t particularly like how it is all focussed on the same very refined colour palette. It’s not as dynamic. The second style is definitely more dyanmic, while still keeping a consistent feel. I like the colour choices, and feel like they would go well as Application Icons. However, I really like Style 1’s new main logo. I think changing up the entire brand logo would be a really neat play.

    I’ve circled and cannot choose haha.


  105. Ani Naser wrote on

    Personally I prefer System 1 as a whole. The colors feel like they create a more cohesive branding, and I’m not a fan of the light gray backgrounds on System 2 icons. All designs however are quite modern and eye-catching and I applaud all of the designers who created them!


  106. Denis Kolesnikov wrote on

    Looks very neat and vivid! Great job!


  107. Eliz Kılıç wrote on

    First of all, I think the decision to update the design identity is spot on. For the systems, I don’t think second one is consistent. It feels like 2 sets (brand and browser, and the rest) have been put together as an alternative. Having different colors for different apps is not a bad approach but I think orange flame is already a well known brand color of firefox. Therefor I think you should proceed with System 1.


  108. Todd wrote on

    System 1 is better overall, but the fox is cuter in System 2. Perhaps there’s a way to combine the best of both worlds…?


  109. Ryan Hayle wrote on

    Firefox is the browser, full stop. The “master brand” that it and all other products should fall under is Mozilla.

    These designs are terrible—they look like they were designed by some marketing douchebag who is trying to apply everything he or she learned in their overpriced degree program without any real-world experience. The existing Firefox logo is great—probably the best one you’ve ever had.

    Stop wasting money on things that aren’t necessary! All of your time and resources should be put into code and standards advocacy for an open, private internet.

    Fire your entire marketing department. They serve no purpose in an open source project. Stop acting like a corporation. It just continues to turn people away from your products.


  110. Lycurgus wrote on

    The masterbrand icon in system 1 looks too much like the Gitlab logo, which has gotten pretty big recently after MS acquired Github.

    The general-purpose browser icons in system 1 look nice, very reminiscent of the classic Firefox logo but more sleek and modern. The blue sphere also keeps it easily distinguishable from the masterbrand icon.

    My personal recommendation: Use the general-purpose browser icons from System 1, and use everything else from System 2.


  111. Hohotun wrote on

    System 1 feels more consistent. But I personally don’t like Masterbrand icon.


  112. Marlon wrote on

    I like the System 1 icons, especially the ones for the browser. They are what I expect of the brand and look comfortable (not jarring, compressed, to the point).

    I don’t like the System 2 icons though. Here is why :

    The white-space in in the center of the Firefox logo strikes me as odd. It looks wonderful on the Masterbrand Logo, but I don’t expect the emptiness in the actual Firefox Logo to be there.

    Another gripe are the shadows/motions that are engraved in the lines of the other System 2 icons. They make the shapes appear busier, something I’m not expecting with your brand. Having those and the gradient seems overwhelming.

    The outlines for the System 2 icons disrupt the circle on the Firefox logo. They add to an already busy icon. They’re also barely visible with a white background. They might stand out on a black or grey background (which is important to me, as a Dark Theme user).

    One last word on the System 1 Masterbrand :
    I don’t think it fits in with the rest. It’s a lot more angular than the Firefox Logo (which most people will see/recognize). Maybe shape the ears in a curved manner, like you did with in the Firefox Logo. The cheeks/ chin looks very flat as well. The snout is unusually sharp when compared to everything else.

    I hope I could help.


  113. Raleigh wrote on

    Please don’t simplify the logo too much. I’ve used Firefox almost exclusively since around 2005 and I miss the more detailed logos. I’d have to vote for system 1 since the general browser icons seem more familiar to the brand.


  114. Sean wrote on

    System 1. Although I think I like System 2’s general-purpose browser icon shapes, all the other shapes of System 1 make me think of Mozilla/Firefox. System 2’s icons are a bit “complex” with the folds and shadows which I personally don’t find attractive. System 1’s icons are a _bit_ abstract, though. Still—I prefer System 1.


  115. Martin Anderson wrote on

    System 1 for the Masterbrand.
    System 2 for the General Purpose Browser Icons.
    System 2 for the Singularity Browser Icons.
    System 1 for the App Icons.

    Choose colours that work with all these choices, and it will look modern and fresh


  116. Mugdho wrote on

    System 1 General Purpose Icons are great. Same for Singuarly focused. But the package is less understandable for the rest of the thing.


  117. Juan Albarran wrote on

    I think System 1 is the best option out of the two, at least it shows greater potential for development. The outline-based iconography of System 2 feels too generic and doesn’t remind me of Mozilla in any way, except for the Masterbrand Icon and the Browser Icon. System 1 shows depth and maturity, and is more reminiscent of the Mozilla brand, now modernized. My main feedback with System 1 is that it could have a simpler color palette. As its stands, it feels a bit messy. Some icons, like the ‘photo’ one, could also benefit from simplification, as the four dots in its current form feel unnecessary. The Masterbrand Icon of System 1 is very good. It is both perfectly abstract and also very clearly depicting a fox. The geometry of this language makes it look more thoughtful, mature, calculating and gives more room for variety. The icons from System 2 all have the exact same structure and patterns. It makes it slightly more consistent at the expense of being boring and generic. System 1 FTW!


  118. Sudomoose wrote on

    I really like everything about system 1, not a huge fan of really anything about system 2. Props to the design team for their work on both. I think system 1 will also work better on many different backgrounds.


  119. Asael wrote on

    I like the idea of using System 1 for the Masterbrand and System 2 for everything else.


  120. Diego Moya wrote on

    Well, I for one applaud the initiative. Having a unified identity that can be expanded to a new product family is commendable, and I won’t be the one to speak ill of whatever sacrifices are needed to achieve that goal.

    That said, as a lover of what Mozilla represents for Libre software and an open web, and being a user of the browser since when it was still branded as a bird rising from its ashes, I’m not at all convinced with either of the proposals here; I can see where they’re coming from, but both still need some work to become something I’d dare to call “Firefox”. (There’s no need to say, what follows is just my own personal impressions and feelings with no claims to ojectivity).

    The worse offender in that respect is the “General purpose browser icon”. I just loved how the previous “Quantum Browser” redesign managed to simplify the old icon while fully maintaining it recognizable; for that reason, it’s a real shame that such effort will be lost, in both of these new proposals.

    From day 1, Firefox has always been a recognizable Giant Red-Orange Fox groping over the Planet. You remove the blue planet as in System 2, and it becomes a bland circle, indistinguishable from every other shiny round logo in any other app or company. You change the head’s shape and remove the arm as in System 1, and it’s not the same fox hugging the planet anymore, becoming no longer our beloved Firefox identity. Please, PLEASE maintain the core icon as close as possible to the current version and don’t remove any element from it (System 2 would be much more recognizable here as “the same icon” than System 1, were it not for the lack of planet).

    Now, to answer your other concerns:
    -Maybe you could keep the planet-less icon just for the masterbrand, and retain the blue planet for the browser? Pretty please?

    -The masterbrand icon in System 1 does feel like belonging to the Firefox brand. Kudos for this highly recognizable fox head facing the front; it’s a welcome expansion to the iconography. The masterbrand in System 2 could be any company (*cough* Ubisoft?…*cough*), only resembling Firefox when placed alongside the generic browser icons.

    -System 1 is much more cohesive as being “the same identity” for all its icons. In System 2, the hollow “apps” and “special browsers” icons don’t look at all the same as the sturdy “masterbrand” and “generic browser” icons. The cold color palette in “new apps and services” in System 2 doesn’t even blend in with the previous warm icons, they look disjoint.

    -The warm palete in 1 is more homogeneous, though a bit boring (it might benefit from mixing warm oranges and cold greens in the same icon for the “apps and services”, just like the “specific browsers” combine successfully the oranges and blues).

    – The “new apps and services” in System 2 are completely unrememberable to me; I couldn’t be able to recognize them a second time. Those in System 1 are way more distinctive and recognizable, and I could even try to guess what service they provide from their shapes (tabs, images, security, some kind of flow). system 2 just look like random geometric shapes (except for the “image” icon, which is clearer in System 2 than in 1). System 1 volumetric polygons looks easier to expand into new recognizable shapes than System 2 flat curved lines.

    – As for the icons representing “modernity”, “techology” or “people over profit”… I’ve never believed on iconography conveying values on their own, no matter how much the marketing people insist; that’s what the copywriting is for. What matters here is this subjective feeling of “is this still Firefox”? If you nail that, the values will come attached to the already established brand recognition over all this years.

    Keep the good work! Hope to keep myself up to date with how this initiative evolves.


  121. Nathan Billington wrote on

    System 1, all the way. Animals are a very successful way to brand things (think of Frontier’s wildly successful talking animals campaigns), so you want to maximize that– make the fox easier to identify, more recognizable.

    For the master icon (again, system 1), tweak this design so it’s clearly a fox– its maybe a bit too abstract for the general consumer– and that’s the mission of firefox, to empower and protect the general consumer.

    For the general-purpose browser icons, I think these are a huge improvement over the current firefox icon, simply because the Fox’s face is in profile, making it easier to identify. I’d suggest working with the colors/gradients around the face so that the face is nice and easy to read– the human brain loves faces, and abhors not being able to see them clearly.

    Also with your color choices keep the color disabled or color impaired in mind– the logos should be able to reduce down to black and white in such a way that the logos aren’t dependent on color.

    Again, love system 1. Go with a Fox’s face over abstract fire. Faces are more personable; fire can get lost in ambiguity.


  122. Nico Burns wrote on

    I’m a big fan of system 1.

    It seems more unique. Also, softer and more human that goes well with Mozilla (and Firefox) values.

    I also *much* prefer the masterbrand logo in system one. It’s recognisably a fox, whereas the other one is rather nondescript.


  123. dolphinling wrote on

    I saw the first set of icons and thought “wow, that’s really good”. Then I saw the second set of icons and thought “wow, that’s really good too!”

    I’ve been a mozillian since 2002 and have used Firefox since Phoenix 0.1 (yes, really). The Firefox icon has a tremendous amount of personal meaning to me.

    This post gives me confidence that as it continues to evolve, it’s in good hands.


  124. J.F. McCullers wrote on

    I did not really like the idea of a family of “visually cohesive” icons when i began reading this post. It just didn’t seem like the something that was necessary. In the two examples that come to mind (Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite) the visually cohesive icon families do create a strong brand identify, but they also seem to submerge the individual characteristics of each app or service. I was worried that this family of icons approach would become tiresome, and might lock designers into a look that would be hard to change in the future.

    All that aside, however, I changed my mind after look at the two concepts presented here. When seeing them all at once, it is clear that there is an underlying logic and order to how the designs are similar and how they are different. After seeing this, now I’m surprised to find myself thinking this approach might actually help differentiate the products and services.

    I strongly prefer System 2 over System 1.

    There are two weakness to System 1 that I think are hard to overcomes. The first is the emphasis on the fox image, which was always a metaphor. The masterbrand icon for System is a straight-up fox, and the fox isn’t doing anything at all. It isn’t being swift, or sly, or clever, or any other desirable things for which foxes enjoy such a good reputation. It’s just a fox, and it makes me weary. Even worse, all of the other icons on this system seem bloated, and quite difficult to identify as anything at all, and even more difficult to tell apart. Given that these will often be used on small mobile screens, this problem seems fatal.

    System 2 is much better. The emphasis is on the swirl, which connotes energy and motion and getting things done. It still seems fresh, and even small portions of the swirl will still be brand-identifiable. Even better, the icons are quite easy to differentiate and tell apart. I’m not too crazy about the broken lines in each icon, since the breaks appear to be purely decorative and convey no information. I worry that these breaks will date the icons quickly as we tire of the broken effect. I do like how easy they are to identify even in small resolutions, and so they’re my strong preference so far.


  125. adr wrote on

    System 2 is preferable because it is easier to distinguish from each other. At the end of the day, I’m going to stick all of my applications from Mozilla in a folder named Mozilla except for the one-maybe-two apps I use frequently. System 1 is more color thematic and that’s probably the worst quality to have when distinguishing icons; both MS Office and Google Docs use a different color for each application for exactly this reason.


  126. onur wrote on

    System 2


  127. Josh Triplett wrote on

    Version 1 just doesn’t seem at all like Firefox; it seems like a different product or brand entirely. It doesn’t feel recognizable, and looking at it, I’d never have connected it to Firefox in any way. It also seems confusingly similar to the icon of Gitlab.

    Version 2 feels very much like an updated version of the Firefox identity. I can look at it and *immediately* think “that looks like Firefox” with no prompting; it’d be different, but recognizable.


  128. Andrew R Giroux wrote on

    Personally, I think that System 1 is more cohesive. While I love both design patterns, I think System 1 stands out and stands together more.

    The icons for the main for the main browser in each system look like Firefox, but I think System 1 as a whole reminds me more of how I view Firefox currently.

    As for future products, I think both design patterns allow for expansion, but while I like System 1 better, I think System 2 will be simpler and potentially more versatile for expansion and new icons. However, I think System 1 is bolder and stronger in it’s uniqueness to the brand.

    While I think the color choices in both are good, I think System 1 presents a warmth that more strongly presents your brand goal of displaying people over profit.


  129. me wrote on



  130. Margeaux wrote on

    System 1 is fire AF
    System 2 feels sitcker-ish and meh


  131. rawados wrote on

    System 1


  132. Megumin Satou wrote on

    Regardless of master-brand choice, I gotta admit that I really dig the merchandising options already! That statue of David mockup looks quite spiffy.


  133. dre g wrote on

    I like to see the progress here! It feels like the right time to refine the brand identity further.

    My thoughts:

    The browser icons for System 1 maintain the current Firefox identity, and the soft rounded edges do connote the general sense of “fun” of the original Firefox logos. But while the new non-browser icons are “fun,” I feel like all the sharp, >120-degree corners have been shaved off to make it kid-friendly. System 2 still feels like Firefox to me: the colors and shapes still maintain a sense of identity, and carry forward the sharp corners and charm; it maintains more readily identifiable relationships with the existing work. Smart, mature, and less tethered to a specific trendy motif.

    Both System 1 and System 2 are mostly cohesive; again, the browser icons seem like they stand out from the rest. System 1 has a lot stronger color synergy. While the masterbrand in System 2 carries over the Firefox legacy, the “ribbons” identified in System 2’s style don’t have as strong a relationship to the browser icons.

    I can see how both System 1 and System 2 will expand; they will each run into their own difficulties as the product lines expand.

    Both systems reinforce the ideas of speed, safety, reliability, wit, and innovation — I appreciate the bold color choices.

    System 2 feels like it prioritizes people over profit; the lines are fun with balanced counterforms, maximizing legibility at a wider range of sizes. I feel that System 1, though, sacrifices personal identity for brand cohesion at a cost of making it harder to see what each shape represents, particularly with the new apps/services icons.

    Thanks for sharing your progress so far!


  134. Atom Ridge wrote on

    I think the System 1 icons look better across the board, since most of them retain the orange that people associate with Firefox. The S1 Masterbrand logo does look an awful lot like the GitLab logo, but the S2 one looks a bit too similar to the browser icons, so IMO, I think S1 would be a better choice.


  135. Joshua N wrote on

    I like system 2 better. cleaner


  136. Guilherme wrote on

    I hate everything about both of these new icons. I love the Firefox icons as they are right now.


  137. Michelle Cohrene Funk wrote on

    It think system 2’s fiery tale swoosh is more evocative of FireFox.
    And system 1’s fox head is really hard to differentiate from the GitLab fox.
    The cleaner lines of the rest of the icon set are nice vs the muddled/blocky aspect of system 1, but lack overall brand cohesion


  138. Aldo wrote on

    i pefere the system logo 2, ’cause it looks like more modern.


  139. Andre Cunha Paiva wrote on

    System 2


  140. Aaron B. wrote on

    System 2 definitely looks better in my opinion. But I would use the masterbrand logo from System 1 and then all the other System 2 icons.


  141. Pablo wrote on

    I love the system 2 better, it keeps the firefox sign more simple and recognizable. However, in the general purpouse category, I think version 1 does better


  142. Tom wrote on

    System 2


  143. Foxi wrote on

    System 1 is ICONIC! Can I get that shirt in XL?


  144. Taylor wrote on

    I like both systems, but system 1’s master icon looks too similar to Gitlab’s. That could be a source of confusion.


  145. Patrick Kinne wrote on

    System 2 100%. System 1 is way too close to Gitlab.


  146. WellBattle6 wrote on

    System 1 feels more cohesive. It seems to be more recognizable that they come from the same brand, while system 2 risks icon confusion with other companies apps. I’ll give you a warning about possible brand confusion when using the Foxhead logo with Gitlab’s Tanuki logo.
    The Verge article also has lots of comments on your designs. I was directed to this blog from there.


  147. WellBattle6 wrote on

    Also, there appears to be a severe length in time between comment actually being posted from submission.


  148. Carlos Fangmeier wrote on

    Hi, I think the masterbrand icon 1 look to similar to the one of gitlab and smartcat.


  149. Dmitry Kudriavtsev wrote on

    I really like System 1’s icons for the single focused browser icons, but I prefer the System 2 masterbrand. I think System 2’s Firefox Quantum icon would be better with the blue sphere/circle in the background (similar to the current icon)


  150. Jody Bruchon wrote on

    Go back to the styles from Netscape and Firebird and maybe even early Firefox. Please stop with all this flat-inspired new stuff. Some things never needed to be changed. I’ve attached a suggestion that is “Ars Technica approved:”


  151. Val Blais wrote on

    System 2 seems more distinct for my aging eyes.


  152. Ken Barbalace wrote on

    I like system one better than system two as it is more visually appealing to my eye and the icons seem more consistent to me across the entire system.


  153. Yusuf Mohamud wrote on

    I really like the design of system 1. The way the colours blend together and the more distinctive styling makes it very aesthetically-pleasing to me. System 2 is nice but it reminds me too much of a sticker.


  154. Jorge wrote on

    I like the fox master icon and the second set of general purpose browser icons.


  155. Johannes wrote on

    I prefer system 2, as the master icon is way more “foxy” andere resembles more Thema current logo than the Others one, that features the foxes head.

    Next, I like the three main browser Icons of system 2. Their shape is more appealing to me.

    However, for the remaining logos I prefer system 1.

    Best, Johannes


  156. Alan wrote on

    System 1 looks so much better!


  157. Arthur Fakhreddine wrote on

    I prefer the first system for 2 reasons

    The icons look much more movers modern

    It stick week with what people think of Firefox, burning orange with shades of blue

    Also I believe that they will be easier to use to create meaning because they are not outline based, the other ones have very thick outlines so it will be complicated to create different shapes.

    I also just find them more beautiful but that’s just my opinion.


  158. Jun You Tan wrote on

    I think the swoosh will forever have a place in my heart and it looks more dynamic and special, with the strong sense of motion. However, that dynamism is lost in the new icons in system 2 with its thinner lines and vastly different shapes that no longer reference the fox. It’s hard to keep the swoosh in new icons for separate services. But overall, I’m more interested in system 2.


  159. Arthur Fakhreddine wrote on

    Also for your animations, if you use this first icon set, then you could use panels that fade and slide into position and change in gradient based on position. I think this is more or less un heard of, and I think will look pretty cool.


  160. Steve Baumann wrote on

    The Masterbrand icons are both interesting in their own way. However, they both seems to loose a little something of the whole. Icon 1 is all fox with no fire. Icon 2 is all fire with no fox. The very first sub icon of either set seems to convey “Firefox” better than either of the two Masters. If you are concerned about having icons for future products, it seems like it would be quite easy to wrap our friendly, flaming fox around a pencil or paint brush (for a creative app), have it holding a camera (for a photo related app), or you could easily attach the flaming bushy tail to any number of objects to convey that the particular app/tool is a Firefox (related) product. In System 1, only the colors seem somewhat related to any Firefox branding, and in System 2, nothing about those icons says “Firefox” to me, in any way, shape or form. They are nice, attractive, well designed icons, to be sure; just a total non-starter in evoking anything in my imagination that would even remotely make me think of my favorite fox.


  161. Bill B wrote on

    I think System 1 is more fresh, state of the art, and fun. At this stage though, the Masterbrand icon for System 2 feels more finalized, or mastered. In music production blending all the instruments and levels so that it sounds like one unit is the mastering process, and System 2’s main logo has that fully-realized effect. All the shapes and colors are blended well enough so that it feels like a single image and logo, whereas System 1 still has the feeling of being separate shapes that haven’t been fully integrated into one logo.

    Some ideas to help mix logo 1 a bit could be to use a slight glassy effect you see in Apples OS, where an overlaying menu you swipe overtop the existing screen blurs and glasses out the screen behind the menu. Either applying that effect to the diamond fox head, or increasing the transparency of the diamond so that the contrast between diamond and ears isn’t so strong could potentially help. Overall, I do prefer the fox head logo and would rather have it on my phone and computer screen.

    Pros for System 1
    It’s playful and fun, and makes me feel creative and like tinkering and exploring the interface.
    I get the sense of people being the priority with this set.

    Cons for System 1
    I wonder if in their simplicity they aren’t communicating a detailed enough icon. The rocket, lock, and photo frame are easy enough to make out, but the others almost seem more like buttons. The learning curve (however small it may be) to learning what icons match to what systems might be slightly higher for System 1. I love this system though, it’s awesome.

    Pros for System 2
    A more clear and direct set of logos, easy to interpret due to more detail. The general purpose fox icons are equally clean and fresh for both systems IMO.

    Cons for System 2
    For whatever reason, the first thing that comes to mind when looking at the new apps and services is mid-2000’s Hp printer design. There’s probably no concrete correlation, but yeah this feels like companion icons to hardware where design is second instead of leading-edge design for a software suite. This set of logos has a slightly dated feel to me, and maybe it’s the more classically corporate look that’s signaling that effect.

    I think both systems can be stretched for new products in the future. A VR icon for when browsers and social media have integrated a sort of social virtual reality could be a good exercise. A mail icon could be done easily enough on both systems as a creative exercise as well.


  162. Broc Seib wrote on

    The master icon from system 1 is superior to system 2. It’s simple and brilliant. However it does depart from what people are used to seeing. But I see that as an opportunity to attract new users, and convey a new product meaning with a strong brand change. Shake it up a bit and get noticed.

    As for the rest of the icons, system 2 seems to communicate their purpose better than system 1. System 2 was smarter about when to use monotone vs multi color, given the context where those icons will be used. System 1 are a little more abstract or a bit muddled in conveying their purpose.

    I am not an expert. That’s just my reaction upon seeing them.

    Nice work done on all icons by their respective authors.


  163. Zebulon McCorkle wrote on

    First impression is that the system 1 masterbrand icon looks very similar to the GitLab logo, that might need to be changed.


  164. Luke Petschauer wrote on

    In general I prefer System 1, with the important exception of its “Firefox Master Brand” icon, which
    looks almost identical to GitLab’s icon and abandons FF’s signature circle icon/branding. I sincerely hope you will not use it! To me, this is hugely important – don’t abandon the FF circle, especially for something so derivative!

    System 1’s “General Purpose Browser Icons” are much better than those in System 2 – to me, an important part of FF’s ethos is that it is a browser for the _world_-wide web. System 2’s icons lack the “earth” circle in the icon, leaving the red panda grasping at thin air–not the sort of imagery that I think should represent FF. Note that this problem is not evident in System 2’s Master Brand icon, where the tail comes around to almost complete the circle.

    System 1’s “Singularly Focused Browser Icons” and System 2’s “Icons for new apps & services” are both more visually appealing than the alternatives, in which the orange and red is overpowering.

    Thank you for sharing your concepts. In the end I prefer a hybrid of the two, but would put maintaining the continuity of the Masterbrand Icon before everything else.


  165. Claudio wrote on

    System 2>


  166. Adam wrote on

    I quite like the system 2 icons as they’re close to the existing Firefox icons that we know and love, while still being modern and fresh-looking.


  167. A. Wilcox wrote on

    System 2 is so much more internally consistent. I don’t like System 1’s design nor colours.

    That said, I feel like some of the shapes of the “new apps and services” from System 1 might work better than the shapes of the System 2 icons for easy recognition.

    I definitely prefer System 2 though.


  168. Thompson wrote on

    No doubt, both are visually interesting, but system set 1 pushes the limits and presents a new group of sleak, not obvious iconography, yet maintaining brand consistency. Amazing! Can’t wait to see it in production!


  169. Keegan wrote on

    The new icons look awesome! I’d probably go with system 2. It’s hard to miss the similarities between the system 1 masterbrand icon and GitLab’s logo


  170. Kevin wrote on

    System 2!


  171. Daniel Forssten wrote on

    Neither system for the “Singularity focused browser icons” are telling me that they are related to Firefox — they could be the logo of any hip startup or sleek mobile app. The same goes for the “Icons for new apps & services” and the Mozilla brand as a whole.

    For me, animals wrapping around an item are recognizably Mozilla products. If you were to branch out the Firefox brand, I would like distinctive elements of the Firefox logo to always be kept, such as the fox’ head and/or thick flames — the color scheme alone is not enough.


  172. franklinovitch wrote on

    I generally prefer the system 1, the colours are more consistent.

    However, its “masterbrand icon” looks A LOT like the one from GitLab.

    Feels really weird.


  173. Sam wrote on

    System 2 is the winner so far. Seems like a great evolution of the current system, and that masterbrand icon retains the recognition of the existing Firefox icon even without the fox head.

    The shading is spot on – it’s beautiful, vibrant and stands out in a sea of mediocre browser icons. System 1 feels less refined, and the more blocky use of colour feels less sophisticated. Looks more like a young startup rather than an established, trusted brand.

    I do, however, feel like the singularly-focused icons need a bit of work. The same icons in System 1 feel slightly more refined and recognisable.

    I also think that the masterbrand icon in System 1 isn’t right. It’s too techy, has lost a lot of personality. Could be for anything really.


  174. kobo wrote on

    overall, the system 1 icon looks better to me except for the browser icon which are ‘cleaner’ on the system 2

    the meaning o some of the icon elude me but tha may be because i don’t know the services. but the lock and email on system 1 are definitely clearer to me that the star and email of system 2


  175. Baratum wrote on

    I really like the system 2/bcus its look good in silluette,

    But it still need improvement


  176. Guillaume Bellemare wrote on

    Definitely system #1. More consistent trough out.


  177. Craig Cole wrote on

    System 2 and not even close. Sleek, clean and new. Love it!!!!


  178. Martin Spamer wrote on

    A triumph of style over substance, the purpose of each is entirely obscured.


  179. Min wrote on

    So… is System 1 intentionally a clone of the GitLab logo? Because it is. I’d seriously consider System 2 for that reason alone.


  180. Anand K wrote on

    I like the System 1 Masterbrand icon; it is highly distinctive.

    However I prefer the System 2 remainder icons.

    If you take S1Master and pair it with S2 browser icon, it visually looks appealing and is easy to say what the product is as well.

    “Oh, Firefox Browser, Firefox Developer Browser, Firefox Focus, etc.”


  181. Siva Swaminathan wrote on

    At an overarching level, I feel that the “fire” (being the emphasized syllable in Firefox) is a more suited center for the brand rather than “fox”. “Fire” also signifying innovation and advancement (almost always with positive connotations) while “fox” seems somewhat limiting from the perspective of future evolution and diversification. It would therefore be good to maintain the “fire” aspects of the branding rather than relegating that to the vaguely warm color scheme.

    The System 1 masterbrand logo reminds me of Gitlab (this will be the case for many techies) and will continue to be a source of confusion, going forward. Also, the singularly focused browser icon in System one looks a lot like the Google Picasa icon ported to this color theme. Coming to the color theme of purple+yellow+etc mishmash, it reminds me a lot of Ubuntu — System 1 icons for new apps/services could so easily be mistaken for Ubuntu branding.

    System 2 masterbrand seems to have more character specific to the Firefox (unlike generic abstracted shapes), and still leaves room for future brand evolution and diversification with the theme of “fire”. The pointy tails in the System 2 browser are most easily associated with speed, which is a great match for all the marketing around Firefox Quantum. That aspect would be good to reinforce, going forward.

    System 2 logos/icons also seem to carry the connotation of being “lean” (system 1 logos seem to connote full/fat, in contrast), but this is a very minor point.

    If sought, I’m happy to offer my feedback through the evolution of this work/process. Feel free to reach out via the email address I’ve provided.


  182. Foo wrote on

    – Why do you need a “masterbrand” ? Won’t having multiple logos for the same thing confuse people more than anything else ?
    – Have you heard of Gitlab ?
    – What’s wrong with the current logo ?


  183. Trouble D Foley wrote on

    And… Focus needs to be a completely different colour. There should be no confusion about which app I’m opening. So, no orange or blue, gimme a different colour.


  184. Roj wrote on

    System 1 please


  185. Benjamin Kerensa wrote on

    All of the designs look awful especially the System 1 which looks like a ripoff of the Gitlab branding.


  186. Greg wrote on

    System 2 for sure.


  187. Karman Miguel wrote on

    This is a tremendous waste of time and resources, and you should be ashamed.


  188. Trouble D Foley wrote on

    The system 1 master icon is far too aggressive and masculine. (Maybe even fascist). I have to look a bit closer. But my initial reaction is… No. No. No.


  189. Nabil wrote on

    Hi , I like most of the work done here but if have to choose by system for each system it would go like this :
    1- Master brand : i would choose system 1 as it has more character and would be instantly recognizable as a fox , system is too close to the browser icon and not close enough as without the fox head it looks like a group of circles with no purpose
    2-general purpose icons : i would also choose system one as i think the blue globe is essential to the Firefox browser brand and it adds contrast and omitting it would be a mistake
    3-Singularily focused browser icons : i would also go with with system 1 as it has more color and character and would be more recognizable.
    4-New Apps and services : I would like if system 1 had the colors of system 2 , as they are more vibrant and distinguishable , and the current color scheme of the system 1 icons look too similar to tell them a part.
    Good Luck.


  190. Matt Rasband wrote on

    The first set looks like GitLab, so in my non designer opinion that seems like a non-starter.

    The second one feels to lose the historic Firefox feel and would need a rebrand within a somewhat short window.


  191. Tyler Louton wrote on

    I personally like the system 1 icons better but I think that the overall firefox logo should be more similar to the browser logo as most people think of firefox as a browser and different logos could become confusing and damage the brand. I do really like the system 1 overall logo but believe that it should have more continuity. I think that the fox logo could look cool in different colorways too. Also that firefox t-shirt with the system 1 logo looks fire.


  192. Sam N wrote on

    System 1 for sure, love the masterbrand logo. System 2 has to much color variation


  193. Bryce Cindrich wrote on

    System 1 for sure.


  194. Bill wrote on

    I like version 2 better.


  195. Matthew Sinclair wrote on

    So i’m Really torn. I prefer system 2 for most things, however I VERY MUCH prefer the System 1 Masterbrand Icon – mostly for the swag possibilities. Also, it’s clearly a fox which is a must imo


  196. Fernando wrote on

    I think the current logo is perfect, but for everything else, system 1 is perfect.


  197. Alex wrote on

    System 2 is amazing !!!!!!!


  198. Lucas Vianna wrote on

    Definetely System 2. Although the apps and browser icons from system 1 are pretty cool, the fluidity of the sytem 2 designs is awesome. Even the gradient, which you might think got a little overused lately, seems new and fresh when added to those sleek curves.

    Elegant, smooth, edgy. The Masterbrand logo on system 2 is a flawless update on the classic, world-wide known, Firefox logo.

    GOD i hope System 2 makes the cut. Seriously.


  199. Joe De Patta wrote on

    Don’t care. I’ll get used to anything you come up with. I’d really like more security with my colorful logos.


  200. Diet_Soda_With_Lime wrote on

    These look horrible and bland. firefox already has an amazing an reconizble icon. i dont get the point of this rebrand. its both a waste of money and resources. stop making horrible decisions and put a real leader in charge.


  201. Mark wrote on

    Unless I’m missing info about integration, I think you’re making a mistake with both systems.

    I could go either way with the Masterbrand icons. What I reflexively do not like is the almost immediate falloff in comprehension with the lower-level icons.

    My suggestion would be to choose one of the Masterbrand icons based on community feedback and market testing, then the integrate all of the other icons into that Masterbrand. By which I literally mean superimposing the lower-level icons on the main, company wide rebranding.

    Fortunately, each of the Masterbrand icons presents space in which to do that, so you don’t have to start over. Without some kind of integration, however, I think you will be diluting the value of your new Masterbrand logo, regardless of which one you pick.


  202. higuita wrote on

    Firefox is the browser, do not try to glue other apps to it, even if already included, think in the in the seamonkey and why it was break up in several apps. If people start to see firefox as a bundle of apps, they will complain with bloat and slowdown, even if it is all html.
    Call it browser apps or maybe even better, addons (and allow removal/disable by the user), but they are still loaded via firefox. Have as few icons as possible

    Finally, Firefox icon, style should not be changed, trying to change it will seem again another attempt to “look like chrome” and its “simplified” look


  203. Telkeppe wrote on

    System 1 looks great.. with the exception of the masterbrand icon. It makes no sense to me in System 1. However all the other icons in system 1 are lovely.

    System 2… The icons are beautiful… But are horrible for branding and could easily be confused for other icons.


  204. Sean wrote on

    System 1’s Master logo is a bit too reminiscent of GitLab’s logo. The icons besides that both look good, though System 1 looks slightly better due to the icons being more solid and so easier to distinguish. Besides that, for typography it would be a good idea to stay consistent or at least related to the modern Mozilla typography.


  205. Vinícius wrote on

    I don’t think the “new apps” level of system 2 has visual hints enough to link then to the other levels. Looking at the whole system 2 all together, I can understand the connections, but I don’t believe that if one see one of the lowest level icon alone, he/she will connect it to the rest of the brand family.

    The icons of the system 1, on the other hand, have a consistent and distinctive image as a whole. Colors, lines, concept are obvious and strong enough. I don’t like the general purpose bowsers level of system 1, they could be more geometric to match the other icons of the system. I think the icons of that level in system 2 would work better in system 1 (with the proper adjustments, more sharp lines, less gradient).


  206. Pavale Dres wrote on

    I really dislike System 1’s mater brand icon. It doesn’t really symbolize anything other than current trends. System 2’s icon is closer to the idea of Firefox: empowering the web, and being fast and innovative.

    Although System 1’s Singularly-focused icons are much better and cleaner, the colorfulness of System 2’s icons for new apps and service is a must.


  207. Rendy wrote on

    I think, System 1 indicated no envolved for Firefox, because it have the same colors and design principle with the previous. So Maybe System 2 is the best for me


  208. Abrahim Ladha wrote on


    My colorblindness prevents me from seeing the difference between system 1 general purpose browser icons, the second and third ones which are probably for firefox developer and nightly i suppose. I like the system 1 designs better because of the bushy tails.


  209. DarckCrystale wrote on

    I really like the System 2 and it is at the same time close to your existing brand and different from other brands (system 1 looks like the GitLab brand identity and I find it very confusing).


  210. jim burge wrote on

    Leave the icons as they are. If not System 2 is best.


  211. Miguel wrote on

    I think that system 1 is a drastical change, and maybe that is what we need.


  212. sprocket wrote on

    The Firefox brand is not a collection of apps or an OS. It is the web browser. No one in userland wants to see it change, and changing it up will destroy the brand.

    If anything, what you guys are proposing should be filed under the Mozilla brand, not the Firefox brand.

    Most of the icons proposed are too similar to existing properties. Besides, they all have no meaning to me, besides the Firefox logo.


  213. Foobar wrote on

    All of this work looks like you are designing a brand of children’s toys. Is Mozilla a toy browser? Can adults count on it for professional work?


  214. Ian B wrote on

    System 1 icons all the way. Simple and clean, and the fox-ness is perfect.


  215. SKR Imaging wrote on

    I like system 2 better! Feels more streamlined and yet has the familiarity of Firefox globally identifiable.


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