**reposting from my original reddit thread**
During my commute this morning my screen restarted at least 5 times. I’ve googled this issue and have seen model S have this issue but no one yet on model 3. I haven’t tried a hard reboot yet but will try. Will be calling customer support also.
Anybody else experience this?
UPDATE - firmware 2018.26.1
I called customer support and they checked the logs. They saw I updated to the current firmware recently and they noted down the event in which I described. They had me do a hard reset with brake pedal and also power off button within settings menu. I’ll update after my commute back home to see if the issue persists.
UPDATE #2 Sat in my car for an hour on my lunch break and issue is still persisting. Calling customer support again
UPDATE #3 Spoke to 3 diff reps each advising of the hard reboots. After some troubleshooting we ended up with a service appointment to get it looked at. I don’t know if they will be replacing the whole screen or if it’s a faulty temp sensor like what was suggested below but I’ll keep this thread updated. Also, the third rep said that this current firmware we’re on has been his least favorite and a few glitches have arisen based on his experience with other customers. He did say that another update should be rolling out soon within the next week. Hopefully that resolves my issue
UPDATE #4 Screen has completely turned off, I've tried to hard restart but no luck at all! This is super frustrating as I feel like I'm the only model 3 with this particular issue. My service appointment is in a week and there's nothing sooner. I know this is first world problem, but for the amount we pay for this vehicle there needs to be some sort of quality assurance =((((( Being that the MCU is our main and only visual for information (signaling, drive, reverse and park) this becomes an extreme safety issue!
Did you call them back and tell them you MCU is now dark and the car is unsafe to drive?
i have, yet they can't get me any sooner than next week.
Did they provide a loaner?
i won't find out if they can get me a loaner until next weeks appointment
i won't find out if they can get me a loaner until next weeks appointment
Did the AC shut off too?
Where are you located? Seems like you should get an emergency service appointment if the car is undrivable.
I'm located in california, 2hrs from fremont. I emailed my delivery advisor to see if theres anything he can do on his end
@lilbean the A/C stays on if i had it on while MCU was on
Does this mean that if something happens to my car I will be stuck at home with no way to get anywhere?
@bennettb619 yea, thats my current situation, unless you're willing to drive without the MCU
That's great @ilestjar. When mine went off on the X, so did the AC.
It's probably not great driving without the MCU, but if you run Waze on your phone at least you'll know how fast you're going. Agreed everything else is missing :-(
What was it Elon said about no binnacle? "You won't miss it"
illestjar, do you miss it? ;-)
I’m an 80 year old woman who does not like to drive. This sounds really scary and not safe.
Probably needs the MCU replaced. Either that or the coad never loaded completely. These cars let you drive with partial code loading and the service advisor did not want me to drive off with the car and was going to give me a loaner. This is not safe and they should send out a mobile ranger to replace the MCU.
Use the Tesla app for speed info.
@rxlawdude i can't connect to the car if the main computer keeps restarting
This one is a genuine "and so it continues" :)
Yes, mos, because I bet if you go on BMW or GM or any other auto forum, no one else reports issues with their cars.
this is true^