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Welcome back sur mon blog de Bagdad à Jérusalem, l'Orient indiscret (après une longue absence, c'est vrai...) >>
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
The ISIS Suweida attack is a message to its branch in Quneitra, and to Russia and Damascus … … … A compulsory read by
@ejmalraiThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
This Saudi student has won a top award in a science Olympiad, but when comes to the stage, he sees he has to stand by an Israeli student. So he changes his position, but finds himself standing by an Iranian this time!
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
#PYD appears to be prepared to join the#Syrian state army in a possible regime offensive on#Idlib. In return, the Kurds expect#Damascus to return control over#Afrin and#Manbij — the two areas the#Kurds conceded to#Turkish forces."@tkarasik …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
House arrest of Iranian opposition leaders is expected to be lifted by August 22, the Eid al-Adha Day, in a bid to show national unity in Iran. Reformist leader Khatami, who had been banned from appearing in media, will also attend meeting w/ top leaders - Tabnak quotes sources
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Un député arabe israélien démissionne après la loi sur "l'Etat-nation du peuple juif"
#Israël Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Ahed Tamimi went out of prison 30min ago, now israeli authorities are playing a really funny game: changing already 3 times in the last 30min the checkpoint where she will actually walk outside free. Knowing westbank roads, thats the perfect way to prevent media coverages …
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
For those following Suwayda' attacks, here is an interview I did w/a member of one of the loyalist Druze factions in Suwayda' regarding the attacks, role of various factions in fighting back against Islamic State,& popular anger against Suwayda's governor …
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Salem, a Yemeni-American killed himself after his wife and children were refused visas to
#USA under the Trump#TravelBan . After he killed himself the USA finally gave visas to his family … -#YemenThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
This is the best story I’ve read this year on the disastrous impact of conflict in
#Yemen written by@alexkpotter. A rare look at Yemen’s war, where children starve and hospitals are on life-support. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
How Syrian Refugees become a Bargaining Chip.
@mahamyahya of Carnegie says they are being monetized." Assad is going slow on approving returnees to get reconstruction money. West says no aid until regime-change. Poor Syrians - by@SuneEngel@NazihOsseiran …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Re-upping my
@ecfr piece on#Oman as the country is celebrating the 48th anniversary of#SultanQaboos on the throne. Oman plays a key role of mediator in#Gulf rivalries, and helping it maintain its neutrality is crucial for the region’s stability. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Paris veut des élections cet hiver en Libye
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Sources close to
#Iran President have reportedly conducted a poll on his popularity; results were alarming: less than 20% If true, that'd be even lower than Ahmadinejad's popularity in 2010 …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
#Syrie, les#Kurdes vont poursuivre le dialogue avec le régime Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
#Iran's Soleimani continues war of words with#Trump …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Syria Foreign Minister Walid Muallem tells Kurds and SDF a "form of autonomy" is "negotiable". Although Damascus government has opposed the scope of the self-rule sought by the Kurds, particularly an independent police force or military. … via
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Good read by
@jricole Since Iran was a bulwark against ISIL, the latter would likely take advantage of an Iran in disarray to come back in Sunni Arab neighbouring states, and to hit the United States and Europe. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
The Syrian Democratic Council (political wing of the SDF) and the Syrian Government agreed to establish several committees to discuss different topics and bring an end to the Syrian War. The negotiations happen with US consent according to the SDC.
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Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
After France, Germany: Russian Chief of Staff Gerasimov, despite being subject to EU travel sanctions, visited Berlin on Tuesday to talk Syria with Merkel and Maas. Visit initiated by Putin, topics included Israeli security buffer, refugee return, Ukraine.!amp …
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