Imagine if we have thorium power and this for solar power. And yes, there can be tinted glass that works just as well as this one if not better as they capture light and heat more easily than transparent glass. In my version of Earth, each country uses thorium. But with this, things will never be the same. Thorium powered buildings and their interior lighting powering the glass windows from indoors to make more energy. That could mean more power for thorium powered cars, especially sports cars, in my version of Earth. And yes because of how I portray Earth in my stories, there are some minor consequences from this such as the collapse of OPEC and the faltering Middle East economy where countries there, especially Saudi Arabia, are forced to adopt new technologies and diversify their economy more to compete in the global economy or collapse. Not to mention, because of technologies like this and most of them being developed in the United States, the United States in my universe is ranked as the most dynamic nation and generally the "number one" nation on Earth.
Some morbidly obese idiot brags about her obesity and how it earned her disabled parking.
If only this was fake but it appears not.
SUVs are for families not for one big fat whale! Looks like there will be more of these entitled fatties being admitted into hospitals at this rate. America is the land of the free not the land of the fat! In America, we have choices to make and their results are our responsibilities! You don't get to eat whenever and whatever you want without seeing their consequences!
Welp! After deciding where I will be going, and after watching documentaries on obesity, and of course hearing about this fat feminism movement (yes this really exists in America), I decided to prepare for graduate school next year to get my Master's in Healthcare Administration. I am feeling old but I want to keep learning like a young person. I don't want to end up like a certain fat fur who gains weight in purpose in real life because he likes it and doesn't want to live long and lonely even if it means scarfing on deep-fried ravioli in ranch dressing often (I didn't knew that could be possible) as a result of depression. I want to live a life and learn new things. I want to help stop this fat feminism movement because that is what's killing America and for me to live and work overseas, it would be watching America behind a window slowly commit suicide as my cousin doctor has to deal with more bariatric patients. I also feel like that these fat acceptance feminists and males in similar movements don't realize what good food means anymore. And in my opinion, the best tasting foods don't need to be fried or slathered in mayo.
Another thing I learned about working full-time after getting a Bachelor's degree is that you have less time to enjoy life than you would as a student in school. I love sports a lot and I love to keep track of them. The only difference is that in graduate school, you must have a passion for learning and that's what I have.
I want to work in a hospital that is known to deal with bariatric patients and Houston is home to plenty of those. Why I want to do that whilst working in administrative office? First, I love new office technologies that makes life easier. Second, fat furs are supposed to be kept as a fantasy and obesity should not be attempted in real life. I have watched My 600 Pound Life and the episodes with Penny and Pauline are just pathetic. Even worse is that Pauline was an SSBBW (don't ask me what that means) webcam model and used to make money from her blubber fat to perverted men and now, her revenue is going to her medical bills.
"My knees hurt."
"I just want a cheesecake."
"Everything tastes good."
"That's my favorite food."
"Its my body and no one can tell me what to do!"
"I can't!"
These excuses behind the stupid fat acceptance movement and the promotion of obese models in the entertainment industry sickens me and is an insult to furries who like fat furs but want to be healthy in real life just like myself. And in every damn buffet I visit in America is a landwhale waddling in and out. One day, the buffets will be a haven for fatty gainer webcam models who get paid to eat and eat and eat like piggies! What kind of idiot want to weigh more than 200 kg?! Even worse is that some of these gainers admit to health problems from obesity and yet they want to get fatter because its their fantasy whilst many other people in other countries don't even know what a buffet of fried ravioli drizzled in ranch dressing looks like!
Sorry if I sounded like I'm ranting but if these people lack self-control and don't know that freedom isn't about doing whatever you want, then they need a reality check.
Doctors can only help them so much but in the end, its up to them to make the change.
Yes I'm still into fat furs and my fursona still likes to eat a lot but my fursona is meant to be the opposite version of me as much as possible because I don't see freedom much. My fursona likes to do what he wants and not worry much. Some big muscular furries on FA like to show off their muscular bodies but my fursona is often seen in clothing or military armor because of modesty to prove he's not barbaric as he seems to be with his eating habits but also a symbol that he isn't really from what most westerners call a "free world". I thought a free world is where people can have their own political views and whatnot but here in America from what I've seen, these fat acceptance people want to be accommodated even if Americans have to pay more tax into this. Don't get me started on Tess Munster because her knees look like they'll break under her weight. How is being morbidly obese equal to human rights? And how is being able to pig out at buffets and devour deep fried ravioli in ranch should be considered a human right in America? I just can't want to deal with bariatric patients in my career so that if they make excuses to me, I'll have something to say back at them with the cold heart truth that their doctors tell them. Not to mention, such a job will remind me that quality in cuisine is more important than quantity.
Yes I am aware that there are fat people who are legitimately trying to lose weight and take care of themselves no problem. But to those who want to be purposely obese for the sake of it, screw you. Oh and screw the fatties who sell videos of their gluttony to perverted freaks for money when obesity will become America's leading cause of death by 2019.
Yeah I sound cold but the truth about obesity can't be denied. And this fat feminism crap needs to stuff because its insulting to human and civil rights. That's why more of them end up in hospitals and they go into denial to their doctors.
"Mah blood sugahs are low! Gimmie mah cake!"
"Then your feet will be cut off from diabetes."
"I have a thyroid problem."
"Well that's too bad because I have you medicine for it and I told you to stop eating crap!"
"I only ate a salad and I haven't lost weight. My body is going into starvation mode."
"Nope. You'll only go into starvation mode if you have less than 5 percent body fat."
"I have PCOS."
"My knees hurt."
"Do upper body exercises."
"Healthy food is expensive."
"I go shopping and the opposite is true. You don't even need organic fruits to be healthy; just fresh real fruit."
Yeah. I know I sound cynical but its time we realize that fat feminism is threatening the livelihood of others and insults fat people who are trying to lose weight. Stop going to diners and shoving bacon cheeseburgers down your bloody gullets and call yourselves beautiful and sexy no you are not! When there's a way, there's a way. Not to mention, America is the most medically advanced country in the world.
So yeah. I'm going to grad school to help be part of a team fighting against obesity as well as to remind myself that good food doesn't have to be deep fried or be served in huge quantities. I used to like fried food but after reading that fat dude's blog about deep-fried ravioli and ranch, it kinda killed it.
About guilty pleasure foods, I don't mind fried food but every once in a while its okay. I think in my opinion, fried foods, and other foods that are calorific in nature or unhealthy in nature, can be consumed in a social setting. Same goes for people who drink alcohol as they usually drink them in a social setting.
A few friends of mine have alternative fursonas and I want to experiment with that idea. It won't be my official fursona of course but I was curious to see what you think. Most of the time, my fursona as usual will be a wolf but my alternative will be a silver fox. He'll have a lot of traits from my original fursona but with few differences. My alternative fox fursona will have long silver hair from his head that almost reaches down to his tail. His eyes will be deep blue which is opposite from my original fursona's light sky blue eyes. He'll be a silly glutton too but will prefer to be surrounded by endless plates of sushi though other foods, especially Italian, will get him easily too. Whenever he makes silly excuses like my original fursona (such as "We don't have anything like this back in Vietnam."), he'll also say these.
"I'm so fluffy!"
"I'm a silly fox!"
"I want sushi!"
"Arf arf!"
His personality may have slight differences such as his desire to sing Japanese enka during nighttime in town and city centers outside of Vietnam. I haven't thought about his other differences yet.
My alternative fox fursona can be called Chồn Chương or Fox!Chuong. What do you think?
My American friends always told me that Americans must get out of their comfort zones to succeed in life. They always told me America is the Land of Opportunity. I always wanted to work in the American government but I had no idea that family-run erotic novels businesses existed. Apparently, selling graphic sex novels is an American Dream too. Plus, unlike in Europe, these people make more money after paying taxes in America. Not to mention, most countries ban this sort of business and Vietnam is one of them. I guess in America, there's really more freedom and opportunities in getting rich quick out of poverty
(On a side note, I do type adult stories on an alternative account on FA but I will NOT type erotic novels for a living. Most sane parents would frown upon this because who wants a pervert who profits off their own fantasies for a living in their family?)
What has the American Dream become?
Be warned that this journal will have political and historical context so if you don't like it, don't read this.
Singapore has a very low unemployment rate and its easy to find jobs there. Wanna know why? Its because they don't allow dual citizenship! No really, they don't. So its hard to get foreign workers in these days.
Lets compare Singapore's immigration history to America, Brazil, and Canada. I'm sure there are a few other diverse nations but lets use these countries for now. I did research on the countries and countries that are more westernized and diverse tend to allow dual citizenship if not multiple citizenship. American, Brazil, and Canada allows these but Singapore doesn't. When Singaporean families move to countries like America to find their suburban homes for their families, they have to renounce their citizenship from Singapore. Singapore is also the most westernized country in Asia too yet they don't allow multiple citizenship.
Lets look at the ethnic groups that makes up Singapore. Chinese, Malays, and Indians make up most of Singapore's population. Then you have the minor ones like Vietnamese, Indonesians, and Filipinos. They still speak their mother tongues at home and type them online to those who are the same ethnicity and nationality as they are though in Singapore, you're Singaporean regardless of who you are so that sounds conflicting.
The bigger conflict about multiple citizenship is that in American law from what I understand, if one renounces their citizenship to live overseas, they cannot be an American again which I find that even more messed up because Americans believe in second chances yet they take renunciation as an act of treason it seems. What if the Americans they lost wants to come back again? Plus, there's a thing called renunciation fees which costs a lot of money.
Vietnam, in my opinion, is less diverse than Singapore and yet they allow dual citizenship though that's more of a recent thing mainly because they want to encourage Vietnamese people who live overseas to come back home and invest in Vietnam and help improve their country. That's a good move to Vietnam's development and they are making lots of remarkable improvements. I even once said that if Vietnam was a developed country, I'd gleefully move back there and spend my entire life there because I'm Vietnamese. Hence, in my universe and version of Earth, all countries are developed and poverty is nonexistent, and my fursona lives in Vietnam because he's Vietnamese and he wants to be in the country of his origin. (Plus too many furries do not have enough characters that represents "unheard" countries like Vietnam. And in my opinion, too many American characters even with immigrant background to the point that the rest of the world seems forgotten. But I won't tell them how to make their characters and whatnot as that's wrong for me to push my beliefs on others.)
How can multiple citizenship between countries whose histories are founded by immigrants around the world be harmful? If a person has multiple citizenship with America, Brazil, and Canada, none of their governments will complain. The only exception is that they are to carry all of their passports with them because for example, if such person decides to enter America, he has to show his American passport before they let him in. Heck! Brazil and Argentina may not get along well with each other but if a person wants to be a Brazilian Argentinean or vice-versa, they're not going to complain. But with Singapore, despite being a diverse nation itself, you are either a Singaporean citizen all the way and residing in their country or you don't belong there.
Singapore in my opinion needs to allow at least dual-citizenship so that for example, a Singaporean family in America who have relatives who want to work in Singapore can have their relatives work there for experience and contribution to the country before they decide to move to America again. Singapore's environment is excellent for fresh college graduates looking for careers; especially if they're coming in from overseas and are single. This is how I pictured Singapore to be if they allow dual or multiple citizenship.
More young single adult immigrants, especially if they are Asians, could move to Singapore and find work there to contribute to the country's development and gain job experience from there. Most people tend to marry those who are the same ethnicity as they are so the expectation is that Chinese will mingle with Chinese, Malays will mingle with Malays, Indians will mingle with Indians, Indonesians will mingle with Indonesians, etc. When they have family and make enough money, they will eventually move back to their country of origins to be at home and there's suburban type homes that are better for families than family apartments in Singapore as they are the most expensive in the world. Or in some cases, these families will move out of Singapore to countries like Canada or America to start their lives there out in the suburban homes. People come in and out all the time. In other words, if Singapore allows multiple citizenship, they'll get more workers that way and their economy will be better.
But no! They had to make it so difficult! No one wants to renounce their citizenship just to live in another country! I think that's a violation of human rights. That's like saying "You leave us, you're not us anymore." and worse, if they don't allow you to restore your citizenship, then you're screwed. That's not right. There are many Singaporean families who live overseas and still have strong attachments to their homelands but have broken hearts because they have to renounce their citizenship just to live overseas. What if their children wants to work in Singapore and have family there instead? That could help close employment gaps there. They shouldn't tell people to renounce their allegiances if they want to live overseas.
Now there are Americans who want to live overseas but they need to do their research on the countries they want to live in. For example, there are Americans who want to live in Germany but Germany has a special case regarding dual citizenship. Most of the time, they're going to ask immigrants to renounce their citizenship of their home countries before accepting German citizenship. If their home countries has a similar policy about renunciation like America does, they need to realize that they cannot come back to their countries as citizens again. For example, an American who lives in Germany must give up his citizenship and surrender his passport to the nearest American embassy in Germany. However, they can get permission from the German government to maintain dual-citizenship but most of the time, its a no. Plus, if immigrants are just going to live in other developed countries because they have "better" social programs then forget it. Not to mention, living off solely on social programs is depressing and the European Union is on the brink of collapse in my opinion. (Don't bother living in Norway expecting an easier life either if that's what you're planning to do. They don't allow dual-citizenship and that country has a terrible political atmosphere.)
I literally love everything about Singapore don't get me wrong. The only thing I don't like about that country is their nationality law which in my opinion, contradicts their history and culture. They are a multicultural country that doesn't allow dual-citizenship. How the hell does that even make any sense?!?! They celebrate Malay, Chinese, Indian, and various other dishes and cultures and yet, they don't allow their people to have dual-citizenship. I just don't get it... I wanted to live in Singapore but now, I'm stuck in America because of this.
Maybe if more countries allow dual-citizenship, it would give our world better flexibility. I understand why some countries don't allow dual-citizenship mainly because they are a single-ethnic country and their histories are different. Japan is an example of a country that doesn't allow dual-citizenship because they take serious pride in their developments and culture and seeing that they are a single-ethnic developed country, this is understandable. But Singapore is a multi-ethnic developed country and I don't see the excuse of not allowing multiple citizenship.
No one has to be forced to give up their citizenship of their home countries to live overseas! People should only renounce their citizenship if they are unhappy with their governments to the point of leaving or need to escape persecution. For example, ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine can renounce their citizenship with the Ukrainian government before fleeing to Russia or America because from what I heard, Ukrainians there are actively discriminating Russians there. I'm not saying what they did is right or anything since the Russians in eastern Ukraine aren't all angels either since most are known to be separatists and wants eastern Ukraine to be part of Russia despite the complications it may cause. But other than that, no one should renounce their citizenship just to live in another country. It is wrong and it destroys flexibility and it makes it harder for ethnic minorities living overseas to live in their countries of origin when they want or need to.
I just wished Singapore allows dual citizenship. If Vietnam allows, why can't Singapore?
They said I have to convert to Judaism before serving so I'm not going to bother even thinking about Israel. I'll just stay in America instead and find my opportunities here instead. Vietnamese Jews are a rarity and I have no Jewish background. The IDF has religious minorities in their force even though they're from Israel. I still love Israel for their people and vibrant culture though.
Before I go on, understand that I have nothing against Christianity. There are a lot of nice pastors in America but do know that I am not Christian. Many pastors my friends and I know are ones who graduated from divinity colleges so they have better knowledge in how to preach carefully to the community. Plus, they won't be preaching the same things over and over again but rather, connect to the newest events and how they relate to Christianity in their sermons. So those pastors, props to them.
However, I do have a problem with Christian pastors who live lavish lifestyles with their followers living middle class and poor lifestyles. And most of these pastors do not have a degree from a divinity college. Something I learned about America is how easy it is to corrupt people and get rich off of it and get away with it (though it may change in the near future when the government decides to crack down on their own churches for alleged cases of corruption and not just abuse). Its true that not all rich people have a formal college background but one must realize of how they choose their occupations carefully. In America, there's no formal educational requirement to become a pastor unlike that back in Europe and in countries like Armenia; aka the world's oldest Christian country. Here's how easy it is to become a corrupt pastor in America and get away with it.
1. Preach about God in public about how much He loves you and draw in the flock.
2. Ask said flock to donate their money to you to open a church.
3. Get more people in the congregation.
4. If uneducated family says child has a condition like autism, say that God has given you the power to heal them.
5. In next sermon, talk about how God has given you powers to cure for free instead of referring people to doctors when needed.
6. Ask for donations at the end of sermon because the more you give, the more God gives back.
7. Save up the donations and buy yourself a mansion, luxury cars, and everything you want but claim them as church property so you don't have to pay taxes.
8. Encourage followers to join the congregation and spend donations on expanding church only enough to accommodate the masses of sheep.
9. Repeat 1-8.
10. ???
11. PROFIT!!!!
And that's how some pastors become rich if living the middle class family life like their churchgoers isn't enough. Plus, its easy. I could do that but then I'll get canned for this. Or worse, I could search for a paid salary job in a corrupt church and live just fine and not be responsible if the attendants develop a herd mentality. And that's how cults form and this is why people like Joel Osteen and his family exists today. Yes, I live in the same city where that Cheshire smiling speaker lives preaching to the entire town population of people where Lakewood Church, that megachurch, can house about 55 neighborhood churches out in the suburbs. Joel Osteen did not graduate divinity college like his father did and yet how did he take his place as a senior pastor? Well? Its all about family; young Joel then was a cameraman for his father's sermon but in a different church location at the time and when his father was ready to leave, he asked him to take his place and bam! When his dad died, he took his father's inheritance, bought out a convention center to turn it into the largest church in America, and got tons of followers, got donations from them plus installed a bookstore, gift shop, coffee shop, and a daycare center at least. Apparently, no one warned him about Matthew 21:12.
"Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves."
Yes you heard that right! Its in the Bible! The Bible explicitly said to not conduct monetary business transactions in church! However, people can donate to the church if they want to but the pastor is not allowed to announce or verbally ask for donations. Just have a small donation box and that's it.
I attend Buddhist temples and they don't have daycare centers and all that jazz and my friends attend church and their places of worship don't have all that either yet its fair for Lakewood Church to do this? Oh and worse? Some of my friends attend that blasted megachurch and don't realize that their brains are going to rot from his words where they will not longer think like people! What happened to preaching about the love of God? Instead, this is what Joel's speech is like.
"Pray hard enough, you will get what you want."
Oh yeah! I should pray myself to death and put away meals so that I will be given a mansion gold plated Cadillacs and Ferraris! Just pray for what I want and it will come true! Pastor's dimwit wife posts a Twitter pic of her Bentley and said that her faith in Christianity got her that and if her followers did the same, they will get that too!
"God has everything planned for you in your life."
You're telling us that we can't do that?
"His adversaries against you is to test your character."
Life adversaries do test our characters but also tests our way of handling things. For example, a group of civil engineers can eliminate traffic jams by building intensive mass transit systems and bam! Problem solved! God gave engineers a mind to solve problems no?
"You can pray through God to cure your problems."
It is nice to have preachers and religious leaders in clinics to help their followers' loved ones feel comfortable but it is not nice to expect God or whoever you believe in to cure illnesses alone. God created doctors because He knew he cannot do everything alone and pastors already know that there are conditions that are best left to doctors. A pastor can form a network with local doctors so that when one of his followers fall ill or need a checkup for a mental health condition, the pastor can refer them to those docs. However, pastors cannot be medical practitioners. They can provide counseling but when it comes to mental health, they are to be referred to a psychiatrist. A pastor's job is to preach the love of their creator, form a community, and provide spiritual healing and counseling so their followers do not become pessimistic. They cannot cure medical ailments though.
"Be grateful that you lived in one of the blessed countries in the world. God blessed your nation and you."
Meanwhile in Armenia, that country's economy is much weaker than the American economy despite modern developments there. Armenia is still technically a third world nation but that country is making good progress. So here's the problem in comparing America and Armenia; if god chooses to bless certain countries because they are Christian majority nations, then why is Armenia's economy weaker than America's economy? Armenia has been a Christian nation since almost the ancient times and America is so new.
Speaking about comparing Armenia and America, lets take a look at the architecture of Lakewood Church in America and Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Armenia.
Lakewood Church Exterior: http://swamplot.com/wp-content/uplo.....ood-church.jpg
Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral Exterior: http://biaynatravels.am/images/attr.....l-Yerevan.jpeg
Now lets take a look in the inside.
Lakewood Church Interior: http://buildingindustry.org/bundles.....2d6fbf4ff7.jpg
Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral Interior: http://whattoseein.net/wp-content/u.....athedral.6.jpg
Churches often keep it short, sweet, and simple and the Armenians nailed it! Oh and lets look how Joel Osteen dresses compared to how Armenian priests dress.
Joel Osteen: http://www.nationalenquirer.com/sit...../joel_stry.jpg
Armenian Priests: http://www.armenianchurch.org/resou.....h/DSC_0134.JPG
If you know about the tendencies of some American priests competing against each other and talking down against each other, notice how in Armenia, their priests dress the same and get along together. Very seldom in America do two priests from different churches get along together but that goes back to different Christian sects being formed in Europe since the Holy Roman Empire collapsed creating the European countries that we know of today. Armenia's priests also hold important events and processions in the Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral together in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, and get along together. Granted that in Israel, there's been cases when Armenian priests are trying to hold a procession there but eventually lose it with other religions by beating the crap out of other people but on the bright side, at least those angry Armenian priests fight together for each other than against each other. If priests were to riot in America, they'd go against each other but they don't because of obvious moral reasons.
Joel Osteen to me looks more like a businessman and a motivational speaker than a preacher. To me, he cannot be both. Even more absurd is that he has a $40 million USD mansion, Ferrari, and luxury cars and claims them to be church property so he can evade taxes. Yes, in America, you can claim anything for church to avoid taxes. Most pastors in America live middle class and modest lives. In Armenia, their priests don't ride in luxury cars; most of them walk. They probably take mass transit and buses too.
See how easy it is to deceive the uneducated to profit off of them in America? That's why colleges teach philosophy. This isn't just a moral issue; its also a human rights issue. America was founded in the idea of individualism. This isn't the American dream.
Okay granted that there are some cultural differences with Americans and Armenians and yes I am aware of the fact of little things like how Kashrut is mentioned in the Old Testament but don't apply to Christians since those only apply to Jewish people. Its mentioned because Jesus came from a Jewish background and everybody around him was Jewish. But that's a whole different story. The same goes for trimming or shaving facial hair plus that rule is more applied on certain priests, imams, and of course, rabbis. Armenian priests, imams in general, and rabbis however must not shave their facial hair as they signify their knowledge. Bigger beards means bigger brains but then again, that only applies to them more than their followers so that too is a whole different story. (I am also aware that there's been depictions of Jesus without His beard but if I remember right, the ones who crucified him removed his facial hair to try to bring His spirit down but failed when He resurrected.)
In other words, I discovered how easy it is to corrupt people and take advantage of them for one's gain in America. Yes, I do consider myself to have that knowledge but I rather not do it because I would become my worst enemy. Second, I have a friend, who literally works himself to death at an oil company, for overtime pay because he recently bought a Chevrolet Corvette and wants to buy the latest and craziest performance parts to make his car even faster. He makes a lot of money, he works hard, but he will never live the way of the Osteens. When he's sick, he doesn't and never calls in sick.
In other words, people appreciate things more when they work because most people do that. Most pastors had to work, go to school, and go to divinity college so they can understand the life of their followers. Joel Osteen never had to do much of that and he's banking big.
Just remember this; if a pastor rides in a luxury vehicle, lives in a mansion, or asks for donation, that's a red flag that he is not living up to the words of God. America is indeed the land of opportunity but please choose the right ones or else you will have a stained reputation even if you are living in a mansion that can house an entire population of a small town. I hope America wakes up and sees how its wrong for religion, business, and politics mix. This is why government employees get more benefits than most private companies and even megachurches because the American government is at its breaking point where they just want to say "I had it! This has gone way too far!"
To my Christian friends, remember that God gave you a mind to think like a person in His eyes; use it. Its for your own good.
Well, I've been looking for other jobs so I left my dealership job because sales, even those who are not salesmen, is stressful and nuts for me with no direction. There wasn't much opportunities in sales for me too. But at least, I learned something from it; to me, its how insane sales in America works as they seem forceful. Something to note is this; if you have a full-time job you don't like, keep applying for other jobs at home but don't let too many people know (common sense duh). Most college graduates like myself take on full-time jobs just to learn what that job is like. After almost a full year, you'll see where you wished you did.
I did at one point make a journal of me being jealous at fat gainers who sell images of their obesity online to punters because they seemed to make money easily with a roof over their heads but turns out that they pay a large chunk of their money on their medical bills alone before other things like food and utilities. Not to mention, they won't live long to see their families and they would die in the slowest and most painful ways. Yes I like fat furs but such fantasies must remain in the fantasy world and never done in real life.
I've been getting calls from government interviewers left and right and I've been looking up to them. Man I love the internet these days where you can apply for jobs online anytime, any day, and anywhere. I do wish that there is some kind of universal job application out there though where you can submit the same application to many jobs as much as possible and increasing your chances of getting a job. Plus, when you're let go, at least you have something planned ahead.
Being let go of a sales job is not the end of the world. Instead, it gives you time to relax, look for support, and get back on your feet again. Because your employer could be the one who hates your employer and would want you instead over them wanting you (yes that actually does happen). Many people are laid off and eventually found careers they love. Its life.
Me, I already set myself where opportunities are within my reach. I have considered these:
- Local government job. (A good way to go from local level to national level working for your people's tax dollars which is fine because you have to pay tax too.)
- Federal government. (If you like being organized in America and not crazy like sales.)
- Stand-up comedian. (My friend does this and I may consider him to help me in this.)
- Joining the IDF in Israel. (More can be read about here: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6900184/ )
- Returning to Vietnam to live there and work for their government. (Preferably their Ministry of Foreign Affairs even though I may make less there than in America due to currency value differences.)
In America, its about searching for what is right for you as well as to improve yourself upon that. Plus, one must enjoy life one day at a time. I have trouble with work and life management because I want to be happy and have a real life in America and not be treated as some disposable immigrant worker though I came here legally. I didn't earn my college degree for nothing. But when worse comes to worst, look at other opportunities and never give up. Sometimes, the best opportunities for you is where it is least expected (in my case, it may be the IDF in Israel).
The thing is this about what I learned in America so far; to rise you must fall first. But never forget the enjoyment of life and learning to make friends because that will relate to you networking with other employers for future employment. The future will always be great to me and I always see doors of opportunities for me. Being let go is not the end of your life and one must not take their life or else they will miss such opportunities. The American Dream may begin outside of America.
Until then, I got to get ready for my interviews with government agencies left and right. I can see the light shining. If you're wondering what my parents think of me thinking about joining the IDF in Israel as a foreign lone soldier, they approved of that when I told them how I want to work with their soldiers with disability since I worked with disabled children back in uni. If I ever do that, I hope to come back to America and get my American Dream and live my life because American employers, even in the government, like to know what makes you unique as an individual more than just a great employee (yes that is true because American employers want to hire people not just workers). Remember, opportunities exist everywhere and nothing is the end of the road. Remember, there's always someone who will help you get there to your own dreams whether you see it or not. You don't have to be an American to understand this; you just have to know there's opportunities everywhere and you have to keep looking for them. Once again, nothing is the end of the road even if you're let go or worse fired because someone will need you.
As some of you know, I work in a car dealership as a marketer. I work in a Dodge dealership in the USA if you are wondering. Yes, Dodge dealerships also have Chrysler and Jeep products. They are nice American vehicles. Their RAM trucks are beefier looking and more American and their Promaster vans look upgraded, new, neat, but very European style despite its strong American roots from RAM. And of course, the Promaster cargo vans, you know the big ones, may seem ugly but they have great functions to it.
Anyways, I'm going to rant on something about materialism. Every fucking month, we always have desperate customers looking to do whatever it takes to get a Dodge Challenger. My coworker, a salesman, tells me some very interesting stories that opens my mind more. He told me how its not uncommon for him to sell a Dodge Challenger to an uneducated mother with six children (yes that actually does happen at my workplace). Even worse? Its not uncommon for my coworker to sell Challengers to mothers on welfare who claim to have a dozen kids (your tax dollars at work America). Granted that karma bites back at them in the form of high interest rates and we make more money off of them that way and yes, believe it or not, some salesmen in fact do make more money off of these customers mainly because they have bad credit and are financially irresponsible. That's how the car business goes.
Now you may be wondering why I am ranting over a sexy looking muscle car? Well, first off, there's nothing wrong with liking a muscle car like the Challenger. I think its a neat car myself too; something that symbolizes America's muscle car history and spirit. Plus, you'll never see anything like that outside of America. But here's the problem; why just that car? Why not a Jeep or a Dodge Journey or something? The Chrysler 300 is getting overrated at my workplace too though I have to admit, that car is neat and it does indeed have neat features too.
But anyways, lets get on the Challenger and sports cars. A mother on welfare who keeps having children but doesn't know how to handle them uses my tax money to buy a Challenger for herself to prove how cool she is in the ghetto. She brags about the easy life and how she will never go in debt. And her credit score? Very low I must say. Oh and plus? I see way too many sports cars in public and most of those people are about as old as typical parents and some even have children! Uhm, hello? I thought family and children go first or at least where I grew up in.
I grew up in Denmark to Vietnamese immigrants. We don't have that much sports cars and most if not every person who has a family have a family vehicle. Nowadays, its all about crossovers and SUVs for the family. Minivans are still there but to me, the minivans in America are a family treat and much roomier than their domestic counterparts (especially the Japanese minivans build in Japan which are way smaller than their American counterparts). But why in America are there so many people with sports cars?!?! Hello! If you have children, get a fucking crossover or SUV! It will save you the hassle! And if you're planning to have a family but you bought a sports car first, uh oh! Be prepared to trade that sport car in for an SUV or crossover!
Why are so many people in Houston choose to buy a fucking sports car when they know they're going to have children?! And yes, traffic is shit here! Lets just say I ride a bus to work despite living in the suburbs because luckily, there's a bus station fairly close to me.
Oh and wanna know what irks not only me but all of my coworkers in the dealership including my manager? Materialistic customers with unrealistic demands.
"I want a Chrysler 200 at the price of a Dodge Dart!"
"I want a Dodge Challenger with $300 a month!"
"I just have another child and I need to trade my Challenger in for a Dodge Journey but my credit score ain't that great."
Hello! Credit scores and reports exist for a reason and they are used to track your financial responsibility! Oh and you can't just demand a car to have a fixed rate for you oh no! We have processes you know and second, we'll only determine your price after we look at your credit because that's how car dealerships conduct business. GET REAL PEOPLE!
And if you bought a Challenger but you know you're going to have kids, oh boy! That's more car debt even if you trade in for an SUV because you made a bad financial decision.
Why do you think in my version and my stories of Earth in my views, almost every person's life priorities are like this:
1. Get a job. (Military jobs are included. Self-employment counts too.)
2. Get an apartment.
3. Save money.
4. Buy a home with a garage.
5. Buy a car.
Or if you want to see the priorities of a college student in my universe, its like this:
1. Get a job. (Most of the time, its going to be in the military because governments will pay for college.)
2. Enroll in college. (Most of the time, government assistance will be involved. In the US, student loans are involved if the student in question is not in the military.)
3. Graduate.
4. Get a career.
5. Live in an apartment.
6. Save money.
7. Get married.
8. Get a house.
9. Get a pickup truck (or lorry for you British speakers), SUV, crossover, or minivan.
In my universe, the global economy is more focused on R&D in many things making consumerism a tiny part of the world economy. Plus, political and social movements forced governments to pass various laws as well as advancing technologies forward in a rapid pace. For example, thorium has replaced all conventional fuels as a source of energy meaning for example, oil and gas are no longer sources for energy and oil will be used to be made into plastics. Plus, apartments are always close to sources of mass transits; mostly subway stations, train stations, and bus stops at least. Not to mention, they're within the heart of towns and cities which have a lot of business traffic. So I guess you can say that I threw in a bit of Tokyo-style convenience with western twists to them in apartments in my universe. Plus, every town and city in my universe utilizes the eight-point star fort urban designs where the suburbs surrounds the downtown and the design allows for traffic efficiency as well as providing defense points for local soldiers to take arms to defend their towns and cities from invasions (or worse, use towns at least as training grounds just like the Jade Helm training that some people gawk about). With modern civilization in that style of environment, most people who want to buy vehicles are going to be on the higher levels of configurations of SUVs, crossovers, and trucks. Lets face it; if you really want to have a family and have fun with your children so you don't feel lonely, you're going to want to get something say an SUV with more features such as an entertainment package where the kids can watch the telly (or TV) attached on the back of the driver's seat and the front passenger's seat. Sometimes, like most family people in my universe, one can get an SUV with the highest configurations complete with the works to provide the best fun for their children.
Yes, I do wish our world was more organized and that everything is powered by thorium where utility bills would be cheaper and the environment will be a hell a lot cleaner! And yes, I do live in a world where gas stations are nonexistent because vehicles run on thorium instead without performance being compromised; if anything, they will be improved dramatically. But I also wished that the majority of people who buy vehicles buy trucks, work vans, and cargo vans because they make excellent business vehicles as well as a great daddy mobile too. Second majority of people would be those buying SUVs, crossovers, and minivans for their children because they are without a doubt, great for parents. And of course, I wished the minority of car buyers are of course, you guessed it, buys sport vehicles. Yes, four door sedans will exist in my universe but they won't be popular like in the real world anymore because of the easy access to mass transit and of course, vehicles are powered by thorium so might as well go for the top line of trucks, work vans, sports cars, or SUVs. You may ask what about taxis? Most taxis in my universe would use a passenger van. (Oh and by the way, there are businesses in real life that uses sport cars as business vehicles so I thought pizzerias in America's Wild West states, mostly Texas to Arizona, have sports cars as business vehicles because the thought of getting fresh pizza from a delivery guy who drives a sports vehicle would be cool and brings a whole new meaning to fast service. And of course, increases the chances of getting more tips often. Pizzerias also need catering services so some at least in my universe have one work van for large catering orders of pizzas.)
So yes! At the moment in real life, I am pissed off because too many people have sports cars just for the sake of being cool but don't realize that the prices will bite them in the ass! But hey! Car dealerships loves making money off of such materialistic people who go bonkers for sports cars to overcompensate themselves for no reason! In my version of Earth in my stories, there is heaven because there is order. In real life, we are in hell because there is pleasure everywhere; overindulgence of pleasures. Yes, my other coworkers said that my version of Earth is depressing but don't realize that this is our future very soon because materialism of having things to look cool will bite people in the ass and force the consumerist economy to change where efficiency will matter more than just having as many stuff as possible to be a overcompensating jerk. Granted that my coworker salesman drives a Chevrolet Corvette but mainly because he is also running a company that deals with racing parts for performance cars so in a way, that would make sense for him to own a sports car. Yes, successful car salesmen make mad money but so far from what I've seen, most of them have either four door sedans or family type vehicles. Yes, a few of them drive luxury types of vehicles too but to each of their own.
So yes, life would be a hell a lot easier if more people thought ahead of time because it would save all of us time. Yes, even people in the car business are going to have enough with materialistic fucks who will do anything for a sports car at an unrealistically low price; especially if said dumbass has six children! Remember, there is nothing wrong with having things but you must think about how long you want this for the future and how often will you use it? There is nothing wrong with liking sports cars but if you want one, then ask yourself this question; are you ready to commit 72 months of your life paying for it if you cannot pay for it in cash? Lets do the math.
1 year = 12 months
12 * 7 = 72
72 months = 6 years
Most people, or at least in my version of Earth because it resembles our eventual future, are going to want kids. If they want a car, they can only choose one, or maybe two, but are responsible for them for 6 years. In other words, that sports car they love, too bad! They don't need it! Time to get a cool car for the kiddos like an SUV! And if you have to get a minivan for the kids, GET IT! It will save you so much money and time from the troubles of owning a sports car. You will do car business employees a favor and yourselves a favor. See? Just remember this; if you want to buy a sports car but cannot pay it full in cash at once, are you willing to devote 6 years of your life to it? 6 years is a long time. In 6 years, the world goes by fast and you'll be thinking of your decisions more.
Just remember; buy what you can only afford if you're going to want to get things to be cool and badass. Don't buy things you can't afford or else creditors will assrape your bank account and salesmen will get you to accept deals that will make them more money because you made a mistake that you could've avoided but instead blew a shit ton of your money at once. Yes, we live in a cruel world and only the wisest survives.
Not that I plan to put much thought into this but I have considered that as part of my career path. Of course I will be staying in the US to find my career here since I've been getting calls and emails from government agencies left and right here hoping that they would take me in. I had a small thought about attending graduate school here to add more education with my experiences because employers here care more about your experience and education together than your GPA though they do take that into consideration but not too much. But here are some reasons why I thought about joining the Israeli Defence Forces over in Israel as in I would be serving the State of Israel there. Yes, that far in the Middle East. So here are my reasons why I had thoughts like this:
- Their military takes foreign volunteers in.
- To get a life experience that will push me forward into getting a better career.
- Their military as far as I know is literally the only one in this world to accept people with disabilities, including autism, into the force and I want to work with these people as well as learn how the Israeli military helps these people.
- To experience a country that is so full of surprises, visiting there will only be the way to understand the real Israel.
- Maybe join one of their intelligence units there.
There could be more things I could list but the IDF does more things than even the American military. A friend of mine has Crohn's Disease and he tried to apply for the Texas National Guard but got rejected because of his condition. In Israel, they will put these people in support units where they don't have to engage in direct combat plus it gives them experiences that will guarantee them a career. I could join the National Guard but why should I join a military that discriminates people on their disabilities? So much for the land of opportunity and the free (no I don't have a disability but America is a hypocrite because they promote equal opportunities yet they deny certain people from serving their country even if they want to which I find hypocritical at its finest). Hence in my stories, many military forces around the world model themselves after the IDF by recruiting disabled people to give them a chance in helping their countries out whilst getting experiences that will make them employable by virtually anyone. Here's a few links of Israeli's disabled people choosing to volunteer in the IDF. (Yes disabled people in Israel do not have to serve but if they choose to do so, the IDF will put them in special units.)
https://www.idfblog.com/blog/2014/0.....nce-unit-9900/ (By far my favorite because autistic people in Israel are given a chance to serve their countries and earn meaningful life experiences that will allow them to get careers.)
The IDF gives these people a meaning of life and reasons to live. People are born productive no matter what so make good use out of them. What if the American military did that? What if any military forces in other countries did that? You know how much better the world with be if more people are given meaningful life experiences? I want to work with these people in Israel as well as to help serve Israel and explore the mysterious country because it has opportunities that even America doesn't have.
Meanwhile in America, all I heard is people WANTING to be disabled so collect welfare and keep their "woe is me" attitudes. Not to mention, some of those disabled people saying they want to live in Sweden, the UK, Germany, Norway, or any EU countries because their governments supposedly pay more into their healthcare and welfare when in reality, those countries actually have worse problems than America does (I do indeed have a few friends in Europe and if you're moving there because you want benefits, then you're going to be in for a shocker. Not to mention, their taxes are sky high and you would be disappointed to learn that life in Europe isn't really easier as they seem. If you're moving there because of job reasons, then that's fine but take their political situations into consideration though). Granted that there are disabled people in America busting their butts off to get better careers and I applaud them for that but they aren't appreciated enough in society. For example, I've read articles about people in America who want to stay morbidly obese as well as make videos of their gluttony and sell them through fat fetish websites because it gives them more money and they don't have to leave home. There are furries, whom I will not name, who want to live this way because to them, its sustainable even if its depressing. Yes I like fat furs but that's only to be kept in fantasy and never in real life.
If I were to indeed live in Israel, I may plan on going to graduate school there whilst in the IDF before returning to America with a unique experience to help me go for the top levels of the career ladder here and eventually have a family with wife and kids. I of course would be planning to get my own vehicle after returning here from Israel but here are some choices.
- A dark green hardtop Jeep Wrangler Unlimited to match my IDF uniform and keep up with the military theme.
- A gray Toyota 4Runner. (Modern and tough looking as well as a dadmobile. lol)
- A blue Honda CR-V (It has more personality than a Honda Pilot in my opinion.)
No I am not going to be harassing Palestinians and Muslims since the IDF does not do that despite the media claiming otherwise. I did research about Israel and learned that its surprisingly a great country but also underrated. They are even tolerant too but their country has the Kashrut dietary laws so I know I will be giving up pork. For example, if you like bacon cheeseburgers, then too bad because that's banned in Israel because it uses meat and cheese together, uses two different meats, and bacon is pork which is forbidden. If you like shellfish, then that's also banned in Israel because of their dietary laws. And no I am not converting to Judaism. In fact, not all people in Israel are Jewish even though the majority are overwhelmingly so which I don't mind at all. I do know that even if many people in Israel speak English, I would need to learn Hebrew as well and maybe Arabic.
Here's a couple links about foreigners in the IDF.
And some surprising stuff to know about Israel from my research:
- Israel is actually a developed country.
- Advanced technology and internet communications are prevalent throughout Israel; especially Tel Aviv. (Meaning I will have internet to use to communicate with you guys anywhere online.)
- There are indeed Vietnamese people living in Israel though most live in Tel Aviv.
- Israel allows homosexuality and Tel Aviv has a huge gay scene and no one there is complaining.
- You can go to Israel's beaches in your typical beach clothes and no one will complain.
- Dead Sea? You can float on that and plus its good for your skin.
And if you're wondering what a Vietnamese person like me would look like in an IDF uniform, here's a couple pics.
I may not plan much on joining the IDF since at the moment, I'll just invest myself in America. And yes I love military related things as evidenced on the military and high-tech equipment worn by my fursona along with my other characters as well as my stories utilizing a lot of military elements. Do you think the IDF can be a good choice for me or should I stay out of it? If you're wondering which city in Israel I want to live in, I want to live in Haifa because Tel Aviv is the most expensive city to live in Israel as far as I know.
Can't believe that the man who made modern family life more fun through his games died so young at 55. Nintendo wasn't just another great video game franchise; it was also a franchise that brought brothers, sisters, friends, and cousins together. May he rest in peace.
A crossdressing foreign bearded white man in drags singing lines in Japanese in his metal voice... Wow... My attention was on him the whole time because there is no way anyone, even in Japan, could just ignore him.
[yt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8-vje-bq9c[/yt]
On a side note, yes I do have a few cross-dressing characters but they're furries. Humans doing that looks weird to me but worse when said humans have beards.
I sometimes like to add in controversial characters to my RPs so that my friends understand that there's more than just two sides of good and evil. During my RPs with leothetiger and 16weeks, both mentioned that there are superheroes who act more like narcissistic jerks because they use their powers and abilities to justify themselves before the others as well as to make themselves special which is of course, wrong. Now, making characters with superpowers or special abilities are actually quite difficult for me because creating such heroes should not come at the cost of flexibility. Most of my characters use weapons in place of powers and special abilities because to me, they're more flexible that way and that they are often forced to be creative if they don't have powers when engaging against more powerful enemies during combat.
So anyways, I have an idea albeit a controversial one. I'm thinking about making an organization for my RPs with my superhero friends at least where the organization consists of superpowered beings who claim to be heroes but they act more like jerks and boast themselves against others because of their powers and abilities. They would often ignore the Laws of War and beat up any criminals, even the ones who commit the most minor of crime (hello police brutality), to justify themselves and boast themselves. They would even beat up bullies, even if they're just minors, or worse, use their powers against them, which would breach the Laws of War and would even get my supervillains involved to get them to stop.
So I was wondering if I can create an organiation of superpowered jerks who claim to be heroes when in reality, they would fall under my freelance characters category meaning that they are not clearly heroic nor clearly villainous but must be stopped before the situation gets worse? So, yay or nay to this?
Today, the American Supreme Court has legalized gay marriage all across the nation meaning that even states like Texas must now legalize gay marriage. The good news is that America is getting somewhere though not fast enough. The bad news? Some Americans are not too happy with this even if homosexuals do not affect their personal lives. One pastor in Texas threatened to set himself on fire over this but I wouldn't be surprised if its too late. Here's the link.
Wait a second, I thought Christians are strongly against suicide. What happened to this quote from the Bible?
"And I give to them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." John 10:28
If that's not bad enough, there's Twitter and Facebook posts of Americans packing up to move to Canada over this only to find out that Canada has legalized gay marriage across the nation TEN years ago! Oops! Not only did they waste money but they moved to a country that allows gay marriage across the nation too. In addition to moving to Canada, they must pay high taxes and deal with crappy pharmacies too. And the food in Canada? They will never be the same as it is here in America. Not to mention, internet in Canada is super slow compared to internet in America. Good luck with that!
Now that gay marriage has been legalized across America, now I'm curious to see how much this will impact my stories since they're full of political content. Plus, I have homosexual and bisexual characters but I do not state their orientation because I fear that their orientation may affect some of my RPs. But now that America did this, maybe I should be more comfortable in stating their orientation; especially with Juno and Zax whom are my gay furry characters from America though Juno lives in Spain after being born in America to Spanish immigrants from Mexico.
Fun fact: The country of Iraq has officially decriminalized homosexuality and allow gay marriage and yet, the majority of Iraqis are against it. Violence against homosexuals are still rife in Iraq despite their government's effort in quelling homophobia which has weakened a lot due to ISIS terrorists in the country.
As if dubstep wasn't bad enough, vaporwave is in my opinion, worse but also more dystopian in nature. From what I listened from vaporwave, they're mostly sampled pieces from 90s and 80s music but slowed down and sometimes, distorted. Though on a twisted side, they did provide some inspiration for use in my other works that I won't post on this account. What are your thoughts on vaporwave if you listened to them before? Me, they're dystopian and terrible to the point that I'll just stick with pop music from Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and China.
Due to complaints about my interest in fat furs, I decided to make a separate account on FA where I will be uploading most if not all of my fat fur content there. If you do not like fat furs, don't ask me for that account or look for it. Don't like it? Don't look at it! If you like fat furs and you're curious, you can always ask. The fat fur stories I have on that account takes place in a different timeline and universe so they are not related to my current RPs here.
The job I work in, I feel like I'm contributing to materialism to the point that it's poisoning society and keeping it segregated at all levels; especially by wealth, income, and commuting time to work. Where I work, most people want sports cars to show off or fancy luxury cars to show off too. How come most of my customers don't want to invest in trucks for business? Today's trucks are better looking, tougher, and more efficient. They're generally bigger too. I feel like we live in hell where America's economy is run by materialism than efficiency and newer ideas. Buy this! Buy that! Trucks are not appreciated enough. In heaven, there is order. In hell, there is pleasure. America's prosperity should not be defined by overindulgence but rather by improvements, new ideas, efficiency, and anything that betters the world. Consumerism will always exist but it should be used to promote efficiency without too much compromise. Instead, consumerism promotes overindulgence.
I felt like I came to America to turn people into my slaves. I have no duty in improving America. But one day, I hope to find a job that pays better and gives me duty. Working for the government is one way but personally for me. Engineering firms have duty. I wished America had more duty than overindulgence.
Chipotle is an American restaurant chain that prides itself in the quality of their ingredients to the quality of how they treat their employees.
This could also come in handy in my stories; especially after America was reformed by Zachary before his dictatorship fell though his legacy lived on such as most of his reform plans. In real life, it would be interesting to see if every American restaurant chain did this instead of raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Too bad the possibilities of that happening is too slim.
Apparently, there's a meme going on involving Mexican dark magic. Fake or real, this should never be attempted even if you're an atheist. If it looks suspicious or wrong, if its something your parents don't want to see, then you know it something you should not do. I'm not going to do this but if you did this and its real, don't come crying to me that I didn't warn you about the Charlie Charlie Challenge. In other words, no matter what your beliefs are, don't experiment anything that represents dark magic!