WTF JAPAN REALLY?!?!?!?! My goodness I can't believe that movie took place in a high school! And the main character was disturbing! I haven't bothered to see the latest perverted things Japan has been coming up recently but why can't the Japanese just take their perversions out on marrying and having kids instead?! It's much better than making absurd characters such as a high school teenage boy who turns into a superhero by wearing used panties on his face! And here I am in Japan wanting to live in America because it's not my country and Japan can be boring in some places. The Americans know how to have fun with a good time without producing absurdly sexual content on that extreme level. I wished Japan would do something more productive in their media than keep making content involving used panties and high-tech sex toys where the technology could be used for far more productive things instead!
Oh Japan....I'm honestly not surprised with what they come out with x3 say...I just noticed your underline quote on your journal and that quote. That from Overwatch?
No; that's from a Japanese music group called World Order where their group is known for their men moving and dancing and sync. Genki Sudo is one of their members and he has multiple careers.
genki sudo may have been quoting shogi effendi or abdu'l baha, i forget which, "mankind is one" circa more then a hundred years ago.
not that the thought hasn't been logical and universal, if repressed, since for ever.
marrying and having kids? on an overcrowded island? (ok 3 big islands and some little ones)
at least they're showing the imagination it was once america's cleche' of claiming them to lack.
if anything is perverted, it is the repressive nature of dominant western culture.
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