~Chuong's Journals
As someone who is western influenced, why not allow teachers to have guns too. However, it makes me wonder if technology like this is what's bringing us closer to making the anime, PSYCHO-PASS, become a reality.

5 months ago    

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I wished I've seen this live! Curling seems like a great winter sport. Makes me wonder what if more people were interested in curling.

5 months ago    

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Happy New Years and Welcome to The Year of The Doge!

such celebration
much money
very love
so red

Happy Doge Year!
5 months ago    

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I've always been allergic to scallops but never had any problems with other shellfish before. Yet I ate some crab cakes and developed an itchy and swelling reaction on my face around my mouth. I was in school when that happened so I had to see the school nurse so I was given some medication for this. Turns out from now on, no more shellfish in my life since the nurse said that I have to avoid all forms of shellfish. No oysters, shrimps, crabs, lobsters, crawfish, etc.

Good thing my reaction wasn't lethal or even painful but still, this is something I have to give up for the sake of my health. Welp there goes a bit of my enjoyment but its for the best of my health.
5 months ago    

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Welp as expected, I didn't do so well on my first accounting exam in my entire life. And I busted my ass off studying and hoping for the best as well as following instructions per syllabus. Stayed up all night, studying, everything. And then we have another upcoming exam but in class before that, the AC was broken and was ridiculously hot! I got super thirsty and being stressed for the next exam didn't make my health any better. I started to sweat, feel dizzy, become very thirsty to the point that I felt like I was dehydrated, felt like I was going to pass out, and now I'm considering about whether or not should I drop the accounting course or not even though my professor said that the upcoming exam is only three chapters as opposed to the six chapters in the first exam. I want to live but at the same time, I want to be successful. I'm only an MHA/MBA student not full MBA so me thinks MBA students are very prone to anxiety and worse, suicide.

I want out of this but at the same time, this is one of those things if I should proceed. I have to speak with my academic adviser if I should proceed or not. I want out but at the same time, I haven't known my potential of whether I will pass the class or not for my curriculum in order to graduate this fall as promised. Worst case scenario; I'd graduate in Spring. But I want to do full semesters; well not that I wanted to but I don't have much choices left.

If there was an easier way in life for me, I would take that path. But the choices I made in life got me far in a good way but sadly, I cannot turn back. Turns out there's no good easy life. There never was.

And on a bit of an unrelated rant, there's fucking hardline socialists trying to run for major political office in Texas which I hope god forbid don't win. One of them is a young man who wants to become a judge so he can raise taxes on working people in Houston and use that money to pay for the health treatment of the poor, including those who have criminal records. I thought prison facilities provided basic healthcare at least. Second, Houston has a huge human trafficking problem so his plans won't go well. Third, if the person is a paedophile, why should the money of successful people go to caring for their health? What about the victims and children? And then of course, as a future healthcare executive, these people are going to improperly paint me as the enemy of the people and have me taxed or thrown in jail. What policy does this remind you of? Hint; a country. If you think Venezuela, you are correct!

There's a lot of things people can do better than the government can. Healthcare happens to be one of them. Sure it may come with buy-ins, but at the same time, the more private healthcare, the better complete with price transparency. But that's just my opinion. Some private healthcare corporations do a better job helping the poor than the government can. Yes insurance can be a challenge but at the same time, people will find a way and convince the government that they had better ideas so the government don't have to do anything. Okay enough with the politics.

Another rant I wanted to make was the majority of autistic furries I met online. There are a few who are not the negative stereotype as welfare moochers and all (emphasis on this sentence because I do not stereotype; I only speak from personal experience). But the majority of autistic furries I met were like that and had everything they want handed to them. I used to envy them but as I got older and got more experience, I learned that when you work for the things you earned, its more satisfying and fun. Hence my boredom allowed me to purchase kemonomimi (ears and tails) for my enjoyment to go in public in them sometimes and much to my surprise, my friends and a lot of people enjoyed them. So I hope I do well enough in school to not only have a stable career but also be able to afford my future fursuit to express myself as a fun and outgoing person more and not just someone with a job or career.

I don't want to be boring and stale. I want to be successful and awesome. But I also worry not only about my stress from school but also the extent of political correctness before it hits a critical level. And then of course, the disturbing growth of the American youth being drawn to a dangerous idea as socialism mixed with anti-capitalism. A very good friend of mine said this will die, but how soon? Who knows? I just want to live a good life and contribute to society. Actually, more like be part of a major change for society and live a good life.

Sometimes, I often ask myself this question; what do I have to lose if things don't go well?

I just hope I can graduate this fall as promised, obtain my career that I wanted, and finally get my fursuit and life my life to the fullest. And hopefully go to MFF with my IRL friends with me since one of them is from Chicago.

I also wanted to perv out for my own enjoyment by deepthroating a wiener at home to de-stress myself before taking an exam but my school counselor told me it would be counterproductive and that the most logical way of handling situations like this is asking friends for support than to send a video of myself performing such an act to them to get their reactions.

And this video pretty much sums up about me at the moment.

5 months ago    

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My perception of what I usually perceive as a "normal average" person is one who either went to trade school or community college, has a job that only requires that level of education (trade worker, nurse, pipe fitter, etc.), generally conservative, and has a family with at least two children (though four children seems like the ideal number of children for the average family). They live in a family apartment block or in the suburbs of a smaller town or city. That's how I generally perceive what I consider as a "normal average" person.

If someone asks you what you think would fit as a "normal average" person, what would your perception on that be?
5 months ago    

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No we're not talking about how hard the classes are. Hey its graduate school; get used to it. I'm talking about the suddenly massive changes to the curriculum. Good news, lots of classes are being cut back in the new curriculum. Bad news, not used to the sudden changes. So here's what happened. In one of my classes, a professor had us in groups to talk about our future plans. Said professor sat down with my group and spoke to me about my plans. He told me that if I want to be a healthcare executive, I should consider a dual major degree which is a masters degree in healthcare administration and business administration. He said that a masters degree in healthcare administration only, it will only have me set up for a manager and considering the type of person I am, someone who wants to be the top of things and be influential, the dual major option is better. At first, I was worried about having to take a ton of more classes before I can graduate but turns out the worst that can happen is that I graduate in the spring of 2019. But I prefer to graduate this Fall. Most of my classes are 8 weeks long so the materials are more compressed but sometimes, not only do you have to remain confident, you also have to read the materials thoroughly and keep up with communications. Its what I learned.

What I learned from my professor is that not all managers are leaders but all leaders are managers. Why? Leaders have powerful influences over many people. Managers only manage a team for the leader for the most part.

I hope I don't get too stressed out. I want to graduate with honors. But either way, I am set for a career if I stick to my plans. I can make good connections in healthcare environments. Most importantly, I do want to have fun and enjoy life.

This Fall, I'm going to be super busy if I proceed to graduate this Fall. I have to take two seminars, on top of my classes, if I want to graduate. Its a lot but I am hoping I can do this. As they say in grad school, the last semester is usually the most difficult. Might as well bite the bullet.
6 months ago    

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This is an interesting topic from the Japanese government.


As for underdeveloped and rural areas, I think those areas are excellent for investment. Even as towns, a town can be economically productive and sustainable. In Hungary, the Hungarian government wants local population increase in not only the entire nation but also a lot in their smaller cities and towns. The smaller the town, the higher the demand for population increase. Of course I think there needs to be more work done to go above society 5.0 like connecting every town and city together with underground maglev trains. Otherwise, Society 5.0 is a very interesting topic. I wished every city and town were in the shape of octagrams at least as that makes zoning more efficient and makes movement of resources much easier than say a conventional grid city or even a circular city.
6 months ago    

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2018 is my last year in school and I can't wait to graduate this fall! I hope to graduate with my master's in healthcare administration with honours and hop right in to the career train in America. I also hope to send a down payment for my fursuit later this year so I can get my fursuit right after graduation! And it doesn't help that I'm so happy that I got an internship at a world class nonprofit hospital! WOOT WOOT!

Now like every year, there's always challenges. Its been hard for me to find a Vietnamese girl I like but why a Vietnamese girl? Because they are they people I can relate to the most. Would've been nice if there was a cute Vietnamese girl who's into healthcare and furries and recently moved to America from Canada to get away from that country's atrocious tax system and their idiot prime minister Justin Trudeau (in my opinion that is since Trudeau has done a lot of stupid things like giving a terrorist millions of dollars in Canada or pushing for open borders with unchecked immigration). But until then, I have to take one day at a time, attend the Vietnamese events in my school as much as possible in hopes of finding someone at least, be more open and talk to people, and of course, focus on my goals to graduate this fall.

Now I know later in 2018 is the Congressional elections in the United States and I want to vote but at the same time, I worry about increased leftist violence so I may just stay at home to be safe. Because either way, I have to focus a lot on schoolwork so I can graduate this fall. The people I want in Congress are the people who enforce the law and keeps federal overreach to a minimum as well as keeping taxes low as possible to promote business growth and allow companies to tackle society's problems and needs first before the government. I used to like Bernie Sanders but now, not anymore; especially if he owns three mansions. Something I learned in America is this; when politicians pander to people of a certain background than to speak for all people, they are the politicians you must avoid because they want class warfare.

So yeah 2018 is my year and I'm gonna rock this year! Oh yeah! I hope my American Dream comes true! This is my big year to come and I must live for my joys! I'm coming 2018!

I will also be in Las Vegas from January 3 to 6 so my responses will be very slow.
7 months ago    

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WTF AMERICA! I go into the stores and I see Valentine's Day stuff already?!?! Why would they make stuff for that so early?!?! What is going on? Why not make them late January like you usually do? This country is nuts! When people say prepare ahead of time, they don't mean this! Its nice to be early but sometimes, too early is bad. Come on America you know better than this!
7 months ago    

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with my master's degree in healthcare administration, I'm thinking about getting a nice affordable luxury SUV to not only put in the garage of my future home but also to make it easier for me to find the mate of my dreams, whom I know IRL, because a girl likes a guy who is smart and rich. No I didn't go to school for the money from my future career; I go to school because I see a solution to every problem we face and ignore in our daily lives. (Yeah healthcare administrators make good money; especially if they have gone to grad school. But its not as easy as how I make it because you have to improve the workflow process and you have to talk to your hospital staff a lot when they bring up their concerns. Don't forget about maintaining budgets too and how to increase revenue and keep expenses as low as possible.) Plus, I look to unorthodox solutions and solutions that have never been tried to common problems because I'm not like most people so I don't even know what normal is. And healthcare is where it begins where I can put my ideas and principles to the test on how to improve healthcare without relying on the government too much. So lets say I graduate with honors and I want to treat myself with a nice car. What brand should I go?


I want to make reasonable choices as I settle my future in the states. My options are very wide and numerous but I want to choose the best choices for me out there. I want to devote myself to a challenging cause so I can test ideas that have never been tried that will benefit all. And of course, I like to have lots of fun too from having more time to cook and post food pics on the internet to as I have in planned, fursuiting. 2018 is my last year in school and everything is going to be different because of my internship. I have lots of opportunities, but a lot of what I do in America, I'm technically on my own because very few people in my family, including myself, has even considered graduate school. So where I'm at the moment, I'm on uncharted territory where I have to do everything on my own. So for now, if I wanted to treat myself with a luxury car after graduating with honors, what car brand should I go?
7 months ago    

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What if this was common?


Imagine this being placed on top of every shop and office building from big cities to small towns. More fun than balloons and doesn't harm the environment. A win win for all and makes festivals much more fun!
7 months ago    

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And he's as savage as usual. Interesting to see how a world class British chef can take on a world class Korean chef.

7 months ago    

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Hey! So I have planned to go to MFF in 2019 after I graduate in the fall of 2018. As everybody has suggested to me, I should get a fursuit after graduation. Knowing how some fursuiters work, I may pay them sometimes during fall so they can work on my fursuit whilst I focus on my schoolwork so that after I graduate, my fursuit will come to me about right on time after I get my life settled in the States as a healthcare administrator.

Many fursuiters tend to have a commissioned furry badge from someone. I know thekc thekc does badge commissions. My fursona is a wolf soldier and I want to commission someone who is capable of making a fitting badge for me. I also like anime/kemono style furry badge but I don't know any good artist other than thekc thekc.

So, do you know any good furry artists who make good furry badges for people like me? I just want one and that one shall be the best. With commissions, I prefer quality over quantity. Just some ideas that's all since I want to have fun but be reasonable too.
7 months ago    

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On December 7, 2017, Australia has officially legalized gay marriage. Congratulations! At the same time, be weary of political correctness and those who seek to take advantage of this moment for their own gain. Though not every country will be better for gays, at least there are some that cares and Australia is one of them. Once again, congrats!
7 months ago    

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What is it with crazy fat people and YouTube these days? There was FatBoyGetDown who was on My 600 Pound Life, there's Simply Sara who cooks shitty junk food and keeps eating hog farm portions, then there's JoeysWorldTour. JoeysWorldTour is a fat guy who makes videos of himself literally ramming food in his mouth like a pig. On top of that, he makes videos of himself gorging on various fast food items in the name of "food comedy". That is depraved right there! I don't see how this is funny; its just gross! The video link below pretty much sums up what JoeysWorldTour is on YouTube WTF man!


Why would anyone let themselves go like this and make videos like that? All what Joey does is sit in his truck and devour various fast food items in his videos! Come on! Being weird is one thing but this is pure depravity! And that's not even mentioning his infamous Nutella challenge video.
8 months ago    

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2017 was quite a whirlwind but there were many lessons learned from this for me. The importance of community, the importance of people, and the rewards of challenges.

I used to be jealous of certain people on the internet because they seemed to get whatever they want and I had to work for my things. For example, someone with autism dropped out of high school and his dad took him to a theme park afterwards. It was ludicrous because a person with autism would get the most support to live a productive life than to be isolated as an invalid! And then there are people on the internet who decided that rather than finding a job to get out of homelessness, they would rather have someone who lives in a trailer park come pick them up from the streets after contacting with them online. And of course, there are people who purposely make themselves morbidly obese for fetish websites to earn money without leaving home and to get more money from the government for disability (and yes there were documentaries about this). Turns out the people who take the easy way out of life don't really have a life. They are living, sometimes sheltered, but are not alive.

I learned a lot in America. Everybody is born to be productive yes but to be alive is to go out and challenge one's self to something new. Some go to college, others go to vocational school, and few go to graduate school for something really big out there. In my case, it was healthcare administration. To me, it was something big out there because its about leading the healthcare industry to a better future and to challenge conventional ideas to help provide the best healthcare service to those in need and those who want them. I learned that in America, if you challenge yourself to something new, the rewards will be a lot greater than you think.

The American Dream was never built on delusions for an easier life but rather build on one's goals and those who support them one way or another such as a team. Nobody leads a healthcare facility alone because the healthcare business is about lives so a team is always needed. But then again, many big accomplishments are a result of ambitious individuals and small teams.

My dad told me that going out in the world and meeting people to make friends with is far more valuable and beneficial than having the coolest things. Because of what my dad taught me, I've been into modern minimalism; especially in interior designs. Keep it simple but at the same time, make it stylish and unique.

I also learned that love isn't just a relationship between two people. Love between two people is about going out together and contributing to the world with not necessarily work but with other things like pictures of their family or their lifestyles or helping pets together. Speaking of that, there's a cute Vietnamese girl in my school that I like very much and she likes huskies as much as I do so if things go well for me, we hope to have lots of fun in our lives. If not, well there are other Vietnamese girls I can get to have lots of fun with.

In America, there are two types of politicians; one who lies by claiming to be the hero for the poor to fight on the supposed rich enemies to fix society for them and one who rather let people figure things out themselves to challenge society and tackle problems themselves. America isn't a place where people can refuse to be productive and vote for leftist politicians to subsidize their living by taxing the working and rich ala California. Society doesn't owe you anything at all and to change society will ruin the lives of many. People like myself come to America because we want to make something for ourselves not ask the government to subsidize us and feel bad for us. The story of hardworking legal immigrants who come to America to contribute to society isn't spoken much anymore which disheartens me. In America, you can be yourself, but at the same time, you follow the laws like the others do because that's what equality is not subsidize "the poor minorities" because they aren't "privileged" as the citizens. (Goddammit Justin Trudeau you're ruining Canada that way!)

My dad says to think positive all the time because you will then do something positive. That reminds me of a wonderful furry here who goes by mysfurry99 mysfurry99 and boy is he full of energy and joy! He accomplished his dreams of becoming a professional chef and many are proud of him for that. Its not about what you have but rather what you can do and that is what America really is to me.

What can you do for society to change it rather than have society change you? Its the lesson I learned.

As 2017 comes to a close, I look forward to 2018; the Year of The Dog as well as the year of awesomeness and fun for me complete with tons of success! Sure I have my skeptical tendencies but seeing that I will begin the year with my internship at one of the top hospitals in America, lets just say, I'm all in!

With the European Union collapsing, I have a lot of hope for the future. Now if things like 3D printing for construction is perfected, then it would be a breeze to build private clinics allover the world at least. If Google and the World Health Organization worked together to improve healthcare technology and systems around the world together, that would be great. We don't have an operating system made for the healthcare industry yet but one day soon, it shall happen. As for the WHO, well I do wished they spent less on luxury hotel trips and more on doing what they are supposed to do. If I attended a WHO forum, I'd bring up that issue.

Anyways, I learned a lot about America and what the American Dream really means and I'm ready for it. You put in effort against a challenge, you will get great rewards. I hope to have my own suburban home so I can decorate it in all my modern Asian style minimalist elegance and show it off to my girlfriend before we adopt some husky puppies to make adorable videos with!
8 months ago    

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In a different hospital but much bigger and fancier! I'm going to be involved in some tech as a team captain in the hospital's administration so this is a huge thing for me. In addition to that, I will be given a career plan in that hospital so I hope that after I graduate, I work for that hospital! I couldn't be any more happy that I came this far in the States. I always wanted to change something for the better but little did I know, I'd be in something that nobody in my family has experienced before in a world of new beginnings. So here I am looking forward to the future and my life in America! I will be focusing on that more and yes as stated before, I will have a fursuit after graduation and will have a pic of my fursuit in cap and gown because, well, how else will I celebrate my milestone?

Its a big world out there and being part of the team in managing state-of-the-art hospitals, its going to be exciting to see more new and innovative healthcare facilities pop around the world. There's everything out there. But in the meantime, I hope the Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certificate isn't too hard for me. I will be taking that in lieu of a final exam in my class for this semester so I hope to end this year with an awesome note! 2018 is going to be super duper exciting for me! I am coming!
8 months ago    

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Sometimes, there comes a point when technology has gone way too far; the use of AI is one of them. AI is good for some things but can easily be abused. The Way of The Future is an example of this.


To me, this is pretty nightmarish. Can an AI truly decide what is moral? Not to mention, wouldn't this inspire new cults to form based on this?

The Terminator series has shown us what happens when technology goes way too far and ignores things like Asimov's Laws of Robotics. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare also shows the downside of technology. Then there's this.

Every day, we are getting closer to making movies like Chappie become a reality. Those its is nice to see technology advanced, basic laws and regulations must be there to make sure technology is kept in check and it not abused for questionable purposes such as forming a religion or cult based on tech.
8 months ago    

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11 hours a day for less than $10,000 USD per annum right?


No wonder why its becoming more common for anime artists to go independent. Its a niche after all. As if that's not absurd enough, Japan lowered its standards a little bit in hopes of attracting foreign talent into the anime industry but even that, the requirements to get into that as a foreigner is technically impossible. Might as well just say "No foreigners allowed in Japan unless you're fully Japanese by blood."

The biggest problem I have with Japan is that their work environment tends to be too rigid and people there tend to overwork themselves to death. I wished they calm down a little and focus on life more than just work but still look after their homeland. Poland is an example of a country that wants to be a little more chill yet be productive so people can focus on their own lives more. Also helps with maintaining and increasing native birthrate too.

In other words, Japan needs to chill down and their anime industry needs to improve their workplace. We need more work-life balance solutions to increase productivity and efficiency. The anime industry should not be way more stressful than say the military or even the healthcare industry as a surgeon. I like anime but at the same time, the companies hiring these anime artists in Japan need to treat them with dignity more often.
8 months ago    

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I don't understand. Most people go to trade schools because they're cheaper than universities yet teach real job skills that are high in demand such as welding or nursing. Just because some of these trade workers get their hands dirty on the job does not mean they cannot be part of the modern middle class. My dad has many family members in the US alone who are trade workers like mechanics to nurses. Many cute Vietnamese girls I met are in school for nursing and as a future healthcare executive, I don't see why I can't be attracted to cute Vietnamese nurses. Nurses in the US make good money anyways and I'm down for that.

I thought in American culture, the stereotypical hot American girl would love to marry a male trade worker since their lives are stable even together with children. Trade workers can afford to have their own families comfortable complete with two SUVs. Yet the American media bashes them as dumb and dirty?

Without trade workers, who's going to build our advanced machinery or buildings? Who's going to help assist medical professionals?

Its nuts!
8 months ago    

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It would be great but my friends told me that it can also be abused for porn too. We all know that porn is bad and questionable yet people look up that kind of stuff. However, using porn on mobile devices is worse. After all, its illegal to jerk it out in public whilst watching some porno on one's mobile device. Imagine the pervert trying to explain to police why they're watching porn on their mobile devices in public whilst jerking it. If porn these days are meant to be watched on computers and laptops, why should there be a need to have porn available on mobile devices for one's personal pleasures? After all, most people who watch porn would rather do so in private on their computers behind closed doors.

Not to mention, most people put their personal info in their mobile devices and using them to watch porn is worse as it increases the chance of one being leaked. Why have porn in the same place where one has their personal info, like employee identification information, in it?

Those gigabytes fill up quickly with images and videos these days and porn can fill them up quite quickly.
8 months ago    

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This opens to a lot of new ideas. At the same time, has technology gone too far?


Home life in the near future is going to be so super comfy. Oh man I'd be spoiled. Good thing I'm not my fursona IRL otherwise I'd be one big lazy wolf. lol
9 months ago    

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On October 15, 2017, the Austrian People's Party has won the most seats in their legislative election putting their youngest leader in European history; his name is Sebastian Kurz. Mmmmppph! Sebastian Kurz is more handsome and hotter than Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron and he is smart! Sebastian Kurz is pretty much a young Austrian version of Viktor Orban from Hungary and seeing that Austria has been snagged in the European Union, I can see Kurz rattling up some feathers in the EU and probably cause Austria to leave the EU. Its been confirmed; I will live to see the collapse of the EU and the elites panicking as new leaders take their countries back and protect them first. I do hope there's no neo-Nazism going on; just people who want to put their countries first and their own people first. People just want out of the EU these days because it no longer works for them.

Welp time to jump off the sinking EU boat. Meanwhile back in America, the federal government is a mess and holy crap California stop being so politically correct. At least the tides are changing and the future looks much brighter than ever.
9 months ago    

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Wanna know how? I have many American friends. Here's how their day got ruined.

There is a bacon festival and my friends go and they invite the others to come later in the day. I wanted to tag along. Bad news; on the live posts of the event on Facebook, the posts say they ran out of bacon THREE HOURS BEFORE THE FESTIVAL ENDED! OH THE TRAGEDY!

[insert tragic music here]

In America, there's never enough bacon. And when it comes to bacon festivals, there's always more people than there are bacon. Thus this is how you ruin an American's day; announce a bacon festival but end up running out of bacon three hours before closing.

I know a lot of folks in ~FACCC2 ~FACCC2 who love bacon and such news would be considered a tragedy to them.

Let us mourn to those who were anticipating to go to the bacon festival only to find out that they ran out of bacon.

[insert taps music here]
10 months ago    

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Solution to school shootings? (5 months ago)
USA Wins Gold Medal in Curling for First Time (5 months ago)
Welcome to The Year of The Doggo (5 months ago)
No More Shellfish (5 months ago)
I think I hit peak school stress. (5 months ago)
How do you perceive a "normal average" person? (5 months ago)
Sometimes, school drives me nuts! (6 months ago)
Society 5.0 (6 months ago)
Hello 2018! (7 months ago)
Valentine's Day merchandise arrived early?!?! (7 months ago)
So if I graduate with honors... (7 months ago)
Alternative to balloons? (7 months ago)
Gordon Ramsay Visits Korea (7 months ago)
Convention Badges (7 months ago)
Australia has Legalized Gay Marriage (7 months ago)
WTF FatTube SRSLY (8 months ago)
2017 in Review (8 months ago)
So I Got an Internship (8 months ago)
Religion Based on Tech (8 months ago)
Wanna be an anime artist in Japan? (8 months ago)
Why does the American media bash American trade workers? (8 months ago)
If smartphones had one terabyte of storage... (8 months ago)
Next-Gen Laziness (9 months ago)
EU Collapse Imminent (9 months ago)
How to Ruin an American's Day (10 months ago)