If I remember right, Telegram is kinda like a bit of Skype, AIM, and whatever but I don't get it as to why should I use Telegram. It sounds like its a lot of fun but it also seems kinda distracting. Since I'm going to be involved in healthcare full time soon, I want to prioritize my life and focus on my job first before even thinking about Telegram. If you have Telegram and you use it often, why do you use it often and what makes it so appealing?
I'm just curious that's all.
I will be on vacation for about 7 days starting August 8 so my responses may either be slow or I will be away.
Not yet but we're getting very close. Stealing the contents from a delivery robot would draw attention which gives ample time to immediately get the police involved. Quite amazing how delivery systems have evolved so rapidly. I'm sure courier services, especially the state-owned ones like the USPS, would cash in big on this as their demand for human workers become less. After all, the ideal society is where the government is the smallest as possible and the private sector has many businesses that seeks to maximize profit, production, and employment at the same time as much as possible.
[yt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPZwnc_Lk2M[/yt]
I know I've seen this before but often forget about them when I leave America but I noticed that maple flavoured sausages are quite popular in America. You see them in every American store and I'm guessing the sweetness of maple is supposed to go well with the savouriness and saltiness of the sausage. Of course this is more specifically for breakfast sausages. I never tried them before I don't think since they seem strange to me but I'm sure they taste good.
Do you like maple breakfast sausages? If so, how do they taste? Just curious since such a strange product often crosses over my mind since I normally don't see them overseas much from my own personal experiences.
Despite my blunder on the midterm and having to change my degree plan back to MHA only, I decided to proceed with my plans to order my fursuit next month. However, I want to be placed as far back on the list as possible so I can have time to look for the jobs I want and get accepted in them before March after graduating this December. Its about timing. I will plan to purchase airsoft gear later on to complete my fursuit. I hope the results will surpass my expectations and others' expectations.
I failed managerial economics midterm. I will just stick with the MHA degree instead of the MHA/MBA degree and just hope for the best. That means I am going to graduate earlier than planned. But whether I get a fellowship or not, what matters ultimately in the end is if I will have a career with an MHA degree alone or not but I should. However, I want to stay in America but Vietnam is the other option. Sadly in Vietnam, there are no furry conventions there and the closest ones there are in Malaysia and Thailand and I speak neither Thai nor Malay. I wanted to prove my worth here in America. I don't want to be told I'm not good enough. America has everything and brings the world together. I like Houston but I could be anywhere in America. I rather not be in states like California and New York due to their nutty politicians taking advantage of minorities and race-baiting them. Whatever happens from here on out, ultimately, I want to not only have a career but also to enjoy life. Many fursuiters use their acts to collect donations for certain organizations on their free time and I want to do that myself too. I just want to be part of something big here in America.
I will go to furry conventions as planned but I will not go to furmeets. I rather stick with my closest IRL friends and hide in the night at home wondering if I could do better or if there are better opportunities. I just didn't want to be seen as incapable. People are born to be productive and therefore should also enjoy life. But I feel like I had not worked hard enough to enjoy life however I want like wanting to go to furmeets just to see what its like. I'll stick with furry cons instead.
I hope there's a better way for me and also a less stressful way. I was told I can be a healthcare executive with an MHA alone. Lets try that and see what happens.
And that makes me super duper happy! Hemp and marijuana may look similar at first and yes it is true that they are the same species but upon closer inspection in chemistry, only marijuana has high levels of THC unlike hemp.
Hemp can be made into almost anything you can think of. Clothing, medicine, livestock feed, foodstuffs, and even building materials! Yet, hemp isn't limited to those. The cool thing about hemp is how easy they are to grow compared to cotton and how fast they grow. Hemp has been made into plastics as well. Man I wished more things around us were made from sustainable reliable materials like hemp and bamboo at least.
Looks like America just got greener from this bill of legalizing hemp as an agricultural crop and commodity so there's a huge bright future for the world. Time to invest in hemp!
Please bear in mind that I do have friends who identify as trans and I hold nothing against them for that. However, the way "transgender activism" is going these days, I just cannot support it and there is no way it is the same as homosexuality and bisexuality. I don't like the idea of teaching transgenderism in public schools for children because children are in their developmental stages. Not to mention, big pharma profits off of "transgender activism". If you know basic economics, you would know that the higher the demand for a product/service, the higher the price will be. If most "transgender activists" understand this concept, they would know that their agenda doesn't just screw certain people over; it screws everybody over. The person who needs tamoxifen due to breast cancer diagnosis for example could be financially screwed because the same drug is also used in "hormone therapy".
If people want to go trans, they should do that in adulthood but pay for their own services than to let "activists" demand the government to levy taxes to make this service "free" for any trans who wants this. There's also a lot of risks with sex reassignment surgery and making children candidates of this because they identify as another gender is way too risky. Even if society were to be fully accepting of transgendered people, this is still too risky; especially for children.
I've also heard about how Bangkok, Thailand, is the transgender capital of the world and how there are surgeons who profit from sex reassignment surgery. At the same time, the city has a lot of risks for people seeking to undergo sex reassignment surgery. Thailand, according to the world's standards, is a developing country and developing countries have more risks than developed countries. Diseases, poor infrastructure, counterfeit drugs, etc. can be prevalent in developing countries. Thailand and Vietnam is infamous for black market drugs and its no surprise that criminals also sell black market hormones to transgenders which is dangerous for their health since we don't know if the drugs are genuine or even expired.
To me, "trans rights" is just business opportunity for big pharma at least to profit off of. Then you have other businesses catering to transgenders that see this as opportunity. But to have children involved in this will harm their psychological development.
I also work in healthcare and transgendered patients who already underwent sex reassignment surgery are very risky to deal with. If they do not tell the truth about their biological sex, the doctors could prescribe them the wrong medication by mistake which may be lethal to them. And that's not what I want happening.
I also think "trans rights" is an absurd form of population control because we are actually sterilizing people who seek to "change their gender" and yes I do think, in scientific terms, destroys families. Lets say a pre-op parent have children and they decide to undergo sex reassignment surgery and they force their transgender ideas on their children. Their children will grow up confused. This also goes for the same for transgenders who adopt children to push their ideology on them.
I have nothing against trans adults but the way "transgender activism" is going to involve children in this is scary. I just cannot and will not support "trans rights". Stats already show that transgenders in general are far more likely to kill themselves than homosexuals, bisexuals, and heterosexuals. No doubt that the majority of healthcare workers in the world will agree that sex reassignment surgery is dangerous. I don't want to deal with cases of dead children simply because they want to "change their gender" and then having to explain to their parents of what happened. There's a lot of regret with people who undergo sex reassignment surgery and realizing that they damaged their bodies permanently.
I know the link below may have some politically leanings but this one has scientific facts.
Thus this is why I cannot support "trans rights" if its going to involve children in this.
The creator of this talks about how job automation can improve the lives of people and productivity. He mentioned something about the 5% time that gives workers time to do other things like reading a book. People are meant to be flexible and are not meant to do the same repetitive jobs all day. With the rise of instant messaging and the demand for personal customer service, perhaps, more of these people looking for their first jobs in their lives could go into customer service at least.
Job automation does not "destroy" jobs; it increases the productivity of people in general.
I made the mistake of buying dumpling wrappers that are made in America but by a company owned by Asians in California and learned that there's a reason why in Japan, eggs are not added as an ingredient for gyoza dough for wrappers. The dumpling wrappers in America, even if they are marked gyoza, tend to be thicker yet more fragile and sticky to work with and eggs tend to make them that way. I don't know if eggs are commonly used in western dough or not but to me, eggs are for breakfast. Technically what I just bought are technically egg roll dough that are in the shape of circles which kinda annoyed me. Guess I'll stick with gyoza wrappers imported from Japan because they keep the ingredients simple and yet they have good quality where they are not too thick but thin enough to hold the filling together without breaking when steamed.
If Americans are going to make dumpling wrappers, they should know that wheat flour and water is all is needed.
Sorry for my mini-rant over dumpling wrappers made in America but its just so weird to me and I got curious that I wanted to try them only to find out they're not to my tastes.
China is becoming a lot more like Black Mirror everyday these days.
We've gone too far now. Police drones and street cameras are about enough as it is. Also...
"At Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, stun gun-wielding robots patrol crowds of tourists. While the robots negotiate their own path along designated routes, the stun guns are activated by an officer controlling the bot remotely."
Yeah. A stun gun is still a weapon. I hate to see these robots with guns in them. We've gone too far these days.
Some people are so curious, they just want to keep experimenting with technology regardless of the costs. Why? Its all about efficiency through job automation. This however, is a bit dangerous.
Hopefully, more people would wake up and say "WHOA! We've gone too far with this!" and do something about it.
At this rate, China may be a world producer of dystopian technologies for governments to maintain stronger control without using much resources. There's the difference between enforcing the law and this.
Political correctness always worries me because of what most people would consider normal and acceptable is suddenly seen as offensive. Not to mention, the punishments for "offending" someone gets really excessive. In a lot of the first-person-shooter games I like to play, especially Halo, I teabag players after I kill them. Apparently, not too long ago in Overwatch League, people were outraged when a player teabagged someone in the game after killing them there. I get it that this is an e-sport event and people should be professional but at the same time, don't hate the player, hate the game. If Overwatch didn't want teabagging in the game, they would've had the bodies disappear after they're killed in the game almost like Fortnite. Another thing that bothers me a lot is that Blizzard is now going as far as to monitor the YouTube channels of their players to make sure they are not "trolling" other players in Overwatch and all. Its nuts! The video below pretty much says what went really wrong with Blizzard in the world of e-sports.
[yt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwM7qn9SUuA[/yt]
And here's the video about teabagging in Overwatch.
[yt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlFLrS4Ffs0[/yt]
Fine. If e-sports events in America want to be that politically correct, I'll just not have to waste time participating in them. I'll just go play other games I like and teabag people from there. Hell, I'll even make videos of myself teabagging people in the games I play and plaster them on YouTube for laughs.
A game is a game after all. I can't believe Blizzard got butthurt over Tracer's butt pose and now this. Blizzard needs to start respecting the private lives of their e-sports players more often too.
Ugh I hate the EU so much! With the whole thing about GDPR, its a lot more complicated than it looks! Thank goodness I don't live in Europe anymore but when it comes to fines, shouldn't a COUNTRY be the one to issue the fines and not the European Union? To me, this is an opportunity for the EU elites in Brussels to fill their coffers. The EU was supposed to promote free trade and improve economic relations but it became the bureaucratic monster that we know of today with all these bloody regulations and fines left and right! EU fines this! EU fines that! And they are aimed at big companies so the elites and politicians supporting the EU can fill their pockets up with money more.
I have a lot of reasons why I hate the European Union so much. They steal money, waste money, threaten innocent European countries, etc. Its ridiculous! Its all about leading the EU to get more money in the pockets of the elites!
Not to mention, the people leading the EU are not elected! No wonder why the EU likes to bully countries like Hungary when Hungary stands up for themselves! The EU is going to fall apart because its becoming a tool for force and control!
Its one thing for a national government to pass regulations within a country but when an economic union tries to force that on all member countries, it becomes a gigantic headache and waste! Bureaucracy on top of bureaucracy on top of bureaucracy come on! Why does so many things in Europe have to go through the EU like this these days?
Some people would rather keep it simple. Others are more interested in putting their countries first.
Where is internet freedom in Europe these days? All I see from the EU is a bunch of mumbo-jumbo in hopes that the elites behind the EU can make more money from to stuff their pockets with through fines against companies.
Some people might be praising EU for their social programs but hey the EU has to find a way to fund these programs and brainwash people by telling them that if they vote pro-EU, they will have their social programs. I prefer the Hungarian model of social programs and government under Viktor Orban for every European country because these lawless migrants are not contributing to their development and they hurt everybody including their fellow migrants themselves!
No I am not "alt-right", I hate the EU with a burning passion because the excess bureaucracy they impose on member countries is just outright insane and it threatens their right to be autonomous nations. Countries have the right to look after themselves whether other countries agree or not. Look at Saudi Arabia for example. Yeah not a lot of people like Sharia but at the same time, this is what the Saudis want. So, yeah.
GDPR is unnecessary screw that! The countries should decide their own internet laws not an economic union over their member states. And if for example say Italy wants to censor porn, well that's their thing. Iceland banned porn and people there are doing okay as far as I know. So let the countries do whatever they want as long they are not a threat to other countries.
Eurovision; its becoming more of a shitshow these days. I remember the time when Eurovision had some merit and talent. And then of course, I love European techno and trance at least. The beats, the livelihood, the movement, etc. First was a bearded woman thing, an insult to gays and lesbians, and now this fat Israeli chicken! What the hell is going on with Eurovision these days?! I could go on a rant about this but do they lost standards for actual talent?! Its embarrassing of what it has become! I might as well call Eurovision, Derpovision! I also used to live in Europe too for crying out loud! Looks like continental wide events have fallen. No wonder why European nationalists are on the rise and are like "Screw these continental wide events for Europe! We'll just focus on our nations and have our own competitions from our own people instead!" First the EU, now Eurovision, and soon, more people around the world will recognize Europe as this; a continent. That's it; just a continent! And if people are going to talk about a certain place in Europe, they would mention countries often.
Eurovision has fallen... I'm done with that! No one is going to care since they're losing views anyways.
Holy crap the main character, Retsuko, has a lot of anger problems from her stress! Death metal at the karaoke? Wow... I could imagine her rage when she plays games like Call of Duty Online with other players or even Overwatch. Her death metal voice would shred apart the game audio systems and make people go deaf and have migraines after shouting death metal so hard that her voice obliterates everybody's headsets.
So lets just say you're playing some kind of online game, maybe an MMORPG or an FPS type of game at least, and you see that Retsuko is in your lobby. What would you do if you discover that you will be playing against Retsuko through an online game? *snickers*
I'm glad North Korea decided to go ahead to cancel their nuclear programs and abandon them before going forward with denuclearization. This is a good thing and I'm happy to see that peace talks are in progress between North and South Korea. Looks like the future will be bright for the Korean Peninsula. There are a lot of Korean furries and a good number of them are on active duty due to conscription laws. Even though conscription may not end soon quickly, at least with the high chance that Korea gets reunited as one nation, maybe we'll see Korean furs leave early from active duty to be more free as the Korean military will only consist of volunteer professional soldiers. Or if they keep the draft, at least no one is going to be in the military fearing for their lives.
I hope things go well and the North Korean regime comes to an end for reunification. There's a lot of work that needs to be done but from where things are going, I hope for the best.
Looks like our children won't have to grow up in fear anymore at this rate since at the rate where things are going, no one is going to be launching or testing missiles and nukes against each other. I hope things go well in Korea.
So after graduating from school and settling my life in the states, I'm thinking about making cooking videos in the near future on YouTube at least. Reason why I want to do stuff like this is because other than fursuiting videos that I have planned to do, I want to be flexible and entertaining for myself and others just to see how far I can go in online entertainment. You know, just for fun. So I have this idea that may seem crazy.
I am planning to get my airsoft outfit in the near future as my convention getup because I want to mix furry and military theme together with a touch of anime to it. There's a weird chance that I may have more than one airsoft outfits that I can wear in conventions should I stay in the hotels or I feel like spicing things up a little. So I was thinking what if I do something that may seem crazy at first.
Question is this; do you think I should make cooking videos of me wearing my airsoft outfit (minus my anime wigs and furry stuff to avoid risks of fire accidents in the kitchen) whilst cooking food or should I just stick with normal cooking videos?
Reason I asked is that there's not a lot of videos of people dressed as soldiers cooking gourmet style food in the kitchen.
(If you're asking, no I will not have airsoft goggles and/or helmets.)
Funny enough, China was doing this before America was. But then again, this article is interesting.
Would've been nice if I could choose a house model I want before buying it rather than buy a premade home. But 3D printing homes are quite a solution. Its 2018 and yet 3D printed homes aren't mainstream yet.
The future of construction has never looked brighter. Fewer people but more productivity and quality. After all, who wouldn't want to live in a concrete home built for you? Not to mention, concrete homes can withstand powerful weather elements and fires.
As someone who has worked in hospitals, these would come in handy in creating more hospitals and clinics to fulfill demand more quickly. Pretty cool isn't it?
I'm going to say this one more time; cub art is unacceptable due to the content of it. Its more than just a drawing; there is content in them and that content is as bad as child porn. I saw a journal from a British furry about some drama involving an artist liking cub art or something like that. I can see why people are upset at it; especially those who have been abused as minors. I work in healthcare and part of being in healthcare is accepting the fact that we will have minors as patients in the ER due to sexual abuse and it happens. To justify cub art as a work of fantasy doesn't help it because the content involves sexual acts with a minor. FA already has a policy explicitly stating that cub art will not be allowed. Dragoneer said that if any works involves sexual acts with a minor, regardless of reason, it will be removed and the person will be banned for posting this. Sometimes, even reported to local authorities.
One guy who claimed to be a fur bitched about my affinity for having a fursona who carries military weaponry and depicting other furries with weapons. There's a reason why its acceptable to have fictional characters with weaponry than it is having a minor fictional character engaging in sexual acts; an armed character could be seen as a hero who inspires the hero in others. Cub art is porn and perpetuates the idea that it is okay for minors to engage in sexual acts in a fantasy setting which is no different from a real setting. And besides, why are some people arguing over this? Like many furs, I will continue to depict and sometimes draw furries with weapons.
Countries like Germany, last time I checked, can check into people's electronics for any reason and if they see something, that person gets pulled over. Do you honestly think freedom of expression allows this degeneracy? Think again!
People have judgement of what is acceptable and what is not. The people who draw yiff are aware of the risks and are careful about it. And besides, if the drawing looks suspicious and it may be interpreted as wrong, why produce it?
What I learned in America is that even though the country is free, is is also a nation of laws. Self-expression is okay as long they pose no harm or threat to themselves or anyone. Also note that Donald Trump has signed an executive order allowing the federal government to shut down websites that contribute to online human trafficking. I wouldn't be surprised if sites like InkBunny (KILL THAT WEBSITE AND ARREST THEIR PAEDOS) gets shut down and Trumped to stop this.
Again, there is no justification to cub art. They should never exist and what the furry fandom needs more of is awareness of law and order not more "love and tolerance". We are already "tolerant" enough as it is; its time we start being aware of common laws and order more often. And if you like traveling like I do, you'll never know when you enter a country where there's virtually no internet privacy from the government.
Use common sense, pay attention to the laws, and analyze the potential consequences of your choices before proceeding.
I've been seeing more bottles of avocado oil being sold in the food section of grocery stores or at least here in the US. Are avocado oil supposed to be substitute of olive oil? From what I heard, when avocado oil is cooked with other ingredients, it tends to give a slight taste and smell of mushrooms to the food. I don't know but to me, it seems pretty new that avocado oil is now a common culinary ingredient. Something tells me that we'll have a bigger global avocado surplus than ever before; especially with the development and advancement of agricultural technology. I like avocados; they're tasty, healthy, and a bit filling at the same time. They give you some energy throughout the day.
Literally, Japanese fast food; for the most part. Kura has chains allover the world after they took off like crazy allover Japan. Could this be the future of dining? Yes this is my video.
[yt] https://youtu.be/FsCQmx9SUxg[/yt]
Airsoft matches are supposed to be fun and fair. Why would anyone need to pay $3,840 for this?
This is ridiculous and mostly unrealistic! Sure it looks fun and all but do you really need this in airsoft? Come on!