- Memory
- Load
- Process list
- Network interface
- Disk I/O
- IRQ / Raid
- Sensors
- Filesystem (and folders)
- Docker
- Monitor
- Alert
- System info
- Uptime
- Quicklook (CPU, MEM, LOAD)
Written in Python, Glances will run on almost any plaftorm : GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, OS X and Windows.
Glances includes a XML-RPC server and a RESTful JSON API which can be used by another client software.
Web UI
No terminal at hand ? Use the built-in Web UI and monitor your system from any device.
Export all system statistics to CSV, InfluxDB, Cassandra, OpenTSDB, StatsD, ElasticSearch or even RabbitMQ. Glances also provides a dedicated Grafana dashboard.
Get started
Glances Auto Install script
To install the latest Glances production ready version, just enter the following command line:
$ curl -L https://bit.ly/glances | /bin/bash
$ wget -O- https://bit.ly/glances | /bin/bash
Note: Only supported on some GNU/Linux distributions.
PyPI: The simple way
Glances is on PyPI. By using PyPI, you are sure to have the latest stable version.
To install, simply use pip:
$ pip install glances
Others methods ? Read the official installation documentation.
Get help from others users or from the Glances developers and stay in touch with us. But never forget : always RTFM!
You want more informations or contribute to the Glances project ? Look at our user manual and the development wiki.