Update on the Strzok-Page Texts Showing FBI Initiated MULTIPLE SPIES in Trump Camp

I have looked at these, and the reasons people give for why they are going to make a difference. My thoughts: They will not make a difference. If what they have on Comey and others at this time did not land them in the federal pen within a day, adding more to the pile is not going to do anything, especially since there's nothing new that we did not already know. REMEMBER: THEY KNEW THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THESE TEXTS THE WHOLE TIME AND NO ONE FRIED. WHY WOULD HAVING THE PUBLIC KNOW MAKE A DIFFERENCE? The public is irrelevant, these got released only after it was confirmed no one would fry.

Yesterday I basically said "nothing to see here, move along", and I am going to repeat that today. The real story is that everything is so corrupted that no matter what anyone has on Clinton and cohorts, no one will fry. Only a civil war can fix a system that is so far gone. Absent that, nothing to see here, move along.

Update to the Fuego volcano eruption in Guatemala

At this time, it appears the death toll is lower than the initial estimates that were given a short time after the eruption, however the rest of the report including the volcano totally covered in glowing lava is still current.

Most of the deaths were caused by the ash cloud. The Fuego volcano first shot out an enormous ash cloud, and lava quickly followed. Obviously they don't call it the "fuego" volcano without a reason, "fuego" is Spanish for fire. This volcano is far far more dangerous than Kiluea, which could be called a "pet volcano" that puts on a good show compared to others, which are actually dangerous.

An absolutely great comment (read the reply)

Mike Adams of Natural News will launch a Youtube alternative video site

Here is his pitch. I might actually use this.

FIVE reasons to ditch YouTube and switch to REAL.video

Mike Adams

(Natural News) As we're all well aware by now, YouTube is no longer a platform for freedom of expression. Over the last two years, YouTube has systematically censored, demonetized and banned video channels that cover cannabis, liberty, natural health and firearms self-defense. This has turned YouTube in an echo chamber of stupidity driven by corporate narratives and globalist disinfo.

REAL.video launches in July, providing a free speech alternative to YouTube. Upon launch, it will almost instantly become the new hub for the most powerful and well-informed videos on the 'net', covering everything from daily independent news to censored science and medicine.

There are five powerful reasons to ditch YouTube and switch to REAL.video. These reasons include:

REAL.video is a platform engineered to protect your free speech. It's run by independent-minded free thinkers, not an evil globalist corporation like Google. This means you can finally stop censoring yourself and actually tell the whole truth in your videos without fear of being cut off.

REAL.video has an affiliate program that can earn you revenues from the massive e-commerce retail operation launching with it. (More details coming soon.)

Our editorial team may help you promote your videos and video channel by writing articles about your video content. This costs you nothing.

You are free to attract your own sponsors and get paid by your sponsors for your video views. We don't get involved in your sponsorship arrangements, and we don't take a cut of your revenues, either. (Unlike Google / YouTube, which demands a cut.)

My comment: I will post a link when this is launched. Let's all hope this flies.

I did not miss the "500 pages released by the FBI with "bombshell" report

If you saw that, I call BULLSHIT. I did not miss it. That particular source has no credibility with me, and is flying high because Google and everyone else lets it. This is allowed by them because there is TOO MUCH BULLSHIT THERE, every time I see a juicy headline and that source quoted I go flat instantly because when I dig into it, nothing pans out, it just reads good. Sure enough, there's nothing there this time also.

I am not going to start posting bullshit just because it will be allowed to go viral.


I try hard not to rip other web sites directly, so I did not name the actual site.

Here is a report that is not bullshit: Girl challenges David Hogg to an armwrestle

Click the image below to go straight to her actual twitter

FACT: She'd kick his butt, and she's cute!

The Miss America pageant has canceled the swimsuit portion of the pageant. I therefore suggest they strongly consider this girl for Miss America, she's definitely it, and does not need a bikini to prove it.

Very unique cure for cancer found

Unlike what they would have you believe, there are many ways to kill the cancer cat, here's a new one.

Summary: A doctor isolated the exact white blood cells that were attacking a woman's cancer already (but there were not enough of them doing it.) He" then grew billions of those exact cells rapidly in a cell culture and administered them to her via IV. They attacked the cancer and killed it. That was a very unique approach to solving a problem. Kudos. The actual report text follows:

From the BBC (so you know if they reported this it is probably not a click bait hoax, despite the fact that the BBC is mostly a hoax) Not this time.

The life of a woman with terminal breast cancer has been saved by a pioneering new therapy, say US researchers.

It involved pumping 90 billion cancer-killing immune cells into her body.

Judy Perkins had been given three months to live, but two years later there is no sign of cancer in her body.

The team at the US National Cancer Institute says the therapy is still experimental, but could transform the treatment of all cancer.

Judy - who lives in Florida - had spreading, advanced breast cancer that could not be treated with conventional therapy.

She had tennis ball-sized tumours in her liver and secondary cancers throughout her body.

She told the BBC: "About a week after [the therapy] I started to feel something, I had a tumour in my chest that I could feel shrinking.

"It took another week or two for it to completely go away."

She remembers her first scan after the procedure when the medical staff "were all very excited and jumping around".

It was then she was told that she was likely to be cured.

Now she's filling her life with backpacking and sea kayaking and has just taken five weeks circumnavigating Florida.

Living therapy

The technology is a "living drug" made from a patient's own cells at one of the world's leading centres of cancer research.

Dr Steven Rosenberg, chief of surgery at the National Cancer Institute, told the BBC: "We're talking about the most highly personalised treatment imaginable."

It remains experimental and still requires considerably more testing before it can be used more widely, but this is how it works: it starts by getting to know the enemy.

A patient's tumour is genetically analysed to identify the rare changes that might make the cancer visible to the immune system.

Out of the 62 genetic abnormalities in this patient, only four were potential lines of attack.

Next researchers go hunting. A patient's immune system will already be attacking the tumour, it's just losing the fight between white blood cells and cancer.

The scientists screen the patient's white

blood cells and extract those capable of attacking the cancer.

These are then grown in huge quantities in the laboratory.

Around 90 billion were injected back into the 49-year-old patient, alongside drugs to take the brakes off the immune system.

The BBC report (which is quite detailed) continues here

One correction to the story: Women do not have chests, they have breasts. But not in the "pc" world, which I reject entirely.

Yes, that would be an interesting cure for cancer, that would be as good as any.


The Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupted, and has killed over a thousand people with the ash cloud. In addition to this, this particular volcano produces fast moving lava that can't be outrun, and this lava has killed many people, in addition to the original blast.

Hawaii has one of the friendliest volcanoes on earth, it does not kill people with explosions and ash clouds, and you can run away from the lava. Kiluea does not produce scenes like this:

Though the destruction in Hawaii is bad, everyone who built there knew this could happen, and everyone had PLENTY of time to get out. In Guatemala, no one had any warning and though they knew it could happen, it killed many people because the volcano went from asleep to that photo in a few hours, if not literally immediately.

I just noticed something - there are not any "Haarp" lightning bolts in that picture. Why are so many volcanoes now producing them when they go off? The above photo, and photos of Hawaii, are what I grew up expecting from a volcano. They are not totally lit up electrically.

Problems since posting in favor of Manuel Lopez Obrador and against Anaya

Since that seems to be the case, I am bumping that post to the TOP OF THE PAGE. If I think I am being messed with, (this is why I am posting at 1 PM and not 7 AM,) getting messed with is a sure way to trigger a re-post because I know I hit the bullseye. SO HERE IT IS.


Currently Mexico is not a shithole country, according to all world economic indicators it is number 15. You can't be that high on the list (ahead of even some European countries) and be a shithole. ONLY THE MEXICANS WHO GO NORTH BELONG IN SHITHOLE COUNTRIES, BECAUSE THEY WANT BETTER TARGETS FOR CRIME AND TO SUCK OFF WELFARE. THE ACTUAL MEXICAN MIDDLE CLASS IS ANYTHING BUT SHITHOLE!!!

Anaya will destroy the Mexican middle class by taxing it into oblivion to support all his bullshit and at the same time he will put divorce courts, abortion clinics, and child snatching social workers IN OVERDRIVE, while calling that freedom, at the same time he flushes all legitimate staff out of universities and replaces it with blood sucking brainwashing liberals and causes Mexico to become FAG CENTRAL, TAKE THAT TO THE BANK AND CASH IT, if you think crime in Mexico is bad now, just wait till Anaya's policies wipe Mexican families out by making things "so much better" for the women. NOT!!!

LOPEZ OBRADOR HAD BETTER WIN THIS ELECTION, BELIEVE ME, YOU REALLY DO WANT A MEXICAN TRUMP SOUTH OF THE BORDER, there won't be any more shit coming north because Mexicans would have no where else to look up to, their country would be fixed and to a large degree, even the underclass would be greatly improved.

If you want "nice" out of me, attacking my shit is not the way to accomplish that, the following is comparatively "nice!"


AZ central, (Subsidiary of USA TODAY) published a hit piece on Mexican Presidential Front runner Lopez Obrador.

With the headline: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is America's worst nightmare they led into a theme of how Obrador is going to turn Mexico into Venezuela. That's B.S., the reality is that the American media is bashing Obrador the way they did Trump, because Obrador is Mexico's Trump. If Obrador gets his way once elected, Mexico is going to absolutely explode upwards economically and even spiritually. Here's why:

1. Oil exploration and exploitation by Mexicans in Mexico, not foreigners in Mexico, will begin.

2. Foreign corporations will be regulated and taxed, and huge monopolies that cause prices in Mexico to be outrageous on tech items and many other items will be broken. Obrador is pissed at monopolistic predatory practices of a few elite Mexicans, and foreign corporations in general. And from what I see, it definitely is a problem here.

Obrador will also clean up the horrendously corrupt importation process, and actually make it possible for Mexicans to buy things online (currently everything gets stolen via bullshit customs paperwork excuses - if you are not "in" they will hold your item and charge you approximately $100 USD per day for "storage" until you tell them to keep it and then they "legitimately" steal it, and that's not an exaggeration) I have been through this and Obrador is going to CLEAN HOUSE with this because that's no way to run a country! So naturally, the people who benefit from this type of corruption want Obrador stopped at all cost.

3. Obrador wants to make peace with the drug lords. Here's how it goes, seriously: If you tell the drug lords they won't be prosecuted or pursued, and that they have safe haven, in exchange for getting rid of the crap that murders in the streets, all of a sudden no one gets shot or robbed in whatever area a particular drug lord controls because the drug lords clean it all up a hell of a lot better than the police do.

Obrador is not stupid about this, the cities where such deals are made have become islands of safety. Obrador is smart enough to know the cartels are simply too powerful to beat, and though it would obviously be better to not have them at all, if they can't be beat, strike a deal and everything becomes a LOT safer. Surprisingly, the drug lords live up to the conditions of a deal better than the government does, EVERY TIME. Obrador is very wise in saying that if you can't get rid of the problem, strike a deal with it for a much better country. It has worked everywhere it has been tried.

4. Obrador wants to make Mexico self sufficient. The country is amazingly capable, but it is being sabotaged by international interests (new world order types) that want to keep Mexico in a position where it can be threatened. Initially, Obrador wants to at least make Mexico independent of food importation, by boosting agriculture and getting all foods grown and produced locally. This should not be difficult to accomplish, there's really no excuse for Mexico to be dependent on anyone this way.

5. It is apparent but not officially stated that Obrador wants to curtail the liberal crap in academics to prevent a Mexican outcome that mirrors what is going on in America now, in addition to curtailing "family services" that take kids out of decent homes, in addition to getting rid of policies that undermine families. Obrador appears to be the "anti-feminist". That's badly needed now, the acid has been applied to Mexico and will absolutely eat the nation if something is not done to stop it. Unlike America however, it is not too late to stop it. Mexico can still be saved.

Since feminism and destruction of the family, and having the state be able to take kids on a whim is a cornerstone of a communist takeover, obviously Obrador is going to be hated and called a nutcase by people in the media who are the spokespeople of that particular effort.

You'll hear all kinds of crap in the news about how bad Obrador is for America, and how horrible he is, and that he'll turn Mexico into Venezuela. FACT: Anaya will turn Mexico into Venezuela, not Obrador. FACT: OBRADOR WILL TURN MEXICO INTO 1950'S AMERICA, AND THAT'S THE DEAD LAST THING THE NEW WORLD ORDER WANTS. So all you will get from any media source is CRAP.

Apparently, the Mexican people are not stupid because despite an endless chain of attack ads on Obrador, paid for by George Soros and funneled through Anaya and his cohorts, Obrador is already over 50 percent approval and continues to climb. Anaya is at 26 percent. (actually probably 15 percent or less, but you know - the "fudge factor",) - they have to make it at least remotely plausible if they decide to try to get away with scamming the vote. Let's hope that fails.

I have thought up a perfect attack ad that Obrador could use, that says it all. It would play the "Movmiento Naranja" theme out of tune for the background music. An Anaya lookalike would be sitting on a park bench watching the following unfold, with a big smile:

It would start with two loving pairs of men and women walking hand in hand. Suddenly, they stop holding hands, and the two women walk into an abortion clinic, and the guys start kissing. On the side there is a man selling tamales. A jack booted thug loudly demands his papers. No guy selling tamales in Mexico needs papers, but under Anaya, he certainly will. The Jack booted thug then kicks the man's tamales in the street and throws him into a detention van, to take him to prison, while screaming at him for not having papers. A Mc'Donalds then takes "tamale man's" place. Then an announcement: "Mexico, be careful what you ask for, is the music really that good?.

That is Anaya and Movmiento Naranja in one neat little package. That type of political ad would absolutely slay Anaya while telling the WHOLE TRUTH.

Being a police officer is NOT one of the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the U.S.

With all the hype, and giving police an open ticket to kill anyone and walk, you'd think their job justifies it because it must be dangerous. However, collecting garbage is a more dangerous job than being a police officer. Here is the short list on the most dangerous jobs in the U.S.

1. Logger
2. Fishing workers (I wonder how many get tossed overboard on purpose)
3. Aircraft pilots
4. Roofers
5. Garbage collectors
6. Steel workers
7. Salesmen who drive, and truck drivers
8. Farmers and ranchers
9. Construction supervisor
10 General agriculture
11 Street cleaners
12 Mechanics supervisor
13 General construction laborer
14 Police officer

Ok, a few details:

Per 100,000 loggers, 136 die per year. Aircraft pilots? 55 per 100,000 die per year. Garbage men? 34 out of 100,000 die per year. Police officers? 15 out of 100,000 die per year and a little over half of those deaths are from traffic accidents.

Reality: Police work is more dangerous than office work, but if you are a farmer or garbage man your work is more dangerous than police officer. When you drive a car, you are in greater danger than a cop on average (which must mean police predominantly sit around a lot, because driving is more dangerous than their overall job.)

Anyone would think police work is the most dangerous job there is with the way police behave, but that is simply not the case. A pilot is 7.8 times as likely to be killed in a crash than a police officer is likely to be killed by a thug, yet the pilot is not an a-hole when you get on a plane, why do the police have to behave as such?

The stats above came from USA Today, - a leftist rag that loves the police state. If they rated police work as #14 for danger, that number is probably accurate.

Somebody will have to ask Snopes what they think, they may lie police all the way to the top if they can't admit George Soros worked for the Nazi's even with a 60 minutes episode where George talks all about it. I am actually surprised apparently legit numbers got released by a publication as prominent as USA Today, which released them based on government stats.

A Boston business got a citation for too many flags, and in response, added more.

A Boston real estate company put 200 flags on it's front lawn to honor vets for Memorial Day. A city code enforcer then wrote the business a ticket, saying "that's too many flags, remove some" without specifying how many should be removed. The code enforcer cited a city code that stated businesses could not use flags for promotional purposes.

The business responded by saying "honoring veterans on memorial day is not using the flag as a business promotion" and then took down zero, and added 300 more, for a total of 500. It takes guts to defy authorities like that in America See this.

Starbucks rolled back it's bathroom liberalism

I knew that would not last, but they replaced it with an all day "sensitivity" seminar for ALL employees, that focused on "white privilege". Evidently, the black employees absolutely hated it, saying it made them feel uncomfortable. See this

My comment: It obviously would make any black employee watching it "uncomfortable" if they are among those who know "white privilege" is B.S.


An FBI agent was doing a very acrobatic dance at a club in Colorado. When he did a back flip, his gun flew out of it's holster and landed on the dance floor. He then went to pick it up, and shot a guy in the foot. IDIOT. No charges have been filed against him yet, because, of course, he's FBI. Here's a quote from the report:

"Video of the incident obtained by Denver7 shows a man alleged to be the FBI agent dancing while surrounded by onlookers and then executing a backflip. During the flip, the gun appears to fly out of the man's holster. The man in the video jumps to pick up the firearm and appears to fire the gun in the process. The man puts the gun back away in the back of his pants and holds up his hands as onlookers appear shocked and scared."

My comment: Yep, that was probably louder than the speakers. See this.

POSSIBLE RED ALERT HAWAII: significant explosion possible

This sounds like B.S. for a volcano that has no such history we are aware of, but something big is going on

Here is the problem: Scientists operating drones over Kiluea have noticed the rocks are splitting in a pattern that indicates there is enormous pressure building up that is not getting released. They don't know what the result will be, but one outcome could be a very large explosion. Scientists are worried because they have not seen this volcano do this before. SEE THIS.

Prediction: Kiluea eruption is going to be historic

There are too many earthquakes too late in the game, which prove enormous amounts of magma is moving. The latest significant one was a 4.5+ magnitude on the 30th. More ominous is that there have been a large number of 2-3 magnitude earthquakes and several 3-4 magnitude quakes in the last 24 hours (for a total of 289 quakes in that magnitude range in the last day, and 412 quakes total.) Obviously, with that much magma movement, it appears the volcano party is just getting started.

It is super hard to get actual daily numbers off This USGS map, however, if you play around with it for a while it all becomes clear: The entire East side is extremely likely to be totally new turf in the next little while, with people's properties only being discoverable (at a new, higher elevation) via GPS.

Massive censorship to happen in Europe

I have been watching what is going on in Europe to allow the governments there to get control of the media, and rid themselves of the "nuisance" caused by ordinary people simply wanting the truth. It is a menace, that may surpass when Yahoo killed approximately 40 percent of the internet by destroying Geocities. When Geocities was destroyed, scientific information and real history was expunged from the web, almost entirely. Wikipeida and Yahoo answers are absolute trash by comparison, and now everything scientific is behind a pay wall. Europe is heading that way now, with EVERYTHING.

I have seen many comments about how "not repealing net neutrality" could have stopped this. That's bogus, because net neutrality was for America only, it had nothing to do with what Europe does. The repeal of net neutrality has nothing to do with what is going on anywhere else in the world.

Here is basically it, in a nut shell: You cannot run a site like Drudge Report, where you link to other sites, because there will be charges applied to linking. This also applies to any site that has more than just links, any links will be made illegal, unless you can handle the paperwork and pay fees for making links. You also cannot run a forum or any site with a comment section, because people often copy and paste copyrighted material into them, or link to other sites from them, and you have only an hour to remove it OR ELSE. That's impossible. It cannot be complied with. And it would destroy the venue, even if you could.

This web site could probably be made compliant because I usually explain things well enough in my own words to avoid the need for linking, however, they'd hate it so much they would shut it down anyway, because it is so damn obvious the real reason for the new EU rules is to simply shut people up and get all information under state control that there's little question they'd wipe out sites like this one with a reason stated somewhere in the fine print.

There's no mention at all about how Google is going to be allowed to link, but I solemnly promise, with all my heart, that Google won't be punished for breaking the rules EVER, if they are the type of company that would label Republicans "Nazi", like it did yesterday. OOPS, we're sorry for that little gaffe . . . . NOT!!!

Facebook "should" also be impossible to run, but will survive just fine because people who who have had 5 abortions, bang donkeys in the butt and preach the virtues of cutting your nuts off so you can be a girl will be SO LOVED by the establishment there won't be repercussions for those types, no matter how many links they post, especially if they despise Western civilization, and want all white males killed. Anything will be overlooked for those types, BET ON IT. Facebook is not targeting conservatives for nothing, I rightfully hate Suckerberg but let's be serious here: If the real goal of the state is to simply crush conservatives and nationalism, and you're going to be destroyed if you don't comply and do the state's bidding, how would you NOT delete all the conservative or nationalist accounts? You would HAVE TO or you'd go the way of the dodo.

Aah yes, Europe - the litmus test. At least there will be the rest of the world (for now). I am going to be watching what actually happens there with great interest.

U.S. to open embassy in Taiwan

The cost? $250 million, which in Taiwan will do a LOT. Not an insignificant presense. And this is very likely to anger China, because it enforces America's support for Taiwan as a nation separate to China. It will not be an "embassy to China in Taiwan", it will be an embassy to Taiwan, PERIOD.

If anything could spark a war, this is it. It is the Chinese equivalent of an embassy in Jerusalem. Recognizing what China claims as it's own as something separate from China in a totally official way is a great way to stoke tensions, I'd say this is a very bad move unless the actual goal is to ensure there will eventually be a war with China. SEE THIS.

Kim Kardashian behaved well after Trump

She went to the white house to convince Trump to change the reasons for why people are sent to jail. With America having the world's highest rate of imprisonment, that's badly needed - people are receiving heinous sentences for things that should not be crimes at all, all the while real criminals that actually hurt other people walk free. This is without question being done to make law abiding people fearful, and to stuff the prisons with excellent professional slave labor. "horrible" states like China are not even close to as horrible as the U.S. courts and fake "justice system", even Iran's percentage of the population in prison (and Iran imprisons a lot) is only 20 percent of what the U.S. is.

America is a nation that often takes the best of society and jails it on trumped up spurious charges - great law abiding people who were cornered into legal excuses to jail them and are intelligent and threaten no one, all the while it gives the real thugs a totally green ticket to keep committing as many crimes as possible. It is set up that way to cause Americans to beg for more people to go to jail, so the courts can throw more good people who are a threat to nothing in jail and work them as slaves. That's exactly what the American prison labor system does.

How else could a tech item like a cruise missile be produced by prisoners? You can't get that done with someone who would shoot a 7-11 attendant while cranked up on crack. The type that shoots up a 7-11 will get out of jail 20 times because the prison slave system does not want their useless ass taking up a bed, and it wants Americans to believe the jails are not full enough to provide cover for them to get more of the people they want in jail as workers. The "12 time felon murdering and raping illegal alien" who gets to walk free repeatedly happens for a reason - his spot in the prison system has been taken by someone who's labor turns a profit.

So Kim went, had a chat about someone that should not be in jail and was totally respectful, and left respectfully and afterwards talked respectfully. She's probably a decent celebrity, far better than most.

5G frequency bands may be so high the actual cell transmitters can't be used for mind control (but there would be a bigger problem)

Current cell technology in the U.S. uses (for 3g and 4g) frequencies between 1700 and 2100 MHZ. This equates to a frequency that can penetrate approximately five inches into your body. That will work great for "beaming" people. Though there are proposed 5g bands that operate in the same frequency range, the U.S. is primarily attempting to use frequencies between 25 and 80 Ghz. On the low end, at 25 ghz, the maximum penetration into human flesh for a frequency that high should land right around 0.5 inches. The skull, scalp, and other tissues inside the skull before you actually get to the brain are about that thick. On the high end (80 ghz) the max penetration will be right around 0.12 inches. That would totally rule out mind control potential.But there are other issues to consider. The main thing is that the frequencies they need to use travel very poorly, and have very poor penetration.

To get such high frequencies to work a lot of towers will be needed. Most reports say they will double the number of towers. That's a lie. The actual need will be least 10X the number (if they use the 25 ghz band), and the term "double" is being used because they know people can cope with that. But the reality is that if 5g is going to work, every street pole might end up being a "tower". If they want to use 80 GHZ, they are going to need 20X-100X as many towers as there are now. They will have to be on every street corner at least.

It would at that point be a problem because cameras and microphones could be put in the towers, and they would have a perfect upload point. But what is worse is that there is no conceivable way the current cell phone towers are only for communications, it is highly probable they have secondary systems in them for mood control and that would be where the problem is with so many more towers. though the actual cell transmitters won't be useful for mind control, secondary systems could easily be installed along with them, as I suspect already are, even in current cell towers. Add to that the fact that the proposed bandwith is 100X as much as the current systems, and the surveillance/mind control state could become a much more serious problem. There's no question 5g is the final staging of "the internet of things", where it won't take a cell phone to rat you out, your coffee maker or clothes iron or even a piece of "smart dust" could "tell them you are hiding, and where" just fine.

Aah yes, but Youtube will run super smooth!!!

Kim Kardashian at White House

I am so far out of the entertainment loop I did not know who it was in the pictures. I did not know what she looked like.

My opinion: Her showing up at the white house was silly, and could get Trump in trouble the way Monica got Bill in trouble. She might be OK as an individual if she actually went and talked to Trump the way she did. She does not look like typical Hollywood crap.

Given how much stress Melania must be under with the Stormy "scandal" I would not have had Kim visit if I was Trump.


This is not a hoax. Vice actually nailed Google doing it to stack the deck against Republicans. Maybe Google employees are trying to fool an AI into believing it is true by rigging terms. See this


Football game riot in Switzerland pawned off as Muslim "Ramadan riot" in Britain

Here's the story I did not post, because I figured it was a manipulation: "Muslims stage Ramadan riot in Birmingham Britain, after the city refused to close a street so they could use it for Ramadan activities". I did not post this, because I figured it would be very unlikely for Muslims to riot during Ramadan for any reason. I figured there was a back story. THERE WAS.

The hoax Ramadan post has been put on many forums and blogs. It shows people violently attacking cars and smashing things in a city street, purportedly because it is a Ramadan protest. HERE IS THE BACK STORY:

In fact, the riots happened after a regional level soccer match. The losing side rioted. It was a limited event, that involved a few cars that got attacked on a motorway by a group of people. It sold very well as a Ramadan attack. I figured the prospect of a legitimate Ramadan riot was so slim that it had to be totally fake, so I ignored it. I WAS RIGHT, SEE THIS.

World's largest internet hub blows the whistle: NSA and other intelligence agencies are capturing EVERYTHING, and they have to cooperate

German court allows spy agency to keep tabs on internet hubs

This report is about the world's largest internet exchange challenging intelligence agencies that are ALREADY capturing all traffic, in a bid to kick them out via court order. That bid failed. This PressTV report has a "reporting glitch" (probably because it is Iranian) which confirms intelligence agencies are capturing EVERYTHING by default. UPDATE: Yahoo covered this also. Here is the key quote:

"It said the BND, a partner of the US National Security Agency (NSA), has placed so-called Y-piece prisms into its data-carrying fibre optic cables that give it an unfiltered and complete copy of the data flow.

Ok, so there it is. They are capturing EVERYTHING, and it is not only the NSA doing it. The entire text of the report follows:

Germany's spy agency can monitor major internet hubs if Berlin deems it necessary for strategic security interests, a federal court has ruled. My comment: That's the soft ball lead in, because the court case was to stop the intelligence agencies who are already there, fully in place, from continuing - the internet exchange was trying to kick them out.

In a ruling late on Wednesday, the Federal Administrative Court threw out a challenge by the world's largest internet hub, the De-Cix exchange, against the tapping of its data flows by the BND foreign intelligence service.

The operator had argued the agency was breaking the law by capturing German domestic communications along with international data.

However, the court in the eastern city of Leipzig ruled that internet hubs "can be required by the federal interior ministry to assist with strategic communications surveillance by the BND."

De-Cix says its Frankfurt hub is the world's biggest internet exchange, bundling data flows from as far as China, Russia, the Middle East and Africa, which handles more than six terabytes per second at peak traffic.

It said the BND, a partner of the US National Security Agency (NSA), has placed so-called Y-piece prisms into its data-carrying fibre optic cables that give it an unfiltered and complete copy of the data flow.

Given the mass of daily phone calls, emails, chats, internet searches, streamed videos and other online communications, an effective fire-walling of purely German communications is unrealistic, activists argue.

Germany had reacted with outrage when information leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed in 2013 that US agents were carrying out widespread tapping worldwide, including of Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone.

Merkel, who grew up in communist East Germany where state spying on citizens was rampant, declared repeatedly that "spying among friends is not on" while acknowledging Germany's reliance on the US in security matters.

But to the great embarrassment of Germany, it later emerged that the BND helped the NSA spy on European allies.

My comment: How many times have I said they are capturing everything? Yes, we already knew, but this report from PressTV is the first MSM report that actually puts it in print, unfiltered. The NSA is going to be doing backflips, this type of report proves relations are anything but friendly, and our worst suspicions have been confirmed and correct for god knows how long. All we know is that the exchange is trying to kick them out and failed which means the issue is not a new one.

Video: Nikolas Cruz vows to shoot up school

Supposedly, Nikolas Cruz made a selfie video vowing to shoot up the school. There are a few things to consider with this.



QUESTION: If the video was from the day of the shooting, where is the cast in this photo?

UPDATE: It has to be a fake video. He supposedly did not have a cast for the shooting. Sometimes there are words when his mouth is not moving. A large amount of the video does not have him in it at all, the camera just points at the ground. Perfect for dubbing in whatever words anyone wants.

Here are a few other key points that really flag this:

1. It has been a while since the shooting, long enough to make a fabricated video with face cloning software. I doubt this was done, but it is possible.

2. It has also been long enough to wipe his brain out and do a recording session after the shooting, to presented as new. I doubt this also, but it could have been done.

3. I seriously doubt this video was done before the shooting, because if it was, it would have been found and aired a lot sooner.

4. Most likely: I'd bet he was staged, and this was part of the program, as run by the CIA. Everyone forgot about the shooting now, so the best way to get a double whack on the topic is to release a disturbing video late in the game, to put the shock factor right back up with day 1 of whatever this was.

If it was a shooting and not a drill, the CIA is still not off the hook - if they were complicit in 911 (they had to have been) what is this by comparison? I do not believe these shootings are organic, no one can tell me that a surveillance network good enough to send you ads for wheelchairs because someone mentioned it (or whatever else) - no one can tell me this system overlooked a video like this being made, or the other "self chats" he had in private prior to the purported time this video was shot, and then did not notify anyone.

FACT: You simply could not plan a school shooting, culminating in a selfie video like this without the authorities being notified if you can't discuss potato chips without getting a Pringles ad sent to you. I call BULLSHIT on the entire scenario, there is a rat in here somewhere.

You mean to tell me you can't discuss shoes without getting a shoe ad, or cars without getting a car ad in the background, not even trying to do anything, yet this kid actually talks right into the phone about shooting up a school, and no one found out? NOT BELIEVABLE.

Here is what I think is more believable (pretty much a repeat:)

This video was made after the shooting, as either part of a paid gig, or a continuation of his use as an MK patsy. If it was not made after the fact, we'd have had this on DAY 2.

Obrador is likely to win the Mexican election

He has 52 percent support at this time. I can tell you why. Because his closest competitor (Anaya) is running his platform based on gay marriage, abortion rights, and excessive law enforcement, and that's not working well in Mexico. Add to that the fact that he looks like a total creep and does nothing but suck ideas from others as soon as they are deemed viable, and no one trusts him. And it continues, with Anaya being a total copy cat with image also. Here's a couple prime examples.

Lopez Obrador did the unthinkable, and showed up to a political conference riding a very low grade sub $1000 Italika motorcycle (THE motorcycle for an average Mexican) and though the bikes themselves are not unsafe, there's no conceivable way a top politician should EVER IN A MILLION YEARS ride one, simply because he could wipe out and then what? So this old man who is a little bit overweight to boot gets off this puny motorcycle and walks to wherever afterward. Mexicans absolutely loved that, it was one hell of a statement of acceptance for average Mexicans, that actually took some grit (for a politician) to do. So Anaya, who is in his 30's and belongs on such a bike, just had to copy it.

Only, when Anaya did it, he did it on a bullet bike an average Mexican would never in a million years own, with an obvious professional stunt driver operating the bike. One of the better un-biased news channels picked up on this and shredded Anaya for not only copying Obrador, but sending an opposite statement of wealth doing it. It was not just that Obrador rode a motorcycle, it was what motorcycle he rode that really sent a message, and Anaya was as out of touch as President Bush was when he saw a barcode scanner for the first time, because he's such an elitist he never goes into a grocery store. Way to connect with the people!

Other ways Anaya copied Obrador was when Obrador started talking about Presidents having too large a pension, Anaya copied him and started running ads for the same thing. Obrador showed up once wearing a giant Mexican sombrero, and Anaya just had to do that too. Such a sleaze ball, at least Meade (candidate 3) was always himself, he just always looked like a church going rich guy.

Anaya is the George Soros candidate however, so we will see if he can get his votes rigged up over 50 percent while Obrador gets his stolen away, anything is possible when Soros owns the voting machine company and is absolutely brazen about manipulating politics.

However, publishing a number and having people accept it is a risky prospect in Mexico, Mexicans routinely hang corrupt politicians, and that is a good thing. There was one on the air yesterday begging for his life, and then they burned him in a car, and the media actually aired it all. So stealing elections is more risky in Mexico than it is in America, where people just seem to accept eating sh*t. I strongly believe Antonio Meade probably has 30 percent support, and Anaya has less than 10 percent, but he's not a pal of Soros, so Anaya it is, in distant second. Let's see how well a little back door work can close the gap.

Obrador will definitely be better than Anaya if he can stop the steal. But the final outcome and what he actually does will be a real wait and see. Hoping for the best . . . .

Clear proof of blackmail by Jews TWICE in the last week

NOW CERTIFIED FACT: If you so much as hint about who runs things, you are GONE no matter how far up the ladder you are.

VICTIMS: Elon Musk and Roseanne Barr

All Roseanne had to do was mention Hillary was close to George Soros, and that Hillary was probably hiding a colostomy bag, and also point out a traitor, and she was branded an anti-semite despite being Jewish herself, and her show got canceled.

All Elon Musk had to do is tweet "who do you think owns the press" NEVER EVEN HINTING IT WAS THE JEWS, and he got branded an anti-semite, and will now definitely be destroyed. Branding him an anti-semite was a VERY BAD MOVE, the comment was so abstract there's no way it could be tied to anti-semitism unless a particular group is very afraid of the general public becoming totally aware of who really owns the press.DON'T YOU DARE ASK THAT QUESTION, IF YOU DO YOU ARE AN ANTI-SEMITE. That sort of makes it all obvious. Additionally, the interplanetary space launch did not help Musk either. The Jews clearly don't want us going into space, they are the ones who infiltrated and destroyed Nasa, they bitch every time an "unauthorized nation" like North Korea or Iran does a successful space launch, and EVER SINCE MUSK PUT A TESLA INTO INTERPLANETARY ORBIT THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT BASH HIS COMPANY TO SHREDS.

If you believe the newfound Jewish lie, you'd think that if you touch a Tesla it will burst into a ball of flames, then grow knives and stab you to death. You'd think a Tesla is a death trap. But the reality is that if you hit a solid obstacle at 60 mph and only get a broken leg, that's awesome safety, and that is typical of Tesla. But the Jewish press won't report it that way, instead, when a Tesla recently slammed into a perfectly solid object and the driver lived, all the Jewish press could manage to say is the car is a death trap because someone was hurt in one, never mind the fact that if you ram into a wall at 60 mph you should be dead no matter what you are driving.

The flaming teslas all happened in accidents so extreme the car was ripped in half. All happened in accidents above 100 MPH. QUESTION: What the hell do you expect when someone is totally screwing off, or running away with a stolen car, and crashes? A car needs energy to move, and it makes no difference if that energy comes from a battery or gas, the energy is still there. The truth is that Teslas burn a lot less after serious accidents than normal cars do, but the Jewish press does not want a "Tesla in space," so KILL THE COMPANY PLEASE. We will walk the ground as slaves AS ASSIGNED with an appropriate number, just as soon as they can manage it. Space travel is OUT.

But back to a more serious issue: WHY DID THEY DESTROY ROSEANNE? Did she not do well enough screwing us over for the last 30 years? That transgendering kid on her current show was not enough to soothe them? How about that national anthem performance, which proved she has no respect for America. Is that not enough? OBVIOUSLY NOT FOR KIKEDOM. Let's look at this closely.

They nailed Roseanne for pointing a finger at George Soros, who bragged about sending Jews to the death camps FOR PROFIT while fronting as a crypto-Jew Christian. He said it was one of the best times of his life. HERE WE HAVE A REAL NAZI and Roseanne was fried as an anti-semite for pointing that out, and that Chelsea married into that family. We therefore have a Jewish community that does not care how many Jews a Jew kills, as long as he serves their agenda another Jew will be branded as an anti-semite for pointing out the crimes of a Jew killer who is serving the current Jewish agenda. And then they will turn around and bitch about the "holocaust" at the same time they provide cover for a real Nazi, because he's Jewish, and is serving their agenda now. Sick. REALLY.

Pointing out Valerie Jarret was used to purge patriots from the white house and comparing that person to planet of the apes and saying Hillary has a colostomy bag were also red turf, but the first was true, and Hillary's colostomy bag is a high probability. Roseanne fried for pointing out traitors, and connecting Soros and Clinton. You can take what she said about Chelsea being married to the nephew of George Soros to the bank, she's an insider, and Chelsea is indeed therefore married into the Soros family. QUESTION:


If anyone does not believe a conspiracy exists they are lost, seriously, if they fried long time servant Roseanne that quickly, and ripped Tesla to shreds only after a successful interplanetary space launch (which is when all the bad press started so that is probably the reason), the conspiracy is a LOT BIGGER than anyone thinks, and has, at it's pinnacle, a lot smaller group than anyone imagined. If even Roseanne can be fried, it has to be a small group at the top indeed.

So what lessons can we take away from recent events?

1. George Soros has a chance of being at the actual top of the pyramid, and so are Hillary and Chelsea. They probably out rank the Rothschilds. If Soros can be a confirmed Jew killer, confirmed by his own words, and still be perfectly protected by the Jews with instant repercussions for mentioning him, he's the champ. Roseanne probably would not have been fried for saying something about the Rothschilds or Rockefellers.

2. It does not matter how well you served the Jews, all you have to do is cross the line and you are toast, even if you are one.

3. You no longer have to mention the Jews AT ALL, all you have to do is ask a question about who runs things the way Elon Musk did, and you are suddenly an anti-semite without even touching the topic. The Jew's reaction to Elon Musk wrote a thousand pages of top level conspiracy FACT in a single line. There is no doubt now.

4. The Jews are so naked and childish with their reactions to things that it is mind boggling that they have not imploded themselves. You simply can't scream "anti semite" and then destroy other Jews who have served the cause well the way they did to Roseanne over a few lines on Twitter. They are toddler level immature. That is a weakness that needs to be pointed out and exploited. There is absolutely no question this particular snake can be tricked into devouring itself.

And here's the bait:

A message to all Jews:

George Soros, a confirmed Jew killer who worked with the Nazis, IS YOUR MASTER. Do not question that. Do not point that out. Do not resist or go against his plan. Do not point out who he is associated with no matter how prominent you are. If you do, you will be instantly destroyed like a goy in Gaza. YOU ARE NOTHING. SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH.

You thought you were great. It has just been proven you are NOTHING if you question anything. You live in a box. The box is all you have.

How does that feel?

Farrakhan really did call for an end to the white man

Here it is:

"Why should there be an end to him (White man)? Because his nature is not in harmony with the nature of God."

White man was only given 6,000 years (6 days) to rule, You cannot deny he has ruled but on what principle did he rule? Righteousness? Truth? Justice? Fairness? I don't think so.

What he (the White man) does, he does by nature. What you (Black people) do, is by learning from your master.

My comment: Dear Farrakhan: You should be sentenced to work at a 7-11 in Detroit with no safety glass, AFTER you work at a 7-11 that would never have safety glass because it is located in a white area. Let's see how well your "blackness" is appreciated when it stands between the door and the cash register in a ghetto!

DRUDGE HEADLINE: STUDY: Atkins diet may cause heart failure

My comment: Did the study also keep track of people who opted out of the atkins diet, stayed at 400 pounds, and had a heart failure because of THAT???

Ha ha ha, Click to read the comments below the article, people were not fooled by it!

Utah's new mandatory vaccine schedule is cold hard proof of vaccine ill intent and sabotage

Take a look at this list of vaccines a child has to have before kindergarten!!! They REALLY WANT THE MORMONS WIPED OUT, I will explain what is going on here.

Here goes.

1. Look at the polio shot. Polio has been eradicated in the United States since 1979, and it was eradicated with a single shot. WHY THE HELL ARE THERE NOW FOUR REQUIRED SHOTS FOR THAT? Why are there FOUR GOD DAMN SHOTS FOR POLIO, when in the past it was ONLY ONE, or even polio drops with no shots at all? ANSWER: Because any time there are multiple shots like this when only one is needed all subsequent shots are booster shots, used to trick the body into doing something it does not want to do - in this case, precedent says: most likely to destroy itself.

Multiple shot regimens for vaccines that used to only require one were experimented with in third world countries, where the shots are now proven to have in fact been anti-fertility vaccines. The additional shots were needed to trick a woman's body into attacking it's own hormones to prevent pregnancy. Since now there are 4 polio shots for little boys when a single shot method wiped out polio, the shots can't possibly be for polio. They can't possibly be to wreck female fertility hormones. It is far more likely that the polio shots are to destroy intellect, and rather than take the kids out in one big whack like they were doing before, they are taking the kids down in 4 steps, so the parents don't notice as much.

With autism rates being 1 in 22 American boys now (in some areas,) a lot needs to be explained, especially 4 shot vaccination regimens for a disease that no longer exists, and was taken out with one shot before.


Ok, next item:

WHY ARE THERE FIVE DTAP SHOTS, WHEN NONE OF THE SICKNESSES IT TREATS ARE VERY BAD, AND NOT FATAL, especially when the package insert clearly states it can cause autism? Given that the polio shot is guaranteed fake, YOU GUESS. Most likely it is to confuse things, so parents cant figure out exactly what did what. After all, if the kid receives an enormous cocktail, what vaccine do you actually point the finger at? Creating confusion is the ONLY conceivable reason for five doses of DTAP, other than the shot itself also being a sabotage vector. HMM, Two MMR shots, when many different brain problems are listed as a possible outcome, right on the vaccine insert?

So now we have 1. A FAKE POLIO SHOT SEQUENCE (only god knows what it is for)

2. FIVE DTAP shots that are not actually needed AT ALL, none of what it treats is serious so God only knows what that shot is for, other than to induce autism where in Utah it now gets five chances to? Look at this package insert. LOOK AT ALL THE BRAIN DISORDERS THIS THING CAN CAUSE, OTHER THAN AUTSIM!!! And Utah requires FIVE DOSES OF THIS??!!?? Why not make it 100 if parents are THAT STUPID???

3. The MMR shot, which states clearly it can cause many different brain disorders, right on the package.



Just gotta produce that "perfect" compliant slave race, and to hell with those who are rendered totally useless Gollums!

CNN raided?

There is a rumor circulating about CNN being raided by the FCC for producing blatantly false news, and that the FCC seized tons of equipment to uncover who at the network is directing the deceptions. It originated at Your News Wire.

QUESTION: Did it happen?

Snopes calls it blatantly false, and claims Your News Wire is a fake news site. I will typically not link Your News Wire and a few others, because they are too often sketchy, but anyone who thinks CNN is more accurate than Your News Wire is lost, CNN produces so much blatantly false crap that if Your News Wire was a stepping stone to a place higher than CNN, there would only be one step after that to absolute truth.

So the question is, did CNN get raided?

I have noticed that recently, a lot of the MSM has stopped producing complete falsehood, and is mixing about 35 percent truth in with their crap. They would only do that if they had to. They would only do that if the heat was on. They would only do that if they actually might fry for intentionally misleading the public for the purpose of destroying the country in a way that is well into the realm of the type of warfare that is waged against foreign countries to destroy them right down to the soil - after you have gone in and killed half the men and maimed half the women. That's where the American press is at, sans the actual killing. They are nation destroyers, no ifs or buts. Though the war rages on from whatever holes they spew from, they would not be producing an ounce of truth unless they were afraid they might actually go down for what they have done.

Adding to the mystery of whether or not CNN got raided is the fact that Snopes is among the worst fronts for destroying the American people. Their word is so often 180 away from the truth that whatever they say can be trash canned point blank. They did have one legit point - the FCC does not do the actual raiding. But Snopes totally lied when they said no raid of this type was possible, because though the FCC won't go in shooting as Snopes accurately stated, the FCC can certainly summon the FBI to go in shooting for them. And that's just the type of lie we are all so sick of, the basic premise for the Snopes debunk, - the FCC won't violently raid you, was accurate on the surface all the while it was a blatant lie when the FBI will work hand in glove with the FCC and do the "wet work".

There is heated debate in the forums and blogs as to whether or not Your News Wire fabricated the report entirely. My take is that Your News Wire typically has at least a splinter of truth in what they say, and you can't say the same for CNN. The proof is going to be in the eating, let's see if CNN backs off on destroying reality at least a little. That will be the litmus test.

Meanwhile this happened:

Pruitt bars AP, CNN from EPA summit on contaminants, guards push reporter out of building

The Environmental Protection Agency barred CNN and AP from attending a summit on harmful water contaminants and forcefully removed a female reporter from the premises. This would not be happening unless there was a possibility that YourNewsWire is onto something, and we can only hope.

Time will tell. Fingers crossed. I'd love to see much of CNN's staff jailed for what they have done to this country over the years. And the destruction was largely accomplished long ago.

I gotta say, it takes a fearless geek to shoot a video like this!

Lopez Obrador (Morena party) platform shift.

I do not know what the deal is, but suddenly Lopez Obrador, who looked like a great hope for Mexico, suddenly started running political ads for gay rights, universal education, "equality" for all, the whole 9 yards and now on the surface his platform has shifted closer to that of GREAT SATAN SOROS BACKED Anaya.

I am now not as stressed about who wins the Mexican Presidency this time around, Anaya equals death and if Obrador is not bluffing, he's taken a turn down the wrong path now. Let's hope Obrador is bluffing for elite favors, and back flips on that crap once in office. Meade is one last candidate who is more middle of the road, but he's simply too far behind and marginal to boot. One thing is certain: Obrador might not look as good to me as he did before, but Anaya is the breath of death for Mexico. I believe he'd become a life long dictator fully backed by Soros, and Mexico would become the new Venezuela or Cuba, complete with chips in the hand, million man gay pride parades and state sponsored abortion vans. And you can't sell tamales in the street if everything goes through that chip.

He'd turn Mexico into a huge corporate parking lot with totally encapsulated and taxable electronically regulated finance, and destroy absolutely everyone who deals in cash while drones fly overhead picking people off. A FEW OF HIS POLITICAL ADS HAVE HAD THAT IN THEM, while he raves about "what technology can do" it is so brazen only brain dead idiots would ever vote for him. Unfortunately Mexico has more of those than America does. How about Venezuela as a border country? Anaya is THAT BAD.

All candidates are promising too much, there's no way they can deliver on their promises without ripping the taxes through the roof. And Mexicans despise taxes more than Americans do. They are far more outspoken about it. So this will be a wait and see I guess . . . . .

Iran sanctions FAIL

Here is an interesting report from Fars News. Iran exports 2.75 million barrels of oil per day, and 800,000 of that goes to Europe. The report is intended to be about how Iran has a new ability to export super heavy crude (which means there is now nothing Iran won't export) but it in fact shows that sanctions are failing, or will fail.

Iran Starts Production of New Extra-Heavy Crude Oil


Iran started production of extra-heavy oil with the API gravity of 20 from its Western Karoun reservoir, specially from the South and North Azadegan fields, despite the US threats of sanctions against the country's trade and oil exports.

Iran now has access to new technology to produce specific crude oils, including extra-light, light, heavy and extra-heavy crudes, using new pipelines and refinery installations in Western Karoun.

Iran now enjoys the most variety in oil production with 8 types of light and heavy crudes.

Iran has an advantage in global markets due to its range of petroleum products. Oil from the Hengam oil and gas field is the lightest in the world, while the oil from other fields in the Persian Gulf, such as Soroush, Nowruz, and Forouzan, are among the heavy brands.

The development of new phases in the South Pars field gives Iran substantial capacity to produce gas condensate, a product which can be combined with heavy - and even extra heavy - crude oil.

The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) announced earlier this month that Iran's crude oil and gas condensate exports reached 2.75 million barrels per day in the period between April 21 and May 21.

The company said export cargoes were headed to Asian and European markets during the period.

One third of the exports (over 800,000 b/d) were destined to Europe during the period, NIOC said.

China and India, as usual, were Iran's biggest buyers.

My comment: Despite the U.S. hitting record breaking oil exports under Trump, Iran is still out-exporting the United states with current data. Exports from both the United States and Iran are surging, time will tell who can stay ahead of the other. Iran is fighting for it's life, while Trump is fighting for votes. By contrast, with current data, both the U.S. and Iran are exporting approximately 40 percent of what Saudi Arabia does, however, the U.S. produces far more oil than both Iran and Saudi Arabia, with the bulk of American produced oil being used inside the United States. So that's the context. As far as the world sees it, Iran is very significant because it is almost half of Saudi Arabia for nations that need to import.

As a side note here, I have a gripe:

Most of America's oil exports are being sent down to Mexico, WITH ETHANOL IN THE GAS. A year ago, Mexico started importing from the United States, and the gasoline the U.S. sends is trash. Mexico had pure gas before. Now you can smell the alcohol, which means AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS are being used to send ethanol gas (which sucks) down to Mexico.

How can U.S. tax dollars be paying for Mexican gas? EASY: American farmers receive subsidies to grow corn, which is converted to ethanol and the only way the ethanol can be cheap enough to burn as fuel is if the corn it is made from is produced via subsidies from the U.S. government. That is supposed to help American farmers, but as far as I see it, it just makes crappy gas, and now flushes American money down the Rio Grande.

WATCH THIS. "I am an English Man"

Hawaii geothermal facility is Israeli owned

I have to admit, that takes the sting off of having it get wrecked. Lava is now actively covering the place up, it is not just a small deal anymore. They got all the explosive materials off the site. There will be no event, other than the place getting buried.

I am actually surprised the place is Israeli owned. That would in my opinion be a literal act of charity for Hawaii and that does look very good for Israel. In the end, the Hawaiian people were definitely friendly, but the outcome was the same as "white investment" in South Africa. I am not going to say the volcano burying the place was an act of God, it is simply a case of sh** happens when you build on a volcano.

My guess is that if the turbine buildings don't get buried, the place will open again, with quite a change of scenery. I hope that is how it goes, Israeli owned or not. They do deserve some credit for putting it in.

INSANE flooding in Elicott City (Baltimore)

New TV channel here

A new local TV channel showed up. It is obviously a major investment, they had a full programming schedule from day one. It is clearly not Jewish owned, it is conservative and has none of the liberal crap. A great effort with a few glitches, and I don't know why they did it, but for a period of time the news reporters were reading the news off their cell phones!!! HA HA HA, yes, rough start.

About the ARC processor/everything is bugged by Israel video I posted

It is down the page a ways. It is FULL of inaccurately stated acronyms. For example, a FAB is actually a chip making facility, not what they said, however, the video is important because it is absolutely correct in pegging Israel for putting a second processor in all Intel chips for the purpose of bugging them, and it is nicely done in a way that will scare the hell out of Grandma. That is badly needed, Grandma needs to wake up now.


The manner in which it was done is why I am mentioning it, this proves Britain has gone full communist. Britain may have MANY MANY JOURNALISTS IN JAIL.

Guess what??!! AS PART OF THIS JOURNALIST'S SENTENCING, I HAVE BEEN ORDERED NOT TO TELL ANYONE HE'S IN JAIL!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA, BITE ME QUEEN!!! PART OF THIS GUY'S SENTENCING INCLUDES NOT ALLOWING ANYONE FROM REPORTING HE'S BEEN JAILED. SO Breitbart and others, who reported this yesterday were (somehow) forced to take their reports down, and go dark on this topic. I don't know how that kind of control was exerted but Britain got it done.

The Gateway Pundit still had this posted

Orwell's Nightmare: Articles About Tommy Robinson's Arrest Rapidly Scrubbed From the Internet

Articles about the arrest and subsequent imprisonment of independent journalist and activist Tommy Robinson are being rapidly scrubbed from the internet after the British government put restrictions in place banning any reporting on the matter.

Articles from the Daily Record, Birmingham Live, The Mirror, RT and even Breitbart News were all taken offline in the hours following his detention.

The leaked gag-order to the press states that it "appears to be necessary for avoiding a substantial risk of prejudice to the administration of justice in these proceedings." The order prohibits "any report of these proceedings."

According to UK independent reporter Caolan Robertson, Robinson was arrested outside the Leeds Crown Court on Friday morning as he was covering the trial of ten men for offenses including child rape, trafficking, and supply of Class A drugs to children.

Robinson was on video telling the arresting officers that "this is free speech. This is where we're at."

"You know when you do this, more people are going to watch this now than ever," he adds.

Robinson is heavily focused on Islamic extremism and has had several run-ins with law enforcement over his live streaming. His suspended sentence stems from an arrest last year for contempt of court after trying to film Muslims who had been accused of pedophilia outside a court in Canterbury.

The trial he was attempting to cover was that of Tamin Rahani, 37, Shershah Muslimyar, 20, Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, and an unnamed teenager who are all charged with three counts of raping a teenager.

It is now safe to say that the UK has become a police state. The treatment of both Robinson and the media that wishes to cover his arrest highlight the great importance of the First Amendment here in the US.

MY COMMENT: This is a clear indicator that the governments of Britain and Europe have no intentions of slowing down the import of third world people to formerly white Christian areas. And if anyone speaks out about it, they will go to jail. FACT: This reporter was jailed ONLY because he spoke out against what is the new war policy of the presiding power against it's people no matter what the British government claims.

They will say they did not jail him for reporting, and that they don't jail reporters. This is accomplished via the creation of a secondary charge out of thin air, and jailing him for violating the terms of that charge, or a secondary offense out of thin air, and jailing him for that offense with the prior statement he won't be jailed for that offense for as long as he no longer reports what they don't want him to.

Example: Put in place a potential sentence for a tiny offense, such as j-walking, that amounts to years in jail, but never enforce it until someone you don't like violates it. Then tell him he faces years in jail for breaking the law, but for as long as you don't do X, we'll forgive this. You'll never be jailed for X, because jailing people for X will make us look bad, no, we'll instead jail you for Y because the world can tolerate it because there is no stigma attached for jailing people for that.

We will then penalize anyone who reports we jailed you, on the grounds their reporting will "interfere with a court case" so no one knows about even that.

Never mind the fact that having people know about what is going on being a problem for a court proceeding only proves the court is bullshit.

That's how the sleaziest tyrannies operate.

Chinese aircraft carrier in the news

China carried out successful night landings on it's only aircraft carrier. So it is being played up as a big deal. But here's reality:

It is garbage. It has a ski ramp front. It is tiny. FACT: America's Forrestal class aircraft carriers from the 1950's (which are all now either scrapped or de-commissioned) were vastly superior. They were 1050 or more feet long, carried 90 fighter jets (Compared to China's 50) and were far easier to take off from and land on than anything else other than even better American aircraft carriers made before the Nimitz class (an absolute champion), which is already being replaced by the Ford class. When it comes to aircraft carriers, Russia and China BEG to have what America had in the 1950's, they simply effectively have nothing at all of consequence.

Caveat: Nuclear weapons. That's how to deal with America's aircraft carriers, I believe they are sitting ducks regardless of how "superior" they are.

That said, China has not yet matched what the U.S. had shortly after World War 2. That literally is where they sit, and Russia is no better with this.

This is a de - commissioned 1950's Forrestal class carrier. Russia and China clearly, obviously, still don't have this. REALITY CHECK:

Hopeful Swamp development

Weinstein, (the hollywood producer who was grooming young kids and finally got prosecuted) got hauled away in handcuffs. He was very far up the food chain. So that's a good sign.


Supposedly Ireland voted to legalize abortion. The vote did indeed go in favor of legalizing it. However, I doubt more than 25 percent of the Irish population wanted it.

Soros imported an unknown but very large number of fake voters, and the government did nothing to stop it. There were so many fake voters that yesterday there was a taxiway accident with one of the planes (an indication of how many there were if that happened to one) and the government did nothing to stop it. Add to that a no doubt rigged vote if Soros was involved, and they got it.

America had better watch it's election process this time around, with over 50,000,000 fake votes out there to be splashed wherever they are needed, IN ADDITION TO MACHINE RIGGING, the vote will go however Soros wants it if this problem is not even aknowledged at an official level and the people are not paying attention.

This is a stark reminder of how the book of revelations is so clear about everything in the last days (around the time of the mark of the beast) being a lie, and the truth not being found anywhere. Google, Facebook, the MSM and more are working overtime to make that reality happen, just like the bible says it will. And even things like elections will be lies, I am sure Ireland's abortion vote is no exception.

Cockroach milk

God, I hope not!

You can't sucker everyone with the latest fashion, and I hope the cockroach milk "fad" dies as fast as the spinner. What about that monkey poop coffee? I have not heard much about that lately either.

So, evidently, with a specific species of Hawaiian cockroach (just got to drag Hawaii into this for image, no, it is not a Detroit cockroach, it is a HAWAII cockroach, fresh from the pineapple fields and coconut groves, a PRISTINE cockroach,) we somehow get milk from them in useful amounts and are able to sell it to you in a dose your body will appreciate. YEP.

Ok, so exactly how do they milk these roaches? The claim is that the milk is 3x as nutritious by volume as regular milk. But how much labor would it take to come up with even a gram of it? It is not like a cockroaches are going to be easily managed for milk, how much labor would it take to come up with even an ounce? I am sure that if they managed to get it in useful quantities, there's a sucker out there that would drink it. But they won't get it in useful amounts, there is no way possible. WHICH MEANS:

Either they have to blend the entire roach (totally homogenize it, down to where it looks like milk) and then charge $100 plus a pint for the end result, or this roach milk is going to go out like ZamZam water, where one small spring in Mecca somehow quenches the thirst of millions of Hajj pilgrims. I'll tell you how it does that: One drop per 50,000 bottled liters, that's how. But yep, you do get your zam zam water, in a technical sense.

There is a big difference between cockroach milk and ZamZam water however, and that is palatability. No matter what they blend that "cockroach milk" with to sell it in a meaningful quantity, I would not be a taker. I'd drink straight ZamZam water though.

I predicted the spinner would be gone as a fad within a month. I was right. I never even thought about the monkey poop coffee as a fad (this is supposedly where a certain near-primate is good at picking the best beans, eats them, and poops them out, and the "best coffee" is therefore in those beans, which then get picked out of the poop and served up ULTRA fine) and that might still be around, but I doubt it. People actually drank that stuff for top dollar. However, I doubt genuine cockroach milk will ever hit store shelves, there might be a limited predominantly fake product with few takers for a short while somewhere, which would leave only the Zam Zam water as an enduring long term "fad".

Wikileaks dog and pony show

OK, let me get this straight. Assange had the charges dropped, RIGHT? Assange was granted Ecuadorian citizenship and given a passport, RIGHT? There is no full time security outside the embassy, holding him under siege. So why would it matter if he walked out the door at random, un announced?

Supposedly they are evicting him now. That's highly unlikely. Why no balcony appearances for the last two years? How about, "I'd really like to see the countryside, hey Charles, can you please pull up by the door on Saturday morning at 5? there's never anyone out there then, I'll get some sun and you can bring me back at random, if they are never expecting it I have nothing to worry about, just a quick step through the door before the police figure out what is going on, and now that I have an Ecuadorian passport I can walk right in, no problems." Wikileaks has a budget that could surely accomplish that.

Aaah yes, but to maintain image and keep the story going, he's there, about to be evicted. DOUBT IT. Maybe in Assange sequel 3, "Pamela's poison breakfast" he'll officially leave in a "closed casket".

Amazon Alexa recorded conversations, and with no permission sent them to contacts

From Kiro 7

A Portland family contacted Amazon to investigate after they say a private conversation in their home was recorded by Amazon's Alexa -- the voice-controlled smart speaker -- and that the recorded audio was sent to the phone of a random person in Seattle, who was in the family's contact list.

"My husband and I would joke and say I'd bet these devices are listening to what we're saying," said Danielle, who did not want us to use her last name.

Every room in her family home was wired with the Amazon devices to control her home's heat, lights and security system.

But Danielle said two weeks ago their love for Alexa changed with an alarming phone call. "The person on the other line said, 'unplug your Alexa devices right now,'" she said. "'You're being hacked.'"

That person was one of her husband's employees, calling from Seattle.

"We unplugged all of them and he proceeded to tell us that he had received audio files of recordings from inside our house," she said. "At first, my husband was, like, 'no you didn't!' And the (recipient of the message) said 'You sat there talking about hardwood floors.' And we said, 'oh gosh, you really did hear us.'"

Danielle listened to the conversation when it was sent back to her, and she couldn't believe someone 176 miles away heard it too.

"I felt invaded," she said. "A total privacy invasion. Immediately I said, 'I'm never plugging that device in again, because I can't trust it.'"

Danielle says she unplugged all the devices, and she repeatedly called Amazon. She says an Alexa engineer investigated.

"They said 'our engineers went through your logs, and they saw exactly what you told us, they saw exactly what you said happened, and we're sorry.' He apologized like 15 times in a matter of 30 minutes and he said we really appreciate you bringing this to our attention, this is something we need to fix!"

But Danielle says the engineer did not provide specifics about why it happened, or if it's a widespread issue.

"He told us that the device just guessed what we were saying," she said. Danielle said the device did not audibly advise her it was preparing to send the recording, something it's programmed to do.

When KIRO 7 asked Amazon questions, they sent this response:

"Amazon takes privacy very seriously. We investigated what happened and determined this was an extremely rare occurrence. We are taking steps to avoid this from happening in the future."

Amazon offered to "de-provision" Danielle's Alexa communications so she could keep using its Smart Home Features. But Danielle is hoping Amazon gives her a refund for her devices, which she said their representatives have been unwilling to do. She says she's curious to find out if anyone else has experienced the same issue.

"A husband and wife in the privacy of their home have conversations that they're not expecting to be sent to someone (in) their address book," she said.



A movie called Show Dogs was released on May 23, and had scenes in it where the dog (a rotweiller) who was doing a police investigation had to tolerate having his balls touched before he could get to where his investigation was happening, and was told by his "police partner" to go to a happy place when that happened, to help him cope with it.

As it turns out, telling kids to "go to a happy place" in their minds when they are being trained as sex slaves is the exact tactics child molesters used, there was no difference between this and what happened in the movie.

As a result, parents complained so harshly that the movie was promptly removed from theaters, AFTER OPENING ON 3,200 SCREENS! So it was not a small release, they really tried to groom the kids with this crap! Appalling!!!

When a site like Indie Wire posts a report with the kind of tone they used regarding this, you know it is bad. Evidently the scenes are going to be cut and the movie re-screened, but knowing what happened the first time around, where they obviously tried to get kids to accept being fondled, I'd have to say NO GO, the studio deserves to have their butts handed to them in bankruptcy court.

Here is what I posted during the problem that happened earlier on Thursday:

Someone who uses Hotmail has this current system hijacked, and they are screwing me up because not everything I am trying to post is making it, plus their desktop is not integrating with mine well and their crap pages I could care less about are staying open. I have to find another location to use. Par for the course around here.

I'll have to comb the site for bugs and other crap also.

IMPORTANT: I have not clicked a mail for three weeks or more, and never on any of the systems in this particular cyber cafe, which means the only way I could be having to deal with this is via Israel's second processor embedded into every CPU now, all they have to do is bug the server so it tells them whenever I log in, and then they can feed me their crap.

I found a video that explains this problem very well. If anything I have said regarding the processor bugging is confusing, anyone can understand this particular video. He only makes one error, the OS is Minix, not Linux. If you want a short, succinct explanation of what is going on with these processors and who is doing it, and what it all means, SEE THIS. If this is not answered to by good people, we are all TOAST.

They mess with me so much that I occasionally get to see a treat when their crap glitches, like pages I never opened. I have yet to get into their e-mail but today was close, and if I ever do that will be enormous fun because it won't be a secret, I will know how it happened and will milk it to the MAX.

It is not just Kiluea

A major volcano in Vanuatu has erupted so badly an entire island had to be abandoned permanently

The eruption absolutely destroyed the island.

From the Jakarta Post

"Entire communities living under the shadow of a smouldering volcano on an island in Vanuatu will be permanently relocated to another island from next week, the Pacific nation's government has decided.

Most villagers on the northern island of Ambae had only recently returned home. The 11,000 people on the island were forced to leave last September when the Manaro volcano erupted.

The latest evacuation is not compulsory but the government said it wants those who left to stay away for good and resettle elsewhere.

The Council of Ministers has approved four permanent settlements on the nearby island of Maewo, which it will lease from landowners.

The government will organise and pay for the evacuation beginning June 1 and finishing July 30.

My comment: Kiluea may be driving people out of certain areas right now, but if a substantial island in Vanuatu has to be totally abandoned Vanuatu WINS.

Russia is launching a new smartphone OS

It is called Salifish and was developed by Nokia. Supposedly it is supposed to keep everything secure, but my bet is that it won't because it was not developed totally in house (by Russia) AND all the phones available use microprocessors that are intentionally compromised by a second core the operator never gets access to, just like the Intel CPU's do.

Whatever Russia was thinking with this is beyond me, if they don't plug the holes in the hardware the software will accomplish nothing. See this for what it is worth, which is better than no attempt at all but overwhelmingly probably not enough. I'd feel safer with Huawei because they have already been mostly shunned out of the U.S., which probably means they plugged a security hole or two.

Repeat: I am avoiding posting hopeful stories about the swamp draining

When everyone plus their dog and dog food dish got busted for treasonous acts against this nation, and not one of the true swamp critters has fried yet, it is all false hope. Waiting.

Until then, expect business as usual, including sell outs to America's enemies, plus un-checked illegal immigration, plus Google, Facebook and the msm stifling and raping all meaningful truth, plus universities continuing to brainwash kids to hate America and especially Western civilization, plus tainted vaccines threatening every child, plus Monsanto freak shows, plus tons of false flag terror attacks, gun grab attempts, property rights violations (what rights?), and more wars of aggression, HOPELESSLY RIGGED ELECTIONS you name it, NOTHING is going to change for as long as Comey, Hillary, and the rest of the clan walks free. Hillary is the litmus test, for as long as she's still a menace it is BUSINESS AS USUAL IN THE SWAMP.

So don't get your hopes up. Yet.

Boring news: Trump-Kim summit not to happen

I read Trump's letter on Rt. It seems to me Trump has suffered amnesia about what Bolton said. So why is the news about the summit being canceled boring? Because it was to be expected. Because Bolton telling Kim America has the "libya scenario" planned for him so soon after the U.S. reniged on the Iran agreement AND ON THE EXACT SAME DAY Kim bulldozed his testing sites was the real news, anything after that is simply expecting Kim to be an idiot. Of course there will be no Kim/Trump summit. And I believe that is exactly what the war hawks wanted, why the Libya comment if that is not so?

Here is the entirely new North Korea problem:

I have checked on this and confirmed it. North Korea may be able to beat the quality of Israel's nuclear weapons. Israel never publicized exactly how big they got theirs because it is all so secret they technically don't have them, and there was only one test (to the South East of Madagascar, if I remember right) that was (possibly) done by Israel, and it was around 20 KT. So Israel is a wild card with this but I seriously doubt they have megatons.

When North Korea's last test was done, the MSM downplayed it hugely, but legitimate post-test analysts (not the many many reports of smaller yields) pegged NK at 270 kilotons. That's a solid medium yield nuke. Without question, NK beat India and Pakistan hansomely. And possibly even beat Israel, because at least NK did testing, and has a known working design as a result.

Even if Kim only reached 100 KT, as some MSM outlets reported, he has a limited amount of nuclear materials and would be stupid to waste them on more tests. The smart move would be to take all materials he has, and simply do a production run of the latest bomb that really worked. He'd be stupid to not do that even at 50 KT. And he's quite frankly not stupid.

So by stupidly telling Kim he was slated for a "lybia solution", I mean SERIOUSLY, what on earth was the goal in saying that?, now Kim's best move is to see how many proven working medium yield nukes he can scrape out of that reactor of his, to be stockpiled and used in defense. No summit will be needed for that. And it might keep him safe, for a lot longer than Ghadaffi lasted.

UPDATE: Trump told Kim "you have nukes, but ours are massive". Kim should have fired back: Yes, but if you nuke me, you hit 3 goats and a cement mixer. If I nuke you, I take out Google!

Please. Oh please!

FIVE DANCING ISRAELIS ON 911: Our purpose was to document the event

I did not know this happened. The five dancing Israelis went on an Israeli talk show after being released by the FBI, and with a lead in statement of "we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily," they then admit that their purpose was to document the event. Obviously then, in one sentence, they admitted that they themselves were the terrorists on 911 because they could not have been there to document the event if they were not directly involved in it. This also undermined their statement that Israel "experiences terror daily" when they themselves were part of the terrorist front on 911. POOR ISRAEL.

The same FBI that cleared them and allowed them to return to Israel after busting them wholesale definitely lacks enough moral fiber to enable it to be the one doing the shootings, at the same time they try to destroy the President. After all, if they let these people go, they had to have been in on 911 also at a very high level.

I did not know the five dancing Israelis basically admitted they did it by confirming they were there to document it!. Welcome to the new old news!


The news is too early to have all the details, but this was on RT:

"US-led coalition warplanes have bombed several Syrian army positions in the eastern Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor, state media outlet SANA reports, citing a military source.

The attack took place shortly after midnight on Thursday. SANA reported that the US-led coalition aircraft inflicted limited material damage. It is unknown if the attack caused any casualties. The airstrikes, which hit near the city of Al-Bukamal, were reportedly coordinated with anti-government militants.

Earlier, Lebanon's Hezbollah group, an ally of the Syrian forces in the fight with Islamic State (IS, former ISIS/ISIL) said the coalition jets targeted two Syrian army outposts, including an energy installation near the Iraqi border."

Comment below report: "Zero justification this time? they didn't bother with the lies of chemical attacks? if so, this is pretty effin serious." My comment: That's like, "too naughty," according to the recent agreements, right? Russia has been notoriously "not present" for it's allies lately. What will happen this time? Wait and see I guess.

Corruption in the Trump/Russia investigation

I am not holding my breath. There is too much to mention, and all the hens have roosted. Fake media is playing this like Trump is going after his political enemies, not the watergate many times over that it is. They are going to scam this to the end. There is no question everyone from Hillary on down is totally and irrevocably busted. Now all we can do is watch what happens against the deep state, and if the deep state wins.

There really is not a whole lot to do with this except wait and see what happens. Half the swamp should burn now. Will it? With every possible plant working to prevent it at all levels, right down to the court transcriptionist, it is anyone's guess, it all depends upon who the deep state has planted, and where.

Possible mayhem: Three people escape ebola quarantine (and two die in the street)

We now have a perfect test case for the communicability of ebola. Two people who escaped quarantine walked around in a city of 350,000 until they died. So it is proven they had it. If ebola spreads easily, we will soon find out.

I knew about them escaping yesterday but did not mention it because it was not confirmed well enough that they actually had ebola. but if they are dead now, that pretty much cinches it.

Now it all boils down to a game of wait and see I guess, because this is the first time anything of this sort has ever happened in a major population center, so far all genuine ebola outbreaks have been limited to small villages.

Another CIA/NSA/FBI back door was found by hackers

MORE FUN. PREDICTION: They won't allow this to be fixed because they want to keep their toys, just like the last time. SEE THIS.


Remember a while back when a Christian bakery told a gay couple they would not bake a wedding cake? As it turns out, after the gay couple forced them to rack up a $438,000 legal bill defending themselves for "hurting the gay couple's feelings", the judge declared the bakery won the case, and stuck the legal bill on the gay couple. You read that right - the gay couple lost, and can now begin celebrating their lives together by paying off the $438,000 legal bill the bakery racked up defending itself. SEE THIS. Gee, where is George Soros when they need him? Perhaps the LGBT community will all chip in and help?

Sonic weapon in China?

U.S. diplomats are claiming the same thing is happening in China that happened in Cuba

The NFL banned kneeling

Here are the sketchy rules: If the home team does not want the visiting team out for the anthem, the visiting team stays in the locker room and then comes out after, (however, if both teams are to be on the field at the time, this is waived) and this rule is most likely to cut down on potential kneeling incidents by allowing a home team the opportunity to block a visiting team from kneeling. Just a guess. Here's the punch line

There will be a 15 yard penalty for kneeling, and I don't know if it is per player, or per team but it would be funny if it was possible to have 10 kneelers rack up a 150 yard penalty. That's the way I'd have it.

General consensus:

Rules at this time won't cut it, they already showed who they were, and many avid football watchers tried other activities at game time last year and apparently they are happier without football. We will have to see how this goes. PRECEDENT, I HAVE A PRECEDENT:

I liked baseball (the 1991 world series was especially great) Then the bastards went on strike and the magic was gone, I have not watched baseball since.

Football was a different story. I was annoyed with all the new sissy rules and that they could not spike the ball anymore. The old school touchdown dances were pretty good. Then they got rid of all that and a lot of the fun was gone. After the whole kneeling thing I don't want to see NFL football at all anymore, it is one thing to not be of much interest after ripping the fun out of it with too much political correctness and sensitivity, and totally another to be a traitor and then expect someone like me to tolerate it.

The concept of Bush doing 911 hit the MSM

However, despite hitting the MSM it was not played the way anyone who knows the truth would want it.

Major league pitcher Trevor Bauer was "accused" of inscribing "BD911" on the pitcher's mound. He is now denying that he did, (obviously to save his career, and is saying it was personal, and that he really inscribed "BD.911" and that it has a personal meaning he did not want to discuss.

My comment: Dear Trevor, if you DO NOT think Bush did 911, don't have me over for dinner or you might get an education. The fact Bush did it is so transparent it is beyond crystal clear. I know you have to protect your career, but truly, I hope to God you meant that as everyone understood it.

Here is the photo. My opinion is that Trevor is a closet truther, but he can't say it or he is toast. NICE HIDDEN MESSAGE THERE, HA HA HA, PRICELESS!!

Opinion: Kiluea - "disaster" is impossible

As long as the Hilena slump does not kick off a thousand foot tsunami, there is no such thing as a disaster on the big island. Why would I say that? ANSWER: If you live on a volcano, you knew what it was, and that your world could change any day.

The big island is a growing island. That means that it is reasonable to expect every square inch of that island to be one day (albeit on different days) glowing on every square inch of it. The only thing people do when they build on that particular volcano is gamble with the future, and whether or not whatever they build will be around long enough to provide sufficient benefit from building it.

When it is going off, remember that anyone on that volcano ought to be aware that it could hit them with poison gas, flying rocks, and rivers of fire on a day's notice, and that they just might have to cancel the bar-b-q, (or at least change what they were going to cook with,) I am sure you could do quite a good hot lava bar-b-q if you had enough practice.

When the Man Comes Around

Remember when I said 52 deaths in Gaza was a lie? I WAS RIGHT.

Here is the final tally, for what went on when the embassy was moved to Jerusalem. It is a little hard to put together in This report but here are the numbers that matter, and they are right at the top.

13,190 injured.
502 were shot in the head and neck.
283 were shot in the chest and back.
225 were shot in the abdomen and pelvis.
938 were shot in the arm.
325 were shot in the leg.
My comment: Any claims of being careful or restrained are false. Clearly they were going for head shots. Additionally that is simply too many people shot or injured, especially wnen they can't get over the wall anyway.

The trolls were hitting it hard, playing it down, calling Israel the victim and I once again, like an idiot (sort of) listened, though I was probably closer to the truth than most others. I should have upped my numbers a little more than I did.


Dicks sporting goods stopped selling big bad evil "assault weapons" after B.S. Hogg's day in the Florida sunshine. So a pawn shop that sells guns put this sign up:

No one will be prosecuted.

Just like I said with my blah blah blah report nothing will be done. As it turns out, the Attorney General cannot subpoena any Obama employee involved in any of the scandals against Trump. Hence THIS REPORT:

"DOJ officially launches investigation into Hillary's illegal spying

Blah blah BLAH blah blah blah blah BLAH BLAH!!!

Ok, that was a lazy report, but IT IS THE TRUTH!!!!

Nothing will happen to the shadow state, so why bother?"

DING DING DING DING DING, I WAS RIGHT, and opted to not bother anyone with false hopes after this Trump tweet:

"I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!"



The following chart, produced by Judicial watch, shows how many more people are registered to vote THAN TOTAL ADULTS IN THE STATE. The chart is actually wrong on the 3.5 million number of fake voters, the actual number is 54.5 million (explained below,) the numbers on this chart by Judicial watch only show there are more people registered than are even alive. There is no conceivable way the election will not be stolen.

IMPORTANT: In reality, 35 percent of all proven living adults in America ARE NOT registered to vote. If that is the case, having the records show more people registered to vote than are even alive positively guarantees an election steal. Even if almost all registered voters voted one way, having more than 35 percent fake votes to add to the Democrat side of the equation will guarantee a win, even if almost all registered voters that are actually alive vote Republican. That's how bad the system is rigged, WE LOSE. READ IT AND WEEP:

I doubt there is any way to overcome rigging of this magnitude. The election absolutely WILL BE STOLEN.

THE CHART ABOVE IS MISSING A KEY POINT. HERE ARE THE REAL NUMBERS: There are 51 million adults not registered to vote. If there are more adults able to cast a vote via phoney registrations than are even alive in the U.S., all 51 million non registered adults have to be added to the equation. There are not only 3.5 million fake voters, it is 51 million PLUS 3.5 million, for a total of 54.5 million fake votes possible. WE ARE ABSOLUTELY SCREWED.

I knew this was the reality, and that Trump had around 80 percent popular support. He got fewer votes than Hillary. Except all his counted, and practically none of Hillary'should have. THIS IS PRECISELY WHY HILLARY DEMANDED TO WIN, SHE KNEW THE ABILITY TO RIG THE VOTE WAS SO OFF THE CHARTS A LOSS WAS NOT POSSIBLE.

Kiluea - Lava is now entering geothermal power plant

The facilit provides 25 percent of the electricity to the big island

There is a geothermal power station in the eruption zone, and up until now it was spared because the lava surfacing was old, cool, and thick so it did not flow well. A couple days ago, new lava made it's way to the surface and is much hotter and flowing much faster, which allowed it to spread out and cover more area. As a result, the rate of destruction is far more than before, and a geothermal power facility is now taking on lava.

Nothing critical is hit yet, but it is on the property and getting close. The facility has been shut down in preparation for getting sunk under lava. Adding to the problem is the fact that the site has heated up underground due to the recent eruption, and pressures are much harder to control.

Chinese social credit system an EXACT COPY OF GOOGLE POLICY

The Chinese government is calling it a victory, that they can destroy dissidents. READ THE PUNCH LINE, IT IS EXACTLY WHAT GOOGLE IS DOING VIA DENIAL OF ADS AND DE-RATING OF ANYTHING THEY DISAGREE WITH, as well as ensuring all conservative white males are blacklisted by hiring agencies (Google provides profiling data to many hiring firms, has everyone unmasked, and reports all conservative white males as "un-hirable") JUST LIKE CHINA'S SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM.

From Breitbart

China's state-run Global Times newspaper reported on Monday that over 11.14 million instances of individuals not being able to board flights - and 4.25 million similar incidents on trains - had occurred "by the end of April."

Since the same person could attempt to board a flight or train and have officials deny them more than once, it is likely that the number of individuals banned from traveling is slightly lower than the number of instances in which the government has blocked travel.

The Global Times proclaims the millions of cases of government officials using the "social credit system" to ground travelers a success of the system, which closely monitors the behavior of all individuals, assigning a numerical value to how beneficial to the Chinese communist state each person is. People considered loyal, law-abiding members of the Communist Party are assigned high social credit scores, while those who violate the law, behave in irritating ways in public, or are suspected of engaging in dissident activity are assigned lower scores.

China has not yet made clear how the numerical system works or where the cut-off score is to be prevented from flying or riding trains.

According to Hou Yunchun, former deputy director of the development research center of the State Council, who the Global Times quotes as having celebrated the system on Sunday, a social credit score is necessary because "if we don't increase the cost of being discredited, we are encouraging discredited people to keep at it."

Hou insisted that it was necessary for social harmony that "discredited people become bankrupt."---THIS!!

My comment: Bankrupting people who are "discredited" by de-monetizing them is exactly what Google is doing. There is absolutely no difference between Google and Communist China, In fact, Google is worse because you don't have to be rude, or a lawbreaker, or a dissident, ALL YOU HAVE TO BE IS CONSERVATIVE AND WHITE MALE, and Google will put every effort into ensuring you are de-monetized and subsequently never hired anywhere, which leads to inevitable bankruptcy.

POOR CHINA! Though their situation is undoubtedly bad, Alas, thanks to Google white males in America have it even worse! Whatever you do, if you are conservative and white male in America DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB, it won't matter how well you are liked or how great you did once the Google slander kicks in. For as long as Google is not wiped out, the job you have now is your LAST JOB.

No, minority imports from India and elsewhere really are not better, they are simply what the elitists and Google want to have taking all the jobs, because they want America destroyed, and foreigners have no loyalty to America and will happily stab Americans in the back by writing sabotaged code in exchange for a paycheck.


Well, this was unexpected, it really is the end of the scouts.

From World Net Daily

The Boy Scouts have decided to accept people who identify as gay and lesbian among their ranks. And girls are welcome now, too, into the iconic organization, which has renamed itself Scouts BSA.

So what's next?

A mandate that condoms be made available to "all participants" of its global gathering.

It's among the demands of the World Scout Committee for any host country of a World Scout Jamboree.

That would include the 24th World Scout Jamboree, scheduled July 21-Aug. 1, 2019, in West Virginia.

The Scouts say: "For the first time, a world jamboree will be hosted by three national Scout organizations: Scouts Canada, Asociacion de Scouts de Mexico, and the Boy Scouts of America. These three distinct cultures will join together to host the world Scouting community in a celebration of cultural exchange, mutual understanding, peace, and friendship."

With condoms.

Commenting on the condom policy, John Stemberger, president of the Florida Family Policy Council, wrote that "it is not clear how far down the rabbit hole the Boy Scouts will continue to fall."

"With the addition of condoms and alcohol, the World Jamboree is starting to sound more like a 1960s Woodstock festival rather than a campout that parents would want to send their children to!"

Stemberger also serves as chairman of the board for Trail Life USA, an alternative to the Scouts that continues to abide by the Boy Scout motto: "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the scout law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight."

Stemberger said the recent developments "should be deeply disturbing to the churches that are chartering Boy Scout Troops."

"These policies present a clear youth protection problem that the BSA absolutely refuses to recognize. The fact that they are requiring that condoms be 'readily accessible' and are communicating this to everyone - including youth participants - shows that the BSA is both anticipating and facilitating sexual conduct between minors at this event. These policies are both outrageous and completely irresponsible."

The World Scout Committee is demanding that host nations "ensure that condoms are readily and easily accessible for all participants and IST [staff] at a number of locations on the site."

My comment: Best Start Again. The Mormons split off, and alternative organizations are already in place. Obviously our friends got ahold of an American treasure and melted it down the way they melted down all the gold relics from the Russian Tsars. What's new with the tribe today, anyway?

When the Man Comes Around

Fukushima Recap: Hard facts that prove the earthquake was fabricated, and Fukushima was a Stuxnet/nuke attack

Facts unknown by people who have not read the Fukushima report, yet were fully certified by the World Nuclear Association.

1. Fukushima never lost off site power, which made the "flooding of the generators" irrelevant. You read that right, Fukushima had power the entire time. However, there was an "anomaly" which caused the transfer switches (that were above the tsunami line) to cut external power into the facility. Long before there was any disaster at all this problem was found and the off site switch gear was replaced, but even the new switch gear, which was SCADA controlled, refused to engage and provide power to Fukushima. What would do that? the Stuxnet virus, under control from Dimona, that's what.

2. Fukushima had 11 back up generators. Several of these were in the basement of the turbine building. The turbine building did get some water, but it was not enough to flood the generators there. Four of them which started automatically mysteriously switched off and could not be re-started, however a fifth one stayed running but could not be used because the Scada based switch gear that transfered it's power for facility use would not engage, so it sat there, running uselessly. It was sufficient to power emergency systems at all reactors by itself and if it could have been connected it would have prevented all disaster. But the "Dimona Dozen" said no.

3. The roads into Fukushima were totally un-damaged, so very early on (within the first couple hours, when it was clear there was something seriously amiss with the transfer switches,) massive flat bed semi mounted "portable" generators were driven into the facility and hooked up. Alas, the Scada controlled switch gear was not allowed by some mysterious entity, to engage. And you can't "just hook it up" by hand, you need specialized switch gear to handle that much power or there will be an explosion when it is connected. So they were stuck.

4. Fukushima had control power the entire time. Control power is what the computers and small non motorized devices run from (small devices, such as electric valves, relays, etc.) Control power alone was enough to save Fukushima from destruction, however, the engineers in the control room were not getting accurate readings, and all commands sent to valves were declined. If they had been able to open any of the pressure release valves, they could have saved the facility with high pressure pumper trucks (that could rapidly pump water into the reactors at the normal reactor operating pressure of 1050 PSI, but the valves, which should automatically open at 1058 PSI (and vent the reactors out the huge white "smokestacks") were electronically held shut, despite all attempts to cut power to them and force them to open. When the trucks arrived to try to get water into the reactors, they encountered pressures above 2700 PSI (despite the control rooms all saying the pressures were where they should be, at 1050 PSI) and 2700 PSI was the limit the trucks could pump to. This meant that not only were the pressure relase valves refusing to open, but the reactors were far far above maximum operating temperature (with temperature directly correlated with steam pressure) and the control room readouts were lying. That's exactly what Stuxnet does.

After they discovered how high the pressures really were (because the pumper trucks gave accurate answers) they decided to send people in to cut the wires to the valves (which would then allow them to open automatically) but before the final decision was made, 3 of the reactors exploded.

5. Reactor 4 was under maintenance and had it's core removed, yet it exploded anyway. This was lied off as a hydrogen explosion with hydrogen from reactor 3 (which was impossible if it had 2700 plus PSI in it, which proves it was perfectly sealed and no hydrogen could possibly escape)

6. All 4 reactor containments were pre-purged with nitrogen, which made hydrogen explosions impossible, and the official lie - "hydrogen explosions" could not have destroyed the containments because they were simply too robust. Additionally, the only way hydrogen could get out of any reactor was through the smokestacks, there was no way for it to get into the containments to begin with. Seismic readings at Fukushima proper were 6.02, and the facility was designed to withstand local seismic events of 8+. All reactors were shock absorber mounted, the whole 9 yards, there was no damage that made hydrogen explosions possible.

7. YET HUGE EXPLOSIONS, NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS, HAPPENED AT REACTORS 3 AND 4, AND REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL EXPLOSIONS, AT 3000+ PSI HAPPENED AT REACTORS 1 AND 2. These were pressure vessel explosions (boiler pressure vessel explosions) - nuclear reactors are in effect giant boiler pressure vessels - explosions of such boilers are really nasty (nasty enough to ruin containments) but nuclear weapons are worse, and I HAVE PROOF THEY WERE USED, which is why containments 3 and 4 were destroyed so much worse than 1 and 2.

8. Here is the big bad naughty thing this site is hated most for - a picture of the nuclear weapon, fronted as a security camera, that was placed under reactor 3 by Israeli "security firm" Magna BSP. A different one went into reactor 4.

Gun type nuclear weapons are very large, but nuclear facilities are huge, and there was space under reactor 3 for it. Yes, those are street lights on that tarmac, here is a picture of this type of "camera" (which in this case happens to be a real camera) mounted to a building, for reference:

(Notice on the one that went under reactor 3 that the cameras are externally mounted balls that are stuck to a sleeve, and on the real camera (obviously done to make a convincing fake for a picture) the cameras are totally cut into what would be the gun barrel. WHY THE DIFFERENCE? You guess!

No significant earthquake happened in Japan, 3/11 was an event where a man made earthquake measuring 6.6 was used as a front while nuclear weapons dropped in the Japan trench by the U.S. Navy, (which thought it was dropping sonobouys) were used to create an enormous tsunami, which did horrific damage. The USGS, which is a totally corrupted agency handled the paperwork for the earthquake but pissed off Japanese seismologists sent me the actual seismogram for the quake, and the reading is Richter, here it is:

They put the fake epicenter out in the ocean, to satisfy the official story, while showing what the actual readings were. There was no earthquake in the ocean at all, even the man made quake was 100 KM inland and the ZioPress simply scammed the news. I wonder if the seismologists who published this accurate seismogram are even alive anymore. DOUBT IT.

This is all documented in the Fukushima report (which this site is permanently banished for) because I refuse to take it down. The world needs to know just how damn dirty Israel really is. Japan was destroyed because they agreed to provide nuclear fuel to Iran, and refused to make a huge payout to the world bank.

Oh, for the heck of it (I guess) I'll post the picture that proves no big earthquake happened, and the tsunami really was nuclear. Everything is in perfect shape here, as the tsunami rolls in.

DOJ officially launches investigation into Hillary's illegal spying

Blah blah BLAH blah blah blah blah BLAH BLAH!!!

Ok, that was a lazy report, but IT IS THE TRUTH!!!!

Nothing will happen to the shadow state, so why bother?


Let's see how long "high minded liberals" can handle the crap they push on everyone, now that they have welcomed it at Starbucks! How long will Starbucks live? That is anyones guess.

A few months ago, a black guy walked into a Starbucks, started screaming about inequality and being treated badly there, and they gave him a free coffee. This cascaded to all kinds of black people getting free coffee. NOW, STARBUCKS HAS OFFICIALLY STATED A POLICY OF "ANYONE CAN BE HERE, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A PAYING CUSTOMER! ha ha ha, FAIL.

Let's see here, who goes to Starbucks? Until they ruined their coffee with a flavor enhancer that gives me an instant three day headache, it used to be me. And I was the low life there, off in a corner - in with piles of snooty high paid liberals with their over priced tech items who were usually having business meetings, or "how are we going to do the pride run" planning, or the occasional "feel good about yourself while you rape the general public with the next brainwash campaign" discussion, - you know, those types.

I was usually there to work on the site, and just sat and typed for a few hours, quietly, wondering how long I could get away with stretching a coffee. Never once did I see anyone who tried to use the bathroom all pooped up after barfing up a heroin overdose and sleeping in it. Starbucks was usually pretty good about keeping those types out because you had to at least pay something to be there. NOT ANYMORE.

Quite frankly, I was irritated by people who would just pee their clothes at night while sleeping on a park bench, let it dry during the day, and then pee them the next night, let it dry during the day, day after day - if you have evern spent time in a big city you have seen that and there is no excuse for it, you don't have to pee your clothes as a policy, there is always a way to avoid it. I spoke to one homeless guy who did not stink and he avoided stinking by putting a bottle in his pants when he needed to pee . . . . in Mexico City it is usually a bag they tie off neatly so it won't leak and they throw it somewhere . . . . there is no excuse to pee your clothes EVER. And when people do that as a policy and then wear the same clothes for weeks, the stench is horrible.

What is going to happen at Starbucks, now that no one has to pay to be there? Easy answer: Once it catches on, all these people that stink to high heaven are going to go in there, use the bathroom, never really get clean, and then they will sit at a table somewhere and in the name of "political correctness and sympathy for the poor" the hypocrite liberals will tolerate one day, maybe two, and then they will be gone. All this crap they push about "acceptance" and "charity" and "equality" and whatever other term they come up with is going to ring hollow in ONE COFFEE, it all looks good as long as someone else has to pay for it, tolerate it, be wrecked by it, but just wait and see what happens after a few liberals actually have to cope with it.

PREDICTION: Starbucks will either get a dose of conservative common sense, or Starbucks will die. After they wrecked their coffee, I really don't care what happens, though I can say I'll laugh if they don't learn before "you can be there without paying" kills them.

I am sure they really believe their customer base is open and accepting enough to deal with the consequences of such a policy, because it is predominantly liberal, and this move won't damage them. They will quickly learn that they'll die quicker than if their base was conservative, and they'd die either way, you have to run a business like a business, a "feel good" attitude won't change that.

The file name for the above picture is "prollynot". Because even if Trump does this, nothing will be looked into, America is too far gone. Only a civil war will work at this point.

A detailed report on Web 3.0

There is a resistance to the hegemony of Google, Facebook and other large web corporations who are trying to channel everyone down the same cattle chute while de-monetizing and censoring anyone who will not go like cattle through the chute. The resistance behind web 3.0 is becoming fairly well established and is trying to keep the web free. It is all based on blockchain, and the following report covers it well.

The actual report, (which contains graphics) is HERE, the text I ripped has the info but does not show as pretty as the actual report.

Calm before the storm

The birth of blockchain spawned a movement which is set to disrupt the entire tech industry. Blockchain and crypto enthusiasts are calling it the Web 3.0 and it’s looking to make all traditional business models defunct. This is because, in short, the technology will facilitate the decentralization of the World Wide Web, thereby equalizing control and ownership back from the grasp of profit hungry corporations.

The Web 3.0 ecosystem already consists of over 3000 variegated crypto coins and over 900 decentralized apps or DApps (a single DApp can mean a team of up to 50 members, each dedicated to disrupting a specific industry). And even though the industry is still in its infancy, the market cap has already exceeded 800 billion.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

These numbers supply damning evidence this movement is indeed a revolution in the works. And not unlike France in the 18th century, this revolution was born out of the frustration of inequality between millions of people and the few in power. And justly so, the Web 2.0 provided a fertile ground for corporations to monopolize control and profits.

The net giants are doing nothing other than consolidating control. Take internet.org for example, Mark Zuckerberg’s initiative to provide free access to the internet to deprived countries. The programmes intentions are rightly questioned as an obvious route whereby Facebook can control and discriminate access to the internet by any way they deem fit.

Facebook’s CEO is spending big bucks to defend his interests, and he’s not the only one. Jeff Bezos’s acquisition of the Washington Post is the cheapest and most subtle political insurance Amazon can buy. The price tag of $250 million beats a potential $700 billion ‘Antitrust’ case brought against the company.

It all goes to prove that a more liberated, egalitarian and fraternal internet would be a cause for concern for some monarchical corporations and their leaders.

The transition to a trust-less, anti-corruptible and anti-censorship system is not only necessary, it’s inevitable, and the changes will be catastrophic. Take these sectors for example:

Exchange Services

The cryptocurrency exchange Mt. Gox once again showed why housing data in a centralized manner is a bad idea, with over $460 million worth of bitcoin raided by hackers in 2014. Without a central governing authority, no one can adjust or float market rates and exchange values. There’s no boss in charge with conflicted interests, and there’s no one with more access to user data than anyone else. If we were to sum up the Web 3.0 in a word, it could be disintermediation.

We are now seeing decentralized exchanges like Bitfinex and EOSfinex fill in the gap of trust by removing the ‘central point of failure’ for anyone to manipulate. Immutability allows consumers to interact directly and costly financial process can be automated via smart contracts. With the ability to perform micro and macro payments, through fast clearing times and much cheaper fees, crypto currencies and exchanges will win in the long term.


File Storage Web 2.0 > Web 3.0

Now DApps like Storj, Filecoin and Maidsafe are leading the way in decentralized storage systems. All pushing to reduce costs and improve security with current storage providers. They run on the premise of trading unused storage capacity across desktops, servers and storage devices in exchange for tokens on their platforms. The nodes that store data will receive a reward in return and will perpetuate the framework. It will cost a fraction of what centralized storage platforms are offering so these platforms will undoubtedly win consumers in the long term, businesses will inevitably choose cheaper methods with improved security and privacy.

Messaging & Social Networks

If you live in Turkey or China, you are accustomed to explicit censorship and restrictive content. With Erdogan blocking twitter and Xi Jingpin banning anyone comparing him to Winnie the Pooh, there is no escape. And the Western world is not exempt either. Google released a code last year which scanned every private Google doc for violations and restricted access if they deemed necessary.

The demand for free speech is universal, and in the current state of internet affairs, the imbalance of power means the internet can be manipulated and blocked at a whim to benefit any corporation or governmental agency.

We are beginning to see decentralized social platforms like Steemit, Akasha and Status filling the privacy void. There cannot be lawsuits demanding access or restrictions to accounts without a central body, and the content remains in the hands of the user.

Insurance and Banking

Insurance Web 2.0 > Web 3.0

Corruption, insider trading, greed; These terms have become synonymous with insurance and banking industries. We are required to blindly trust the financial system because there are no alternatives on offer. Decisions are made behind closed doors and consumers have no say. It’s not hard to see why these sectors top the bill on corporate collapses and scandals. With $182 billion worth of taxpayer bailouts, this current broken system affects everyone.

The peer to peer industry has demonstrated how non-profit organizations can be sustainable long term. Take Mozilla or Wikipedia for example, they prove why centralized, profit-oriented governance is not necessary. But with the technology, we can go bigger. Blockchain provides an alternative where decentralized governance and trust is supplied through incorruptible smart contracts and cryptographic mathematics. The rules of the game are clear from the beginning.

Video Streaming

In 2005, YouTube (now owned by Google) popularized user generated content, representing a historic change in how we interact with the internet. But as time passed, and profit objectives were required to be met, slowly but surely we saw big changes. It’s considered free, but we do exchange our personal information (browsing/shopping habits) mostly unconsciously. All the while content generators only see a small percentage off the profit from advertising.

Their advertising and censorship policies are vague, and many content generators argue that videos are inconsistently and unjustly demonetized. With 400 hours of content uploaded every minute, Google admitted that they “don’t always get it right”. So if the largest internet corporation in the world can’t handle it, then it would appear that centralized control doesn’t work out best for consumers.

Music Streaming

Music Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0

In terms of professional artists making their living of such streaming services, the 30% middleman fee cuts deep into those who are just paving their way. The decentralize web offers a better solution for streaming services where users will be the owners and beneficiaries of their content. The Web 3.0 will will make it possible to remove intermediaries and enable advertisers, viewers, and content creators to engage directly with one another.


We can see decentralization is making tracks, but it’s applications and benefits to specific industries are still largely unknown in mainstream internet audiences. The ‘Internet of Blockchain’ foundation (IBF) aims to counter exactly that. The mission is to foster adoption and push the transition to the Web 3.0; a more user-centric web where we retain complete ownership of our data, identity and digital assets.

The IBF is aware how the lack of accessibility is hindering widespread adoption, hence the support for Essentia.one, a decentralized framework working to tackle this issue. The decentralized framework will be the first to bring together the decentralized ecosystem and enable interoperability between multiple blockchains. Essentia has natively integrated DApps such as Akasha, Aragon and Storj, and will provide the first, user-friendly interface for anyone to access and manage their digital lives on the Web 3.0.

So why are the net giants worried? Because the abuse of power and control can only be sustained for so long. Think of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette as they become apparent of the revolution underfoot. This time however, it’s not the people of Paris shouting liberté, égalité, fraternité, it’s the tech community, collectively working to facilitate the transition to a better world.

It is official, the E.U. backed Iran

The U.S. will now be forced to back down on sanctioning companies that do business with Iran, or cut off business with all of the EU. Iran wins, Trump will not intentionally crash the U.S. economy.

Kiluea beginning to go BONKERS

If you watch this live stream at around 5:55:00 into it, you can calculate from the fall times that the lava is being thrown approximately 500 feet into the air now.

I heard real estate on the East side of the volcano is going real cheap now.

The miracle of life extension tech was buried

There is someone above George Soros calling the shots from an even higher position.

The problem of human aging was solved long ago. Many people may remember the HGH commercials Art Bell used to run on late night radio. They were for real. And the products Art advertised did not require the abortion industry to provide the HGH, instead, the products Art Bell advertised stimulated the pituitary gland to produce "more of your own HGH". These products Art advertised no longer exist.

HGH is a hormone your body naturally produces, which regulates it's age. If you have too little, you will not completely heal from even small injuries and normal wear and tear, instead you will age and eventually wear out.

In the late 90's and early 2000's, the tech had been well developed, and there were many products available to cause your pituitary to produce more HGH, and that would improve your vitality. The best of these products was never advertised by Art Bell, and was instead sold at GNC with the brand name Ultra Lab HGC. That particular product was changed in 2003, and pulled from shelves entirely in 2004, along with all the rest of the HGH boosters that actually worked. The tech was simply too good for people to be allowed to have, unless, of course, you are wealthy enough and evil enough to be willing to pay for direct injections of HGH derived from the brains of aborted babies.

I actually tried the Ultra Lab HGC, for a short time period of 3 months. I had a back problem. It miraculously healed. It hurt like it had just been injured, and then healed. The same thing with my knees, which I had injured more than a decade before - they hurt like I had just injured them all over again and then healed. I have had zero problems with either since 2003, they were permanently and lastingly healed.

I was worried about side effects from a product that powerful and stopped taking it, not realizing it would soon be gone. The benefits lasted until now (and are still lasting.) If you look on the web, the product that worked was "500 sub lingual pellets", the 126 tablet version you can actually find pictures of now was not as good, and now the product is entirely gone.

I know first hand the tech existed and worked. And I know we can't get it anymore, any companies that had anything real were either bought out and shut down, or shut down some other way.

It is my belief that the natural HGH boosters that triggered your own body to produce more HGH were probably better than whatever George Soros is using to keep his decrepit bag of parts running. He's not in on the big secret if he has to keep injecting himself with whatever is derived from abortions, ditto for Hillary and all the other crap out there. And now, predominantly, many of the HGH reports that talk about what it is and what it does, say you have to use injections to get it. That's B.S, I saw the truth about this myself.

What has happened with the topic of HGH really makes me wonder who is really in charge of things. There is probably another layer to the shadow government that is above Nut Yahoo, Soros, Rothschield, - the true deep state that manipulates even these people. Certainly, life extension tech is already fully developed and real, and even the elite old kodgers we are allowed to chat about are not being let in on the real secret.

Here is the ingredient list for the real, (500 pellet) version of Ultra Lab HGC.

I was able to resurrect this better than I ever have before for some reason this time, the ingredient list above is confirmed to be the real deal.

In preparation (if you try this,) it is evident from other study of this that none of the ingredients can be heated above body temperature, and whatever concoction you come up with has to be administered sublingually (under the tongue) for one minute, with no food or drink for at least 15 minutes after. And it only takes a tiny amount.

I don't know how they prepared this but I would guess the ingredients were dehydrated, then mixed in a cold tea, then concentrated as much as possible, then saturated into homeopathic pellets (these are little white pellets that get soaked in whatever homeopathic ingredient they are supposed to carry,) and then you take six of those pellets and put them under your tongue until they dissolve.

That is my best guess on how they did it, based upon actually using the product. There are many many herbal supply places around here in Mexico so maybe I'll try to come up with all that stuff and mix a batch and then report what happens.


This morning's shooting had trolls on all forums, not even major forums, I MEAN ALL FORUMS minutes after the shooting, saying they witnessed it. This was done to keep people from saying it was not real.


All they did was prove they were set and staged to take action the moment this "shooting" was published, which means it either never happened or was government sponsored. When trolls were even blowing out forums with fewer than 150 users WITHIN THE FIRST FEW COMMENTS ON THREADS WITH THIS TOPIC, saying they were there, it is so impossible it amounts to CASE CLOSED.

They proved in Vegas that they will murder large numbers of people for political gain now. Whether or not they actually did in Texas this morning is open to scrutiny.

Another High School shooting

Yesterday's FBI claim of Paddock being a "white supremacist" was the primer for today's false flag. If this shooting happened, it was government sponsored no if's or buts. That is the ONLY WAY trolls could have been everywhere for it, on cue.


ALL FORUMS, EVEN THE MOST OBSCURE ONES, HAS SOMEONE POSTING THAT CLAIMS TO BE RIGHT THERE. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE, FROM A FORUM WITH ONLY 375 people online when this was posted right at the top of the thread on this topic:

Unbelievable? This next one is even more damning:

This next forum had 124 people online and this got posted within 3 minutes of the thread opening there also??!!?? IMPOSSIBLE.


How many people did they have to employ to bomb every damn last forum, right down to the forum at Bob's hardware of Quimby Iowa with this "I was there" crap?

Well well, Parkland was fake. Let's see if they get another David Hogg going for this one.


Everyone start checking for reports about this that were issued too early, AND check Craigslist for crisis actor jobs, AND Facebook for accounts that were set up too recently plus reported about this too soon, AND try to find evidence that crisis actors were used.


Trump has not been looking normal lately, I think McDonalds got a CIA plant that finally drugged him a good one. So he will probably go along with a gun ban for this.

THE SHOOTING IS FAKE, I AM CALLING IT ALREADY, LOOK AT THIS SHIRT THEY SAY HE HAD ON HIS FACEPLANT. I took this straight off his supposed three week old Facebook account.

FROM THIS, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO HATE RUSSIA, COMMUNISTS, THE GERMANS and a FREE JAPAN, from before the U.S. defeated them. Or maybe the kid was crazy? Here is his explanation and OH, the "Born to kill" shirt from April 30 is JUST TOO CONVENIENT. Over the top. Not believable.



17 years after 911

Here's something to consider. We are coming up on 20 years after 911. This means that anyone under the age of 30 will be unlikely to remember the attacks and be traumatized by them. THAT MEANS THEY NEED ANOTHER 911 TO KEEP THE PUBLIC PRIMED.

In light of this mornings TROLL CERTIFIED FAKE OR SPONSORED SHOOTING, where everyone plus the dog and their tractor saw it first hand "so it has to be real", I figured I'd mention this.

How many people did they have to employ to bomb every damn last forum, right down to the forum at Bob's hardware of small town Iowa with this "I was there so it is definitely real" crap?


That's not the title of the linked report, or even what it is about, but the Pentagon really did screw up and give away secrets with this.

Report topic: Russia-Germany pipeline raises intelligence concerns

The report then goes on to explain how the pipeline will provide a way for Russia to install spy gear along the length of the pipeline. BAD MOVE BY THE PENTAGON; YOU SEE:

They do this all the time. Any time a U.S. controlled facility (even privately owned) goes into a foreign country, and ends up in a sensitive area, it is likely to be used for spying. Additionally, antenna fields are a favorite. There are often transmitter facilities housed in shipping container style buildings, and looking up at a hill full of antennas no one really knows what they are all for. So the U.S. can just smuggle a trailer in with a secret crew (to assemble any antennas at 3 AM that are needed for whatever intelligence they want to gather,) along with the equipment, drop it, and bam-o, they are in business, perfectly hidden in the antenna stubble.

How could the Pentagon be stupid enough to announce it's own methods by openly and brazenly accusing Russia of doing the exact same thing they do? Ridiculous. Snowflake stupid 5 year old can't beat uncle at chess STUPID. America might get it's ass handed to it in a Russian snow hat if they are stupid enough to Blunder out ridiculous reports like this.

IRAN SANCTIONS UPDATE: Europe dropped the dollar.

There is more on this below, but this is what it all boils down to now:

The EU has enacted a sanctions law against the United States, that will isolate the U.S. Additionally, the EU has agreed to keep buying Iranian oil. ON TOP OF THIS, the EU has declared an end to paying for Iranian oil with U.S. dollars.

It was stated earlier that Iran had plans to drop the U.S. dollar. However if anyone refused to pay with anything else, Iran would be forced to accept it. This new move by Europe is on the other side of the equation, Europe itself is stating it won't be paying Iran with U.S. dollars. This is a major development.

U.S. companies selling access to your real time location data

Everyone knows this, but it is time for a refresher.

Four of the largest cell giants in the US are selling your real-time location data to a company that you've probably never heard about before.

In case you missed it, a senator last week sent a letter demanding the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) investigate why Securus, a prison technology company, can track any phone "within seconds" by using data obtained from the country's largest cell giants, including AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint, through an intermediary, LocationSmart.

Real-time location data was accessible by police under "the legal equivalent of a pinky promise," said a senator.

Yet little is known about how LocationSmart obtained the real-time location data on millions of Americans, how the required consent from cell user owners was obtained, and who else has access to the data.

Kevin Bankston, director of New America's Open Technology Institute, explained in a phone call that the Electronic Communications Privacy Act only restricts telecom companies from disclosing data to the government. It doesn't restrict disclosure to other companies, who then may disclose that same data to the government.

He called that loophole "one of the biggest gaps in US privacy law."


The prospect of Iran sanctions not going well for U.S.

EU to launch legal process to prevent US bans from affecting businesses in Iran

This was at PressTV

"The European Commission is set to launch a legal process based on a powerful law to block American sanctions against Iran as European Union powers mobilize to save the landmark 2015 nuclear deal following Washington's unilateral pullout.

Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the EU's executive body, said Thursday that the Commission will begin the process of activating Blocking Statute at 10:30 a.m. on Friday.

The Statute, which was adopted in 1996, refers to a law that makes it illegal for any European Union company to comply with US sanctions.

My comment: What this means is that Europe is taking legal action against the United States for backing out, and Europe will probably win. The end result will be that the U.S. gets sanctioned as badly as Iran, because as a result of this law, European companies (which cannot pull out of contracts with Iran after sanctions are applied on Iran) will then not be able to do business with the U.S. if the U.S. decides to back out of the Iran deal anyway. Obviously Europe will feel a pinch, but the U.S. will become a pariah."


A Youtuber made a fake bomb and put it in a Honda, and parked the Honda with windows rolled down and the keys in the ignition, in the ghetto with a Gopro in the car to record what went on when people tried to steal the car. When the key is turned, the fuses to the bomb light, they are loud and get the attention of the various car thieves, who then run like hell away from the car. Funny. I find this video shocking because so many people tried to steal the car. It was obviously easy to do this video, because so many different people tried to steal the car.

If you want an in-your-face example of how political correctness is BULLSHIT, it does not get any more blatant than this. Damn funny too.

Texting while driving

Here's a new one

Last Sunday I got trapped behind a motorcycle where the driver was obviously drunk. He was going about 10 miles an hour. I could not pass him because he was swerving too much and I did not want to run him over.

After a few blocks of this, he slowly, ever so slowly, coasted to a stop and put his foot down. I decided to go around him because he was not moving. And then I saw what was going on with him. He was not drunk, instead he was texting, while riding a motorcycle. Never saw that before . . . . .

QUESTION: Is Kim Jong stupid?

Evidently Trump, Bolton and South Korea think so!

Kim Jong has now backed away from nuclear disarmament. And in my opinion, he did it for several good reasons.

1. The U.S. reniged on the Iran nuclear deal. What is Kim going to think of that? What would you think if you were being kept safe by a nuclear arsenal, and you watched someone else dash their hopes of having one, only to be scammed later? The Iran nuclear deal was not a bad deal for the U.S., all it really did was open up Iran's economy, and return stolen assets. Iran was never "given" anything. Instead, what Iran "got" was more like having a volkswagen beetle stolen in 1980 and returned after 2010 with 400,000 miles on it.

The easing of economic sanctions was far more significant by comparison. Since sanctions are now not going to be eased on Iran even after Iran totally stuck to the agreement, how much trust should Kim have towards any promise from the United States? ANSWER: How much would you trust a paper bag to protect you from an Ebola specimen?

2. Then, WHILE Nort Korea was bulldozing it's nuclear testing area, the U.S. and South Korea started war games for an attack on North Korea. How could the United States and SK possibly have been more stupid? So there sat Kim Jong, looking at a shredded Iran deal, and war games - a practice session to wipe out his country! How stupid was that??? What kind of idiot would throw away his nukes in that scenario? Great gesture for world peace with those idiotically timed war games!


CONCLUSION: There will not be peace with North Korea and it is America's fault. How could there be peace, when the U.S. conducted war games after reniging on the Iran deal and then suggested the "lybia model" for Kim, where the leader of Libya was gleefully killed, ALL WHILE YOU WERE BULLDOZING YOUR NUCLEAR SITES and living up to your own word, to suck up to America and hope for the best? Who the hell would be stupid enough to hope for the best, given what the U.S. has already done to others? Kim is NOT STUPID.

I was hoping for the best for North Korea, and that those people would finally get more than rice. But the U.S. BLEW IT for those people, there is absolutely no one else to blame.

It is as if the U.S. took an enormous stack of Disney stories and burned them to bake a hyena. WAY TO GO.

PROVEN: Gardasil triggers the immune system to attack a woman's brain.

To be more specific, if you study this abstract, Gardasil in fact causes a woman's immune system to attack her brain the same way antidepressants do.

My belief: Gardasil is in fact given to women for the sole purpose of destroying male/female relationships.

Not my belief, COLD HARD FACT: Gardasil definitely, without question, attacks the brain, and the end result is depression. An abstract could not possibly make it more clear than this, and no, vaccine trolls won't refer to this "science" while they ridicule all people who question vaccines as "too stupid to understand basic science". When they do that, all I do is troll them hard with science that is over their heads. Not difficult to do against those who were only handed lines to throw out while not understanding a thing about what they are actually trolling. Here's a great one to throw against a troll:

If the state ever mandates I be vaccinated, at least one person other than me will suffer brain damage of a type you won't get from a vaccine in whatever attempt is made to jab me. I won't go down easy.

They know damn well what they are doing with vaccines, so when I go after trolls I hit them from the eugenics angle and explain the science behind why and how the vaccines do what they do. After they blat back a few textbook responses, they give up, I have yet to lose that debate.

Here is how vaccines are designed to destroy people, in one short little blurb:

No matter what you put in a vaccine along with a pathogen, the immune system will identify it as the pathogen, and will produce a custom antibody for whatever was injected along with the pathogen. If it happens to be peanut oil, a peanut allergy will result. If the pathogen happens to be injected with a squalene adjuvant, you might end up with a fish allergy. and today, many vaccines are grown in human tissue. They can't get all the human tissue separated from the pathogens, (nor do they even want to) and this is what is causing multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, autism, and a whole slew of other ailments at levels we have never seen before.

Squalene is a common vaccine adjuvant. Squalene is a basic building block of the human nervous system. What then happens when the immune system is tricked into removing this basic building block from the human body wherever it is? A whole slew of neurodegenerative auto immune disorders, and THEY KNOW IT. And it is worse than this now, nowadays a lot of the vaccines are cultured in genetically engineered yeast, that is designed to produce whatever human materials they actually want the resulting vaccine to attack. It can be whatever they want, whatever they tell the yeast to mimic. That makes modern vaccines a PERFECT weapon.

To sum it up, here is the science behind sabotaged vaccines: Materials are intentionally placed in the vaccine along with whatever pathogen the vaccine is for, and these materials are tailored to cause the immune system to identify key building blocks of the body (usually in the nervous system) as hostile, and the immune system subsequently rips the body and brain to shreds.

That is the "science". And no vaccine troll has ever been able to respond to it.

Speculation: ZTE bowed to the NSA, Huawei did not

The main point of this particular report is speculative, but I bet I nailed it. First, what is not speculative:

In early 2016 another Edward Snowden (who was a hell of a lot worse than Snowden) smuggled ultra classified NSA spy software out of an NSA facility and dropped it on the dark web. This software uses hardware based back doors to allow itself to become permanently embedded in a system. I'll explain how it does this.

Every device you use has three different operating systems, running in layers. The layer you see is the OS the device sells with - Windows, Android, etc. Immediately below this top layer everyone sees is the bios layer, which in devices such as phones allows you to re-flash the device with "firmware updates". When you update "firmware", this is the layer you are working with. Most people think that's the root layer of any device. It is not. There is a layer below this that as it turns out, is specifically for the NSA. In all processors now, the bottom layer, which you cannot see, uses the MINIX operating system which is physically burned into the processor itself, and has a second processor you never know is there (but has ultimate control over the main processor). This second processor has approximately as much power as a 486DX2-66 processor. We may scorn that particular processor nowadays, but it is actually quite powerful, and more than enough to rape the main processor.

This second processor has flashable writable space that can be written to by the NSA for the purpose of planting bugs on a system that will not affect it's performance at all, because the bugs are executed by a processor the end user is not even aware exists. And even lowly devices, such as burner phones and other throwaway trash now have this second processor in them.

In early 2016, the software the NSA uses to exploit this second processor was dropped on the dark web, and hackers got it. You can still get illegal copies of this software, that is marketed as spy tools and phone location trackers that can be planted without whoever the bug was planted on ever knowing it. I had two such products posted on this site a couple months ago. The NSA knows this software was lost. The NSA does not want to tell anyone this happened, and is instead simply attempting to track down anyone who got ahold of this software, because they don't want to give up their toy. They are failing at this because the software is still available. And they don't care enough to warn people and plug the holes because they are pricks, who want to keep on raping people the same way the hackers that got their stuff are now doing.

Everything written to this point is CERTIFIED FACT. Take it to the bank, this has been reported "on the lower left hand side of page 52" by even mainstream publications such as Wired, but was not put front page for obvious reasons. I have also had those articles linked here before.


Hardware manufacturers in China also got the software and reverse engineered it because they actually care about their customers. Most likely Huawei and ZTE plugged the holes this software rips open, and got rid of the exploits. It was only after this happened that suddenly the U.S. government started ripping Chinese products. HEY, GUESS WHAT? IT WAS ALSO ONLY AFTER THIS SOFTWARE GOT OUT THERE TO BE REVERSE ENGINEERED AND PATCHED THAT THE GOVERNMENT STARTED RIPPING KASPERSKY ALSO.

And here is my bet: I'd bet Trump only started talking happy with ZTE, promising to "make China great again" by getting their products back into the U.S. market after they got shunned and banned out of it due to "security concerns with chinese products", because ZTE buckled under economic pressure, and agreed to put the NSA ass rapes right back into their products.

You see, you have to understand how the minds of criminals work. Any privacy on the part of the people the criminals exploit will allow good people to do things the criminals don't know about, and THAT amounts to "a security breach". fat chance the NSA is actually worried about the Chinese getting into American's business via their own spying. That is clearly not what "the security problems with Chinese products" are. The NSA could actually care less about that, if any American thinks agencies such as the FBI and NSA actually care about them, they need their head examined, these agencies are enemies on American soil AND THEY PROVED IT, BY NEVER ALLOWING ANY HOLES TO BE PLUGGED AFTER KNOWN CRIMINALS GOT AHOLD OF THEIR STUFF.

The writing is on the wall. WHY did American intelligence suddenly tell people to stop buying ZTE and Huawei, and to get rid of Kaspersky ALL AT ONCE and ONLY AFTER the NSA's hacking tools got released into the wild? Why was the timing like THAT? Answer: Because Apple, Microsoft, Google, Norton and all the other "big evils" are in bed with the NSA, and happily continued allowing their customers to be reamed by them, as well as be bare butt naked against hackers and crapware that can be had by anyone, and will rape people wholesale. After all, if the bug is so embedded the end user does not know it is even there why would Norton have to care? Their customers would not know their antivirus totally failed.

The good companies, like Huawei, ZTE, and Kaspersky said NO WAY. There is such a thing as ethics, and we are not going to be a part of this. And for that they got punished.



A transgender male who did not have his man parts removed wanted a total hair removal / wax job. Unfortunately the only one working the day the guy walked in was a Muslim woman, and it was totally against her religion to wax job a naked man that was not her husband.

So the spa informed the transgender "woman" that they do not perform wax jobs on male body parts.

So now dangling Andy er, I mean ANNIE has filed a human rights claim against the waxing spa. claiming "she" was denied services based on her gender identity and gender expression and is seeking $50,000 for "immense harm to my dignity."

So what will a liberal judge do? Side with a transgender "woman" who still has his male parts, or the Muslim woman, who can't touch them, or even look at them?

You can't make this stuff up, SEE THIS.


Well well, more stupid to report . . . . .

The U.S. and South Korea STUPIDLY conducted military drills against North Korea

So little kim did the wise thing, and suspended talks.

Well well, how ROCK STUPID could the U.S. and SK be, to go ahead and practice attacking the north right in the middle of peace negotiations? I already said it a few days ago - the deep state does not want peace with the North, and they just proved it. Right Kim was to suspend talks until they stop their drills. Only an idiot would not.

Perhaps reniging on the Iran nuclear deal gave little kim a shot of grown up wisdom also.

HOW FREAKING STUPID WAS IT TO CONDUCT MILITARY DRILLS AGAINST THE NORTH, RIGHT WHEN THEY WERE DEMOLISHING THE NUCLEAR TEST SITES? Probably not stupid, it was all planned, the neocons never wanted peace and just proved it.

Trump Opens the Gates of Hell in Palestine

This is a good excerpt from Farsnews (more there)

TEHRAN (FNA) - On Monday, May 14, and despite international outcry, President Donald Trump relocated the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem Al-Quds, the future capital of the state of Palestine.

The narcissist president of the United States knows full well that it's a bad idea, and he doesn’t need to look any farther. The deadly results of his criminal decision are out there for all the world to see. Little did he realize that it’s easier to hold onto a bad idea if you never share it, and it’s harder to defend one if you let it out. Whatever he is thinking, the relocation of the US embassy was a bad idea:

- At least 59 Palestinians were killed on Monday in Gaza and more than 2,700 others wounded as the Israeli army fired live ammunition, tear gas and firebombs at protesters assembled along several points near the illegal fence with Israel. The demonstrations, which coincided with protests against the opening of the US embassy, are part of a weeks-long movement calling for the right of return for Palestinian refugees to the areas they were forcibly expelled from in 1948. The severity of the injuries demonstrates that Israeli forces are resorting to disproportionate force to incapacitate these protesters. The result is unnecessary damage and suffering.

- Tuesday marks the annual commemorations of the Nakba, or "catastrophe", when Israel was created by the US and Britain on May 15, 1948, in a violent campaign that led to the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their towns and villages. Since the protests began on March 30, Israeli forces have killed at least 109 Palestinians in the coastal enclave and wounded about 12,000 people. Sure enough, Trump’s embassy move only encouraged Israel to intensify its campaign of terror and genocide in Gaza.

My comment: I don't think Trump is a "narcissist" but they got the rest right (other than that most likely a lot more than 59 were killed).

Here is another good report on this topic from PressTV

WHOAH! VERY CREEPY: Israeli Supreme Court has the same "all seeing eye" pyramid as the dollar bill!

This has obviously been known for a while but it is the first I knew about it. This basically ties it all together. Why would the pyramid on the Israeli supreme court have the exact same geometry and color as the pyramid on the totally Jewish federal reserve's $1 bill, including the all seeing eye? The pyramid at the Israeli supreme court is even tiled the same way. Perfect attention to detail. CHECK THIS OUT!

First, the dollar bill.

Second, the Israeli supreme court:

I'd call that creepy, yep, there really is a correlation there. Illuminati ALL THE WAY.

Tesla power wall now available at Home Depot

Tesla is not going out of business if California is mandating solar on all new homes, and Home Depot started selling the power wall.

It has been rumored recently that Tesla is going to go out of business from not turning a profit and losing investors. However, I doubt this will happen.

The link to their products at Home Depot is HERE.

I think Tesla is going to make it as a company, but I'd like to math something out for people with regard to the power wall:

Short answer: If you are great at DIY, lead acid is still a better route, but for the majority, the power wall is now cheap enough to be a better option.

I have experience with the trolling batteries from Wal Mart. They are cheap, and very good. One I had (which now costs $70,) was 110 amp hours. At 12 volts. I just read comments online and people who buy these can't notice a difference in capacity even after 3 years, if they are well cared for. So figure they'll last at least 5 years (or longer if you can tolerate some power drop off)

Tesla's power wall is 13.5 kilowatt hours, and costs $5,500 to install, just the battery, nothing to support it. Plus there are additional ongoing costs.

For $70, a trolling battery from Wal Mart will deliver 12 volts times 110 amp hours, which equals 1320 watt hours. this means 11 wal-mart trolling batteries, for $770 USD, will match a power wall for storage. But there are other factors to consider.

It is fairly easy to get lithium ion batteries to hit a charge efficiency of 85 percent or more. This means that when you feed them 100 watts, they will hold at least 85 of those watts to deliver later.

Typical charge efficiency of lead acid batteries is in the 60 percent range. So the power wall will win that battle. If you are going solar, you have to have more panels to make the lead acid setup work. Additionally, the lead acid setup will need a lot more wiring to connect all the batteries. So that's more expense. Plus the lead acid batteries will wear out quicker. My estimate if you can totally DIY is that the actual cost of going lead acid rather than tesla will land right around $2,200.00 which will allow for a full replacement of the batteries once, plus $800 for more solar panels to offset the charge efficiency differences.

There is also an installation charge for the Tesla system, which will buy you a suitable inverter for your lead acid system. So consider the inverter free if you DIY your lead acid system. So what would I do vs what I would recommend others to do?


If you have the up front cash, the power wall is a good option. REASON: It is complex to take care of lead acid batteries properly, the wiring is more complex, you have to do it yourself to save money, you need an external inverter, and lead acid setups take space and are ugly.

Seriously - if you can't DIY, whoever installs your lead acid system will charge so much for installing it that the power wall might be cheaper. The power wall simply is no longer expensive enough to make it rational to pay the the extra labor charges for having someone else install a far more complex battery arrangement.

For only double the price of parts alone you can get a powerwall system that is elegant and kid friendly. I only would not go for a power wall because I am too much a geek, am totally DIY, don't care about how electrical systems look, I don't need that much power, and I am too cheap. Dirty hands don't bother me.

The power wall has gotten cheap enough to be viable. If you really would drain one out in a single day (which is Tesla's rating for this) it will mean you use 400 plus kilowatt hours a month also. That's so much more than the 75 KWH/month I use that it would make a power wall irrelevant overkill. I simply would not do it, considering what my actual power needs are. For other people however, the power wall would be a great way to avoid a hassle.

One important comment: There are competing lithium ion battery systems. However, I have looked into how Tesla does things, and they do it right. Here's basically why:

Tesla's rating will be for approximately 80 percent charged. This is very important, because if you charge lithium ion batteries to 100 percent, you shorten their life very dramatically. A fully charged lithium ion battery, sitting totally unused, will self destruct down to 60 percent capacity in only 2 years even if it is never used once, and the charge capacity is gone forever.

By avoiding a 100 percent charge, Tesla greatly extends the life of their batteries, remember, even when destroyed down to 60 percent of it's original life, a lithium ion battery that was charged to 100 percent and left to sit, is still "100 percent charged", it is just a lot less of a battery. The only way to avoid this kind of death is to simply not charge it fully to begin with. Many other companies competing with Tesla are going to cheat on their capacity by allowing a 100 percent charge. Tesla does not cheat. They actually deliver long lasting quality. This has to be considered by anyone buying a system.

It will be a sad day if Tesla goes out of business, the company really does do things the right way and worked at this long enough to finally make having "done right" be affordable.

George Soros closed his "Open society foundation" in Hungary

This only proves Hungary was correct, and Soros only operated there to destroy the country. Other countries need to see this example and follow suit - if Soros can't get away with being a destroyer, he won't waste his money trying. Hungary just proved Soros is not a good guy, and was not operating any sort of philanthropic charity. If he is operating somewhere, the operation is hostile. SHUT IT DOWN.



HA HA HA, they could not have made who Soros is any more obvious by how badly they pooped themselves with that report!!!


UPDATE: A very raw rip of the article has been posted HERE in case anyone feels the need to clean it up. I'll do it later if the original vanishes.

North Korea actually is destroying it's nuclear sites

They are going to find out they were stupid for doing this if they don't keep a few secrets.

It actually is true. This is confirmed by even private satellites that have paid attention to the situation. They are using bulldozers to completely raze the test sites. And you know what happens when countries stand against the U.S. and don't have nuclear weapons. Just look at Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan . . . . .

North Korea is the most tunneled country on earth however. There is an endless labyrinth Kim could hide his nukes in. This is a possibility: Back when NK got it's nuclear materials, they were not as well tracked as they are now. He could easily have a secret stache. And if that is the case, he does not need to do any more testing.

When he had his biggest blast, I correctly called it at between 100 and 300 kilotons. The scam MSM was still trying to call it a relatively small nuke, sub 50 kilotons. It was in fact 170 kilotons. That is big league. India has nothing that big, and Pakistan is way behind that. Kim may have in fact decided he does not need test sites anymore simply because 170 kilotons is enough.

Consider this: If you have an endless labyrinth of tunnels to hide stuff in, and you tested your way to a world class nuke that is actually good, why would you need to continue testing? Would it not make more sense to hold onto whatever nuclear materials you have, and put them straight into a deterrent you're not going to blow up anymore and allow the world to know you have it?

I would be willing to bet Kim has hidden materials sufficient for a double digit number of his latest, best nuke. His rockets are already tested also. Does Ford keep crash testing trucks 20 crashes after they have all the answers? Why would Kim keep crash testing nukes? He has his answers. The testing sites really can be razed now.

If I was Kim, this would be my "chess".

Keep on making nukes in secret. He has the tech, no more testing needed. Declare yourself free and open. Re-unite with South Korea, and open a commercially run space program. Offer to launch satellites cheap. Be the big open. Totally free country. Then let private ventures pay for your space program. Put people in space, and use that as an excuse to test re-entry vehicles. Obviously you don't do this until your already existing missiles are proven (just in case) and they were proven but not good, just proven. It would be best to make improvements.

A few years into this, if the U.S. has not already reniged and blown you to smithereens, suddenly announce you have 20 nukes, all the launch capabilities, and you are a truly viable nuclear state. Announce you won't tolerate sanctions, and will be a happy player on the world stage, still free and open but TO BE LEFT ALONE.

That would be the real chess. Let's wait a few years and see if Kim decides to play it.