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というNBER論文をCentre de Recerca en Economia Internacional (CREI)のJordi Galíが上げている(原題は「The State of New Keynesian Economics: A Partial Assessment」)。7/18エントリで紹介した論文と同様、ニューケインジアンないしDSGEモデルの第一線の研究者が、金融危機を経た同モデルの研究状況を肯定的に総括した論文と位置付けられる。以下はungated版(@CREI)の結論部。
The standard New Keynesian framework as it existed a decade ago has faced challenges in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Much of the work extending that framework over the past few years has aimed at overcoming some of those challenges. In the present paper I have described a sample of recent research that extends the standard New Keynesian framework along different dimensions, with a focus on adapting it to take into account the zero lower bound constraint on the nominal interest rates, and household heterogeneity.
However, none of the extensions of the New Keynesian model proposed in recent years seem to capture an important aspect of most financial crises—namely, a gradual build-up of financial imbalances leading to an eventual “crash” characterized by defaults, sudden-stops of credit flows, asset price declines, and a large contraction in aggregate demand, output and employment. Most of the extensions found in the literature share with their predecessors a focus on equilibria that take the form of stationary fluctuations driven by exogenous shocks. This is also the case in variants of those models that allow for financial frictions of different kinds (for example, Bernanke et al. 1999; Christiano et al. 2014). In those models, financial frictions often lead to an amplification of the effects of non-financial shocks. Also, the presence of financial frictions can lead to additional sources of fluctuations: for example, via risk shocks in Christiano et al. (2014) or exogenous changes in the tightness of borrowing constraints in Guerrieri and Lorenzoni (2017). Overall, it’s fair to say that most attempts to use a version of the New Keynesian models to explain the “financial crisis” end up relying on a large exogenous shock that impinges on the economy unexpectedly, triggering a large recession, possibly amplified by a financial accelerator mechanism embedded in the model.
There have been a few attempts to model economies that are less subject to the previous criticism.
この後Galiは、そうした試みとして、Boissay=Collard=Smets「Booms and Banking Crises」(2016)(WP)、Galí「Monetary Policy and Bubbles in a New Keynesian Model with Overlapping Generations」(2017)、Basu=Bundick「Uncertainty Shocks in a Model of Effective Demand」(2017)(WP)を挙げた上で、以下のようにまとめている。
These are only examples of efforts to introduce mechanisms that may generate patterns that one may relate, at least qualitatively, to those observed in actual financial crises. In the years ahead, I expect further research along these lines, incorporating stronger endogenous propagation mechanisms that may help account for large and persistent fluctuations in output and inflation without the need to rely on large (and largely unexplained) exogenous shocks.
But in the meantime, New Keynesian economics is alive and well. The New Keynesian model has proved to be quite flexible, with a growing number of extensions being developed by researchers in order to incorporate new assumptions or account for new phenomena. Indeed, it is hard to think of an alternative macroeconomic paradigm that would do away with the two defining features of the New Keynesian model: nominal rigidities and monetary non-neutralities.
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