No she’s not....she’s a biased content creator that works for a media outlet that tries to shape public opinion...they are bought and paid for by individuals that are short Tesla
Replying to @teslaverse @lorakolodny and
what is that screenshot supposed to prove? get back into your cave mini-trump
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Replying to @Robert22551974 @lorakolodny and
Nice picture and trolling profile rob did you read the screenshot? It proves that members of the media who don’t ask those questions of their sources are just biased hacks and content creators...they aren’t journalists or reporters...aren’t you glad you
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Replying to @teslaverse @lorakolodny and
and? do you suggests lora kolodny does not do that? do you suggest she is short Tesla herself? what concrete fact makes you question her journalistic integrity? please explain, you seem to be a wise man
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Replying to @Robert22551974 @lorakolodny and
I’m not questioning her “journalistic integrity” because she isn’t a might review who she follows and where she gets her information can also read a 2018 article where she used a 2015 picture of the Gigafactory to mislead much more u want
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I'm an actual employee, but don't want to lose my job, so obviously I'm being anonymous.
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