
You blocked @GissiSim

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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jun 17

    Little sneak peak at a new, non-conflict related, project that I'm working on. Am starting a new video series helping people master advanced javascript concepts (plus other fun/cool coding related topics)

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    The facts are not on their side so they just invent them. It works for the president, so why not the party?

  5. Erdogan and Trump share many things. Projecting their issues onto others is one of the big ones.

  6. Retweeted
    Jul 23

    On the eve of the Podesta WikiLeaks drop/Access Hollywood tape, a group of Russian operatives fired off more than 18,000 tweets toward unwitting U.S. voters, about a dozen a minute, making it the busiest day by far in the Russian disinformation operation.

  7. Retweeted
    Jul 20

    "Boris Johnson said the Chequers agreement was like "polishing a turd". He has a point. What he does not acknowledge is that it is his turd. If he is incapable of clearing up after himself, the least he can do is not blame the stench on others."

  8. Cheering for Turkey’s ethnic cleansing campaign against Kurds in Afrin while playing for ? 🤔

  9. Never good when they have your accountants.

  10. That's what the current agreement does.

  11. Richard Clarke: US influence is diminishing because of "diplomatic malpractice." Must watch =>

  12. Iran will eventually back up. It knows that if it goes and attacks Israel in any way, US will come in and back it up.

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  13. I actually think Assad would be happy to see Iranian influence degraded in his country. So if Israel thinks it can work with Assad (which it has in the past), then just have Assad move his people away from Iranian installations. Then have Israel hit them hard.

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  16. Probably Israel’s last offer before launching larger scale action. Question if Trump backed Israel up in this... so either we see Iran fall back (highly unlikely), or we possibly see a larger Israeli action there. I’m sure Putin has agreed to stay out of it as he has.

  17. This is the man Trump should be listening to regarding Syria. Not Putin and Netanyahu.

  18. Retweeted
    22 hours ago

    This strikes me as the single most sensible policy recommendation to make at this point: "the US needs to undertake a thorough reconsideration of its own strategic reliance on Turkey."

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  19. When you realize that many pro-Trump twitter followers were Russian bot nets that were just shut down.

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  21. Of course. Republicans have always hated states rights... Oh wait.


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