48/ So here's Trump pretending to pick Butina from a crowd randomly in July '15, and pretending not to know her, as he avails himself of her Kremlin-planted question to publicly lay out (with him knowing Putin is watching) his Russia policy *on sanctions*.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Fp1TioaLcg …
59/ The claim by "U.S. Person 1" of a "VERY private" GOP Leader-Kremlin communication channel was made in October of 2016—*long* after GOP leaders knew that Russia was attacking the United States. PLEASE read that sentence a second time now.
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60/ Folks, they then start discussing SECRET SOCIETIES of "friends of Russia" in America that are "underground"! Not making this up—read the affidavit yourself. In the context of discussing GOP leaders friendly to and *secretly communicating with Russia*, we get SECRET SOCIETIES.pic.twitter.com/qqt2j3S79i
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61/ Secret societies, "private clubs," "quiet influence," "secret advisors," "very private [GOP-Kremlin] communication channels"... this is all *insane*. But wait! It's not. It's a federal affidavit in support of serious federal charges.
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62/ Now, as we wind down, what I guess can only be referred to as "dessert." The White House says that Trump never met with Butina and Torshin—that they were turned away. But were they? Because they attended a "very private meeting" that day whose participants they couldn't name.pic.twitter.com/wQbmnniv7b
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63/ Clearly the "very private meeting" included more than Butina, Torshin, and the Breakfast organizer, or else she would have just said "thank you for meeting with us" (there would've been no "very private" component). I think it's clear they met with some administration person.
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64/ Butina's desire/need to be secret is seen in the *same email* as she discusses "important information" (italicized in the email) whose nature she can't state in the email but only in person. "Very private meeting" exhibits the same level and type of caution as the italics do.
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65/ The upshot is that if two criminal charges "not part of the Special Counsel investigation* include *this much explosive content*, what the *hell* do you think Bob Mueller is personally working on right now? This document is *as or more shocking* than Friday's indictment. /end
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PS/ I didn't get into the Donald Trump Jr. angle because the thread was getting (very) long, but Trump Jr. had dinner with Torshin at an NRA event and then apparently lied about both the dinner and what they talked about. In law enforcement terms, that's "consciousness of guilt."
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Everyone's waiting for the moment when Mueller plays select cards in his hand that demonstrate where exactly this is all heading... and make it clear there's no going back. My prediction: It'll be the arrest of 1 or more in Congress.
I need new tap shoes!
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And then, amid more laughter, Ryan says, “This is how we know we’re a real family here.” “That’s how you know that we’re tight,” Steve Scalise, the House Majority Whip, says. “What’s said in the family stays in the family,” Ryan concludes.
For them, Gitmo
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GOP will honor the passing of Toys-R-Us by renaming itself Traitors-R-Us!
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That's my boner
It's an eggplant
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Would I love to see
@SenateMajLdr and@SpeakerRyan in handcuffs. Then and@DevinNunes and@DanaRohrabacher to name just a few#GOPCrooksAndLiars#GOPtraitors -
Loving this list...
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