So...I have a tendency of listening to documentaries while I work. One of these documentaries was about women dealing with their pregnancies, how they're going to go thru the birthing process and what not. I actually learned that woman have the choice to have a c-section instead of pushing the baby out...go figure.
But the one thing that made me stop working was two of the women talking about eating the placenta.
Supposedly, it gives the mother back all the nutrients she lost or something.
I shut down sai and stared at what the fuck was going on. 20 or so minutes later, I see one of the mother who had a home birth carry around the placenta, umbilical cord still attached to the baby, in a lunch bag. She proceeds to take it out and season it with salt and pepper before putting it back in the bag.
The next mother had the placenta detached and blended that bitch into a fruit smoothie.
Pause again...I yell at theblackrook and asked if he'd eat our baby'splacenta.
No response for a while...then a hell no, what the fuck.
Placenta eating...yes or no?
If you are familiar with amun you would know his love for women panties.If you aren't, then you've been missing out on A LOT of good shit.
Today, April 15 2015, is a mass drive for Amun.
Rules are simple, leave a shout on Amun's page with
*Throws panties*
Amun Panty Drive 2015
Female panties preferably. (Amun loves the vagoo)
Let's put a smile on his face.
If this explodes, I will be seriously happy about it. Amun is an amazing dude and deserves all the love.
The owner for 15 puppies decided to let her puppies out to play with the kids around the neighborhood...and I was asleep during the whole thing...
This is why I don't sleep. I miss shit like this.
Happy freaking Easter...
This is for future reference. I have tried adoptables but it doesn't seem for me.
I like character creation hardcore.
How I would go about this...I'm not entirely sure.
My first thought was to pick a couple of color combinations and species that interest me. Then the interested person would pick the one one of the color combinations and species from the set. The only thing this person would provide for me is what they want the character's personality to be.
It seems like a fun idea that I'd like to do every once in a while. What do you think?
Thanks a bunch.
It's getting warm outside and pollen is starting to spread...I fear my allergies are gonna kick in.
Last night...was a tornado of crazy.
But today will be better. Been checking out the April fool posts. Some are pretty funny.
I will be trying to be creative as possible. Just need to take a nice shower and enjoy the free air for a bit.
To make things better me Me and theblackrook are opening up a free art opportunity for the All The King's Men universe. We're in need of a replacement knight sadly as one of the peeps involved has to be replaced. If you would like an opportunity to be involved, check out this journal: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6625973/
Enjoy life, guys. Don't let the past ruin what time you have left. Don't let people and their actions bring you down. You have so much to live for than to dwell on past incidences.
Thanks guys. Have a good day.
Hugs to drakerogers kileak and bornvictim for listening to me rant and giving all their support.
Continuation of this: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6476250/
I fought the impeding traffic ticket and the judge went in my favor. I just had to pay court fees (so, win or lose, I still owe money. FANTASTIC!).
Funny thing, people who were in the room while I pleaded my case had my same sentiment.
I was ticketed for driving... safe.
Got got a nice call out from one of the defendants at the courthouse. "Don't drive too safe! They'll get you again!"
Shit is done. I'm back to work.
Doing a mass upload today. Mostly owed sketches. They are pretty nice If I do say so myself.
I've gotten a bit of slack for my transformation sequences because...well...I didn't label the gender correctly during the whole process.
So, at the beginning I labeled the character as male.
Next page the guy starts to get more female features. Is he a herm now? Shemale?
You guys get what I mean.
I thought about labeling just MtF of FtM but then I hear that's a whole other problem.
Thank ya kindly!
Now, I love my sister. Love her to death...but for the past two months me and my mom have had her kids over this house during the weekdays when they get off of school.
My mom, being the loving grandmother, doesn't mind having them over most of the time...but now it become a baby sitting service and a constant trial of trying to get work done.
Me and Rook have tried to work while they're here...but with constant questions, bickering, and need for homework help, it's just not possible. Our main goal is to at least get 8 hours of work done before we go to bed. This has been cut down to...3 or 4.
My sister has four kids and is now at a point where she wants to have a life. Welp, she screwed that up when she fucked a dude who doesn't pay bills and is always MIA. The dude that mom told her not to mess with when she was in High school. And here we are...everyone is put in a bad position because of your hard headiness.
I've talked to mom about it and she agrees. She tries to keep the kids away but...Mom's in her 60's. She's retired, has arthritis and one of the kids is a toddler who is spoiled and never told no. My sister is working and when my mom ask to at least be paid something, my sister gets indignant about it.
Seriously!? She's been helping you out for how long? For months! For years! But when she says, hey help me out a bit to buy food to replace what the kids ate, you get indignant!
This is the problem with family. They EXPECT you to do things out of love and kindness. They expect you to put away your time to help without thinking about what you need to do with your life. This is one reason why we moved from Wisconsin...but it's all the same here.
We have bills to pay, commissions to finish, and a future to plan. And it doesn't help that they,my mom and sister, think what we're doing isn't a real job(If art is your job, you know this song).
Love my nieces and nephews...if they were more well behaved it would be better. But this is some bullshit.
I will try to do something here to cheer me up. It's just been rough and not working makes me cranky.
Managed to snag a laptop so now I do not have to share with theblackrook anymore. Which means no more funny sleep schedules for the both of us.
Also, birthday was on the 8th. It was...interesting. Will be doing something better for Valentine's day if Rook lets me.
Spread the love!
And we're back to regular programming...sort of. The house situation will be a bit tough for the next three months as we're organizing the house and working to get another laptop for me to work on. The one that I want isn't in stock at the moment so I'll be using rooks comp for the time being. Again, only one of us can work at a time...
The trip went smoothly until we hit Pennsylvania and drove into a snow mound and hit a sign in it. Weight of the trailer kept the car moving even though I was pumping the breaks. Luckily some one on the road saw us and called for help before I could even do so. There was damage to the from bumper and the side view mirror was knocked completely off by the sign. Talked to the police, he told us to slow down and not got the 55mph limit the trailer has, had our car pulled out the snow and we headed off back on the road.
By the time we hit Virginia, it was really late. We got pulled over by the police for driving too fucking slow and we explained why we were going too slow. We have a court date in March to fight this which we gladly will.
Now we're in my mom's place until she moves out and gives the place to us. All our stuff is in. Nieces and Nephews are constantly running their asses around here which makes things harder to work.
We will try our asses to work more efficiently.
Will talk laters.
Good short story if you haven't hear of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vgc5PDtIii8
Yo, I know it's been a while since I've said anything. Me and theblackrook are coming down to our final days before our big move to Virginia. Things are getting hectic and we're in the process of packing all our crap. We won't be taking the big stuff with us...giving it to his mom.
This is going to be a journey even though I've made this trip so many times. We are stiff in the process working on commissions and getting as much stuff done before that time.
And many apologies to those who have not seen me on the skype. My laptops decided to stop working and now i have to share rook's desktop until a new laptop pops up at my Mom's place. Things have slowed down but work will never stop.
Thanks for keeping up with me!
Amazing game! I may not know too much about football but i do know when you're kicking ass. Dallas your salty tears are delicious. (jk) in any case great game both sides.
Me and theblackrook are in need of a redpanda to fill one of the spots of our new All the King's Men promo pics.
Character would be one of the ladies in the front (closer to the viewer)
Price is $80 USD.
If interested, please send either me or rook a note.
When spot is gone, this journal will be deleted.
Happy new year folks.
I drank a bottle of wine on new years and don't remember what happened...Rook refuses to tell me what I did...apparently it was entertaining.
In any case, got a nice mouse invasion in our house. They destroyed our spice drawer...ate all the paprika and salted peanuts but left the hotter spices alone.
In thanks for their meal, they filled the bottom of the drawer with aplenty of shit pellets.
Great start of a new year.
I ain't even mad.
So...yesterday was me and theblackrook engagement anniversary.
It's been... tough. We've laughed, we've cried, we've screamed, we've made up, we've sacrificed, and we've learned. Pre round to saying the big "I do." But you know, I'm happy. I'm happy that I have someone who's willing to deal and work with my flaws. And I'm glad that I was able to find a sincerely good person who does his best to help everyone else instead of his own shit first.Separated 600 miles apart, we were able to find each other and build something wonderful. And I'm hoping next year will better...Moving back to my home state Virginia where I KNOW there will be some positive change.
We'll be able to have the home we want, build it up, get married, and finally start having kids. I have to work on my work ethic though (lol) I'm easily distracted.
I'm not good with words but I want to say thank to Rook. You've been a positive change to my life and have taught me a lot of life lessons. Cooking being one of them (I am a gravy master). May next year be even better for us...and hopefully my family won't drive us apart.
I less than 3 you.
Going to crush you with love.
So, I made it my goal this year to get theblackrook something this year due to me not being able to buy him squat the last two previous Christmases. I had it all planned out and ordered in November...but things went amiss.
The company I ordered from sent out the package, not giving me a tracking number on their site, and the ups peeps attempted to deliver it, leaving one of those notices. Package could not be delivered with a signature.During that time, family was asking a shit ton from us so we were constantly out the house.Second attempt failed. For the 3rd attempt, I left a note on the door for the delivery guy to ring the doorbell as I was staying put for the day. He didn't and package was sent back to sender.
Feeling pissed that day, I left a message to the people I ordered from and that the package was mailed back to the manufacture.
Hold up! Now I learn that the product that I ordered isn't made by them but by a partner company.
Okay...so by that time I'm pretty pissed but trying to calm myself down and hopes that the $300 I spent doesn't go down the drain.
Talked to the representative some more and gave a new shipping address to my father-in-law's place. I ask for tracking but they can't give it to me yet since the package hasn't been processed again.
Fair enough.
Address change goes in with delivery date within a week (Dec 12). I call during the week to see if there's any sign of the package at my dad's place. None yet. And no tracking is given.
One December 22nd, I've lost patience and call back to see where my shit is. Lady says they have no clue and need to talk to the person in charge of shipment. She's not there and would be calling back on December 23rd. By this time, I'm really upset and have to tell Rook everything about his gift and my failure to surprise him this Christmas. To brighten things up, he gives me my Christmas gift early ( A Smash Bros 3ds with 5 games installed and Phoenix wright duel destinies.) I am happy yet at the same time sad...things didn't go the way I wanted and I feel like a failure.
So today I get the call...UPS delivered the package and left it on the porch apparently...and someone took it.(The area is shit)
The company is now in the process of talking to UPS about what the fuck went on and why no signature was required like last time.
It'll take up to 7 days to figure out what the fuck happened and at this point I'm ready to just talk to paypal and try to get my money back. I just don't want to deal with this shit anymore.
I've been understanding especially with the first failed delivery. But the no tracking number thing not being on the site really fucked me up.
So yeah...I will try to cheer up and get some work done...this isn't worth the stress but at the same time...that's a fucking lot of money to lose for a box of nothing.
Whooo boy I am behind on owed sketched. Sorry for the folks who have been waiting. I will be working on them today (Sketch Saturday! Skaturday NO!Sketurday...?)
To the people waiting and new comers, you should receive an email today or tomorrow.
what the fuu am I talking about?
Needed a new chair and found one for $3 at a thrift shop. I'm back in business!
And I can slide across the room with out getting up (Lazy ass lol)
More work coming!
So, after spending...15 hours finishing up the last Halloween commission with little to no movement, I've ,messed up my arm a bit. Right bicep hurts like a bitch which has halted me from doing commissions for today. Not how I would have wanted to spend Halloween...but this is Milwaukee and I'd rather not go outside and risk anything else.
Getting some ice packets and taking it easy for the rest of the day...more work tomorrow...November already? Crazy.
Happy Halloween peeps.
I'm still open for practice sketches!
Support me this month! It would be appreciated!