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[–]TinkerThinker551 point9 hours ago

Massive turnout. I didn't realise Iranian involvement in Iraq was so unpopular, it seems nationalists wont tolerate it.

[–]Ihatetrolls11 point8 hours ago

The elections say otherwise.

[–]FinnBalur11 point8 hours ago

The elections reflected this sentiment. Iran loyalists lost.

[–]Ihatetrolls11 point8 hours ago

How they lost, care to explain?

[–]FinnBalur11 point7 hours ago

Hadi got 2nd place (not a victory), and Maliki plummeted. The popular vote did not favour hardline Iranian loyalist parties. Vast majority voted for the alternatives.,_2018

[–]Ihatetrolls11 point7 hours ago

Yes, that is how multi party system works. Now the first and the second party will have to make coalition in order to form government. They even invited and Abadi party in to this.

[–]FinnBalur11 point7 hours ago

No..... he didn't have to form a coalition with Hadi. Hadi's party lost. Sadrists won. The votes were counted. More Iraqis voted Sadr, less Iraqis voted Hadi. More Iraqis voted Abadi, less Iraqis voted Maliki. The election results reflect the sentiment you see in the video. The coalition was not up for popular vote, that's a whole different story. You're intentionally blurring the results when the numbers are right in front of you.,_2018

[–]Ihatetrolls11 point7 hours ago

So by your logic everybody lost, because there is not SUCH THING AS POPULAR VOTE in Iraq. Either you have 51% and form government or you make coalition, in this case with Hadi and Sadr + Abadi. I cant call this coalition anti iranian.

[–]FinnBalur11 point7 hours ago

Let me explain again, the original poster said:

> Massive turnout. I didn't realise Iranian involvement in Iraq was so unpopular

You said:

> The elections say otherwise.

Reality: The elections do not say otherwise. On the contrary, the election results reflect the sentiment in the video as most Iraqis voted for parties that are not Iran loyalists, as the numbers show.

[–]Ihatetrolls11 point7 hours ago

Most iraqis voted for parties that are either pro iranian or dont have ideology problem to form coalition with such parties. So your arguments are irrelevant.

You're just poking holes in the results then, in one instance you question whether Sadrists won, and in another instance you question if Sadrists are not pro-Iran. You're over rationalizing and over analyzing to twist the results in your favour.

[–]Ichigowins1 point8 hours ago

Then why did they elect such pro-iranian politicians 🤔

[–]omaronly1 point8 hours ago

Neither Abadi nor Sadr are pro-Iranian by any stretch of the imagination. I don't have an emoji for that one, though...

[–]Ihatetrolls11 point8 hours ago

They are not anti iranian too especially Abadi so whats your point?

[–]omaronly1 point8 hours ago

So, NOT being anti-Iranian makes them pro-Iranian?

[–]rotateclockwise1 point7 hours ago

you realize that the world is not binary, right?

[–]omaronly1 point5 hours ago

I don't understand to whom you're replying.

Clockwise must have replied to the wrong comment.

Yes that's what he's saying...

[–]throwaway3211pryor1 point3 hours ago

Pay the bills next time, Ayrabs.