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Afghanistani government asked British to give them lethal gases for use against Pashtun tribes [1932-34]

The Afghanistani government tried to acquire gas shells for use against the Pashtun/Afghan tribes (in the events of dangerous risings) between 1932-34. However, it was denied by the British for various reasons. The documents also reveal that the Afghan government had employed a German chemist who pretended that he could make lethal gas. The Afghans asked him to fill a room with this gas so that they could test its effects on criminals. He declined on grounds of humanity.

Original Poster4 points · 11 hours ago · edited 5 hours ago

A decade earlier British themselves had debated whether to use poison gases (mustard gas etc) on Pashtun tribes on their North West Frontier but the idea was dismissed because of the danger of alienating pro-British Pashtuns in present-day FATA on whom they greatly depended . Many officers on the ground were asking for use of gas against Pashtuns in turbulent areas but the higher-ups did not approve it.

The Afghan government of Nadir Khan must have been fearing another Bacha-i-Saqao episode , hence the attempt to acquire chemical weapons. "Pathan tribes" are specified in the British documents because they (being rebellious and unruly in nature) posed greatest danger to the monarchy out of all (e.g read about Shinwari rebellion against King Amanullah). Kabul monarchy, which was Pashtun, would have also used chemical weapons against any other ethnicity if they had got their hands on it. If i rebel against my king , i wont expect to be spared just because i share race with the king. If you are a Pashtun and you are trying to kill me, fight or flight response will be triggered regardless of me sharing race with you. Nationalist bigots dont get it. Pashtun nationalist bigots are in disbelief that a Pashtun monarchy would even think about using chemical weapons against their own people (Pashtuns)....they have some kind of memory loss, the Pashtun commies in 80s spilled a lot of Pashtun blood, and Taliban (Pashtuns) are killing Pashtuns without any regard for race. Hazara nationlist bigots cry that Amir Abdur Rahman crushed them because he was a racist. What was he supposed to do? distribute sweets in Hazarajat upon revolt of Hazaras against him?. In the history , kings have killed have their own brothers and fathers, and governments to this day go ruthless against its own people if they rebel.


Afghanistani government asked British to give them lethal gases for use against Pashtun tribes [1932-34]

Afghanistani government asked British to give them lethal gases for use against Pashtun tribes [1932-34]

The Afghanistani government tried to acquire gas shells for use against the Pashtun/Afghan tribes (in the events of dangerous risings) between 1932-34. However, it was denied by the British for various reasons. The documents also reveal that the Afghan government had employed a German chemist who pretended that he could make lethal gas. The Afghans asked him to fill a room with this gas so that they could test its effects on criminals. He declined on grounds of humanity.

10 points

Afghanistani government asked British to give them lethal gases for use against Pashtun tribes [1932-34]

Afghanistani government asked British to give them lethal gases for use against Pashtun tribes [1932-34]

The Afghanistani government tried to acquire gas shells for use against the Pashtun/Afghan tribes (in the events of dangerous risings) between 1932-34. However, it was denied by the British for various reasons. The documents also reveal that the Afghan government had employed a German chemist who pretended that he could make lethal gas. The Afghans asked him to fill a room with this gas so that they could test its effects on criminals. He declined on grounds of humanity.

10 points
2 points · 5 days ago

very nice collection. Is johne burke's work mostly around the kabul to peshawar area?

Original Poster2 points · 5 days ago

Yes. Photos of Kandahar and surroundings were taken by Sir Benjamin Simpson during that war.

2 points · 7 days ago

But yet they still ran away to Karachi, Islamabad or Lahore. I bet if these three cities weren't safe like Kabul your noble people would have also left for Europe. Pakistanis can't last 1 month under Taliban rule. Remember swat and the big cry for help like if it was qiamat.

You and your usual stupid and blind nationalism. I did not spare Pakistanis in my above comments so why you are all so worked up?. What i call "trash" and "scums" of our society, includes Pakistanis, Afghanistanis or any other people from Third World Countries of Asia and Africa who would go to any length to get asylum and ultimately citizenship in Europe. They get there through fraudulent and illegal means. They have no imaan, no soul and have compromised morals. They act trashy there and give bad names to their respective cultures and religion. I bet you wont want them to be your neighbors there. You lot are sheltered westernized kids, you wont be able to tolerate that trash as your neighbor there.

-2 points · 8 days ago · edited 8 days ago

It so happens that Pashtuns in Afgh-Pak (and others) lie that they are threatened by Taliban and they fool the westerns with that lie to get asylum. Taliban went to the length of writing letters to threaten a nobody like him? . Any body there in Afghanistan can write fake letters for him in Pashto. Who is the Taliban commander in his area? do Austrian authorities know the signature of that particular Taliban commander?. Why your friend is so special that Taliban specially wrote a letter to him?. If his asylum was once rejected then i am sure he is a nobody and his life is as much in danger and misery as any other inhabitant of Afghanistan.

I dont know why Europe is stuffing itself with trash from third world counties of Asia and Africa. Are European governments trying to prove that they are best of humanity?. As far as i know the trash from third world countries has disturbed the society of European countries with rising crimes and anti-Muslim protests happen a lot. I have read some where that Afghans stand out among the refugees committing crimes in Austria.

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