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I fully agree that there is no longer a good viable solution to the Syrian catastrophe anymore but what I’m even more certain about that Assad regime staying in power is the worst possible outcome for now & the future of the region
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اغين الزعبي Retweeted
Amir Tamerah 15 and Louay Kahil 16 both were murdered in an Israeli attack on
#Gaza today. They lived friends and departed our world together. Amir and Louay have names, stories, lives, dreamed of a future, and their future was stolen from them. Rest in Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
It was hizbullah and Assad’s most effective strategy early on , many areas around Damascus and Homs where besieged & its population forced into capitulation via starvation …
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اغين الزعبي Retweeted
These women called the police on their Latinx neighbors — and then they got
Two White Women Call Police on Latinx FamilyThese women called the police on their Latinx neighbors — and then they got arrestedThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
اغين الزعبي Retweeted
Indictment of Russian intelligence operatives should quell harebrained conspiracy theories on DNC hack by James Risen
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اغين الزعبي Retweeted
Detained for refusing to leave his home in Yarmouk. …
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Crooked Jill Stein lol …
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اغين الزعبي Retweeted
You dumb Donut Twitter suckers.
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اغين الزعبي Retweeted
According to its latest FEC filing, the Jill Stein campaign is spending money raised to recount the 2016 election, instead, on lawyers doing work for Stein related to the Senate Russia investigation. The campaign was provided weeks to comment. It did not. …
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These measures include a total ban on any form of expression of Islam in Xinjiang. China has not only shut down mosques, but also has banned all Islamic texts, while Muslim sounding names are also outlawed, as are beards and clothing that suggest adherence to the Islamic faith. …
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Really shocked that
@theintercept published a bogus article by Its founder#sarcasm …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
اغين الزعبي Retweeted
250,000 people in London protested against Trump during his visit. Thank you so much people of UK for standing with us against our illegitimate fascist president. …
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اغين الزعبي Retweeted
Trump ran on a No Muslims/No Immigrants platform. Bitgots voted for him and he hasn’t let them down. There seems to be a lack of acknowledgement of that. We are constantly outraged about him doing stuff and saying things that are completely in line with the campaign he ran.
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Palestinians make up 20.7% of Israel’s population …
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اغين الزعبي Retweeted
What is "European culture," really? Europe is composed of a plethora of cultures and stories layered on top of one another and inclusive of episodes of mass migration, population shifts, and change. There's a reason historical districts are just that. Things progress. /1 …
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Accounts with
are annoying me.
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ابكي مثل النساء ملكا مضاع لم تحافظ عليه مثل الرجال - عائشة الحرة مخاطبة ابنها ابو عبد الله الصغير آخر ملوك الأمويين في الأندلس ليلة سقوط غرناطة
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اغين الزعبي Retweeted
Over 30 celebrities teamed up to tell the story of Mirian, one of thousands of parents whose child was ripped away from her by the Trump administration. …
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The seeds of a second revolt are already sown , a generation that experienced freedom even briefly will never accept being enslaved by the sectarian fascists …
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اغين الزعبي Retweeted
Racist white woman harrasses Muslim woman on NYC bus, shouting anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim hate, including “ICE is here for you!” Xenophobia. Islamophobia. Racism. Hate is real, racialized, intersectional, and
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