You push for more wars as we slaughter innocent men, women & children daily, less gun control as 36,000 American die by guns per year, against universal healthcare as 46,000 Americans die per year due to lack of healthcare, spare us the "pro-life" lectures
Those things have nothing to do with the topic at hand.
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So 1 million women in the US can't figure out how to use safe, affordable, easily accessible BIRTH CONTROL? That's the secondary tragedy.
Eliminating access to birth control increases abortions. We need to have more access to birth control to eliminate abortions. Like it or not, that happens through Planned Parenthood clinics.
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That is a heartbreaking statistic.
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that is like a 9/11 every day. Lord have mercy.
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On the shoulders of roe or wade? The court judges are not really moral supreme.
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How many could have been prevented with better sex ed and access to contraception, instead of a generation of failed abstinence only?
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If you think fertilized eggs are people but immigrants and refugees aren't, you have to stop pretending your concerns are religious.
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Hypocrisy is the number one product from the
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If the
@Heritage and their ilk really cared about zygotes/fetuses/infants pre and post-birth, they would spend their time lobbying for stronger regulations on household and environmental toxicity. Until then, they are merely in favor of forced pregnancy.Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
A shame that number is meaningless to those that don’t believe ALL innocent human lives are equal, or don’t believe they were human to begin with.
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Thank God. There is to many people in the world as it is.
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And they cry foul if we deport illegals
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The moral debate is easy; you take one side and you adopt the respective argument. I’d like to see reliable detailed data about U.S. abortions so that I can draw an objective conclusion. My expectation is that the objective conclusion will be more convincing than the moral one.
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