µBlock, a lean and fast blocker

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by gorhill, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. luxi

    luxi Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2013
    When watching a YouTube video most of the hundreds of requests are to *.googlevideo.com/videoplayback? which cannot be blocked if you want to watch said video.
  2. TS4H

    TS4H Registered Member

    Nov 5, 2013
    Apart from those exact resons u mentioned, there are added benifits like automated cookie and cache deletion, spoof referer changing, strict https. Umatrix is much more privacy focused however ublock dynamic filtering can dramatically increase privacy as well compared to standard ad blocking. Having said this ublock is much more code efficient in text based ad blocking as opposed to umatrix that is much more efficient in host based filtering.

    I understand it like a scale;

    Less ad blocking/privacy to Greatest ad blocking/privacy

    Ublock standard (no Dynaimic Filtering) <--------> Ublock Dynamic Filtering ( No 3rd frames and scripts) <--------> UMatrix standard <--------> Umatrix with all advanced features<-------->Umatrix Ublock combination

    Depends on where u want to be, however it can be argued that Ublock with dynamic filtering is as strong as umatrix standard. Of course it also depends on the level or control u need/want as compared to what can you be bothered with.

    Last edited: Apr 19, 2015
  3. PallMall

    PallMall Guest

    Now I get it. The original filter lists are shipped with the extension as files. OK. I'm starting to conceptualize as they say. Thanks for the explanations, gorhill.
  4. cooperb21

    cooperb21 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    Nope same issue on every browser using ublock. It just does not work.

    And none of that fixed the issue people are just mad for me calling out the faults of this software.

    Also its a reported issue with no response to fix in any of threads its not me trolling i prefer ublock i just wish it would block things correctly for me on my end.


    Last edited: Apr 19, 2015
  5. bberkey1

    bberkey1 Registered Member

    Mar 23, 2013
    United States
    Not sure how long it took for an add to pop up, but I watched 10+ mins of live feed (in the background as I have no idea what the heck was going on LOL) but no ad. Did you take the time to inspect the element when the ad came up? I have blocked 3rd party frames enabled and from the pic you can see all but the bare bones domains needed to play the video and no pop ups. This extension takes a little time to get down, but if you're not going to take the time to experiment, then what's the point? If I white list this site with the adjustments I've made I'd never have to worry about this again as you could do as well

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  6. cooperb21

    cooperb21 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    Ill give that a try and report back.
  7. bberkey1

    bberkey1 Registered Member

    Mar 23, 2013
    United States
    Hope it works out for you:thumb:
  8. cooperb21

    cooperb21 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    Ok no idea what one to enable or disable to stop ads
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2015
  9. bberkey1

    bberkey1 Registered Member

    Mar 23, 2013
    United States
    That is going to be a trial and error procedure you will need to perform, but I would say just from the look allow Justin TV, JTV.net, ttvn.net, twitch.tv, and go from there.

    Make sure 3rd party frames is dark grayed and then start making the other domains in the right (site based) column red until you get the site working the way you wish, then lock it in. From there if an ad pops up you can try to figure out which remaining domain is causing it.

    Also have you tried using the element blocker to simply block that element from appearing?
  10. cooperb21

    cooperb21 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    I still dont get how it gets past easy list if ublock is using it like every other blocker does not make much sense.

    I have easylist checked and updated in options.
  11. bberkey1

    bberkey1 Registered Member

    Mar 23, 2013
    United States
    Do you have any other lists selected? Does the ad fall into the easylist list or does it perhaps fall in another. I suspect that some ads may somehow have work arounds for even the best blocker, which is why the separate element hider is useful and/or the ability to add a particular domain into the filters list
  12. cooperb21

    cooperb21 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    Im using the default ones that are selected and i just hit update. Thats what im sort of confused by because with adblock or adblock plus i wont get the ads but they are also have customization but im using same blocking lists so they should block the same things.
  13. bberkey1

    bberkey1 Registered Member

    Mar 23, 2013
    United States
    Hmm, it would make sense, but again you might have to do more fine tuning with Ublock in the way of other ad lists or even adding the domain yourself. Again, I rarely, I mean rarely have to deal with ads with my setup, and would say never on my whitelisted sites, so if Flicker is a site you frequent often, I would experiment with a few of the other blocking lists, block one domain at a time and if all else fails hide particular elements.

    For instance, I was watching the Deep Space Nine series over at startrek.com and at one point with just umatrix on, there was over 1000 requests trying to enter the browser! Of course I taped that down, but with Ublock, I managed to reduce the insane amount of third party domains that reduced ads and pop ups to nothing. Granted it took me probably 15 mins to get it the way I wanted with trial and error, but it was well worth uninterrupted videos form that point on. I would suggest taking 15 mins and add a few more lists (I can't say why easylist is working for sure, which I know is your initial inquiry) into the mix and start eliminating domains one by one. ABP may block the ad on default, but you'd be amazed how much resources you'll save, not to mention the privacy gained with fine tuning with Ublock
  14. gorhill

    gorhill Developer

    Nov 12, 2013
    Not at all, EasyList alone takes care of twitch.tv.
  15. bberkey1

    bberkey1 Registered Member

    Mar 23, 2013
    United States
    Hmm, that's what I thought as I had no problems on the site with ads.
  16. wat0114

    wat0114 Registered Member

    Aug 5, 2012
    Thanks for the explanation, TS4H! I thought saw somewhere in these threads a while back where gorhill said that uMatrix should afford more efficient/faster browsing, or something along those lines. Anyway, I've used uBlock for quite some time and was hard pressed pressed to find it provided faster or slower surfing speeds compared to uMatrix. I like uMatrix a bit better for the added control it offers, as well as how easy it is to erase temporary rules.
  17. rokpiles

    rokpiles Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2006
    Why has the uBlock toolbar popup visibility being made to be incompatible with firefox, when using custom colors?
    It's like it's deliberately crippled - as far as this issue is concerned.
    Surely if Policeman popup displays without any issue under the same conditions, then the developers of uBlock can do the same for this addon.
    It's really annoying, and pointless, to have to switch back and forth between custom colors and "allow pages to choose their own colors".
    For goodness sake, it's only a popup - not a webpage.
    This must really annoy a lot of people!
    If it can be done with policeman, then there is no reason why it can not be done with uBlock.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
  18. TS4H

    TS4H Registered Member

    Nov 5, 2013
    No problem. Iv always found umatrix a little quicker and lighter on resources, but not enough to warrant a distinction, and yes the control is superior IMO :thumb:

  19. beethoven

    beethoven Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2004
    I am running ublocko in Chrome just using the default settings. As for filters, some of them are ticked and others are not. I cannot remember if I made a choice or just left it as it was at the beginning some months ago. I am just wondering why even those that are ticked do not necessarily use all. E.g. Fanboy's Annoyance List only used 2 out of 19633, on the other hand the multipurpose list Fanboy & Easy List merged has almost all 88,000. Does that mean that if a list is included in one of the wider lists, you don't check everything as this would be just duplicating? Is there anyway a link to differentiate between the various lists with recommendations? How often should I update the lists? Since I am running chrome in sandboxie, I guess I will have to do it manually in order stay up to date. Finally, what is the option to hide placeholders? I unticked this hoping to see some placeholders appearing but at least on the sites I went to could not see any difference. I assume you would see something blocked out on the relevant page?
  20. Petrovic

    Petrovic Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2014
    We're absolutely thrilled to bring you uBlock!
    This release includes many improvements to uBlock — the areas of changes include (but are not limited to):
    • UI, icons, and color scheme refinement.
    • Reliability improvements for domain-based blocking.
    • Stability enhancements for Firefox.
    • Cosmetic filtering right from Firefox's Web Inspector.
    If you're curious, here's a list of all the commits between and this release.


  21. TS4H

    TS4H Registered Member

    Nov 5, 2013
    Gorhill was incredibly clever with these lists. If the lines in a list file is duplicated in two lists, it will be ignored in one or the other. Hence, why some filters use x/100 as the rest is being shared with another list that is enabled. Certain lines of filters are common amongst others. So each line of a filter is only used once if you know what i mean.

    Ublock has specific headings that these filters are under that describe its intended use. You could go to the source and read the descriptions if you wish. As for recommended settings? well its really up to you. Default filters in my opinion are sufficient, although i add annoyances and enhanced tracking.

    Filters are updated automatically periodically.

    Have not used Sandboxie for a while, but im pretty sure you can add exceptions for the chrome extensions in the sandboxie profiles

    Ublock places placeholders where an ad was blocked by one of the filters. At the top of the ublock lists there is a list for cosmetic filters. This basically hides theses placholders to make the site appear as if no ads were intended to be there.

    Hope this helps..

  22. tlu

    tlu Guest

    Yes. As mentioned on Fanboy's site the Ultimate List

    If you select several of them, uBlock parses them, detects duplicates and uses duplicate filters only once. This process has been improved since v.

    This is done automatically if the according option in the 3rd party filters tab is selected (which is done by default, IMO) every 4 days or so.

    Sorry, I'm not familiar with Sandboxie.

    Hm, I've had it always ticked. Now after deselecting it and trying some websites I can't see a difference, either ...

    EDIT: No, I was wrong. After trying some more websites I was able to see some placeholders.
  23. tlu

    tlu Guest

    As you already said, uMatrix offers offers a much more granular control of what you allow for a website. And it offers some features - like cookie control, UA switcher, clearing the cache (to get rid of Etags), granular control of behind-the-scene-requests - which uBlock simply doesn't have. On the other hand, uBlock blocks things impossible to block with uMatrix. Example:

    If you load the washingtonpost.com site you could block, e.g., the subdomains js.washingtonpost.com and/or img.washintonpost.com with uMatrix but that would probaby break some stuff on that site. However, uBlock still blocks


    with the filter /ad-sprite. and


    with the filter ||washingtonpost.com/rw/sites/twpweb/js/init/init.track-header-1.0.0.js

    by using AdBlockPlus compatible filterlists. Moreover, uBlock also does Cosmetic Filterings (aks Element Hiding Filtering), thus cleaning up websites.

    So both extensions complement each other very well.
  24. The Seeker

    The Seeker Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2005
    uBlock Origin has finally made it to the Chrome Web Store :)
  25. PallMall

    PallMall Guest

    For all users : choose your 3rd-party filters' lists with caution, not too many and not too few. Worth a debate.
    For the beginners with uBlock :
    1- Use default settings & Do not check "I am an advanced user" - You are at this point as with an AdblockPlus/Edge;
    2- Once you get familiar with the application, and before choosing "I am an advanced user" read thoroughly what this requires : Required reading;
    3- (Re)Start from there on by blocking 3-rd party frames only... carry on;
    4- Now whe are leading towards the full potential of uBlock. Discover the features with a mix of understanding (there's plenty of information on uBlock's Wiki) and testing : this testing era will not last forever as you will quickly manage to feel/find the right settings;
    5- Be careful with "My Filters", use with precaution and remember that an ! before your filter disables it : great for testing.
    6- Smile :)
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