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12919 No.7027  

>> No.7042  
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>> No.7043  

Liru: "I'll let you fuck my pussy."

For this time travel story, the original French title would be more accurate: The Imprudent Voyager. It's a classic in its own language: three Paris editions in three generations, 1944, 1958, 1970. Barjavel must have been soaked in the original Time Machine when he composed this World War II version. At that, Future probably contains as much hard science as Time Machine, one of Wells' pure fantasies. Barjavel starts with the basic pulp-plot scheme of hero-scientist-daughter (Flash-Zharkov-Dale Arden). As in Alex Raymond, the bearded Papa Essaillon is the only one of the three with any claims to scientific knowledge. Monsieur Essaillon has the same versatility as our own pulp/old movie scientists. He combines original theory with the lab skills of an Edison. But the applied science in Future seems to me merely embarrassing. At one time ("2052 AD," Pt. I, Chapter 4), the hero, Peter St. Menoux, finds the earth covered with flies, the aftermath of a natural disaster that occurred originally in Barjavel's previous novel (Ravage, 1943, tr. by Damon Knight later as Ashes, Ashes.). Peter runs all over future-France trying to shake one fly from his timeless suit— as though the bacteria he

Your mom likes it when Jews rub their big noses against her clit.

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