HB658: Anti-Trans, Absurd, and Unnecessary

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Ohio’s HB658 is the latest attempt by anti-LGBTQ extremists in Ohio to codify explicit second-class citizenship for LGBTQ people, only this time, they are targeting transgender youth.

HB658 (1) requires school staff to inform parents if a child wishes to be “treated in a manner opposite” of their “biological sex” and (2) requires written authorization from birth parents and all legal guardians before trans-related medical care is issued and prohibits the state from taking action when parents refuse to provide medically-necessary care.

Help us fight this bill by donating $20 to Equality Ohio’s lobbying efforts.

Wishing to be treated in a manner opposite of their “biological sex”

We already have a legal standard of how we treat kids in Ohio––we treat them in accordance with their best interest. Period.

The state policing of behavior opens a can of worms. Who is the judge of which gender is allowed to do what? If Jane signs up for shop class, will her parents receive a government letter? If Jordan doesn’t want to play football, do his parents get a letter? What if Alex wants to attend a meeting of the student LGBTQ group––does the school email that to Alex’s parents?

Just what stereotypes are they expected to enforce?

In targeting transgender children, the bill authors create a ridiculous and unenforceable requirements––requirements that out transgender students and create a significant threat of bullying and reduced access to social support systems.

Requiring written authorization from birth parents and legal guardians for medically-necessary care and prohibiting the state from taking action when parents refuse to provide medically-necessary care

Every major medical and psychological association including the AMA, APA and others agree that transition-related care is medically necessary. This is a discussion between families and their doctors, and is there is not a one-size fits all solution.

This provision is dangerous for Ohio families. It allows for non-custodial parents (for example, a legally separated parent convicted of domestic violence) to have a say in family decision making.

This bill is anti-trans youth. It’s attacking our most vulnerable. Help us fight this bill by donating $20 to Equality Ohio’s lobbying efforts.

It’s anti-trans. Worse, it’s anti-trans youth. HB658, the so-called Parents’ Rights Act, is wrong for Ohio.

A few cynical politicians are trying to drum up fear and division about transgender youth and their families at a time when we need more love, respect, and kindness.

This unnecessary and discriminatory bill does nothing to support youth and families. In fact, it puts the livelihoods of some of our most vulnerable youth––transgender youth––further at risk with bullying and discrimination by potentially forcing teachers to out them.

Next Steps

On June 20th, the so-called Parents Rights Act was given sponsor testimony in the Ohio House Community and Family Advancement Committee.

You can call Ohio House Speaker Ryan Smith at 614-289-8427 and ask that the bill not move forward.
