Welcome to SeedFinder.eu
SeedFinder.eu collects and standardizes information about thousands of cannabis varieties. We offer an interface for cannabis breeders, seedbanks, cultivation and hemp-forums, communities, growers and cannabis-enthusiasts all around the world. With the help of our SeedFinder-System - especially made for this purposes - we are able to collect all important information about individual strains in a compact and searchable way. We enable you to find the tips and tricks for cultivation and growth who are scattered all around the web or to find pictures, profiles and opinions. Help us to expand and advance the single strain-descriptions with your knowledge. Important: The SeedFinder is not a shop, we do not sell any cannabis seed and are not addicted to a breeder or shop.
Behind the SeedFinder there is a strain-database with momentary 13147 different cannabis varieties.
Breeder & Strains
12430 of the listed strains are from 690 known breeders - connected and expanded with 92 pure local breeds. You also can find 126 clone-only strains and last but not least 499 various unknown or legendary varieties.
Lineage / Hybrids
Our unique genetic-database will enable you to allocate related crosses, all descendants and the parents of each variety. Browse through the strains with our dynamic HybridMaps - from the multi-hybrids via F1-Hybrids up to the landraces - and back!
SeedShop Database
Our SeedPolice is monitoring seedbanks and collects information about reliability, service and shipping of this shops. Here you can find 386 Shops at the moment. 49 are also integrated into the SeedFinder, including offers and actual prices.
The winners of the most important cannabis-cups are connected with our cannabis database. Check out the best rated and most famous strains worldwide!
Forums & Threads
With the help of our ThreadFinder we connected the 38 largest and most popular cannabis communities to our page.
Cannabis Gallery
Into our Cannabis-Gallery you can find strain-related pictures. They are sorted by in- and outdoor plants and also by the flowering-time.
Creative Commons
All our info is licensed below a Creative Commons Licence (BY-NC-SA).
Our extremely detailed strain-search-function enables you to research for certain characteristics such as flowering time, heritage or availability.
Strain Wizard
With the help of our unique Cannabis Strain Wizard you are able to filter and search your strains based on real reviews and user info!
Our genetic database enables you to view the genealogical tree for every strain. Use our family tree search-engine to look out for special hybrids!
Pure strains
All strains come from somewhere, if known we store the heritage as exact as possible. Here you can list all pure varieties by origin and countries.
Strain Lists
You also can have a look onto our alphabetical list of strains, or view only autoflowering varieties - or the clone-only ones.
Prices & Radar
Into our SeedShop-Radar you will find actual reduced strains or offers seperately, we monitor only serious shops - a good place to grab a bargain! You also can use the search to find strains by commercial availibility and prices.
Aroma, Taste & High
With our Review-Function we also collect data about the aroma, the taste and the effect of the cannabis strains. Thanks that you are able to look out for strains with a special effect, taste or aroma and to visualize it with a nice pie-chart!
Outdoor Strains
Get weather-data and possible varieties for your area! Simply add your geo-coordinates to get climate- and grow info for your spot!
CannaFox Add-On
Get our Mozilla-Add-On, search for strains directly from your browser and get some additional and discreet SeedFinder options in a sidebar.
SeedFinder collects, combines and provides a lots of useful data with the help of its users worldwide.
Strain Reviews
We collect the main grow- and plant data directly from the grower with our multilingual Strain Review Function. Onto this way we can standardize grow-info, tips and tricks, smoke reports and valuations for the different varieties - and even for their phenotypes.
With our special Strain VS Strain function we can directly compare the most important characteristics of individual cannabis-varieties.
Medical Strains
For the medicinal properties of individual cannabis varieties we have installed the Medicinal Strain Finder. This helps in the search for certain varieties, and also stores information about their optimal dose for certain diseases.
Climate Zones
SeedFinder uses its own ecophysiological climate specificiation system. Together with our database for historical weather data we can provide very detailed climate zones and weather data even for your area! In combination with our reviews we are able to provide specific strains and detailed info for this zones.
And More...
Lots of more options and stuff are available at the SeedFinder, browse around - you will find it! For example:
Growing Tools
Check out our small helpers and calculators for the indoor grower.
You like to use our strain data for your own purposes, programs or websites? No Problem, check out our API to get more info!
Support the SeedFinder!
The SeedFinder needs your input: You have information or experiences about a cannabis strain? You was pleased or pissed by a strain and like to share your tipps about? You can give details about outdoor- or indoor cultivation and growth behavior of a certain strain? You can report something about aroma, taste and/or effect of a variety? You made some pictures? You have written a Growreport into a cannabis community? So dont play only a passive role, connect your info with the SeedFinder! Add your comments, connect your threads, write a growreport and/or fill out a PlantProfile! Its all completely anonymous and you even dont need an email address. Dont stay in the back, start helping other growers to find the right strain and get better and bigger yields!
General Information
Selbstverständlich will diese Seite weder zum illegalen Anbau von Cannabis beisteuern, Tips dazu geben oder gar zum illegalen Erwerb von Cannabis-Saatgut auffordern. Wenn du allerdings eine staatliche Genehmigung für den Umgang mit Cannabisprodukten besitzt oder dich nur informieren möchtest - wovon wir natürlich ausgehen - bist du hier herzlich Willkommen! Immer mehr Menschen oder medizinische Clubs auf der ganzen Welt besitzen eine solche Genehmigung und dürfen legal Marihuana züchten. Auch der Erwerb und Besitz von Hanfsamen ist in den meisten europäischen Ländern völlig legal - aber nicht in allen! Bitte informiere dich also vor Nutzung dieser Seiten gründlich über die jeweilige Gesetzeslage in deinem Land, wir wollen nicht das jemand Probleme bekommt - und nur weil zum Beispiel ein holländischer Shop legal Saatgut nach ganz Europa versenden darf heißt das nicht das der Empfang desselbigen z.B. in Deutschland legal wäre! Wir lehnen jegliche Verantwortung für die Dummheit anderer strikt ab und können vor Illegalitäten nur warnen!