Trans folk already fighting enough to just exist but now we gotta beat up and kinkshame each other over harmless stuff instead of putting energy into helping each other survive.
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Also just a side note, if you "kicked out" all babyfur or adjacent transgirls from creative spaces, you severely underestimate how many people you'd lose, haha
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Just as an overall, trans ppl trying to destroy other trans ppls lives for ultimately harmless kinks REGARDLESS of type, is a really shitty trend. Attitudes like this have already driven really good people and creatives from the "trans girl creative" communities and its ass.
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Looks like someone saw my tweets and they're exactly the type of person I thought they were. If you think like this you got a lot of other problems with yourself to worry about with your 2005 immediately disproven hot take of "babyfurs are pedophiles"
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When do we get to kick people out of the trans creative community who harass and dogpile people over bullshit fake claims and kinks that don't harm anyone.
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also as someone pointed out: "If you're a babyfur you're a pedophile. I don't care about your "consenting adults" rhetoric" This person acknowledges that it involves consenting adults but decides to ignore it anyway and lie for the sake of calling out and being contradictory?
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"you ain't woke, you're being harmful and shitty to people for no reason, sit down" is going to be my new phrase to use with this kinda stuff.
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If your take from all of this tonight on discussing babyfurs/diapers is "lol look at these pedos, go back to your kink involving "erotic content of children"" you really have learned nothing that csa and and this are two completely different things.
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whys it always the 17/18 year olds with 100 followers with these kinda takes.
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Furries: "Being a furry doesn't mean I want to fuck animals." Also furries: "being a babyfur means you're a pedo and want to fuck kids"
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"why do we allow this" because babyfurs arent into it to play out pedophilic fantasies, it's because of the regained innocence from being young again. to some it's even an effective coping method for mental anguish, speaking from first and second hand experience.
Its never been a "to be young again" or a coping with past thing for me even, its just a comfort "chill and let guards down" thing. So yeah its cool when theres people in the trans and other communities throwing these blatant lies around.
that too. like for me it ain't specifically about being young again, it's the implied innocence of everything. either way it's not some weird way to live out fantasies of pedophilia. but good luck telling that to uppity queers who don't like being told they aren't woke
"you ain't woke, sit down" is going to be my new phrase to use with this kinda stuff.
"calling babyfurs pedophiles isn't very woke of you" is one of those sentences I didn't think I'd ever need to hear in my life but here we are
this fucking killed me holy shit.
I killed myself thinking it
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also like lol at the notion of "kicking people out" of something as fuzzily defined as "the creative scene", what theyre really asking is for complete social death and exile of anyone with a kink they dont like which honestly? extremely fucking woke imo
theres nazis who want to kill us in this fandom but we gotta focus on the people minding their own business with their kinks,
realizing how big a problem nazi furs are made me get real about how harmless some kinks are that i just don't personally like
when you can go to a tg chat for furcons, see people screaming the n word repeatedly, but calling those people out makes YOU the one "starting drama", we got a lot more fucking problems to deal with than what someone does between 2 consenting adults or by themselves privately
Woah holy shit, what con was that for?
I've seen it and/or similar things in all the major con chata
What is wrong with people...
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