Please click on a color to display the corresponding remedies.
Colors in Homeopathy
order this book

Explanation: Click on the color, which feels best to look at. A selected number of major remedies suggested for this color preference will show up on top. This simplified arrangement of 27 colors can give only a rough idea of the color preference as a homeopathic symptom. There are many chances for errors in monitor colors. Two different computers may show quite different colors for the same field. They may look brilliant, but mistakes are quite likely to occur. So you may get wrong remedy suggestions, if you solely rely on this. The main thing is that the remedy must represent the idea of the case, and if the color symptom agrees it is a good confirmation.

Homeopathy is a precise method and needs precision in the color preference also. For the desired accuracy of color and the full range of remedies, the best is to work with a printed standardized color system. The book Colors in Homeopathy is a highly accurate reproducible color standard, printed with 24x5=120 Pantone and HKS colors. So if you want to work seriously with this system and symptom, use a printed version. If you care to read more about it, please click the icon of the book to the left.


Transformation of H.V. Müller's Color Codes
from "Taschenlexikon der Farben" (Kornerup)

This table shows which colors of the old system correspond to the colors of our new book.

Transformation of colour codes as webpage
Transformation of colour codes as PDF for printing Transformation of colour codes


Codes of the Extended Color Table

The Codes of the Extended Color Table as PDF. The Codes of the Extended Color Table




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