Online Resources www.OHGO.comYour source for real time traffic updates. Access up-to-the minute details on current traffic speeds, cameras, incidents, road construction, and weather-related conditions affecting travel from your desktop, tablet or mobile device. The OHGO App is Here!Download the app to your iPhone or Android device for enhanced features such as personal alerts, travel delays and hands-free voice on the go. Get in Touch with ODOTFind out more about the ODOT’s frequently asked questions; access Diversity, Title VI and Non-discrimination program info; and share your comments, concerns and suggestions with the department.
Maps and References TIMS - Transportation Information Mapping SystemODOT's mapping tool: providing transportation employees & stakeholders – as well as the general public – a central access point for viewing, distributing, and analyzing Ohio’s transportation data. Maps Resource PageAccess a variety of current and archived ODOT maps. View and order the official Ohio map.
Programs Adopt-A-HighwayFind out more on this volunteer adoption program which helps to clean up two mile sections and interchanges along Ohio's highways. Ohio's Scenic BywaysInformation, pictures and links for the state's 27 designated scenic byways, recognized for their scenic, historic, recreational, cultural, archaeological, and/or natural qualities. Equipment Auctions and SalesUsed equipment, surplus personal property and supplies from ODOT and other agencies are made available for sale and auction to municipalities and the public.
Start Talking!Drug use is a public health epidemic and Ohio is not immune. Governor John R. Kasich and First Lady Karen W. Kasich have launched Start Talking! Program to teach Ohio’s youth about the importance of living healthy, drug-free lives. ODOT Sponsors Surveys and StudiesHave you been contacted on behalf of the department to participate in a survey? Find out more on the current information gathering efforts ODOT is using to help assess and plan Ohio’s transportation system. ODOT is protecting Ohio's investment...now and for the long term, with an innovative plan to keep your roads and bridges among the best in the nation. Learn more at our Preservation website, and watch the video.
Ohio Civil Rights SymposiumThis year's event was April 10-11, 2018. The symposium was a success, bringing together thought leaders from business, government, and academia discussed issues related to contracting, business development, regulatory compliance, and the future of transportation. Visit the symposium site to view highlight photos and videos from previous events.
Transcript Feature PageBrowse article summaries and cover thumbnails for current and archived editions of ODOT's Newsletter. Access full PDF versions of editions from 1997 through today.
Doing Business with ODOTLinks to business-related resources including ODOT’s DBE Program, Construction Contracts, Consultant Services, Purchasing/Vendor Opportunities and more
Internships AvailableExciting internships are available at the Ohio Department of Transportation in fields such as CADD, Engineering, Finance, Highway Management, Human Resources, Information Technology, Law, Planning, and PR. Our College Intern Career Fair is on April 17th. Transportation Civil Engineering (TCE) ProgramODOT is Ohio's premiere Civil Engineering Agency, and the department offers opportunities for new engineers in Planning, Highway Management, and Construction departments around the state. Visit the TCE site for more info...