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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email - neopetsfeedback@neopets.com.

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

I've been on the website for four years and I enjoy your merchandise. My collection of Neopet Plushies has become so big that I have to store them in a special display cube, as seen below. I hope that there will be more Usul plushies and Xweetok plushies in the future. Just wanted to say keep up the good work. I will be looking forward to any new additions.


Dear TNT,
The first thing I ever got that was Neopets related was a white Uni, but that's not really how I started Neopets. A few years later, the McDonald's Neopets plushies came out and my first was a cloud Aisha. I thought she was adorable and the same with my brother's yellow Lupe! I started collecting plushies and then I finally read one of the tags and decided to visit here. I've never regretted it!

I got a few magazines, found out where the plushies were sold, and bought a bunch! My favorite McDonald's plushies are Violet, my purple Shoyru, Shadow, my shadow Kougra, and Sapphire, my cloud Scorchio. My favorite storebought plushie is my Plushie Cybunny, Rikku. Mia, my cat, sometimes drags my poor plushies to the depths of her lair (under my bed) and I have to have a search team go and find the missing Neopets!

I take Shadow with me on my trips, since I have a Neopet online whose nickname is Shadow (who is a Shadow Kougra). My plushie represents my online Neopet, so I'll have Shadow everywhere I go (even if I don't have Internet!). My mom has taken two of my Lupe plushies on one of her trips that I couldn't go on. The pictures she brought back from the trip all included my two Lupes!

I got quite a few people into Neopets, starting with the magazines I bought. People would look at them and then try the site. It's fun having people I know at school talk to me online about something we both love! I'd really like to thank you, TNT, for creating this site that's practically my life outside school, and I hope it lasts forever!


Hey, TNT!
Just wanted to say great job with the site! Really! When I was about 9 years old, a friend said something about Neopets. I asked them what it was, and after school that day, I checked it out. It's become one of the daily things that I do! Heh! I'm about 13 now, and I'm still a strong player and supporter!

I love that you allow us to bring neopets into our homes, literally, with the plushies and such. I've been collecting the plushies, especially the plushie neopet plushies. (Actually, I have 2 of them: the plushie cybunny plushie and the plushie shoyru plushie.) I have about 30 keychain neopets from McDonald's, lol. I also have a talking purple shoyru plushie. ^_^

I also have about 10 or so TCG cards, though I'm trying to get more. My point is that I think Neopets is a great way to get away from the real world and such. It's also a great way to talk to your friends, too! Thank you for keeping Neopets standing strong!


Dear TNT,
I joined Neopets 31 months ago when I was sick and saw something about you on T.V. I decided to go on the computer and try it out to see if it was any good... and it was. Now, I can barely go a week without getting on Neopets. Seriously, what makes this website SO addicting?

Anyway, I like how you are making merchandise for your website that so many people love. I currently have a starry shoyru and a green mynci (talking Neopets), and one issue of the magazine. I'm always on the lookout, and if I see something, I'll see if I have enough money to get it. :] I know my way all around the site, and I have many friends on the boards. That's one of my favorite parts: being able to talk to people when I'm in Virginia, and they're in some place like Japan!

It's so cool! I've gotten my friends to join. Some quit; some stayed. Please, keep up the AWESOME work with this website. I know I'm not the only one who absolutely adores it and who is totally addicted. :]


I have been on Neopets for about a year, and I wish I had joined sooner! The only Neopets merchandise I have is a big black kougra and a little faellie, but I love them to death. My sister has a rainbow jubjub, a baby cybunny, a noil, and an ona! We love Neopets!! You guys are dong a great job on and off the website. Thanks so much for my favorite website ever!


Hiya TNT!
I only wanted to say how much I LOVED Neopets. I first joined this site after my family and I went to Barnes & Noble, and my mom ended up pointing out to me a Neopets magazine (the one with Queen Fyora on the front cover; I can never remember the issue numbers!) with a pack of Meridell cards inside. I was reading through the magazine with my dad one day, then noticed the site address at the bottom of a certain page, immediately signed up, and became addicted quickly.

Now I have found out lots of my friends from school have Neopets accounts, so I can interact with them that way... I now have three plushies (a red Scorchio that came when I subscribed for your magazine - finally!, a cloud Poogle, and a rainbow Poogle, both from Limited Too), tons of TCG cards, maybe seven issues of the Neopets Magazine, and a few scattered McDonald's plushies. OH! :) I forgot to mention my beloved four figurines and three Interactive Neopets.

(The figurines are a blue Shoyru, a blue Uni, a cloud Scorchio, and a green Ixi, and the Interactive Neopets are a spotted Kacheek, a pink Uni, and a green Acara.) I hope my collection will grow in the near future! I have actually recruited a few people onto Neopets, though I don't use the referral system, seeing as the paint brush is the only thing I want from it as a prize, really -- and I can't recruit that many people, seeing as most of my friends have an account already! ;D

And... yeah. I really only wanted to tell you all that my obsession with Neopets is not about to die, and that I think you guys are great. I have a request, though: Make Poogles a Neopet you can adopt anytime! ;)


Dear TNT,
I have been playing for more than a year and a half now. I have too many plushies to count (over 25). My sister has 10 and my brother has 5. Altogether we have 40! That's enough to fill up my dad's office! You shall not put the plushies in McDonald's again because I have experienced a problem; they're eating our food!

They all have names and I named my 10-inch White Uni after Usinda the Usul. Plushies see her as 67 inches. I can even estimate that she's a pound to humans! The best part about a Uni is REAL HAIR! I love playing grooming parlor with Unis. I also love to look after them!

Some plushies can be responsible for each other! For example, Emily the Red Cybunny can cook and babysit Cassy after Neoschool, and Julia the Pink Aisha, who is Lauren's, can sew clothing and babysit Anne!

Your #1 fan,

Dear TNT,
I have been playing for 3 months, but I have had accounts before this one. I have like 10 plushies, 3 interactive plushies, the Darkest Faerie video game, a poogle T-shirt and 300+ trading cards. Convinced I LOVE Neopets? I do; it's the best site on the Internet! I've told all my friends about it. Even my sister likes it!!!!

Your BIGGEST fan,