If you think that’s exciting just wait until Nigeria plays Germany ...
they got Niger in FIFA games?
The World Cup game in 2010
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Mind. Blown.
alright, put down the weed
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Damn, David! Look at you!
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When Poland is playing Andorra the abbreviation is POL-AND. The remaining letters, not used, spell AND-ORRA.
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Bhutan vs Tanzania = BHU-TAN, remaining is TAN-ZANIA Cyprus vs Russia = CYP-RUS, remaining is RUS-SIA Poland vs Andorra = POL-AND, remaining is AND-ORRA
These I have not seen before!!
These I did not know were countries!!
Andora basically amounts to a train stop in the mountains between France and Spain
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You are so smart
Awww thanks Kimmi
Definitely didn't copy a tweet from 2014. 100% your thought process
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