What a prick my god
Why are you here? You don't even play the game.
Why are you complaining? Why do you care? Lol.
LMAO, how did you get that I was complaining in my question?? If you thought I truly cared he was here, you're slow. I don't even watch the dude. Chill out kiddo.
then why does it matter if he plays on game or not? or comments ?
Did you not read the reply completely?
you kids are desperate for attention. Aren't you, ya little mini ladd fanboys? You're all making it too easy for me to continue. What's the age here? 14? 15? Or is that too high? Are we younger than that? Seems like it
nah you're the one making a big deal over it
Don’t bother, her bio legit says professional hater.. can’t get any more cringe and understanding as that
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This is the type of guy that pours the milk before the cereal
The type of guy to try to stream snipe ninja on a Ps4
this reply was elite af
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That guy is smart. Killing all the kids wanting to watch a rocket that did nothing. Yeah the animation Epic did with the rocket is amazing and deserves to be acknowledged but don't do it if it won't do anything other than make a crack in the map.
The crack in the map will mean something in a couple weeks tho lol
In a couple of weeks. yes. but not really anything now. thats what the disappointment is about. Like imagine seeing a rocket blow up but it does nothing till weeks later.
Geez you must really hate fun, bet you're a blast at parties...
your profile picture goes with this tweet so damn well
Plus his British accent
What do u mean British accent, think you mean English (unless you mean Scottish Welsh or irish)
Irish ain’t British bro, nor should it be mistaken to be
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