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Gay artist gets doxed by some asshole

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by UncleMoeLester, Jun 17, 2018.

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  1. Meh this seems sketchy by every tweet he submit.

    First he said: https://twitter.com/rizzydraws/status/1010281378645082112?s=19

    "Leaving drama"

    And now he says: https://twitter.com/rizzydraws/status/1010426210684289024?s=19

    At this point the guy is so biased and inmersed & desilutional, that doesn't distinguish between being serious or just making a fool of himself by every shit he post.

    I lose interest in the guy and i rather to go to the good old bangcock for quality a Femboys action btw :story:

    So bring the :islamic:

    Edit: https://twitter.com/rizzydraws/status/1010435325737385984?s=19

    And even a *friend of him* posted a facebook status saying the same. Giving away more of his social media accounts !!! How silly you need to be for keep bringing this up ... ?
    • Feels Feels x 3
    #241 Bayonetta4Ever, Jun 23, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2018

    Bayonetta4Ever Nocte Of Desperatio Hear my Prays

  2. The boy has a complicated life. Better to let him decide what is right or not?
    • Feels Feels x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1

    LMR365 Nicolas Cage holding a birthday cake.

  3. I'll give Rizzy some benefit of the doubt, since his mind is probably not exactly in the healthiest of conditions, Though I do agree he needs to stop tweeting and get some actual help.

    I subscribed to this dude on YouTube, sort of a casual fan, and I always got the impression that Riz is a worrisome person. In his videos and in his streams he always sound so nervous. From the claims from his family about Riz being confronted by Islamic radicals and the stress to keep supporting his family I'd chalk it up as Riz becoming closer and closer to a mental breakdown until he tried to kill himself and then the whole drama started.

    Tweeting right now might be just him coping with stress but yeah Riz is tweeting up some nonsense and needs to talk to a therapist online or somethin'.
    • Agree Agree x 5

    Toxinophile Super Rare Kiwi

    • Informative Informative x 1

    Kaabi Poyo

  4. Page isn't available. Honestly, that's smart of him. Also, no need to share this stuff. The poor guy deserves a break.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Feels Feels x 1

    Reynard Alpha (She)Male

  5. Everything has been baleeted or privated until Riz gets better.

    • Informative Informative x 3

    Toxinophile Super Rare Kiwi

  6. I'm sure if he was concerned about his personal Facebook being posted in a screenshot by a friend, wouldn't he told them in private to delete it so nobody finds his Facebook and adds him? Granted, his Facebook is nothing new because a personal lolcow of mine used to know Riz on that same account and i've seen his comments on their profile. Though Riz deleted him for unknown reasons.

    I do find it strange his family said his social media accounts were deleted and he publicly didn't mind having his personal Facebook posted via screenshot from a friend. Strange if you ask me. Though he could've reactivated them. Could be the same with the rest of his social media after he got out of the hospital.
    • Agree Agree x 2

    Kaabi Poyo

  7. He may still take a long break until then.

    LMR365 Nicolas Cage holding a birthday cake.


  8. Our favorite friend Raymond made a new video.

    • Informative Informative x 6
  9. He can go fuck himself. Pathetic excuse of man piece of shit.

    Fuck that guy and everything he stands for!
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Feels Feels x 1

    Bayonetta4Ever Nocte Of Desperatio Hear my Prays

  10. > man wants a possibly suicidal man (which nobody knows if they're lying or not) to be ignored by everybody
    > complains about being doxed after what he did

    Fuck him. He really doesn't understand what's going on and is just stuck inside his own mind.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    Give Her The D

    Give Her The D Your Local Mexican Cyborg
    True & Honest Fan

  11. TL;DW:
    1. begins by telling people not to attack Riz, or he might actually kill himself this time.
    2. Still claims Riz was lying about killing himself, citing he's seen 5 other people call out Riz in the description.
    3. he was gonna make a grand finale vid and retire from trolling but blames Kiwi Farms for ruining all that, so he's just gonna keep doing whatever.
    4. he says he didn't baleet everything not because he was doxed but his stuff like his twitter was repeatedly getting reported and temp banned.
    5. he claims the doxxed address is about 5 years old and isn't current.
    Entropic Void is deflecting a lot of blame onto Riz, thinking he's almost justified in his trolling because Riz MIGHT have lying about killing himself and MAYBE Riz was lying about other suicide attempts.
    Even if the suicide attempt was true, he has stated on stream that then Riz shouldn't have attempted it over HIS trolling.

    Dude's just a big faggot trying to call everybody else a bigger faggot, he might be right sometimes but sure doesn't make him any less of a big faggot.
    • Informative Informative x 8

    Toxinophile Super Rare Kiwi

  12. Do keep in mind that this guy claims that buying illegal firearms on the deep web is okay as long as you are not caught.

    What a sad man.

    Also, I downloaded his video in case of YouTubers mass report his ass.

    The dude is an insane anime villain.
    • Like Like x 1
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    LMR365 Nicolas Cage holding a birthday cake.

  13. Small update, judging from the new Video Raymond released, i was able to find his new Twitter due to it showing the Profile Pic he uses on Twitter:

    He liked commented on this tweet from fuhrerpersona: https://twitter.com/fuhrerpersona/status/1009908518965661696 (https://archive.is/wGqUQ)

    His new profile is: https://twitter.com/junkdatabob

    Also, notice how he still takes hits at Riz with his new name "MrCleanYourInsides"

    This guy reeeeaaally is one hell of a hypocrite, he tells us to stop pestering Riz or he might try and commit again, but takes another dig at him with his new Twitter, what a moron
    • Winner Winner x 4
    • Informative Informative x 2
  14. He really is a moron. It would be funny if someone finds his real address as he claims he moved out years ago.

    Like his name is not that hard to find as it got doxxed. Just have to search him up on the NC household listings.

    Like the older yellow books, people used to have.

    Or he can be hacked again like last time when he touched that Honey Pot link. lol
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Dumb Dumb x 1

    LMR365 Nicolas Cage holding a birthday cake.

  15. Raymond, edit your videos you faggot.

    Somehow, I don’t believe him when he says the dox isn’t current. If the name was accurate and it was somewhere he actually lived, I’m certain that it would have been updated after five years. I’ve checked my friends that moved within that time, and their dox gets updated on these sites after a period of time. Raymond isn’t fooling anyone.
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 1

    Reynard Alpha (She)Male

  16. I was thinking of reporting him to the FBI just for the illegally buying firearms at the time. But I was afraid he would say I was right and I got the wrong person killed if he had done move out. We gotta remember that he has VPN's so maybe he's telling the truth somewhat.

    But... Since this is Raymond. I never believed he would show his face long after he got doxxed online.

    Also, I can't remember a sonic fan who goes by the name Junior. Do you know which user he is talking about when he compared the kiwis to Junior?
    • Dumb Dumb x 4
    • Autistic Autistic x 2
    • Powerlevel Powerlevel x 1

    LMR365 Nicolas Cage holding a birthday cake.

  17. >says he really didn’t want to work on his grand finale because it would take actual effort

    True sign of being nothing but a nigger there. Your dad may be a successful, respectable black man, Raymond, but you yourself are a lazy nigger.
    • Winner Winner x 4
    • Semper Fidelis Semper Fidelis x 1

    Reynard Alpha (She)Male

  18. Here's the video Raymond tried to hide. :) Feel free to re-upload it on the KiwiFarms YouTube page.

    Attached Files:

    • Winner Winner x 2

    LMR365 Nicolas Cage holding a birthday cake.

    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Semper Fidelis Semper Fidelis x 1
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