I don't mean to insult, discredit nor offend Americans out there. Apology if so. I'm aware there are way more nice people in the US than the bad ones.
It's just that I bumped into bad Americans way more frequently than bad people from elsewhere, both IRL and internet.
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Please come to France, we will take good care of you We uh.. we have food and uh.. wine !
Ooh I heard great things about France from my family^^ My grandfather was a wine aficionado. He had his own wine cellar. Always wanna try one of his Bordeaux wine he got after WWII. It was all gone from flooding :'3
Most of my family own a wine cellar (welcome to france i guess x3) we have disney land ! And uh Asterix park (have you heard of Asterix ? :o)
I grew up with Asterix & Obelix, Tintin, Kid Paddle and Marsupilami xD
Omg please come ! Its like you are made to live here ! Having such a great artist like you
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did you ever realise how much closer australia was and how much more multicultural it is, esp indos
I know that. We have Aussie and a lot of other countries on the list. The reason why my friends wanted me to go to the US was because they live in the US and they've been wanting to meet me after all these years.
sure riz, but when/if you're in some urgent situation make sure you prioritise what's more important than something you've wanted to do ya
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What about Canada? It honestly might be a better option anyways.
Mhmm. Canada and many other countries are on the option. ^^
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Rizzy it's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Most people are accepting and great but on Twitter you gotta remember there's an overwhelming majority of anxty teenagers that can see no good in the place that gives them the freedom to be so And or msm is overly drama
That's why I still believe that are genuinely nice people in US^^
try to move to California or Alaska
No dont go to commifonia, alaska is cool thoughpic.twitter.com/BGO4sQOp9d
California while a beautiful place <I grew up there> is run by the most freedom hateing people I've ever seen There are huge taxes on everything, is 5x more expensive than allmost anywhere else. Laws regulating every facit of life. I didn't realize how bad it was till I moved
Not to mention the far far left athoritarian mentality that these things come from. Where if you don't toe the political line you very much have to fear for your lively hood. Anywhere else is better Except maybe Portland
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