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Artcow BenTheLooney / Ben TannehillDrawing porn of little cartoon girls is no way to go through life, son.

Discussion in 'Lolcows' started by Fishkill, Mar 1, 2014.

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  1. Here are the funnier bits from ben in the stream
    IMG_20180617_192930.jpg IMG_20180617_192921.jpg IMG_20180617_192955.jpg IMG_20180617_192947.jpg IMG_20180617_193005.jpg IMG_20180617_193018.jpg nice proof, ben
    • Informative Informative x 9

    Tard Yeezus

    • Islamic Content Islamic Content x 5
    • Informative Informative x 3

    Venus Local trap

  2. I really don’t know who’s more exceptional in this situation, Riz or the I HAVE AUTISM PLEASE LAUGH AT ME?
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 2

    Yeeb-Renzo Smugbob

  3. So to summarize, dude fucks with Riz by making a meme on him and used a pic Riz posted on Discord but Riz thinks he's doxxing him when it technically isn't since he posted it. Riz's friend gets his doxx from his GoFundMe and thus this happened.

    I'm actually not surprised about the doxx thing since his GoFundMe does have his city and full name. Alexander is Riz's friend who made this GoFundMe for him. But his name is in plain sight for anyone to look up, so it was to be expected.

    https://www.gofundme.com/help-get-riz-move-out [Archive]
    • Informative Informative x 6

    Kaabi Poyo


  4. Damn the fact rizeki/riz is 24 years old ... makes me actually to try to hit on him.

    and no. im not trolling nor joking in any way, you can also strike for both sides after all you only live once or TLDR; YOLO.

    hope he recovers.
    • Autistic Autistic x 6
    • Powerlevel Powerlevel x 5

    Bayonetta4Ever Nocte Of Desperatio Hear my Prays

    • Agree Agree x 3

    Venus Local trap

  5. I'd say the I HAVE AUTISM PLEASE LAUGH AT ME and the fervent fanboys who wish gruesome deaths on people who find this situation suspicious are the most irrational, though everyone in this case has done something stupid.

    Preying on someone's fear of being executed in their own country is a pretty shitty move, even if the circumstances surrounding his situation are dubious. But it's also ridiculous to attack people who are trying to get to the bottom of this situation to figure out how best to approach something this sensitive.
    And it's also incredibly careless for that friend to unintentionally expose Riz's personal details when he's in a dangerous situation, and for Riz himself to react so violently to an admittedly incredibly insensitive joke, whether he's lying about his suicide attempt or not.

    This situation isn't black and white, and I'd rather try to make sense of the grays as best I can before forming a definite opinion. After all, innocent until proven guilty.
    • Agree Agree x 11
    • Autistic Autistic x 1

    LeeSun pfp by @hell0

  6. I tried searching his name on Facebook and i found this profile. From looking at this guy's family Facebook pages, he shares the same last name as Riz but it does seem odd he has his name. Unless his name is common in his country, not too sure. The page link did give me a chuckle. Though he does have a post supporting Riz and claims to be his friend.

    https://www.facebook.com/this.is.not.the.person.youre.looking.for [Archive]


    I've been reading up comments on Twitter about the situation. It seems like most people are saying it's the SJW's fault or communists. Most of these people don't even know the true story that @SpergPatrol told us. It's kinda funny knowing everyone is blaming SJWs for everything and don't know the full picture.
    • Informative Informative x 6

    Kaabi Poyo

  7. I wish the salt forum was still here. The chimping out on twitter from all sides is delicious.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. If it is a twitter agurement it is always both

    Proof that ben will believe literally anything as long as it is related to porn.

    Wonder how long it takes before someone links him an onion article with how gulible he is saying "porn makes you more attractive," or some shit.
    • Like Like x 2
    #1470 SpergPatrol, Jun 17, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2018
  9. Oh wow. Haven’t seen Riz’s name for awhile but I wouldn’t have hoped this situation would be the reason why we’d bring him up again.
    Damn, he really went that far...Hope he can recover- Having your organs burned up with chemicals doesn’t sound like pleasant way to die.

    To bring up the donations comissions Ben proposed doing a couple pages back and the fact Riz allegedly had $500 when he opened up donations, did Ben know about how much money Riz had? Was he kept in the dark/not that close or did he know and was convince that $500 would not be enough ( I mean America’s not cheap but $500 is more than enough to get one way plane tickets. I don’t know the price of applying for citizenships but it can’t eat up the remaining money they get). I don’t know his pateron haul but if he earns around $800-$1000 + then he should be fine starting off as long as they looked for some side jobs.
    • Agree Agree x 2

    GayestTrap Give tequila for dick

  10. A one way from Jakarta, Indonesia to Los Angeles (Probably near La Palma where his friend lives) is, at cheapest, over the 500 mark, and the citizenship cost is 725 dollars as of 2018. So 500 dollars isn't gonna last you long unless you mooch off of someone else, and there's no honor in mooching.

    And Riz is currently making 500 dollars a month. Pretty sizable, yeah, but not enough to be considered a livable income. Though then again, he could still look for side jobs in the US until he's stable enough to have his own place with his boyfriend.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Autistic Autistic x 1

    LeeSun pfp by @hell0

  11. Okay that sounds a lot more realistic- I was too busy/didn’t care enough to do actual math so thank you for correcting me. Damn, citizenship is way more expensive than I thought it would be!

    To sorta get back on topic- lemme post what Ben’s posted besides his comic poster and the weinstein joke

    I think he should have made his nose sharper but it’s a decent drawing from Ben. I would just make some small changes to make the drawing resemble Zappa some more while still retaining the style.

    Oh and this introductory picture featuring Marigold for his Peaches and Cream comic

    Honey, we know why you’re naked... And it’s not because you have any motivation to do so outside of being fap material
    • Islamic Content Islamic Content x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1

    GayestTrap Give tequila for dick

  12. No sweetie I am more focused on that club foot you got going on there along with that tumor growing on your leg.
  13. Any lowcow inside the rizeki's discord.

    Mind to share an invite to join with real account to show respects ???

    I wanna know how are they doing over there
    • Dumb Dumb x 6
    • Autistic Autistic x 4

    Bayonetta4Ever Nocte Of Desperatio Hear my Prays

  14. If you’re going to ask for an invite, don’t publicly post it here- anyone in that group that lurks here, that’s got more than two brain cells, isn’t going to invite anyone on there.

    Also, you are not going to be given updates right away if you were somehow invited. That private discord server isn’t going to give personal, medical updates to any internet stranger- especially to someone that’s probably going to try boning him afterwards. Just wait till one of his friends or Ben posts an update on their social media and don’t try to weasel into their circle of friends just to hit on Riz/attempt to troll them.
    • Feels Feels x 3

    GayestTrap Give tequila for dick

  15. If you care about him? Give him some space.
    • Agree Agree x 7

    LMR365 Nicolas Cage holding a birthday cake.

  16. sure of course via private messaging.

    i ask about this since i was before in his server before this happened.

    even one of their mods posted in announcements something related to Riz's current state, and with the very same issue related on twitter *chemicals & intoxication*. if i wouldn't left ... FUCK

    i care about him ;=)

    and ppl sure are taking about this on his discord ''common sense 101 btw haha''
    • Autistic Autistic x 3
    • Dumb Dumb x 3

    Bayonetta4Ever Nocte Of Desperatio Hear my Prays

  17. Back on topic here, ben says it not possible for someone to fake a suicide attempt online because you just don't understand them.
    no one can fake a suicide attempt.png
    • Informative Informative x 3
  18. Bitch please, people do all kinds of stupid shit to get attention on the Internet, so faking a suicide really doesn't sound far-fetched.
    • Agree Agree x 3

    PsychoNerd054 A sniveltard

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