As to where/whether it should be allowed, that's a tricky subject, and I truly don't believe enough research - and by that I mean, peer-reviewed, scientific research - has been conducted to clearly say that cub porn is disproportionately used for "grooming" purposes.
No one - NO ONE - in the furry fandom takes child sexual abuse more seriously than babyfurs. No one. We are as protective of children as furries are of animals.
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And let me be clear: we realize that not everyone is going to be comfortable with our kinks. I'd venture to say we know it better than most of the rest of the fandom. So when I see people with bad takes like "You need to police it more!" I get enraged because the babyfur >>>
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<<< community already polices itself so vigorously that it has in many cases degenerated into some of the most vicious dogpiles and bullying I've ever seen.
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The TL;DR version of all of this is simple: You're attacking the wrong target. Instead of saying "Don't get art of the things you like because Someone™ will misuse it," how about you simplify the message and say "DON'T FUCKING MOLEST CHILDREN."
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The furry fandom has plenty of problems without attacking people who aren't hurting anyone - and furries, of all people, should FUCKING KNOW BETTER. That's all I have to say. Block alt furries, abolish ICE.
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