First of all, a little disclosure: I do NOT like cub porn. It disgusts me and makes me deeply uncomfortable, and I avoid it as much as possible. I've gotten into more than one shouting match with babyfurs over this subject, so that's where I stand.
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As to where/whether it should be allowed, that's a tricky subject, and I truly don't believe enough research - and by that I mean, peer-reviewed, scientific research - has been conducted to clearly say that cub porn is disproportionately used for "grooming" purposes.
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I accept that it could happen that way - and indeed, people have come forward and said that it was done to them. This is in no way meant to be dismissive of their experiences. I accept that cub porn is - at the VERY least - a problematic subject.
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However, all of that being said, I'm not focused so much on that as I am focused on the babyfur community as a whole, since I've seen a lot of Really Bad Takes on that, mainly along the lines of "even the innocent art is being used for bad purposes."
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Babyfurs are part of the fandom. Deal with it. Seriously, deal with it. Some of them even *gasp* wear diapers to cons. You've been in their presence since you've been part of the fandom. If you didn't know that, you do now. Surprise.
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If someone (who can control it - more on that in a minute) shits themselves in the elevator with you (and let's be real: there's a MASSIVE disparity between how many times that *supposedly* happens and how many times it *actually* happens), blame them for their own mistake.
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Do you go to furry cons and drink (responsibly), then get upset when someone lumps all furries in as "drunken degenerates"? Because that's exactly what you're doing. You may find this hard to believe, but look at ANY kink (or fandom!) under a microscope and you'll find people >>
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<<who take it too far. Hold those people responsible for their own actions. Limiting the free expression of a large group of people who are innocently enjoying their own kink is not okay. Ever.
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People participate in babyfur for a variety of reasons. For some, it's a healthy way for people to feel accepted in spite of incontinence problems. For others, it's a coping mechanism for childhood sexual abuse they've experienced. For others, it is purely a diaper fetish.
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There's nothing wrong with any of these reasons. In my case, being in a caretaker role is an outlet that helps me feel more confident in my day-to-day life knowing there are people who look up to me even when a lot of "real life" shit is dragging me down.
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And I enjoy creating babyfur art and other diaper-related art for people. I don't know ANYONE in the babyfur community who would ever harm a child, and EVEN IF THAT WEREN'T THE CASE, it's not okay to hold the entire community responsible for the despicable anomalies.
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Saying "Oh no, this art/kink is bad because someone might use it to groom children!" is so disingenuous on so many levels. That's the same shit logic that has been used to keep the war on drugs running and to keep trans people out of the bathrooms where they're comfortable.
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No one - NO ONE - in the furry fandom takes child sexual abuse more seriously than babyfurs. No one. We are as protective of children as furries are of animals.
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And let me be clear: we realize that not everyone is going to be comfortable with our kinks. I'd venture to say we know it better than most of the rest of the fandom. So when I see people with bad takes like "You need to police it more!" I get enraged because the babyfur >>>
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<<< community already polices itself so vigorously that it has in many cases degenerated into some of the most vicious dogpiles and bullying I've ever seen.
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The TL;DR version of all of this is simple: You're attacking the wrong target. Instead of saying "Don't get art of the things you like because Someone™ will misuse it," how about you simplify the message and say "DON'T FUCKING MOLEST CHILDREN."
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The furry fandom has plenty of problems without attacking people who aren't hurting anyone - and furries, of all people, should FUCKING KNOW BETTER. That's all I have to say. Block alt furries, abolish ICE.
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These people are also now saying that drawing Cubs in diapers shouldn't be allowed in the fandom *at all* even if it's non sexual. It's ridiculous.
it's a shame that the fur fandom has stooped to this level. I think they forgot how ostracized the fur fandom used to be. Now they wanna ostracize us from the fandom to "protect kids" do they even realize how stupid they sound?
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