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File: 1530123500177.png -(55570 B, 300x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
55570 No.6851  

>> No.6852  

>when the 10 year old girl shuts her eyes when you are about to release and moans that she doesnt want to be a mommy yet.

>> No.6867  
File: 1530304864998.jpg -(624126 B, 1123x1126) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Found your profile pic

>> No.6877  

The shirt of that guy at a hospital looks sort of real. Is that photo unmodified?

Hospitals witness people going into this world and out of this world.

I know this guy who said that for 2 or more years he got calls for the person who previously owned his flip phone. One time someone left a voicemail and said "I heard she was in surgery, best wishes!" He then left an exclamatory or non-exclamatory reply voicemail that said "I hope she fucking dies." or "Dude, I hope she fucking dies." (I don't remember what exactly he said was his reply voicemail.)

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