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Has anyone seen the CHP condemning the killing of AKP shopkeeper Bengi? Other than Sezgin Tanrıkulu, who appeared to blame the government? …
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PKK admit to killing shopkeeper Mevlüt Bengi in Doğubeyazıt …
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Ankaralı Jan Retweeted
This administration tried this move before, it didn't work then. During Davutogly times, they offered him to be the Turkish Ambassador to OECD. Prof. Acemoglu declined the offer with a statement by his assistant. Such last minute charm attacks don't impress quality scholars.
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Ankaralı Jan Retweeted
Turkey is now the second largest exporter of soap operas in the world (the U.S. is #1). …
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The parliament has expanded by 50 seats this time around - meaning some MPs don't get offices because there isn't room. …
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Rumour says Daron Acemoğlu could be put in charge of the Turkish economy, which is excellent, because he has written a book on preventing societies from collapsing by preventing the formation of a narrow elite clique. …
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Ankaralı Jan Retweeted
For the fourth year in a row, Turkish authorities have banned Istanbul Pride. The last time (2014) it went ahead seems like a lifetime ago. Photo via Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Ankaralı Jan Retweeted
I try to refrain from pessimism (and optimism) as much as I can but the developments surrounding AKP's banning main opposition CHP from the funerals of fallen soldiers is giving me jitters. I think Erdogan is closing the noose and will go hard after CHP. This is the final stage.
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Ankaralı Jan Retweeted
May I suggest that when you bring up Pastor Brunson, you express the same concern for Turkish citizens who have been arbitrarily arrested and detained? If the US wants a relationship with the Turkish people--and we do--this is essential. …
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Ankaralı Jan Retweeted
We spoke candidly about Pastor Brunson and other friction points, including the purchase of Russian made S-400s and American made F-35s. However, when it comes to the US-Turkey relationship, failure is not an option.
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Ankaralı Jan Retweeted
Very good, respectful, and candid meeting with President Erdogan. We have real differences, but far more in common. Turkey needs to be a strategic partner for the US in a win-win
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TRT censors a shadow in Terminator: Genesis (correction) …
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Ankaralı Jan Retweeted
Don’t know how to communicate this to those uninitiated in Turkish context. Simply put: ultranationalism is on the rise, on a scale I have not seen in my entire life, in bizarre ways. Or, Ottoman marching band singing *the* patriotic song affiliated with
#MustafaKemalAtaturk. …0:16Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Ankaralı Jan Retweeted
Gazeteci Ece Sevim Öztürk, 2 gündür hücrede tutuluyor
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Ankaralı Jan Retweeted
Ping pong justice: Turkish court frees opposition MP from jail for lack of evidence after she won a seat in parliament. She is re-arrested a few hours later after another court orders her detention …
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