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  1. 3 hours ago

    Utterly depressing to hear about yet another ban this year for . There’s not even the excuse that it coincides with Ramadan this time. And ’s government insists EU membership remains its goal...

  2. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    Ping pong justice: Turkish court frees opposition MP from jail for lack of evidence after she won a seat in parliament. She is re-arrested a few hours later after another court orders her detention

  3. Jun 28
  4. Jun 28

    In a move of gracious reconciliation post-election, ’s Interior Minister bars officials from attending funerals of Turkish soldiers killed by , accusing the party of supporting them, and threatens leader “we’ll show you your place...”

  5. Retweeted
    Jun 28

    Donald Trump tweets: "Russia continues to say they had nothing to do with Meddling in our Election!" He's right: that's what Moscow says. Just like Russia says it had "nothing to do with" the downing of Flight MH17, and "nothing to do with" the war in eastern Ukraine.

  6. Jun 28

    This is the end result. Bravo!

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  7. Jun 28

    A lovely splash of colour being created during week . Three cheers for the brightness!

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  8. Jun 27

    and coalition partner reported to have decided not to extend state of emergency. So it was deemed necessary just until after the election and then magically the country has changed enough to lift it. Phew.

  9. Jun 27

    ’s esteemed international broadcaster seems inspired by Bahceli’s hit list.

  10. Retweeted
    Jun 26

    Just FYI, satellite imagery suggests N. Korea is continuing to upgrade its nuclear enrichment facility.

  11. Jun 26

    Next hearing pushed back to October in yet another absurd and baseless case against one of the finest foreign journalists in

  12. Retweeted
    Jun 26

    Mayor of a district in the Black Sea says he will provide services to areas according to the percentage of their electorate which voted for Erdoğan

  13. Retweeted
    Jun 26

    This is pretty incredible: NO self-criticism from CHP leader Kilicdaroglu. Absolutely NO mention/hint of plans to resign. On the contrary, he is unhappy with Ince's election performance, saying he fell below expectations. Oh he also said the loser of the elections was AK Party.

  14. Jun 26

    Living up to its dignified reputation, publishes a list of names of all those who doubted the party during the campaign. Incitement, pure and simple.

  15. Jun 26
  16. Retweeted
    Jun 25

    At 10 : +Heathrow +timetable +Grenfell +migrants +students +lagoon +NHS +Turkey NickWitchell+William +England +action driving last ENPS

  17. Jun 25
  18. Jun 25

    After ’s state broadcaster virtually ignores Muharrem ’s entire campaign but turns up for his concession press conference, he kicks them out.

  19. Jun 25

    The consolation for opponents: that with saturation of the media, complete dominance of public spaces for campaign flags/posters, a state of emergency, critics jailed or forced into exile and virtually every state organ under 's thumb, almost half of rejected him

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  20. Jun 25

    For one side, it's a glorious extension of the era. For the other, is now an autocracy with a democratic facade. My analysis piece on how this country's powerful, polarising leader proved his doubters wrong yet again:

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