Thank you so much! That table is actually pretty cool!
Just be glad I didn't make a joke about thermite or aluminized napalm--neither of which I think are suitable anniversary gifts. There are a lot of directions these aluminum jokes can go. The periodic table of the elements provides a seemingly endless source of mirth to me.
I'm glad you liked my anniversary gift, given my funds. As they say, it's the thought that counts.
When everything becomes digitized, then everything in simulated reality will cost the price of data transfer, i.e., essentially free, with even those prices dropping rapidly.
Speaking of ducks, the following is a grave morality play concerning aluminum in two parts:
* Jamie Michelle, "Re: Are you an UNDERCOVER SISSY? - from TeasePrincess Melanie", Sissy School forum, Sept. 25, 2016,
http://getgirlie.com/theforum/viewtopic ... 449#p76990 ,
https://wayback.archive.org/web/2016092 ... 17&t=15449 ,
https://archive.is/9gHUr ,
https://megalodon.jp/2017-0205-0216-13/ ... 17&t=15449 .
Some people think of aluminum as their enemy. But I choose to look on the brighter side of things.
And the song, well, how can one resist turning up the speakers and singing along?!
I'm glad that you share my feelings on the "Happy Happy Joy Joy" song. But it will come as a shock to some that there are uncultured philistines who do not yet share our love of it.
This undesirable state of affairs shall not last for long, as there will come a day--not long hence--when all will come to know the joy of this song.
Until that great day dawns, rock on, sister! Or folk on--however the folk world says it.
Ladies, I want to invite you all to my month long Ten Year Anniversary celebration with all you awesome gals.
I decided that to celebrate you being part of my adventures here at Sissy School, you will get presents in the form of free phone sex minutes!!
You can read the details here, or you can listen to me read it to you here.
Thank you all so much for being a part of making sissies some of my favorite people!
Happy tenth-year anniversary at the LDW Group, Empress Stephanie! It's been wonderful having you here!
Since, as you said in your linked-to blog post, the traditional tenth-year anniversary gift is aluminum, I've gone all out and gotten you this virtual aluminum-foam base and glass-surface coffee table!:
* "File:Metal foam Coffee table.jpg", Wikipedia, Sept. 24, 2013,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Meta ... _table.jpg ,
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File ... _table.jpg .
No need to thank me. The pleasure was all mine. Now you can enjoy your imaginary coffee in high-tech style!
Oh, and then there's this:
* "Happy Happy Joy Joy Stinky Wizzleteats The Ren Stimpy Show The Splat", Angel Sager ( youtube.com/channel/UCYEr7m7VZrvul0ogROOn7uw ), May 1, 2016,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZFTUtbn1RU . Mirror: "Happy Happy Joy Joy", empiempi, Jan. 27, 2007,
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x12igl .
Yes, that's right: the world-famous "Happy Happy Joy Joy" song!--suitable for all happy events, not least tenth-year anniversaries!
Boys will be girls.
Author (under a nom de plume) of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Dec. 4, 2011,
http://theophysics.freevar.com ,