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Bedrock Linux is a Linux distribution created with the aim of making most of the (often seemingly mutually-exclusive) benefits of various other Linux distributions available simultaneously and transparently.
If one would like a rock-solid stable base (for example, from Debian or a RHEL clone) yet still have easy access to cutting-edge packages (from, say, Arch Linux), automate compiling packages with Gentoo's portage, and ensure that software aimed only for the ever popular Ubuntu will run smoothly - all at the same time, in the same distribution - Bedrock Linux will provide a means to achieve this. See a feature list, watch a (old/outdated) demonstration or two and read the introduction and FAQ for more.
Given the relatively long release cycle, it seems prudent to provide an occasional progress update. Poki's development progress, updated 2018-05-05, can be found here. While a substantial amount of work has been done, much is left to do before the release is ready.
Development over the past year and a half has been very slow due to unrelated priorities consuming Bedrock Linux development time. These priorities are largely passed, and development should restart in earnest within the first half of 2018.
There has been a fair bit of research towards the upcoming 1.0beta3 Poki release before the development stagnation. However, there is still some research left to do, as well as a lot of time consuming development and testing, and so it is unlikely that Poki will be released any time soon. It is unclear at this time if the increased scope for Poki mentioned in the last news item will remain in place, or if it will be scoped back to hit an earlier release date.
Apologies for the delay. Hang in there, we want the next release at least as much as you do.
The current Bedrock Linux release, 1.0beta2 Nyla, saw a substantial increase in community feedback. Given the focus on accessibility of the upcoming 1.0beta3 Poki release it is likely to see an even greater increase in user base. It is desirable to clear the backlog of smaller issues and toughen up the project infrastructure before this projected uptick. While the major features planned on the roadmap are retained as the key goals, additional work will be put in to clean up the code base, add tests, and rework the build system, amongst other improvements. This will likely push back the upcoming release but will help ensure the upcoming increased attention is manageable.
/u/ParadigmComplex represented Bedrock Linux during an "Ask Me Anything" ("AMA") session at http://reddit.com/r/AskLinuxUsers. The session is now over, and the resulting discussion can be found here.
Bedrock Linux now has a forum available on linuxquestions.org at:
The design plans for the upcoming release of Bedrock Linux, 1.0beta3 Poki, are available here.
A rough roadmap for Bedrock Linux is available here.
The second beta of Bedrock linux, 1.0beta2 Nyla, has been released. See the major features, the high-level changelog, and either the full installation instructions or, if you'd like to expedite the install process, the quickstart installation instructions.