• “They also pirated my book.“

Interests 6/22 - Chris at Too Many Games conventionDay 2 - Chris has a meltdown, kicked out of con for boundary issues, kissing attendees

Discussion in 'Christian Weston Chandler' started by crayolasword, Friday at 3:39 PM.


Who's to blame for Chris being kicked out?

  1. Christine

  2. The Convention itself

  3. CJ


  5. The Captain for sending him there in the first place

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  1. I don't post much in the CWC board and I never said he should suffer in any post. But I'm also not going to pretend that Chris can be helped. At least not over the internet.

    He needs an actual teacher who knows how to work with autistic people. If you can arrange that - yes please. There is so much to undo and this also includes an effort from Barb (which is another can of worms). But teaching him stuff over the internet or telephone is casting pearls before swine.
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    Sinners Sandwich

    Sinners Sandwich Eid, Pmurt, Eid

  2. Then please, tell us what your end goal is here, cuz I'm pretty confused on your ulterior motives, and I don't think I'm the only one.

    Regarding Geno, it's the reason I stopped lurking and finally made an account here. I'd love to know the full story of what happened, although I guess this isn't really the proper thread for that.
    • Dumb Dumb x 15
    • Autistic Autistic x 1
  3. lol, so what you're saying is that what Saddam did in the Gulf War was potatoes to what Chris has done.

    I think it could be because this is the first con after Idea Guy had mindfucked him and messed with his sexuality. At the previous cons, Chris would stand really close to people when posing for photos, but he didn't start the kissing stuff (especially kissing guys on the cheek) until after Idea Guy happened.
    • Agree Agree x 6
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    The American Hedgehog

    Supervisor True & Honest Fan

  4. The fact that one competent I HAVE AUTISM PLEASE LAUGH AT ME is capable of causing such extensive damage to Chris is both disturbing and the exact reason why Chris absolutely must have people looking out for him. I can't believe we still don't know who the Idea Guy is.
    • Agree Agree x 11
    • Late Late x 4
  5. I don't have an ulterior motive you fucking creature. I'm going to dust off the ticks that are currently stuck to Chris so he can keep being Chris.

    I'm not trying to advertise the site. I'm not trying to Man-in-the-Middle him as some sort of manager taking a cut off the top. I'm not trying to control his every waking moment. I'm trying to get Chris to be Chris so this board isn't such a putrid wankfest full of miserable cunts like you. If Hirtes kills himself because his life suddenly loses meaning, that's a bonus, but that's as ulterior as my motives get.

    I have literally nothing to gain from this and a lot to lose but I feel it's worth it. I didn't expect Chris to start taking my advice but he has, and there's odd moments of levity where I'm stressed out because some moron set themselves on fucking fire and then Chris sends a text with a drawing he made at McDonalds for a customer. It's kind of nice to see him being productive again and I think he can manage himself by himself with a little help.
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  6. Wait, I thought it was Josh Wise (@Ballzymaker94 )? There are more than one?? Holy moley, Chris really needs our help.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Autistic Autistic x 1

    Cedric_Eff I'm the Lord of the Harvest!

  7. If this could be setup there would be people prepared to back it financially.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 3
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 2
  8. Oh I thought it wasn't him in the end, oops.
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  9. You dick
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    yawning sneasel

    yawning sneasel Manager
    Staff Member Manager True & Honest Fan


  10. Very good point. Perhaps this “lesbian awakening” has made him a bit more bold when it comes to dealing with strangers. Either way you slice it, he’s not an attractive young lady and his actions were only going to bring one result.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Roger Whore

    Roger Whore I hate wet cigarettes.

  11. I wonder how much longer until Chris starts e-begging again, I’m fairly certain he had to dip into personal funds to go to Too Many Games.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  12. It’s obvious that Null’s endgame is to turn Chris into his own personal sex slave and I support this 100%.
    • Winner  x 9
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    Skeealator Cryptid Skeptic

  13. So what the hell makes Chris different from all the other tards we stalk? We sure as hell don't go this far out of our way for fucking Dobson. We're not trying to protect Phil from I HAVE AUTISM PLEASE LAUGH AT ME. And why's that? Because Chris was the "First Love"? That's stupid. The goal of this forum has been just to observe Chris like he's an endangered species, but with all this emphasis on protection and I HAVE AUTISM PLEASE LAUGH AT ME hunting, it makes me shake my head. We wouldn't be in this mess if we had just left him alone in the first place and not escalate things the way we did.

    But that's just my stupid little opinion.
    • Agree  x 13
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    Nacho Man Randy Salsa

    Nacho Man Randy Salsa Kiwi Farms World Champion

  14. While I don't necessarily disagree with you, and I'm at large pretty uninterested in Chris besides from a Christorical perspective, Dobson has no indication of having any form of autism or disorder. He's just legitimately an awful human being, and there's nothing making him act that way except his own miserable self.

    That's not to say that Chris isn't responsible for his own actions, but comparing someone who is clearly very autistic (and maybe also an awful person) with someone who's just an awful person is a bit like apples and oranges, to me.
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    PrincessJupiter Soldier of Caring
    True & Honest Fan

  15. The Difference between Dobby and Chris is that Dobson is a prick who has an bone to pick with everyone.
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    Cedric_Eff I'm the Lord of the Harvest!

  16. Nothing makes him different. We still observe everything he does and we still hunt vveens, is just Null who decided to lend him a hand for reasons he already described. We gotta remember: Null runs Kiwi Farms but he's not Kiwi Farms. That's the mistake every cow makes when they blame him for their threads. If you don't agree with his opinions and actions, well... atta you.
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    Pepito The Most Powerful Cat in the Whole Wide World!

  17. Uh, what? I'm pretty sure weirdos like Wise would have been clinging to him regardless.

    Chris is the only one so particularly exposed to the dredges of society. He's the most high visibility lolcow on the site -- his visibility surpasses the KF, ED and 8chan combined at this point and he is a legit "celebrity" that normies recognize on the street. Combine this with the tacit approval of people to fuck with him and his openness to anyone who gives him cash and it's a fucking tragedy waiting to happen that's already been exploited by actual criminals.

    I don't think Chris is all that special when you consider the context. I think if other people were the victims of crimes I'd help them as well, because fuck anyone who does that shit. When someone near Chris, and their family, was being stalked and attacked by Hirtes (who was calling them 'pedophiles', because of course) we identified him and told them how to contact the police and file for a restraining order.

    It's not out of the site's M.O. to become an intervener in instances of criminality.
    • Winner  x 10
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  18. That's the difference between Chris and a lot of other cows. While Chris can be an asshole sometimes and is responsible for a lot of his actions, he's not harassing or manipulating others. E-begging aside, I don't think I've ever seen Chris actively try to "manipulate" people for money, or anything else. Chris is harmless compared to other cows. ADF assaulted his own mother for not respecting his gender and constantly accuses his dad of raping him despite admitting it didn't happen. Nick Bate molested his younger sister and now he's in prison which is why he's not discussed much. Chris hit a guy unintentionally with his car and pepper sprayed a GameStop employee. The latter is shitty but it's not like he planned to go do it and it's not a regular occurrence.
    • Agree Agree x 6
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    • Autistic Autistic x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1

    trueandhonestfan I'll drink my agua to that!

  19. Before I got dumb-voted into oblivion, Chris said he was charging for photos. Did that happen, and how much do we think he made?
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
    James Howlett

    James Howlett I'm the best at what I do.

  20. I too wish Hirtes did not exists. With that being said, from the video of Chris tarding out and curling into a ball you can hear at least one Hirtes in training making jokes in the background. A logs and I HAVE AUTISM PLEASE LAUGH AT ME don't get Chris arrested, and they don't stop him from being himself. A big part of Chris is Chris himself attracting these people. I also think that all the help he gets, especially from you makes things worse since A-logs become so jealous.

    As for Chris charm, he's not contemptible like ADF but most don't view his actions as charming either. Chris reminds me of a celebrity who's always in and out of rehab, but it never works out until he comes close to overdosing on heroin, then the cycle starts over and over again, escalating farther each time. I think that Chris is unconsciouslly addicted to punishing himself, and it's very hard to cure unconscious pathology.

    Also, Marvin himself has admitted that Chris has become adept at making people feel sympathy for him. Don't fall for it, Null. Chris' ego lets him think he's smater than you. I have confidence that one day you will see Chris' true colors. Before Chris is unmasked, you will be blamed for something, and he will try to make you look like a chump. I'm not saying you can't handle yourself, but Chris is known to try and do damage, especially when he's teamed up with ideagays.
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    #1040 Mariposa Electrique, Monday at 9:34 AM
    Last edited: Monday at 10:10 AM
    Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique Pucker up, Evan!
    True & Honest Fan

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