• ”Frustration is blind”

Interests 6/22 - Chris at Too Many Games conventionDay 2 - Chris has a meltdown, kicked out of con for boundary issues, kissing attendees

Discussion in 'Christian Weston Chandler' started by crayolasword, Friday at 3:39 PM.


Who's to blame for Chris being kicked out?

  1. Christine

  2. The Convention itself

  3. CJ


  5. The Captain for sending him there in the first place

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  1. I would too.

    The people constantly cheering for X to fail, for Y to fail, for whatever to fail, seem like miserable people.
    • Agree Agree x 25
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  2. I think people are being too optimistic about being able to fix Christine's behavior with a talking to, no matter how serious it is. Girls have tried telling him to mind his hands, and he'd proudly claim to have changed.... yet remain the same.

    The thing about Chris is that he can only behave how the TV teaches him to, so as long as there are quirky flirty animu girly girls, or heck, even the cosplayers he follows on social medias, he'll try the same, because TV is just like real life. Plus, his twits reveal he feels like he is a celebrity(Which, tbh, he kinda is), so people should be happy that they got a kiss from him. I seriously think he can't be left off alone at these types of gatherings, because he simply doesn't know how to behave. And even if he was on his best behavior, it feels like nowadays anyone could manipulate him into doing something dumb. So some kind of company could probably help avoid things like these.
    • Agree Agree x 10
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 2
    • Feels Feels x 1

    Darksydepickle I might be a Falcon Pickle.

  3. There's nothing linking Null to what happened to Geno's channel. Doesn't make sense for him to have done it, either, since Geno was documenting Chris in the same way KF or the CWCki does.

    With the Twitter, he's blocking idiots like Hirtes who keep trying to harass Chris.

    Censor? No, he's trying to help Chris understand what he did at the con was wrong. He's going about it in a reasonable way, including having someone talk to him about personal space, instead of just telling Chris to listen to the hysterics from idiots on Twitter.
    • Agree Agree x 12
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    The American Hedgehog

    Supervisor True & Honest Fan

  4. I don't think most people actually want to see Chris fail. I think that they just like the hilarious tard rage and fall out. If Chris gets banned from somewhere and tard rages it's a lot funnier than if he gets banned and stays at home depressed and quiet. When Chris found out that his gal pals didn't really like him and was really depressed about it that was just sad to see.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Feels Feels x 2

    trueandhonestfan I'll drink my agua to that!

  5. It's not a matter of anyone wanting something/someone to fail; it's a matter of the reality that it inevitably will.

    All you have to do is look at all the other times in the past where people have tried to get through to him - to make him see/understand where he was in the wrong and how to make things right - and what came of it? Absolutely nothing. CWC hasn't changed at all - for the better, anyway.

    I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor and part of me sincerely hopes that you'll be successful where others haven't; but the reality is that you'll only be disappointed.
    • Agree Agree x 7
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    • Autistic Autistic x 1
    #1005 MahFibro!, Monday at 7:34 AM
    Last edited: Monday at 7:46 AM
  6. Dat :autism:. I have a dumbass coworker who wears gloves all day because he’s scared of germs. Reminds me of this.

    I’m gonna guess that they were trying to be subtitle, but with chris, you can’t be subtitle. :'(
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1

    sparklemilhouse America Online for Dummies™

  7. I had no idea what Geno was until people started SCREECHING at me about it.
    Chris's fandom is just the dumbest fucking bunch and shit like this diminishes my ability to give a fuck about what people say completely.

    And people complaining about being banned from the site for disagreeing with me while still posting on this site is such a shocking display of cognitive dissonance it staggers me.
    • Winner Winner x 15
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  8. I must ask you, sir: Why are you here? You ARE aware of what site you're on, yes?

    Besides, where's your empathy for the people Chris has attacked? That GameStop employee he maced for absolutely no reason? The women he's groped? The businesses he's threatened, money he's stolen, and property destroyed? You got a pretty warped sense of morality, there.
    • Mad on the Internet  x 11
    • Dumb  x 6
    • Agree  x 4
    • Autistic  x 2
    • Dislike  x 1
    •  x 1
  9. I've been largely out of CWCville shenanigans for a while now. That means it gave me many, many keks to see him still wearing the fucking jumper after all these years. Godspeed.
    • Like Like x 4
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  10. I'm surprised something like this didn't happen sooner (be it Bronycon or Omegacon), to be bluntly honest. Part of me does feel a little pity for Chris, but on the other hand, at least the con held him to the same zero tolerance policies they hold everyone else to and not give him a free pass because of his autism and/or gender identity. How they went about it is questionable at best, since we've gotten into Rashomon territory now.
    • Agree Agree x 6
    Debrotherized Luigi

    Debrotherized Luigi mother(box)!

  11. The only time Null will have success is preventing Chris from living with a rotting corpse when Barb dies.

    But actually making an autistic 36 year old man learn how to behave? Nope. You aren't trained to work with mentally disabled people. You can't teach them stuff like a normal person. Many people from the internet tried to help Chris to see the error of his ways but everyone failed.

    But go on. Perhaps you still can make his miserable life a bit better.
    • Agree  x 13
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    • Optimistic  x 1
    Sinners Sandwich

    Sinners Sandwich Eid, Pmurt, Eid

    • Winner Winner x 4
  12. Embrace the power of 'and.' I am quite capable of saying

    1) Anyone provoking Chris to do stupid crap for their amusement is an utter shitlord.

    2) Maybe you guys who got close to Chris and complained when he kissed you should have seen it coming.

    3) Chris shouldn't kiss strangers.
    • Agree Agree x 12
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  13. While I agree having someone with him is a good idea I’m not sure it’ll work out because there’s not much Chris hates more than someone trying to stop him doing something he wants to do if he feels he’s not doing anything wrong.

    It’s ironic that the place he feels most comfortable (Conventions) is one of the places his actions will be accepted the least due to the combination of hyper vigilance due to so many socially awkward people attending and the increasing culture of SJWism (Which works a little in his favour since he identifies as a trans woman but visually he’s still a brute male and that’s all that really matters to most people).
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Feels Feels x 1
    Pickle Inspector

    True & Honest Fan

  14. You've convinced me. You win. I'm just going to not make any effort and let Chris become a public toilet for whatever mentally ill person wants to shit on him. Oh wait no that's fucking stupid.

    If this does fall apart I'm probably going to restructure the Chris board. I'm going to isolate it from the rest of the community, stop any form of moderation, rename it the Roach Motel and let people say and do whatever the fuck they want. Everyone who's known Chris for any length of time is completely fed up with the broader CWC following and there is absolutely no point trying to get along with it, entertain it, or support it. The CWCki proper is very likely to die along with the board in this endgame situation.

    I have never seen such abject cruelty. I have never seen such openly dysfunctional people rooting for someone to get fucking put in jail. There is no other thread or board on this site quite as awful as the CWC one. It is the butt of every joke with senior users, and every time I read something you people post it makes me feel genuinely bad for a guy who openly assaults random Gamestop employees with pepper spray.

    This is the Samson option. If I can't keep the building upright, I'm not supporting the status quo anymore. This place has become a blight. I don't think I can properly phrase my seething contempt. I don't care what other community the a-logs choose to shit up if I do this.
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    • Semper Fidelis  x 1
  15. I'm here because I like to keep up with Chris's story, but I prefer to read up on other people, there's a rich verdant field of grazing lolcows that produce a lot more fun content than him.
    Moreover, I am not fond of and have NEVER participated in anything close to trolling Chris. Not in his prime and certainly not now, and I think the people who do deserve to be singled out and ridiculed by everyone they know.
    • Agree Agree x 6
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  16. Whatever the case, @Null will protect Chris no matter what.
    • Like Like x 4
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    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1

    Cedric_Eff I'm the Lord of the Harvest!

  17. I gotta respectfully disagree here. The Phil board is just as bad, only it's not as popular so it doesn't get as much traffic
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  18. This is why I also got into KiwiFarms. I want to be updated on Chris's life journey because I love the idea of Sonichu and how it was one of my inspirations for working on art. I really don't want to see Chris fade away in the mess that others or himself created.
    • Agree Agree x 4

    Cedric_Eff I'm the Lord of the Harvest!

  19. ADF is at least legitimately contemptible with no redeeming qualities. Chris's prior fuckups usually have sort of charm to them, and he is (in general) far less accountable for his individual actions than ADF. I also don't think the ADF posters are as objectively shit as the CWC posters. People who have CWC themed name + avatar combinations are just the fucking lowest IQ cunts on the entire fucking site and it makes me groan interacting with them. There is a special flavor of mental defect that runs through those kinds of users.
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    • Winner  x 1
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