• ”thank god you are back”

Interests 6/22 - Chris at Too Many Games conventionDay 2 - Chris has a meltdown, kicked out of con for boundary issues, kissing attendees

Discussion in 'Christian Weston Chandler' started by crayolasword, Friday at 3:39 PM.


Who's to blame for Chris being kicked out?

  1. Christine

  2. The Convention itself

  3. CJ


  5. The Captain for sending him there in the first place

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  1. Absolute genius. Exceeeeept the part where putting monetary value to his touching people makes him actually think his touch is valuable. He might start throwing kisses and gropes around at every boyfriend-free girl and guy because "I'm hooking you up with a freebie, you can always pay me back later -Chris's attempt at a coquettish giggle-"
    • Winner Winner x 8
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Islamic Content Islamic Content x 1
  2. Who's the blonde woman comforting him in one of the pictures?
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 1
  3. I'll jump the gun and blame the Jews for this. It's probably their fault anyway. You just can't trust those shifty-eyed Kikes.

    • 🤔 Thunkful x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Islamic Content Islamic Content x 1
  4. Agree.
    I think it's funny, when he was inappropriate with women, people felt more sympathy for him. When he's kissing on men, stomachs are turning inside out. I am glad he got his flat butt handed to him, or his behavior would have probably escalated to tongue and then God knows what else. I can't say this is the end, though. Like this is a direct result of being skewered on twotter for calling people dear. His need to be touch feely, if surpressed, leads to a more pathological manifestation each time it resurfaces. Chris won't ever change, and his newer more desperate sexuality makes things worse. Straight men just aren't willing to be intimate with an extra ugly hobo/tranny, who just offered BJs in exchange for money.
    • Agree Agree x 7
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    Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique Pucker up, Evan!
    True & Honest Fan

  5. "I did it thirty-five minutes ago."
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    Someone in a Tree

    Someone in a Tree Renowned robot bear conductor

  6. I dunno, but I'm mailing him some Vlasic pickles as we speak.
    • Feels Feels x 4
    El Rodrigo



  7. If that person knows a bit about Chris, sure. But Chris has some bizarre minor celeb status- it's pretty likely some pleb at a con reognizes Chris, maybe knows "oh, that's the person who did that weird Sonic/pokemon x-over comic", and knows fuck-all else about him. Or even for some moron to see other people going up to Chris and think "Oooh, they must be famous! I have no clue who the fuck they are, but I'll get a selfie anyway!" Chris might assume "Y'all should know me by now" but 99% of people don't.

    The people who invited him to the con for free have some responsibility to know Chris's history, but random con-goers don't, even if they make the mistake of approaching Chris.

    In the end, at a con, at the mall, where-ever, Chris is going to get held to the same standards as everyone else.
    • Agree Agree x 7
    • Feels Feels x 1

    Snuckening Octroon seperatist

  8. Source? I know way back in the day he was "blackmailed" into saying he was gay and recanted immediately, but I don't remember seeing anything like that lately. He certainly ain't fucking straight!
  9. The paid autograph idea is good. He could bring in art that he made at home, copies of the comics, sell quick sketches done on the spot. It could be moderately lucrative (as long as he has a tard wrangler to make sure he actually does it and doesn't repeat what happened here.)
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  10. See, everyone keeps mentioning him having a tard wrangler (and I definitely think that would work), but there is no way in HELL Chris will ever go for that. He is a beautiful, vivacious young girl who can't be dragged down being seen with some dumpy, non-supermodel commoner. Also, Chris is completely functional and doesn't need help AT ALL. But pay his bills, please!
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Winner Winner x 3
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1

  11. Chris just linked to this
    • Informative Informative x 28
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 2


  12. They should just put up a sign at a con that Chris goes to saying, "don't clap, it will only make the gropping worse".
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    Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique Pucker up, Evan!
    True & Honest Fan

  13. When has it never been them? Jews are the devil's children. Jesus even said so in the Bible. Just wait until Chris becomes Farrah Al-Shiq Shareem and declares jihad on all the infidel Zionists and their pawns, the great Satan: America!
    • Islamic Content Islamic Content x 12
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. That may be, but I haven't really seen or heard of Chris shutting down and crouching on the floor like that before. I was just floored (pun intended) at the rarity of this
    • Agree Agree x 2


  15. It's the new crash into slumber (:_(
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  16. Damn, Robotnik handled that well. My appreciation for everyone involved in Sonic Boom continues to grow.
    • Agree Agree x 7
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  17. I also think the fact that he is pulling this shit with men had a factor in this as well. Men are way less forgiving of the type of behavior Chris was exhibiting than women. I think the fact he thinks women are nicer and sweeter than men is based in part on women being less confrontational and willing to overlook his behavior because he is an exceptional individual. I'm not saying Chris hasn't been reported at conventions in the past by women, but it doesn't seem like a coincidence that he is suddenly okay with kissing men, proceeds to do so, and gets kicked out of a con.
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 7
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Feels Feels x 1

    Gunslinger Liberate tute me ex inferis

  18. Hey so, if chris was entirely naive and believed that the kissing was innocent and okay then wouldn't there be a picture of it somewhere since he was kissing people he was taking selfies with? It's only conjecture but it seems like he specifically avoided being caught kissing someone in a picture, only doing it before or after.
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 5
    • Semper Fidelis Semper Fidelis x 1
  19. Jesus Christ @Null get it together and stop white-knighting Chris.

    I don’t know if your sudden desire to protect him is driven by a sexual attraction, feeling of kinship or some misplaced troll's remorse but it has to stop. I pray this is all just a slow-burn ruse designed to piss off would-be trolls and I HAVE AUTISM PLEASE LAUGH AT ME but if it’s not... then something is very very wrong. I'm getting GirlVinyl vibes right before she axed ED years ago. Bad vibes.

    I mean c'mon, you know Chris. You know he’s a nuisance and completely ill-equipped to handle public situations like this without a caretaker or chaperone monitoring him constantly. This isn’t news. Chris causing a scene should be thoroughly expected when he's at these types of events. Defending him is just too sad for words.

    This wasn't the fault of the organizers. This wasn't the fault of trolls. This was reality crashing through the multiple layers of delusion people like you and Chris himself build up around him as protection. The organizers have every right to throw anyone out into the street without warning if their behavior is moronic or unsettling enough. Giving Chris larger and larger boundaries isn't a solution. Gently telling him face-to-face that he needs to stop groping any female within arms reach isn't a solution. He needs Mary-Lee Walsh style quick and decisive intervention.

    And you know what? Watching him huddled up in a ball showing his full tardness on display is glorious. Documenting stuff like that is (was?) the sole purpose of this site. It was the purpose of 888chan and 789chan and of /cow/. Now you suddenly ‘feel bad’ because reasons. Now you need to flip the script because people are going too far on your very own 'My Little Tranny' tard-pet.

    Well boo fucking hoo Princess. Nothing you can say will undo your involvement or history of helping parade and advertize Chris as the prize-cow he is and these little displays of 'muh feels' are a piss poor token attempt at damage control at best. If you had any genuine concern then these forums would be closed. But you don't, you'd rather keep them open, pump merchandize through your crappy webstore then bitch and moan because people are harrassing your personal pet /cow/.

    Either way, I know you won't listen or sit and give a modicum of thought to this post. You're too busy becoming Barb 2.0, which when it finally happens, will be the most lolcowziest and most pathetic event this site will have ever documented.
    • Mad on the Internet  x 32
    • Agree  x 19
    •  x 12
    • Winner  x 9
    • Disagree  x 4
    • Autistic  x 4
    • Semper Fidelis  x 2
    • Optimistic  x 2
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    • DRINK  x 1
    • Dumb  x 1

    Cuntster Bastard Congoid of the Jungle.
    True & Honest Fan

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