• ”Oh, shit.”

Interests 6/22 - Chris at Too Many Games conventionDay 2 - Chris has a meltdown, kicked out of con for boundary issues, kissing attendees

Discussion in 'Christian Weston Chandler' started by crayolasword, Friday at 3:39 PM.


Who's to blame for Chris being kicked out?

  1. Christine

  2. The Convention itself

  3. CJ


  5. The Captain for sending him there in the first place

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  1. ugh i took sleep medication last night and missed the whole damn thing! - that being said maybe powerlevel but i feel like only people who know who CWC is will go up to CWC to converse, get a photo etc. THAT BEING SAID i feel like if you know who CWC is you KNOW what are getting into lol - if i went up (which i would never do with my anxiety alone lol) and ask for a photo with CWC i feel like i would know what i was getting into it ... he would be weird and i would be awkward we would take a photo he would kiss me on the cheek or whatever i would laugh it off smile and thank him for meeting me ... why do people get so offended when he acts stupid? ... he ALWAYS acts stupid! that is probably why you know who he is in the first place! if you cant take awkwardness and someone being far to close to you and asking you weird shit just leave him alone lol ... sorry for the rant just read 30 pages of the thread
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    nodramallama darling i'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream

  2. @LazarusOwenhart has a point. I recall during the bronycon video there was this hot blond winking and giving bedroom eyes to Chris who if it was anyone but Chris you'd think they'd be down DTF. That shit probably happens to him all the time at cons. He gets excited and goes a little too far. It's like throwing a diabetic in a candy store. It's not completely their fault at that point.
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  3. I said it before and I'll say it again: Chris needs a wrangler, especially for when he's out con-hunting. Or maybe not a wrangler but some company to remind him that kissing and touching complete stranger might get him into trouble. Also, the fucking state of the youth these days! If you go to say hello or to take a picture with THE Chris-chan, you should be ready for unnecessary touching, kissing and possibly foul aroma, I mean, he is a special needs "child" after all. If you don't want that, stay the fuck away. He was wearing The Classic, for god's sake! He looked like a midwestern hobo.

    Say it like you mean it: Latinos. We hug, touch and kiss everyone, even people we just met.
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    Pepito The Most Powerful Cat in the Whole Wide World!

  4. The Con-Staff were completely in the wrong here; they have no respect for tradition. When Chris has a meltdown your supposed to hold him down and record his screams.
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  5. My general analysis is always completely justified. I also do not have a local connection to Chris.

    The only long term prediction I've made about Chris that turned out incorrect was that it's very difficult to troll Chris through purely online means. That's the only one that I whiffed on.

    And the reason I was incorrect on that is that I did not predict Chris being as financially lucrative as he is. In my wildest dreams, I never would've foreseen people throwing hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars at Chris for his old garbage. That definitely threw a wrench in the works.

    I think it's fair to miss that one.
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    Christorical Figure True & Honest Fan

  6. How are they "tricking" him by saying hello and taking a photo together? What part of that invites a kiss after he's repeatedly been told that this sort of behavior isn't appropriate, even years before this convention? No, Chris is not a normal functioning adult, but he isn't a toddler who needs to be hugged and coddled every time he has a meltdown. Chris kissed them because he doesn't care about boundaries. He threw a fit because people rightfully called him out on it. He's an adult with autism, not a child with brain damage.
    • Agree Agree x 22
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    • 🤔 Thunkful x 1
    Papa Nier

    Papa Nier Shadowlord-kin

  7. Unless you were there, or you have personal knowledge of the people involved, flinging accusations is an awful idea.

    Security didn't make the warnings clear enough? Yeah, maybe.

    People didn't make it clear enough they didn't want his attention? Yeah, maybe.

    Guy banned from more game stores and malls than exist in my home town behaved inappropriately? Yeah, maybe.
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  8. I can kind of understand that people might be familiar with the legend of CWC but not with all the fine details about his issues with this shit so its partly understandable that while someone may recognize CWC they might not recognize everything about him.

    Sonichu is a "work of art" that stands on its own and CWC is known because of Sonichu to a large amount of people, that amount of people is probably significantly more than the readership of this subforum or sonichu.com

    The moments with Snyder & the Blue Arms incident might not actually be as well-known as people think in the grand scheme of things or perhaps over time have just become chalked up as being weird and not representative of how CWC might act in a public setting.
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    neger psykolog

    neger psykolog #cuckademicInTheMaking
    Staff Member Moderator True & Honest Fan

  9. Is there some sort of Pygmalion wager? "You have until Bronycon to turn this touchy-feely-kissy flower girl into a duchess of most refined demeanor".
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    Positron No, I don't care either.
    True & Honest Fan

  10. Because now he was "hurting" (in lack for a better term) others... Simple enough.
    • Agree Agree x 4

    deeman Seinor Geinus.

  11. I'm pretty sure the general public just knows Chris as a now-transgendered autistic webcomic artist who was bullied online relentlessly for years. They likely view him primarily as a victim of the Internet, and wouldn't know about the creepy stuff he's done in the past.
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  12. Nah, I wouldn't equate what Chris did to a little old lady's peck on the cheek, especially since that usually happens between close family and friends, not strangers. There's a totally different social dynamic going on. Chris was interacting with peers, people that are basically just like him: dorky, on the spectrum, obsessed with nerd culture. Think about how Classic Chris circa 2009 would have reacted to a kiss on the cheek from a guy in a dress. Chris would have lost his fucking mind over it. Chris does not consider others when it comes to pleasing himself and that's why he gets in trouble out in public over and over. Bob and Barb shielded Chris from self regulation.

    It doesn't matter if Sonichu is popular for the "right reasons," just the fact that it is popular. Chris has a level of fame that he earned through being an online presence for many years. Nobody's tricking Chris, they really like him and want to get an autograph and photo with him. Chris just always tries to take a mile when he's given an inch.
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    Porker LeVance

    Porker LeVance Your Favorite

  13. So the whole CJ thing was a dead end, @Null ? It turned out everything was done by Chris?
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 6
  14. So, I think quibbling over whether Chris was warned frequently enough is arguing about pennies.

    Chris is almost entirely responsible for this except if CJ was fucking around. That's the big question mark.
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    Christorical Figure True & Honest Fan

  15. "Autistic transgendered Muslim woman removed from covention by misogynistic, islamphobic security for praying" -CNN
    • Winner Winner x 22

    CoolGuyHitler Hollacaust

  16. I got in touch with them. Chris and them have the same story. Nowhere near each other; had met up the prior day.

    'CJ' was a group of friends who got in touch with Chris by being helpful to him. One of the friends was the idiot who brought up Clyde Cash and Surfshack Tito. The others apparently had no idea this happened and were pretty fucking gutted when they found out I had a legitimate reason to be pissed at them. Nothing they did influenced the outcome of event. It was a once-off bullshit remark that cast a shadow over other legitimate good they'd done.
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  17. lol Chris got kicked out of a convention because he wouldn't stop kissing people
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    Christorical Figure True & Honest Fan

  18. It's settled then. He has no one to blame, but himself. Chris is gonna Chris.
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  19. I asked someone with an autistic kid to give him the personal space talk and I think he's genuinely very upset over this, so if you're a fan of Chris going out and doing stuff, hope I'm doing some good here. I like seeing him out of his element with fans taking creepshots like they've spotted bigfoot. That to me is more entertaining than the 5 years of begging and trans shit.

    Like I know a lot of people, even here on kf, are mad that I have a lot of influence right now, but I'm trying to settle the dust just enough for Chris to be comfortable being Chris again.
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  20. Wait, whos upset? The someone with an autistic kid, the autistic kid, or CWC?
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 2

    cruderudedude What's the next step in your Master Plan?

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