• ”Null is a Dull Lull; LOL.”

Interests 6/22 - Chris at Too Many Games conventionDay 2 - Chris has a meltdown, kicked out of con for boundary issues, kissing attendees

Discussion in 'Christian Weston Chandler' started by crayolasword, Friday at 3:39 PM.


Who's to blame for Chris being kicked out?

  1. Christine

  2. The Convention itself

  3. CJ


  5. The Captain for sending him there in the first place

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  1. Definitely, yeah. A whole new generation of I HAVE AUTISM PLEASE LAUGH AT ME would be in store. At least Keemstar deleted the tweets, I guess.
    Edit: And Null’s making sure Chris doesn’t feed into it, so that’s good.
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    waheey Fatass.

  2. Null says it's not gonna happen.
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
  3. I'm going to sound like one of them dang dirty millenials, but that's victim blaming. They definitely weren't lying when they said asking for a picture isn't the same as asking for a kiss. This is classic Chris mentality, something is either 0% or 100%. He probably thinks an invitation for a picture is the same as inviting physical contact.

    Even if they did not directly confront Chris, Chris was still expected to respect boundaries generally agreed upon by social norms. That is something expected of adults, it's on Chris to overcome his autism to learn it, not on others to be expecting him to do it and pre-emptively say no. It's not like it's ok to kiss stranger girls until they vocally protest.
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    #603 Subconcious Offense, Sunday at 8:20 AM
    Last edited: Sunday at 8:27 AM
  4. Did Chris learn his lesson? nope. it was other people's fault for getting offended or for getting close to him.
    • Agree Agree x 16
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    • Autistic Autistic x 1
  5. chandler.jpg
    • Winner Winner x 84
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    • Semper Fidelis Semper Fidelis x 7
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 2
  6. Poor Chris, just can't catch a break. After all that excitement for the con he gets the boot so quickly. Hopefully this doesn't repeat itself but god knows there's way too many people out there looking to ruin his life.
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Autistic Autistic x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  7. I don't blame them in this case. He was doing that to both dudes and girls. He's lucky he picked the right ones to do that too because a lot of dudes would be ready to fight over something like that. As for the women, #METOO I guess...
    • Agree Agree x 7
  8. A weapon to surpass gender queer.
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  9. That Jab guy rubs me the wrong way, I feel like he wanted to stir shit. His tweets make him sound like he's a hero. Cuz I know Chris most likely did make people uncomfortable but that guy was quick to throw chris under the bus .
    • Agree Agree x 15
    • Disagree Disagree x 4
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 3
    • Autistic Autistic x 1
  10. Chris should change his Twitter handle to: Chris Chan Sonichu @ TooManyGames
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  11. Nah, I agree with what you're getting at. Shit like "they could have pushed me away!!1" is classic Chris; because that totally wouldn't have made the situation even worse and looked like an exceptional conflict to any observer.
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    • 🤔 Thunkful x 1
    AAA Badger

    AAA Badger Disgusting worthless NEET

  12. Posted this on the FanArt Thread, but here!
    Christine Weston Chandler lying on the ground after being betrayed by Jab and Shane. (2018, 24-June)
    • Winner Winner x 21
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    #612 Cedric_Eff, Sunday at 8:28 AM
    Last edited: Sunday at 8:36 AM

    Cedric_Eff I'm the Lord of the Harvest!

  13. Whatever his true intentions are we can be sure of one thing, he's an attention whore capitalizing on Chris's infamy.
    • Agree Agree x 6
    • Informative Informative x 3
  14. The plus side is that this was just some garbage con no one really cared about and it gives Chris a chance to learn something. I've asked someone else to talk to him about it because it's a conversation too awkward for me, but hopefully there are other opportunities for him to go to cons. This might be cause for a global convention ban by itself, but maybe not. Every time a convention happens something happens that's interesting. There was no foul play like I initially suspected so in retrospect it's not anything out of the ordinary.
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    • Dumb  x 3
    •  x 1
    • Autistic  x 1
  15. On the plus side, atlease Chris didn't use the bats on the security guard
    • Agree Agree x 15

    johnny5150 F.T.F.O.M.F.

  16. I know we are not supposed to use offensive language here, but, darn it, this Jab is a weaselly nincompoop. He immediately started piling on Chris with everyone else. Nothing says "tough guy" like attacking a 40 year old man with the mind of a 7 year old! With apologies for strong language again, I hope someone boxes his ears!
    Did you look at the photos? Chris was probably one of the toughest people there. The guys there were either skeletons or 350 pound neckbeards. Chris had no worry of coming to physical harm.
    • Winner Winner x 12
    • Feels Feels x 1
    #616 idosometimes, Sunday at 8:34 AM
    Last edited: Sunday at 8:40 AM
  17. I have to admit, I love the way that Chris took time out while having his meltdown to position his Sonichu cardboard cut-out next to him in the same pose. They look like a pair of particularly odd Muslims facing some autistic Mecca. But it is nice to see that the yellow guy still means something to ol' CWC.
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    • Islamic Content  x 2

    BigTubboWithLittleChina Aqua Teenatic Jerkop

  18. Did Chris see a lot of "BLOODY, GOREY VIOLENCE" at the convention? Where did he get this idea from that "Likes and Affection" is more taboo to these people?
    wait! Could it be true love is outlawed at TooManyGames?! Is Philadelphia for Virgins?!
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  19. Chris is his own best troll. Again. (:_(
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  20. Ive been to too many games , the lot that are there are autismo, ill never forget going one year to vinny vinesauces panel and having an autistic guy blasting a kazoo right behind me in the line.
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