• Trollish and Suspicious

Interests 6/22 - Chris at Too Many Games conventionDay 2 - Chris has a meltdown, kicked out of con for boundary issues, kissing attendees

Discussion in 'Christian Weston Chandler' started by crayolasword, Friday at 3:39 PM.


Who's to blame for Chris being kicked out?

  1. Christine

  2. The Convention itself

  3. CJ


  5. The Captain for sending him there in the first place

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  1. Things Chris have done in tantrums
    1. Cry
    2. Curse-ye-ha-ma-ha
    3. Hit Michael Snyder with a Car
    4. Pepper Spray a man
    5. Shit himself
    • Winner  x 33
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    Wagman The Original Character; Do not Steal.
    True & Honest Fan

  2. Can he go back or is this yet another place our autistic hero is permanently banned from?
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    Ruin Mercenary Slut
    True & Honest Fan

  3. If this happened at TMG then Chris was given a warning, even if it was a warning from staff that he thought was a suggestion.
    • Winner Winner x 5
    • Informative Informative x 3

    trueandhonestfan I'll drink my agua to that!

  4. The Curse-ye-ha-me-ha is definitely a good reason not to approach Chris head on.

    Ever since he cursed our forums, I've been fated to only receive Islamic Content ratings. My online reputation has been ruined!
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    Fibonacci Sperg Ambassador

  5. The way I am reading this, it pretty much says they do not owe Chris any warnings at all. Unless they explicitly spell out that warnings will be given, they can kick anyone out on their whim. It is strange that they use such wishy washy wordings though. Most rules I have read spell out "zero tolerance" in bold letters. In any case, the facebook warning might as well have been a courtesy out of goodwill, since they could have just kicked him out without issuing it. "At their discretion" basically just means they can kick you without any type of warning at all.

    Or maybe the facebook warning was issued because the venue is covering their own asses with a paper trail to protect themselves from someone pulling the autism card on them.
    • Agree Agree x 10
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  6. I didn't mean to! T'was the curse! T'WAS THE CURSE!
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    MuuMuu Bunnylips

    MuuMuu Bunnylips The Greatest Space Pirate In The Universe. Really!

  7. I know people have said this could be a female but I seriously have my doubts. I know conventions bring the most exceptional of people, but I can't imagine a woman with legs that hairy openly wear shorts. And if they did, they would be instantly recognisable.

    The thumb to nail ratio stuck out to me though. I don't know any adults with that small a nail on their thumb even if they have trimmed them. That looks like a thumb from someone who can't be over 20.

    I'm guessing it's a super edgy teen who got the chris-chan hype after the convention and tried to go down in christory.
    • Agree  x 5
    •  x 3
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    • Autistic  x 3
    • Disagree  x 1
  8. Same. I wanted to see the I HAVE AUTISM PLEASE LAUGH AT ME and Hirtes flip out over CWC having more fun than them. Oh well.
    • Feels Feels x 3
  9. Look out, guys! He has ebbydens!
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
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    MuuMuu Bunnylips

    MuuMuu Bunnylips The Greatest Space Pirate In The Universe. Really!

  10. Many comments here didn't age well.

    "Chris has more fun than every Kiwi!1"

    "Chris is a Chad!1"

    "Chris is getting out omg I'm sooo happy!1"

    Never underestimate :autism:
    • Feels  x 24
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    • Autistic  x 1
    Sinners Sandwich

    Sinners Sandwich Eid, Pmurt, Eid

  11. Is chris gonna provide proof or is he hoping that if he doesnt talk about it anymore its gonna go away like he usually does?
    This whole mess is so :autism:
    • Agree Agree x 6
    the autist of dojima

    the autist of dojima JUDGEMENT.HAS COME.TO YOU

  12. Thanks, I didn't notice that.

    To be fair, if someone shot me a line and told me I screwed up I would apologize. But if someone tagged me 10 times in an hour, whining about the same stupid thing (and Chris kissing a guy is pretty stupid), I'd tell them to f off.

    This has been blow way out of proportion. Getting kissed by Chris or having him do something else weird is part of the live Chris experience.

    As was said before, the "men" who complained to the staff should have just said something to Chris like, "wth are you doing? Stop it" or "cut the shit" instead of acting like little waifs. For men to repeatedly screech "you victimized me!" on the internet afterwards is just embarrassing.

    >I'm gonna take a photo with this guy cause he's e-famous for being weird
    >omg, he did something weird! :'(
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  13. He won't, he'll probably go quiet for a while and start making animal videos again.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Feels Feels x 1
    Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique Pucker up, Evan!
    True & Honest Fan

  14. That's probably me tbh. I blocked that one ugly sped tagging Metokur because he's an attention whore.
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    Really tho, I feel sorry for him, he looks really sad and pitiful.
    • Agree Agree x 10
    • Feels Feels x 4

    heathercho 何でやねん?

  16. Taking a screenshot and posting it is what, a minute? Tops? It's been hours, I can basically guarantee he isn't going to provide shit at this point.
    In all fairness, Chris-chan is known to a much wider audience than KF/ED browsers, but a lot of them are laymen trying to be a Kool Kid (TM) by getting a picture with le epic meme cow. They are being MASSIVE vaginas in how hysterical they're being, but I'm pretty confident not all of them knew that this was part of the Chrissy Platinum Package.
    • Agree Agree x 7
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
  17. How come people can't just say "hey don't touch me you sped", is this offensive these days or what

    That being said, I wouldn't even let the people touch me that chris touched. Somehow all of these look like they smell really weird. I mean chris probably smells really awful but still.

    Gamers these days are gross degenerates.
    • Agree Agree x 12
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  18. It looks to me like Jab covered his ass with a 'to my knowlege', and it seems neither a strong confirmation of a verbal warning or evidence of the Facebook warning have yet to be directly presented as of this time.
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    #498 The Un-Clit, Saturday at 11:56 PM
    Last edited: Sunday at 4:27 AM
    The Un-Clit

    The Un-Clit Failing Biology 101

  19. This is a pretty established con and I'm sure this type of situation has been dealt with 100s of times. I don't see a reason any staff would be afraid to reprimand Chris face to face.
    • Agree Agree x 19
    • DRINK DRINK x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  20. The only explainable reason its because chris has to gather courage before talking to his true and honest sweethearth null :sighduck:
    But in all seriousness is most likely the convention confronted chris and even send him a facebook message to prove they confronted him, and chris being chris tried to get people to go on his side until he realized he fucked up and now is going into his mental safe space until this whole thing blows over
    • Agree Agree x 8
    the autist of dojima

    the autist of dojima JUDGEMENT.HAS COME.TO YOU

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