• “OBVIOUSLY this ended in a late night call to the Trans Lifeline.”

Interests 6/22 - Chris at Too Many Games conventionDay 2 - Chris has a meltdown, kicked out of con for boundary issues, kissing attendees

Discussion in 'Christian Weston Chandler' started by crayolasword, Friday at 3:39 PM.


Who's to blame for Chris being kicked out?

  1. Christine

  2. The Convention itself

  3. CJ


  5. The Captain for sending him there in the first place

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  1. Fapping ofc.
    • Informative Informative x 2
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    Hui Die Null Die!
    True & Honest Fan

  2. It’s actually a relatively new convention in the Philly area (I think it was first started last year or 2 years ago) so it’s pretty understandable that they’d be quick to act on reports of “weird autistic guy is kissing people and being creepy.”

    If word about this got around that people were reporting and staff did nothing it would reflect very poorly on the young con.

    @RJ MacReady corrected me on the age of the con, my bad.

    Either way my point still stands: Letting some weird autist go around smoochin' people and feeling them up is a very bad look for your con.
    • Agree Agree x 8
    • Feels Feels x 3
    #382 MightyBiteySnake, Saturday at 9:33 PM
    Last edited: Saturday at 10:00 PM

    MightyBiteySnake A Little Snake Snack

  3. Well luckily Chris's perception of reality is completely reliable and we can believe every word he says. Case closed.
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  4. [​IMG]

    you mean to tell me that i didn't get chris's autograph because a bunch of spineless faggot pussies didn't think to ACTUALLY SPEAK TO CHRIS IN PERSON BEFORE KICKING HIM OUT OF A CONVENTION
    • Feels  x 52
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    Lurker TAKE A REST
    True & Honest Fan

  5. This. Even Marvin will tell you Chris is an unreliable narrator, and now it's his word agaist a wall of Twitterers.
    • Agree Agree x 30
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    • DRINK DRINK x 1
  6. I called that shit that staff were too afraid to be assertive with Chris, but I didn't think they would be this big of pussies as to not even politely warn him face to face.
    What a fucking joke TMG staff are.
    • Agree Agree x 17
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 5
    • Feels Feels x 2

    Syn I'm working on it

  7. They are pussies, and I do believe Null (not Chris). Ultimately, though, Chris is responsible for himself. If this system is real, then it's a dumb system because 75 % percent of the con-goers are autistic. Though, it's still not the con's job to raise Chris.
    • Agree Agree x 16
    Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique Pucker up, Evan!
    True & Honest Fan

  8. Don't worry lad. When I eventually give up, the CWC subforum will return to the Hirtes Roach Motel it once was and you'll be free to a-log once again.

    Hirtes Roach Motel would be a great new board name.
    • Winner  x 29
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  9. No one ever lies on Twitter either, right?

    Im not joking with the pussy thing. Too fucking many conflict averse nerds congregating in one spot leads to crap like this.
    • Agree Agree x 19
    • DRINK DRINK x 2
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  10. Zero tolerance policies against unwanted contact is not unheard of in con guidelines.
    • Agree Agree x 25
    • Informative Informative x 3
    • DRINK DRINK x 1
  11. You cant believe everything Chris says though Null, Security could have warned him and he is downplaying it. Hes lied about all the big shit in the past too.
    • Agree  x 41
    •  x 3
    • Disagree  x 2
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    • Informative  x 1


  12. I highly doubt this is the whole story. Chris always puts a spin on everything like the gamestop incident.
    • Agree Agree x 34
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Feels Feels x 1

    CoolGuyHitler Hollacaust

  13. Well if he's lying about this he's going to eat shit over it. I can't help him if he's lying to me.
    • Agree Agree x 23
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  14. Ey, Chris brought this onto himself. It was his "emotions" that got the best of him, he did what he did to Megan. He got handsy. If you really want to speak to him, just wait for another con.
    • Agree Agree x 8
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 1

    Cedric_Eff I'm the Lord of the Harvest!

  15. Of course, but its the staff job to be up front with its attendees about sexual misconduct reports and not through a messages on facebook.
    • Agree Agree x 16

    Syn I'm working on it

  16. But Chris had to pay for it... *sigh*
    • Feels Feels x 3

    Broseph Assistant Mana-Jerk @ Mal-Wart

  17. Wait what!? They didn't tell him in person? No wonder Chris didn't get it.
    • Agree Agree x 9
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    Cedric_Eff I'm the Lord of the Harvest!

  18. I completely agree, and like I said, it's completely unrealistic for autismos. With that being said, when you open your own con specifically made for Chris where he can sign autographs from behind a glass wall, then you can make your own rules.
    • Agree Agree x 10
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    Mariposa Electrique

    Mariposa Electrique Pucker up, Evan!
    True & Honest Fan

  19. This deserves way more than an agree. When you run any event you have to be assertive when it comes to this kind of thing.

    Someone acting up? Find them and kick them out or tell them to stop in no uncertain terms.

    Don't send them.a Facebook message.
    • Agree Agree x 25
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  20. @Null
    I mean, if that's the case then fuck TMG. Burn it the fuck down. BUT....
    Since when has Chris actually acknowledged his in-person fuck ups, and not flailed wildly to make it not his fault? Wasn't one of Chris-chan's founding instances when he was told by Mary Lee Walsh to stop being fucking inappropriate towards girls at school, and he made her a literal supervillain in his comics? Not saying for sure that is what happened in this case, but he has a documented history of fuckery, a victimhood complex, and a bunch of people singing another tune than his. Is he willing to provide screenschots?
    • Agree Agree x 25
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
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